018 A Grimoire for Sunae

The first-class section of the airship was steeped in gloom.

Princess Shia had been sobbing for hours, her face buried in her hands,

and the other students sat in silence, their expressions grave.

Even the butler Elford bowed his head in anxious silence.

Lisbeth entered the first-class cabin and said,

“Only three thieves parachuted out. Traine has not been found.”

Princess Shia murmured with her head bowed,

“If only… If only I hadn’t done that…”

The students couldn’t offer any words of comfort to the princess.

Their luck was terribly bad.

Traine had fallen during the five minutes the airship’s shield was breached.

At this point, it seemed Traine’s death was simply fate.

Suddenly, Lillian stood up and declared,

“Let’s chase after the thieves. I can take up to three people with my flying magic.”

Barbara glared at Lillian and said,

“What are you going to do by chasing after them?”

“Don’t you find it strange that one of those thieves had Train’s book?”

“They must have just snatched the book and dropped it.”

“I think I saw those thieves in the newspaper about a month ago. The righteous bandits who never kill, the Sky Nuts, was it?”

“Even so, only three thieves got off the airship.”

“They might have taken Train on the pterosaur, or as an alchemist, he could have tools for perception inhibition or teleportation.”

Suddenly, Princess Shia interjected,

“Please take me with you.”

Then Maria stopped Princess Shia,

“Stop it. We’re on our way to save Prince Sirian.”

“But if Lord Train is alive, we have to save him!”

Princess Shia stood up abruptly, her face smeared with tears.

Elizabeth couldn’t bring herself to refuse her, so after much deliberation, she finally said calmly,

“Alright. Then I shall join you.”

Just then, the butler Elford interjected with a calm voice.

“Even if you cannot find Mr. Train, you must depart by tomorrow.”

Princess Shia wiped her tears with her sleeve before replying.

“Yes, I have enough sense to understand that. You don’t need to worry.”



Train barely managed to crawl to the water’s edge, soaking wet as he looked around.

All he could see were dense trees and mountain ridges.

He still had no idea where he was, other than it being the Kingdom of Altoria.

Cat and Muscle, who had emerged before Train, said,

“Let’s move quickly. There are incredibly strong monsters around here.”

“It might take about three days by carriage to get to the academy from here.”

Muscle placed his palm on his body and muttered something.

In an instant, his drenched clothes and body were dry.

Then Cat exclaimed,

“Me too, do that for me!”

Muscle held Cat’s shoulder and dried him off as well.

Traein followed suit.

“Thank you… Oh, right!”

In a flurry, Traein pulled out the spellbook ‘Bremen Musicians’ from his belongings.

As expected, all the letters inside were smudged.

“Damn, it was the only weapon I had.”

While Traein was disheartened, Cat also unfolded her ‘Hwaran’ she had with her.

“Oh, this one seems to be waterproof, fortunately.”

“That’s a relief… But why are you two heading to the academy?”

“We need to give this book to a guy named Traein at the academy.”

“What? Um, I am Traein?”

“Really? Take off your blindfold.”

Traein attempted to remove his blindfold.

But it was impossible to peel off, as if it had been glued to my eyes.

“This won’t come off.”

At that, Cat clicked her tongue and said,

“Perhaps the curse effect was too strong.”

“You mean to tell me you’ve cursed this item on me?”

“To imbue it with powerful effects, a curse must be included. It should come off by itself once the magic runs out in about a day.”

Traine sighed deeply.

If it weren’t for this blindfold, none of this would have happened.

Handing over the grimoire to Traine, Cat remarked,

“Anyway, this has saved you the trouble of going all the way to the academy.”

“I’ve never seen this book before; who requested it?”

“In a dream, some knightly lady asked for it.”

“A dream?”

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“Both Cat and I had the same dream. That’s why we decided to accept the request.”

“…You guys are incredible.”

Traine truly thought these two thieves were remarkable in many ways.

With just the revelation of a dream to guide them, their audacity to undertake such an act,

And the skill to successfully pull off a plan that seemed so precarious,

It was nothing short of a miracle that no one had died in the process.

With a calm face, Cat said to Traine,

“Take a look. Then you’ll see who sent it.”

Traine gave Cat a suspicious glance and opened the book.

‘Finally, we meettttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!’

‘Are you kidding me?! How could you abandon me and not come looking for me all this time!’

‘A master who abandons their own grimoire is probably the only one in the whole world!’

Traine’s eyes widened in shock, and he murmured to himself unknowingly,

“What in the world is this book…”

Then, the letters in the book began to change on their own.

‘My name is Hwaran!’

‘Didn’t you notice the telepathy I’ve been sending you time and time again?’

“How can you be so foolish and insensitive?”

At that moment, Muscle looked up at the sky, frowning and muttering.

“Is something falling from the airship?”

Cat pulled a telescope from his pocket and looked towards the airship.

“Damn, they really are chasing us, aren’t they? Two of them? Three?”

“You don’t think they’d jump off an airship just for stealing a single book, do you?”

“We’re going to run away, but what about you, Train?”

“Me? Oh…”

Considering it seemed wise to postpone reading the wildly enchanting grimoire,

Train closed the book and tucked it away before replying.

“It seems they might be acquaintances of mine, so I’ll stay. Are you two okay with running away?”

“We’ll manage somehow.”

Hearing this, Train pondered for a moment.

Running away is easier said than done.

Even if Train manages to persuade the pursuers to release the thieves,

Recklessly moving in a mountain swarming with monsters is akin to suicide.

Finally, Train sighed briefly and said,

“I’ll take care of it, so just stay here.”

Then Cat glared at Train and retorted,

“Don’t make me laugh. You’re subtly planning to betray us and capture us, aren’t you?”

“I simply do not wish for your demise. I want to repay you for handing me this book.”

At that, Cat relaxed her expression without suspicion and exclaimed,

“You’re quite the loyal one! I like you.”

…Indeed, leaving such a careless guy alone would probably be a lifelong regret.

That’s when Muscle interjected,

“Appreciate the sentiment, but aren’t you in quite the dangerous situation yourself?”

“The perception-inhibiting blindfold, you mean? Well, if explained properly, it should work out.”

“There are levels to perception-inhibiting magic. Since Cat made it, its effect will be absolute.”

Hearing this, Train’s eyebrows twitched for a moment.

“Well, if we talk it out calmly, they’ll understand.”

“…Just in case, everyone should be prepared to run away at any moment.”


Upon settling by the lakeside, Lizbeth, Lillian, and Princess Sia were somewhat dumbfounded.

The thieves they had expected to flee were brazenly waiting for them.

Even more, they stood with their hands raised above their heads as if to surrender.

It was too suspicious; there had to be an ulterior motive.

Lizbeth cautiously drew her greatsword and asked,

“What’s your game?”

Then Cat, with her arms crossed, said,

“Let’s calm down and talk this out.”

“If you try anything foolish, all three of you will die.”

“Do you want to cause a commotion here and end up as prey for the beasts, all of you?”

As Cat displayed a somewhat provocative attitude,

Muscle subtly elbowed Cat in the ribs.

Taking advantage of the moment, the man with the eye patch spoke up.

“First, please state your demands.”

Princess Shia stepped forward and asked.

“Where is Lord Train?”

The man with the blindfold sighed briefly and replied.

“Don’t worry, Princess, he’s not dead yet.”

Princess Shia was still under the spell of perception inhibition.

So, if Train directly mentioned ‘Princess,’

she might notice if she’s quick-witted enough, he thought…

But Princess Shia drew her pistol and aimed it at the blindfolded man.

“I’ll ask again. Where is Lord Train?”

“Wait, just calm down for a sec—”


Ice formed at Train’s feet, and sharp shards shot up.

Three thieves jumped back in surprise.

Cat glared at Princess Shia and shouted.

“Hey! What are you going to do if monsters swarm us?”

Elizabeth and Lillian also tried to stop Princess Sia.

“Wait, calm down!”

“If you provoke them now, it’ll only put Traein in more danger.”

But Princess Sia, undeterred, aimed her gun at the man with the eyepatch and demanded,

“I’ll ask you one last time. Where is Traein?”

Traein was quite flustered.

It was the first time he had seen Princess Sia, always so composed and calculating,

lose her cool to such an extent.

‘Even if I tell the truth, she won’t believe me.’

If she hasn’t realized it yet, telling her that he is Traein would be pointless.

It might even make Princess Sia angrier.

So, Traein couldn’t bring himself to speak rashly as he broke out in a cold sweat-

Suddenly, as if an earthquake had struck, the ground began to rumble heavily.

Cat shouted, looking towards one side of the forest.

“Darn it! It’s a Forest Grizzly!”

From a distance, a colossal bear was charging like a bulldozer, toppling trees in its path.

“Darn it, that crazy woman shot and provoked it! Everyone, run!”

Cat and Muscle didn’t look back and started running.

It was the obvious decision for them.

After all, that beast was a formidable opponent, even for ten knights.

But Elizabeth ran towards the bear, shouting instead,

“Lillian! Protect Princess Sia!”

Lillian calmly stood in front of Princess Sia, unfolding a protective barrier.

They couldn’t run away; they had to protect Princess Sia.

Both made a noble decision as students of the knight academy—


Even Elizabeth’s greatsword was no match for the bear’s charge.

With just a body slam from the bear,

Elizabeth was thrown away as if hit by a truck.


Lillian cried out, but she too had no time to worry about others.

As the bear slammed into the barrier, it shattered in an instant.

Because of that, Lillian was flung away as well.

As the bear relentlessly charged at Princess Sia,

Train forcefully pushed Princess Sia to the side.

“Get out of the way!”

Thanks to him, Train was the one struck by the bear instead of Princess Sia.

Now, only the bear and Princess Sia were left.

The bear stood on its hind legs and looked down at Princess Sia with an expressionless face.


Princess Sia, unable to react, just stared blankly at the bear.

Just as the bear was about to pounce on Princess Sia with its front paws,

“Close your eyes!”

Cat’s shout rang out, followed by a flashbang soaring through the air.

As the bear reeled from the flashbang that exploded before its eyes,

Muscle summoned a dirt golem with his hand on the ground.

While the golem grappled with the bear’s arms in a test of strength, Muscle shouted,

“Everyone run! This isn’t an opponent we can stand against!”

But as soon as Elizabeth and Lillian stood up, they charged at the bear, exclaiming,

“We are knights! We never flee leaving our comrades behind!”

“We won’t let anyone be left to die!”

Then Cat clicked her tongue and muttered,

“This is why I hate those academy folks.”

Muscle approached Cat and asked,

“What are you going to do?”

“What else? We’re the righteous bandits who save people in peril.”

In the end, Cat and Muscle also gave up on fleeing and faced off against the bear.


Trine couldn’t rise from his spot.

Struggling to rise, my body wouldn’t obey.

It seems I still haven’t recovered from the magic addiction.

Thus, I could only watch from a distance the fierce battle with the bear.

It was pathetic.

Even Princess Sia didn’t flee, unleashing a barrage from her gun.

“Damn it… I need to get up…”

That’s when a strangely familiar voice echoed in Traine’s head.

‘I recommend you run away.’

A voice I’ve heard several times in dreams.

It must be the magic tome ‘Hwalan’ that Traine had just acquired.

Yet, Traine groaned in response.

“Talk sense.”

‘If you stay, won’t everyone be annihilated?’

“Don’t joke! There’s no meaning if I’m the only one to survive!”

Eventually, after the bear shattered the golem, it began to rampage once more.

At this rate, we’ll all be done for.

Train mustered all his strength to rise.

‘You do realize we’ll actually die, right?’

“Better we all die together than survive alone!”

He then attempted to recite the magic sword spell.

“Though the flesh may perish, the knight’s honor will be eternal—argh!”

It seemed his magical power had not fully recovered yet.

Giving up on the magic sword, as he recklessly charged at the bear,

a voice echoed in his head again.

‘Can’t be helped. I’ll lend you my strength.’

A violet sword materialized in Train’s hand.


Neither Lizbeth nor Lillian managed to get up.

The other two bandits were no different.

Princess Shia lowered her gun, resigned, as the bear charged towards her.

“Lord Train… I’m sorry.”

It seemed this was as far as it went.

After all, it was over the moment she killed Train with her own hands.

If this was the karma for killing Train, she would accept it willingly.

Just as the bear was about to pounce on Princess Shia…

“Snap out of it!”

A man with a blindfold snatched Shia’s arm and pulled her forcefully.

As he narrowly avoided the bear’s claws and swung his violet sword,

the bear twisted in agony, screaming as if electrocuted.

“Stay back!”

The man shouted as he engaged the bear.

Dancing around the bear’s wildly swinging paws, he slashed at it repeatedly.

But the bear, far from being wounded, became even more enraged and charged at the man.

Princess Shia, knowing it was futile, pulled the trigger again towards the bear.

“I told you to stay back!”

“I don’t need your help!”

The bear, provoked by the gunshot, lunged at Shia again.


Just then, a familiar crowing of a rooster emanated from the man’s sword.

The bear, ignoring Shia, turned towards the man.

The man brandished his violet sword repeatedly, shouting,

“Ease up! That’s not like you, Princess!”

“What do you know about me!”

“Why wouldn’t I know! I am your knight, after all!”

At those words, Shia hesitated for a moment.

Come to think of it, how did this man recognize Shia as a princess?

Surely the spell of perception inhibition hadn’t been lifted yet?

Moreover, how could this man know how to use the magic of Train?

“Marking complete!”

The man slapped the bear’s back with his palm, exclaiming.

At the same time, the bear slammed its head into the man’s side with all its might.

The man rolled on the ground and shouted.

“Jump into the water!”

Then the bear let out a roar and plunged into the lake.

After swimming hard,

It wasn’t long before it stopped and turned back.

“Damn! Is my magic depleted already?”

The man clutched his side and slumped to the ground.

Yet, he stubbornly tried to rise, using his sword as a cane.

Princess Shia asked, leaning on the man’s back.

“Why, why do you go so far to protect me?”

The blindfolded man replied without hesitation.

“I told you, I am your knight, Train.”

It was an absurd lie.

But the one thing that was certain,

The man’s back somehow felt incredibly familiar and trustworthy.

“…I’ll help you.”

Sia pulled the trigger towards the lake, freezing the surroundings of the bear.

As the bear floundered in the ice, Sia shouted.

“Now’s the time to take it down!”

The man sprang up and dashed towards the bear.

Then Sia extended her arm, chanting a spell to freeze the lake, paving the way for the man.

The man ran fiercely across the precarious ice, leaping forward.

“Take this!”

The man’s sword pierced through the bear’s nape.

The lake shone a purplish hue as the bear screamed.

The ice shattered all around, and the bear sank into the water along with the man.

Without realizing, Sia cried out.


She knew.

He couldn’t possibly be Train.

Surely, it’s just what Shia wants to believe.


Soon, the man blindfolded struggled and barely managed to swim out of the lake.

“Huff… Huff… How many times did I almost die just today?”

The man grumbled as he lay sprawled on the shore.

Then Shia slowly approached the man.

And she climbed on top of him, grabbing his collar and asked,

“Who are you, really?”

“I told you.”

Shia slapped Train’s cheek.

“Who are you really!”

“I’m Train.”

“Don’t lie! Train would never do something to hurt me!”

“That’s… I’m sorry. It was my fault.”

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With a fierce grip, Shia clutched at the nape of his neck, burying her face into his chest.

And then, she began to cry her heart out.

The damp and cold chest of Traine quickly warmed up.

Traine hesitated for a moment,

then gently wrapped his arms around Princess Shia’s back.

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