056. Crying for the instructor

Trine and Maria decided to return to the academy together, riding on Pochi’s back.

“Once you confirm that it is the root of that sacred tree, can’t you trust it?”

From noble mtl dot come

“The devil could be targeting that and possessing the already identified person.”

“That’s right.”

“Besides, it wouldn’t be good for the demons to discover the existence of this root.”

“is it?”

“Then why did you notice that this is the root of an adult tree?”

Trine responded, slightly embarrassed by the sudden question.

“Oh, I just read it in a book.”

“That’s great! You’re trying to understand Yumano yourself!”

So the two of us climb over the academy wall while riding on the porch…

On the other side, student council president Myeong-yoon was standing with a face like a goblin.

“You have a lot of guts to throw away your student council work and go on a date.”

Trine swallowed dry saliva once, then jumped off Pochi and stood in front of her.

“S-sorry, things here are-”

Myeong-yoon picked up the loudspeaker and shouted in Trine’s face.

“First period has already started! Where are you going and selling your mind!”


“Do you really want to be expelled from school?”


While Trine was being scolded, Maria tried to sneak away.

“You there! Where are you trying to run away!”

“Ugh, no, I-”

“Don’t you know that bringing pets to the academy is prohibited!”

“No, that’s-”

“Both of you, kneel down there! It looks like you need mental education more than classes!”

In the end, Trine and Maria had to listen to the student council president’s nagging for nearly two hours.

Due to the atmosphere, I couldn’t bear to ask why the student council president had no intention of returning to class.


Lunch hour.

After taking a walk around the school with Vice President Lane, Trine belatedly headed to the first-year student cafeteria.

For some reason, Sia, Pyrrhol, and Locke were shamelessly studying in a corner.

… Trine also joined them, carrying a tray.

“This is the first year cafeteria. Year 0 students should go eat somewhere else.”

“Have you already received your pass from Instructor Eloy?”

At Princess Xia’s words, the three of them proudly held up the temporary passes they wore around their necks.

Trine held a moment of silence for Instructor Elroy.

How much did these three bother me before I finally gave them my pass?

“But why are you guys here? It’s not even the festival day yet.”

“Of course, I’m curious about how my senior is doing at the academy.”

“You didn’t even get to see the academy during the experience class, right?”

“We’ll be joining next year too, so it doesn’t matter if we see it in advance.”

“…There’s clearly something else going on.”

When Trine resignedly tried to lift the spoon,

Sia asked him with a bright smile.

“Senior, did you enjoy your date with Maria this morning?”

“Seriously, don’t talk nonsense. It’s not like that.”

“Really? Do you think Yuril thinks so too?”

Trine almost dropped his spoon, then glared at Sia and said.

“If you say something useless to Yuril, you will die.”

“With your bare mouth?”

“What do you want?”

“Please escort us during the festival.”

“What about escorting us while we just walk around on our own?”

“I need to send a message to Yuril.”

When Sia summoned a magic bird on her palm, Trine jumped up and grabbed her hand.

“Wait a minute, I have student council work in the morning, so I can only hang out in the afternoon.”

“Hehe, thank you.”

However, Sia spoke without disarming the magic bird.

“Yuril! Senior Trine said he would hang out with us on the afternoon of the festival, so let’s go around together.”

A magic bird flew out of Sia’s palm.


“Yes, senior?”

“You, really, are going to die.”

“Senior, it’s cool to see him get angry.”

Trine let go of Sia’s hand and slowly sat down.

“Tomorrow is the day we have a magic swordsmanship class, right? All three of you should prepare magic potions, wound medicine, and casts in advance.”

At those words, Pyrrhol and Locke stood up and argued.

“Seo, Senpai?! I didn’t do anything!”

“Why are you taking out your anger on us!”

“Noisy! From today onwards, you are the Nuisance Plush Three Musketeers!”

“Wow! You just took the first letters of the names and combined them in a childish way!”

“I’m a Locke, not a Rurk!”

“Sir! Why am I the last one!”


“Turn it off…”

Instructor Eloy groaned as he lay face down on the desk in the staff room.

To be honest, I had exceeded my mental limit.

Although the investigation into the demon case and preparations for the festival are tight,

The parents of the children who participated in the experience class came to visit on the wrong day and criticized them.

Even the three damn little guys are getting on their nerves.

“Even this b*stard, Trine, will betray me and join the student council?”

As I was murmuring to myself, this thought suddenly occurred to me.

‘Let’s find fault with that unhelpful Trine and expel him from school.’

“Oh! Is that a good idea?”

‘How about kidnapping Princess Xia and imprisoning her until the festival is over?’

“Not a bad idea!”

‘Let’s just quit being an instructor and retire.’

“Should I write my resignation letter?”

‘It might be a good idea to steal an expensive treasure and sell it while you’re on your way out.’


Instructor Eloi suddenly stood up.

Then he took out the dagger he had in his pocket and stabbed it deeply into the back of his hand.

“I never thought I was possessed by the devil.”

‘Tch. It’s quite surprising that you’ve already noticed?’

“Now then, how are we going to get you out?”

‘It won’t be easy. ‘The darkness in your heart is so strong that you are a good match for me.’

At that time, another instructor passed behind Eloi and was startled when he saw her bloody hands.

“Instructor Elroy! Are you okay?!”

“Yes, hahaha. I guess I got stabbed while dozing for a moment.”

“Be careful! I’ll take you to the medical room.”

“No, I’ll go alone.”

Instructor Eloy hurriedly left the teacher’s office.

Then, he walked briskly somewhere and used fire magic to heal his wounds.

‘You won’t be able to shake me off with just that much pain?’

“Pain? It’s hard to even call something like this pain.”

‘Give up and quietly leave yourself to me. I will make you happy.’

“I want to hear that kind of confession from an ordinary man, not a devil.”

The place where Instructor Eloy headed was the school rooftop.

‘Even if you jump and commit suicide, I can just possess another human being, right?’

“I don’t plan on doing that. I just want to give you a taste of what true fear is.”

Eloi summoned a communication bird.

“Myeong-yoon! I have a quick favor to ask you, so come to the rooftop of the main school building right away!”

‘Eh? ‘What are you going to do by calling the student council president?’

“That girl would be a natural enemy to a guy like you.”

‘Is he a member of the Yumano church?’

“He’s much bigger than that.”

Not long after, the rooftop door burst open.

Instructor Eloy blushed for a moment, then

The expression on his face scrunched up at the strange face that appeared instead of Myeong-yoon.

“Why did you come?”

Trine sighed briefly and responded.

“What is that reaction? Senior Myeong-yoon rushed over to ask for help.”

“What is Myung-yoon doing?”

“They said they were chasing students who were trying to secretly bring in alcohol.”

“Tsk, anyway, I’m a student who won’t be of any help at important moments.”

Trine asked as Instructor Elroy scratched his head.

“So what do you need help with?”

“It’s nothing. I just called you to chat.”


For some reason, Trine pulled out something that looked like a long burdock.

And then, without any warning, he suddenly tried to thrust it into Eloi’s mouth.

Elroy quickly bent down and dodged it.

“What! Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?”

“Just stay still for a moment!”

“Have you been possessed by the devil again?”

“Ah, Principal!”

When Trine shouted, Instructor Eloy stood upright in surprise.

“Principal! I never dinged you!”

… But the principal was nowhere to be seen,

Trine stuffed burdock into her mouth.

“uuu! Wait a minute, this doesn’t taste so good – huuu!”

Instructor Eloy collapsed, feeling extreme pain throughout his body.

Then Trine pulled out his magic sword without hesitation.

“As expected, the instructor has been possessed this time.”

Instructor Elroy smiled bitterly and stood up.

“As expected, he is my favorite student.”

“Please take the sword.”

Then the devil in Instructor Eloi’s heart laughed out loud.

‘Even if your life is threatened by a duel, you won’t be able to chase me away!’

Instructor Eloi scratched his head, then pulled out his sword and grinned.

“Even so, an instructor who doesn’t accept a student’s sword is disqualified, right?”

Trine shouted.

“Then let’s go!”

As Trine used the fear spell, a loud rooster crow was heard.

Perhaps because of this, Instructor Elroy felt terrible fear from Trine.

But that’s it.

“It doesn’t work like that!”

Instructor Elroy rushed towards Trine.

The two of them clashed their swords together and fought frantically for a while.

“Are the Artoria hero’s skills only this high?”

“Instructor, aren’t you getting old and losing your strength?”

The workshop that seemed like it would last for quite a long time,

It ended quickly with a momentary mistake.


Instructor Eloi’s sword pierced Trine’s heart.

Then Trine coughed up blood and hung his head.

“Now, wait…”

Instructor Eloy urgently pulled out his sword and threw it away, then slowly laid Trine down on the floor.

“Trine! Come to your senses!”


“Trine! You’re not the kind of person who’s going to die like this!”



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