071. silent beacon

Trine held onto the rope of the snowy mountain cliff and climbed little by little, panting.

“I think I’ll gain a lot of stamina just by staying here for a few months.”

In fact, Allie, who was climbing ahead, didn’t even seem to be out of breath.

Even after Trine’s energy is restored, I never thought it would be this hard to chase after him.

However, Trine had the pride of a man, so he couldn’t even tell him to go slowly.

On the way, Ally looked down at Trine for a moment and tilted her head.

It was as if he was asking, ‘Shall we go slowly?’

“Oh, I don’t care, you don’t have to.”

Meanwhile, liaison birds flew to Trine every hour.

However, it was an empty communication with nothing said from the middle.

I’m sure they’re assuming that Trine has been kidnapped and are holding back what they say for fear of the other party overhearing.

… Anyway, thanks to not being lazy, I was able to reach the summit in a couple of hours.

“Is that a beacon fire?”

A fairly large and tall stone tower stood tall in the middle of the snowy mountain.

I climbed the stairs of the tower with Allie and reached the top,

There was a large, transparent crystal lump in the center.

Ally pointed at it and did something funny.

“Ah… if I use that, I’ll be able to see it from the sky?”

Trine looked around outside the tower for a moment.

And soon, something resembling an airship was seen approaching from the distant sky.

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“Could it be that?”

Ally also looked in the same direction as Trine and nodded.

“Good. Let’s get started quickly.”

Ally pulled Trine’s arm and stood in front of the crystal.

Then, when he raised his arms, red light began to emanate from the crystal.

Trine imitated her actions from across the room.

Then the light of the crystal became brighter.

“Ah, this is the principle of absorbing magical energy and emitting light.”

Fortunately, the airship seemed to have discovered the light and turned sharply in this direction.

“Good! I guess it’s working!”

… At that time, a question came into Trine’s mind.

‘Doesn’t this crystal resemble the one you saw in the middle of the volcano?’

The size itself was much smaller, but the ominous red color was very unnerving.

Fortunately, the airship runs on fuel, not horsepower, so it won’t crash.

But somehow, apart from that, I felt ominous.


… Before moisture.

Prince Siran’s ‘Skywilder’ was flying over the Teor Mountains.

“We’ll look around for a bit and then anchor at a nearby knights’ camp.”

Instructor Eloy said, looking down through the telescope.

“Be careful. They say even airships don’t come to this area often because accidents occur frequently.”

Then Pyrrol and Locke, who were sitting in the gun cockpits on the left and right, responded.

“Don’t worry! I’ll shoot as soon as something shows up.”

“Whether it’s a dragon or a flying monster, there’s no way they can lose with this level of firepower.”

Lisbeth glared at the two in turn and muttered.

“Why on earth does this airship have so many weapons for being so small?”

Meanwhile, Yuril was quietly sitting in the back seat, staring intently at the map.

“There are a total of 17 villages near the Teor Mountains… If it is Trine, it must be…”

Sia quietly sat down next to Yuril and leaned her head on her shoulder.

“Don’t be too nervous. If you’re a senior, I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

“…I guess so.”

“Maybe he didn’t want to marry me so he ran away for a while.”

It was a joke that Sia joked to lighten the mood, but Yuril didn’t laugh at all.

“It is said that many demons live in hiding on Mount Theor.”

“Yes, I know.”

“Something happened during the last festival, so there might be a devil seeking revenge on Trine.”

Sia flinched for a moment at those words.

“So we might have to assume the worst case scenario, that demons are hunting down Trine.”

“Then, it would be better to search the village of demons as a top priority.”

“…Of course, she wouldn’t be caught that easily.”

At that time, Instructor Eloy shouted.

“I see a red light at 2 o’clock! It looks like a beacon or something?”

At those words, everyone looked out the window at once.

Sir’an asked.

“Are there people around?”

“It’s too far away so I don’t know how far.”

“I’ll try to approach first.”

Siran turned the rudder sharply and turned the bow toward the beacon.

However, soon after, Locke’s shout forced him to change direction again.

“We found a swarm of flying monsters at 9 o’clock! They’re coming from 7 o’clock, no, they’re coming from all directions!”

“Damn it! Stop the search for now! Let’s head straight to the camp!”

“Shall we shoot?!”

“Stay still! If you make a fuss, more people will come!”

In the end, the Skywilder turned its bow completely and left its position.


Trine was frustrated as he watched the airship moving away.

“Damn it… There’s no way we could get close if there were this many monsters.”

In the end, Allie smiled bitterly and took her hand away from the crystal.

As soon as Trine let go, the red light of the crystal disappeared.

Ally put her hand on Trine’s shoulder and gestured to try again next time.

“Yes… thank you.”

Still, as if they had noticed something on the other side, communication birds were sent out one at a time.

With this, you can probably tell that Trine is nearby.

Trine continued to think as he and Allie walked back down the mountain.

‘Was it really a coincidence that monsters suddenly appeared?’

For some reason, it seems like monsters appeared from the moment the crystal began to glow.

Moreover, as soon as the fire went out, they dispersed again.

‘As expected, everything is suspicious.’

However, there is no benefit in showing any signs of doubt here.

In the end, Trine stopped acting like a fool and returned to the village with Ally.

The old woman said as she came out to meet Trine.

“Don’t wander around carelessly. The weather will get worse soon.”

“Yes, sorry.”

“Is that airship that flew by earlier your friend?”

“…I don’t think so. It was my first time seeing an airship.”

“We need to get out safely before we get caught up in the blizzard for no reason.”

“Iknow, right.”

Trine returned to his living quarters and sat in front of his desk.

Then I started to organize my thoughts.

“It doesn’t look like they’re trying to kill me… There’s probably no benefit to simply holding me here for too long in the first place.”

Soon Allie came in and carefully placed a large tray on the desk.

There was a kettle, a cup, cookies, and a note on the tray.

‘Eat this and cheer up! I’m sure there will be another chance.’

“Yes, thank you.”

Trine opened the lid of the white steaming kettle and smelled the scent.

As expected, it was snow lavender tea.

“Isn’t there just water? I feel like the scent doesn’t suit me well.”

Then Ally wrote in her notebook with an embarrassed expression and showed it to her.

‘Sorry. The water here is of poor quality, so you must boil tea before drinking it.’

“Really? I can’t help it.”

Trine reluctantly poured the tea into a cup and pretended to sip it.

‘Then I’ll go prepare dinner and rest.’

“Yes, thank you. Is there anything I can help you with?”

Allie smiled and shook her head.

‘Just rest today and help me chop firewood later.’

“Yes, I will.”

As soon as Allie left the room, Trine immediately put down the cup and glared at the contents.

‘Snow Lavender… ‘What was the effect?’

Trine looked back on his memory of Yuril’s brief explanation a while ago.

And then I immediately remembered something.

‘Relief of stress… However, if you take too much, the side effect is memory loss… ‘

Trine looked around for a moment.

Somehow I felt like someone was watching Trine outside the window.

Trine deliberately pretended to drink tea and kept rolling his head.

‘No way, no, but if the goal is to keep me from getting out of here…’ ‘

There were too many reasons to deny his guess.

However, unless there is physical evidence, there is a possibility that everything is just a coincidence.

Besides, I didn’t want to believe that Trine himself would do that.

‘I don’t want to just doubt Allie’s kindness… Anyway, it’s a lifesaver.’

Trine thought for a moment and then jumped up from his seat.

‘Okay, let’s look for clues that my guess is false.’

Trine came out and started wandering around the village for a while, pretending to look around.

The residents looked at Trine with some suspicion.

But it doesn’t seem like he’s showing any hostility at all.

Few people were wearing weapons or armor.

… Trine approached a man who was repairing the exterior wall of a house with nails and a hammer.

“Is there anything I can help you with?”

“You are a recent stranger.”

“I’m a little sore from just sitting still.”

“Do you know how to hammer?”

“I’ve done it a few times before.”

The man handed Trine a hammer.

“thank you.”

“Nails are precious here, so don’t waste them.”

The two of us hammered in silence for a while,

Trine paused for a moment and then asked cautiously.

“It’s a pretty nice town to live in.”

“Well, that’s right.”

“Were you born in this village?”

“No. I am also a stranger like you.”

“Really? I guess there are a lot of strangers who have decided to live here?”

The man muttered without stopping hammering.

“Half of them are demons banished from heaven, and the other half are shipwrecked strangers.”

“Do you ever want to go back to where you originally lived?”

“It’s just a hassle to look back.”

“There won’t be a family.”

“I don’t remember much.”


Trine helped the man for some time and then left.

Then, I looked for other ‘strangers’ around me and asked them similar questions.

I realized this while talking.

These people really seem to have lost all memories of the past.

… While Trine was wandering around for a while, Allie came up to him.

‘It looks like you’ve already become friends with the villagers?’

“Yes, it seems like a very nice town with nice people.”

‘I’m glad!’

“Would it be better for me to just live here?”

Allie looked a little surprised at those words, but then smiled brightly.

‘I’m very welcome!’

“Hahaha, I’ll think about it a little more seriously.”

‘Would you like another cup of tea?’

“thank you.”

Allie handed the tea to Trine and walked away somewhat excitedly.

Trine glanced at his surroundings and quietly threw the car on the ground.

‘… Let’s escape tonight. If I get stranded in a blizzard, that will definitely be the end of it.’

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