041 – Gun for the Royal Family

They began to run in two teams, quickly dividing.

Trackline, Cat, Seimint, and Maria headed towards the illusion.

Yu-ril, Sia, and Sirian headed towards the underground prison.

General Tanjet, who was watching this scene, shouted out.

“Send all remaining troops inside the castle to the underground prison!”

As Dorea scolded, “So, you’re sending them all away, leaving it up to someone to guard us?”

“Are you saying that just you and Lizbet can’t handle it?”

“Don’t be ridiculous! Sisters, you two stay here and protect us!”


When Siran’s team arrived at the stairs, some soldiers had already blocked the way.

“Prince, Princess, I don’t want to part you from each other, so please step back quietly.”

But Siran remained silent, aiming his gun.

A single gunshot and several screams filled the air.




As the stairs emptied, Sia and Yuli rushed in.

Meanwhile, Siran stood guard at the stairs and said to the two of them:

“I’ll block the way for the other soldiers coming here.”

“Brother, I’m okay by myself.”

“The foolishness of the royal guards is my sin.”

Sirian turned around and stood tall, blocking the stairs.

“So, I’ll personally educate these kids.”

“Then I’ll ask for it.”

“Be careful.”

Ultimately, Sia and Yuril headed towards the stairs,

and soon a few knights appeared in front of Sirian, bringing numerous soldiers.

One of the knights spoke up.

“Step aside, I don’t want to hurt the prince.”

“Shut up.”

Sirian, the prince, took a few rough steps on the floor,

and soon an electric current began to flow at everyone’s feet.

“I’ll not send you away, nor will I send away the names of the royal family, the kingdom, and my siblings.”


Sia and Yuri arrived at the bottom floor soon.

“Father and the people around him are here, so if we can find it, half of it is a success.”

“…It won’t end that easily.”

The two women stood still, frozen.

In the middle of the dark corridor, something was approaching them.

“Hey, what’s going on with these beautiful ladies in this dark place?”

“…When did you come back, Shiroou-oppa?”

As soon as he appeared, a man with yellow hair and a bright smile said with a calm tone.

“The kingdom is in chaos, so I’ve come back right away. Congratulations on breaking your curse.”

“So you’ve come to rescue Father too?”

“Of course.”

Shiroou, the second prince, drew his gun and pointed it at Sia.

“Father is safest in this prison, I think.”

As he spoke, Sia aimed her gun at him and muttered to herself.

“It seems I can’t get close to Siroo-oppa.”

“That’s not good. I love our Princess Sia too much, you know.”

Yu-ril held the sword in both hands and said, eyeing the boundary.

“That person is strong, right?”

“At least, compared to our siblings, or perhaps even Father, he’s stronger.”

Si-roo’s eyes twitched as he raised the gun towards the ceiling, pulling the trigger.

I thought it was just a simple threat, but…


Suddenly, a bullet flew towards Yu-ril’s forehead.

Yu-ril instinctively raised his sword to block it.

“Then, shall we sing a song with the beautiful ladies?”


“Oh, mother of the vast plain, bring sweet rest to those who have lost their composure!”

Sei-mint walked across the garden, shouting.

Numerous soldiers of the Yu-ma-no nation fell asleep instantly.

As he appeared, Cat ran alongside him, asking.

“Isn’t that magic only usable in the wild?”

“It’s true, artificial turf is also a wild area.”

“Elven magic is just a mess.”

Just then, a group of soldiers appeared from the side.

Cat threw the beads in his hand with all his might.

“This is a special paralysis made by the venom of a high-level disaster monster, you kids!”

As he appeared, Seimint smiled and said with a laugh.

“But from what I see, the alchemy is more of a mess.”

“What?! Do you want to fight?”

Tremain and Maria, who were following behind them, intervened.

“Both of you, calm down a bit.”

“Right, both of you are nothing in front of Lady Yumano’s miracle.”

“You too, be quiet.”

In the end, Seimint and Cat led the four of them to the entrance of the real world.

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Seimin was alone, gripping his staff and said:

“This is where I’ll be staying, so you three, please wait.”

Before he finished speaking, Maria burst into the room.

“I’ve come to deliver the judgment of our lord, Yumano! Give me three seconds to finish my prayer and let’s get this over with!”

The soldiers who remained inside, loyal to Yumano, rushed towards Maria,

but she swung her mace with all her might, sending them scattering.

“Before I die, I won’t even bother praying, you stinking scoundrels!”

…And in the end, only Tanjette Commander, Lizzabet, and Dorea were left.

“You lot are going to fight against me, are you?”

“Indeed, it is regrettable.”

“Ah, what’s the point! You’re no help at all!”

Maria stood before Dorea, saying:

“This degenerate will meet its end at my hand.”

Dorea’s expression turned pale as she took a few steps back.

“Me, a lowly scribe like me? I’ll defy Yumano’s will to the very end!”

“What? Isn’t it obvious that the mediator of the truth is going to take care of you, a disgusting swine like you?”

In the end, Lorea’s delegate had a gloomy expression and ran away from the real world.

Maria looked delighted and casually started chasing after him.

…”Then let’s start?”


Cat stood in front of General Tanjet and said to Trailen.

“I’ll take care of this old man.”

“What? You can see that person is stronger than Lizbeth, right?”

“I’m close to my aunt, so I don’t want to fight.”

“I don’t know if you’re talking about those two.”

Trailen frowned and stood in front of Lizbeth.

Maria closed the door with a gentle smile as she stepped out of the real world.

And with that signal, the four of them charged towards each other.




With just a flick of Siran’s finger, dozens of soldiers collapsed to the ground as if struck by lightning.

“What’s the big deal about this? The future of Altoria is really bright, isn’t it?”

However, the three knights clad in silver armor stood firm.

“That kind of low-level magic won’t work on us.”

“You know that our armor has been treated with anti-magic, don’t you?”

“No matter how strong the prince is, we can’t be defeated.”

Siran the prince burst out laughing, saying.

“Naturally. If you lot were to collapse, I would have abandoned this wretched kingdom and run away immediately.”

“Are you seriously planning to fight us?”

“Stop saying such ridiculous things.”

Siran the prince aimed his trigger at the chest of one of the knights.

But the armor absorbed the bullet as if nothing had happened.

“It’s useless, I told you so…Waaah!”

Suddenly, one knight fell to the ground, looking miserable.

Sirian, the prince, scowled at him.

“Are you playing? A knight who’s barely survived this far?”

“What’s going on…right now?”

“That’s not how you make a profit! I only spent 300 Marutz on that armor!”

Sirian pointed to the ground with his finger.

“That’s 100! With my gun, it’s 300! The magic law has already been exceeded, you idiots!”

The knights looked surprised at this.

“A standard magic gun’s power won’t exceed 100 Marutz, you know.”

“Do you want to play number games with me or actually fight?”

The lazy prince who hated studying just ran away.

The prince who loved to indulge in wild adventures with rough adventurers.

This prince, who had always been wild and rough, had become this strong after entering the academy.”

“…or so it seemed that they had misunderstood Siran, the prince, from the start.”

“Alright, then we’ll fight with sincerity.”

“You should have told us to do that earlier.”

The knight who had been crouched down suddenly stood up, and the three of them drew their swords at the same time and charged at Siran.

“Hold up!”

Siran, the prince, hit one of them with his gun, and with his left-hand dagger, he cut off the other’s wrist and threw the dagger away.

However, the remaining one could not be stopped.

“It’s over!”

The knight swung his sword in a large arc and struck Siran’s chest.


A large wound appeared on Siran’s chest, and he fell backward.

“Will you surrender?”

But Siran, the prince, smiled wickedly and retorted.

“Somehow, he’s been deliberately provoked, you idiot.”

Just as he finished speaking, one of the knights suddenly went into shock.


“Don’t you know that making contact with a knight who wields the attribute of transmission is a big deal?”

In the end, even that knight collapsed, mumbling to himself.

“How can I, a knight, be defeated so easily like this.”

Sir An’s face turned red as he struggled to get up and pointed his gun at the knight’s forehead.

“I’ve lived my life with the conviction that as a royal, I should be stronger than this knight.”


“Then, I’m warning you, don’t take me lightly.”

The knight, however, smiled with a face that seemed to be pleased.

“That foolish child has become this excellent, I’m glad.”

“Shut up. It’s disgusting.”

Sir An aimed his gun at all three knights and knocked them all out completely.

And then, he sat down on the floor, rubbing his chest wound with his hand.

“Oh, geez… It’s so heavy to bear wounds like these, I’m such a weakling, I guess.”

He wasn’t weak, exactly.

But the wounds were much deeper than expected.

Prince Shiran tore his own clothes to bind his wounds and muttered to himself.

“Shia, wait just a little longer. I’ll be leaving soon.”


Meanwhile, in the underground tunnel, the nervousness continued.

“Can we still escape?”

Prince Shirou pulled the trigger behind Yuuri’s back like he was teasing him.

Suddenly, the bullet flew towards Yuuri’s side, and Yuuri blocked it with his sword calmly.

“You’re not a prince, you’re more suited to be a clown, you know?”

“Ha ha ha! That’s not wrong, I suppose. Clowns are the most pathetic geniuses in the world.”

“Oh no, you can’t ignore me, you know.”

Princess Shia didn’t miss her chance to shoot at Prince Shirou.

As Siroh Wangja shot a fist into the air, they clashed in mid-air.

The Crown Princess’s expression twisted in confusion as she muttered to herself.

“Is this really where your older brother is going to get a job?”

“Unfortunately, the royal family won’t give him a chance.”

“Ryul, don’t just watch and get hurt.”

As Ryul frowned and asked back.

“Really? It could be fatal, don’t you think?”

“That human is a cheap one, even if he dies.”

As Siroh Wangja spoke with a theatrical tone, his expression turning sorrowful.

“Oh, sister! You’re saying such harsh words to my older brother… it’s not entirely wrong, but…”

In the end, Ryul reluctantly rushed at Siroh Wangja.

The speed and swordplay were so fast that it was impossible to catch with the eyes.

Siroh Wangja barely managed to grab her arm.

“I’m interested in you.”

“What do you mean?”

“The lady has inherited the family curse to become a hero.”

“…How do you know that?”

Lord Shiro turned away from Yu-ri, a subtle smile playing on his lips.

“For fulfilling your curse, I’ve traveled the world.”

Yu-ri suddenly shouted from behind.

“Don’t believe him! Shiro-onghyeob’s words are lies, nine out of ten!”

“‘This time, this is the only true word…'”

As Yu-ri swiftly drew her sword,

Lord Shiro suddenly vanished like mist.

Yu-ri circled around, speaking cautiously.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t need your help.”

Then, Lord Shiro’s response echoed back from the empty air.

“That’s because there’s already a Trail Army for her, after all.”

“If you keep talking nonsense, I’ll really kill you.”

“The Trail Army is great, but it’s not enough to lift your curse.”

“Shut up.”

“If that’s the case, I’ll make sure to cast a spell on you-.”

Yu-ri held her sword up high, swinging it wildly in the air.

Then, a few strands of Shiro’s hair fell to the ground.

“I said shut up.”

“Ha ha. It seems you have a good impression of the Trail team, doesn’t it?”

“This is your last warning.”

“You’re still so charming when you’re angry.”

Just then, the air grew chilly and eerie.

“Alright, let’s stop playing around.”

The sound of clapping echoed through the air, and suddenly the prison gates swung open.

Next, a creature resembling a bear emerged from the darkness, charging towards Sia.



Sia was taken aback and yanked the trigger, but the gun fell limp and useless.

As the king of Siniar was.

“Ah, Father?”

Just then, Prince Sirow drew out his appearance calmly and said.

“I told you from the beginning? I came to rescue Father too.”

“That, that’s not the point. Since the prison is safer…”

“That’s not wrong. There’s no safer place than here outside.”

After hearing these words, Princess Sia took a deep sigh of relief.

Then, with a bright smile, she stood in front of Prince Sirow.

“I didn’t lie either.”

“What? What are you saying?”

“My brother is going to die, after all!”

She punched his face with a fierce blow.

“Wow! Sia, you’re strong indeed…”

Prince Sirow fell to the ground, stunned.

Finally, Yuuril rubbed his temples, as if he had a headache.

At some point, Seymint had said the same words to himself.

“The nobility of old.”

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