054. student council for discipline

Half a year ago, right after the new semester started.

Student Council President ‘Myeong-yoon’ muttered as he looked at the list of new students.

“I’m interested in this student named Trine. How about inviting him to the student council?”

Then Vice President ‘Rain’ answered.

“No. There has never been a commoner in the history of the student council.”

“Was there an item in the school regulations that stated that commoners should not join the student council?”

“There wasn’t any-”

“Then it’s no problem, right? Just send out the invitation right away.”

… But there was no response for over a week.

Out of courtesy among nobles, it would be a great disrespect to send the same invitation again.

Besides, there was no way he would dare ignore the student council president’s invitation,

Myeong-yoon waited patiently.

But there was no news until the sports day ended.

In the end, I tried to visit him in person during the special activity club recruitment period.

However, the absurd news came that all first-year students in the Department of Engineering went on a field trip.

I found out much later that it was a secret mission to save Princess Xia.

Anyway, Myeong-yoon had been so busy that he had completely forgotten about Trine.

Then the second semester started,

In the end, we were able to meet by chance in this way.

But I never would have thought that the famous Trine was a foolish guy who didn’t even know the student council president’s face.

“You came here to have fun!”


“You don’t even know the bare minimum of your duties as an academy student!”


“Do you want to be expelled!”

Trine hesitated for a moment at those words.

And that attitude was enough to make Myeong-yoon even more angry.

“Do you really want to be expelled from school?”

“No! I’m sorry!”

Then Lane intervened from the side.

“Student President, please calm down.”

“…I’m sorry. I got a little excited.”

Myung-yoon put down the loudspeaker and looked down at Trine.

“Of the 44 past student council presidents, 37 were valedictorians.”

“Is that so?”

“That means you are also qualified to run for student council president.”

“thank you.”

“What should I do?”


“What should I do?”


When Myeong-yoon got excited again and tried to put the loudspeaker to his mouth,

Lane next to me forcibly took it away.

In the end, Myeong-yoon shouted with all his might in front of Trine.

“You’re asking me if I want to join the student council or not!”

“Sorry! I’m not interested!”

“Why isn’t there one!”

“I don’t like fuss!”

“Are you just calling me a noisy nag? Do you want to die!”

“No! I’m sorry!”

“I guess you need mental education!”

Myeong-yoon turned his head and shouted to Raine.

“Appoint Trine as a temporary student council officer! And start working hard starting today!”

Trine then looked quite embarrassed and responded without fear.

“I’m really sorry, but I’m so busy these days that it’s difficult for me to do student council activities.”

“What! It’s like student council activities! Do you want to die!”

Trine seemed momentarily frightened by Myeong-yoon’s momentum, but

He immediately glared at Myeong-yoon again with a serious expression and responded.

“Isn’t Article 7, Paragraph 12 of the school regulations prohibiting forced solicitation by the special activities department?”

“It’s Article 12, Section 7! If you’re going to memorize it, memorize it straight!”


“Still, I commend you for trying to respond based on school rules rather than unreasonable claims!”

“thank you.”

“But as I said before, the student council’s instructions are the instructor’s instructions!”

Myeong-yoon received the student council armband from Raine and forcibly put it on Trine’s arm.

“I will train you thoroughly until you realize that you are the face of the academy!”


The next morning.

Siran sarcastically looked at the armband on Trine’s arm.

“That doesn’t suit me very much.”

Trine countered while looking at the table tennis stick in Siran’s hand.

“Who cares?”

The two weren’t the only ones who looked awkward.

The entire class was holding something in their hands.

With that alone, it was possible to figure out at a glance who had been kidnapped by which special activity department.

Lisbeth came up to the two and said with a smile.

“You guys suffered too.”

Trine and Sirian simultaneously looked at Lisbeth and shouted in surprise.

“What is that violin? It’s so out of character!”

“Was there a class called Instrumental Kendo?”

“…Oh, I know what you guys think of me on a regular basis.”

Lisbeth took a pose, holding the violin upside down like a sword.

“Now, wait! Calm down! Let’s talk!”

“You know, that’s really expensive! Be careful!”

Suddenly the classroom door burst open and Maria came in.

For some reason, she was wearing a poncho and holding mascara in both hands.

Maria greeted everyone with an infinitely kind smile.

“I will give Yumano-sama’s blessing to everyone today again. And I will kill the guy who laughs at me?”

The atmosphere suddenly became cold as everyone tried their best to hold back the laughter that threatened to burst out.

As Maria trudged to her seat,

It suddenly turned around and came towards Trine, sniffing at him.

“That’s strange.”

“What, what?”

“It feels like a mixture of the smells I like the most and the smells I hate the most.”

“What is that.”

“Okay, what is it?”

At that time, Instructor Eloy came into the classroom, glanced at the students and said.

“Oh, it looks like everyone has properly entered the special activities club!”

From noble mtl dot come

Then the students screamed all at once.

“Are you kidding me?!”

“Who is it that caused us to go through all this trouble?”

“Let me know a long time ago that something like this will happen!”

Then, Instructor Eloy got angry.

“Did someone not tell me something on purpose? I had forgotten too!”


after school.

Trine decided to go on a school patrol with senior Lane, the vice-student council president.

“I’m sorry that our student council president has that kind of personality.”

“No, well, it was my fault for ignoring the advice.”

“There is no need to feel burdened. For the time being, all you have to do is pay attention to students who go around like this and break school rules.”

“Yes, senior.”

In a way, it was a good thing for Trine.

Anyway, even if it wasn’t for the student council, I would have to look for the devil hiding somewhere.

‘Yumano, is there a way to find out who has been possessed by the devil?’

‘sorry. They are so cunning that I have no choice but to do it.’

A nameless devil interrupted those words.

‘Everyone will probably stay quietly in hiding until the day of the festival.’

Then Yumano Shin made a difference.

‘How do you know that? Aren’t you one of them too?’

‘I just want you to stop making excuses without evidence.’

Once again, an argument began arbitrarily in Trine’s head.

As Trine sighed, senior Lane scolded him next to him.

“Get rid of that sighing habit. It’s unsightly.”

“Yes, I will keep that in mind.”

… Anyway, the atmosphere at the academy was quite lively.

They were preparing for the festival by setting up booths in each playground.

Other classmates seemed to have already adapted and were actively helping.

At that time, I saw very familiar yet unfamiliar faces in a booth.

“Yuril? Kat? What are you guys doing here?”

Then the two of them responded by working hard to carry the large boxes.

“You’ll know it when you see it.”

“Your instructor asked me to take charge of the emergency medical booth on the day of the festival.”

“I’m sorry about something.”

Yuril glanced at Trine’s armband for a moment and said.

“It suits you.”

“Really? Thank you. You were the only one who said that.”

“It’s good to hear that the student council is popular with noble women.”

“…Why is the story suddenly leaking that way?”

“Princess Xia told me that you seduced a new girl in the experience class as well?”

“What?! No, wait, that’s-”

When it seemed like the story was going to get longer, senior Lane pulled Trine’s arm and hurried his steps.

“Have private conversations later. I’m on patrol.”

Even as Trine was being dragged by Senior Laine, he looked back at Yuril and shouted with all his might.

“It’s not like that!”

After seeing that Trine had left, Cat asked Yuril.

“Miss Yuril, since it’s been a long time coming, shall we take turns watching the festival on that day?”

“I’m not interested, so you’re free to look around, Cat.”

“Then I’ll just be the bad guy. It’s been a while, so you should have some fun too.”

“I’ll think about it.”

… At that time, two very thin, black fogs hovered around for a moment, and then soon seeped into Yuril’s body.

No one noticed it.


At that time, on the roof of the dormitory, three children were lying face down in front of the railing, holding binoculars to their eyes.

Sia muttered with a happy expression.

“Trine, don’t you think the armband looks good on you?”

Then Pyrrol responded appropriately.

“Status is a man’s charm.”

Locke asked in a doubtful voice.

“Does secretly watching your brother like this really help your swordsmanship?”

Sia and Pyrrhol responded immediately.

“Of course. So just watch quietly.”

“No matter what, observation is the top priority.”

At that time, the rooftop door creaked open and Instructor Eloy appeared.

“You kids! Be in moderation!”

The three children stood up in a hurry.

Then, he ran away from Instructor Eloy and said one word at a time.

“Elroy, this is cruel! Will it be okay if you leave us alone?”

“How on earth does he find us so quickly every time?”

“If you’re that picky, you’ll get more wrinkles!”

“If you guys keep doing this, I’ll report it to the real principal!”

Instructor Eloi, who was soon left alone, scratched his head in annoyance.

“Do I have to teach those troublemakers next year? The future is bleak.”

… In that gap, the black fog quietly seeped into Instructor Eloi’s body.


Late that evening, Myeong-yoon and Raine drank tea and talked in the student council room.

“How does Trine look?”

“Compared to my first impression, he was quite sincere and honest.”

“That’s good. Do you think the student council can officially accept it?”

“Now that he’s a noble, it’ll be okay.”

At that time, a black fog slowly entered the student council room.

And then it was time to enter Myeong-yoon’s body.

“Eh, eh!”

Myeong-yoon sneezed vigorously.

The recoil caused the black fog to bounce and fly out the window,

As it happened, there was a huge dog there.

“Wal, wal, wal!”

“Pochi? Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?”

Suddenly, Pochi rushed towards the black fog.

Eventually, the black fog reluctantly seeped into Pochi.

There are only three days left until the festival.

The game of tag between Trine and the demons was about to begin in earnest.

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