093. angel’s jealousy

The battle between the heavenly beings and the earthly beings was fierce.

Go Hyeop exchanged spears with Myeong-yoon and at the same time glanced around and got angry.

“You useless guys! Can’t you fight more properly!”

Humans, with their physical limitations, can never defeat angels.

However, there are currently many people around us who cannot be called human for various reasons.

“Mother of the sea, whose depths are fathomless!”

“Bind up the arrogance of those who mistake wings for freedom!”

While most angels were dragged to the ground by the binding magic of the elves and witches,

“Hahaha! Your angel wings are easily burned by fire!”

“Oh my gosh, you better watch your back!”

Grokath and Prince Shirou were running wild,

“I will destroy the spear every time I summon it, so fight with confidence!”

“thank you!”

Even Cat and Yuril took on the angels with skillful coordination.

These people were the ones Gohyeop had expected, so it was possible.

The biggest problem was that I was a strange doll who could voice each of the four roles.

“I’m a bare-handed fighter, so don’t lift a spear!”

“I was supposed to take care of the left arm!”

“My magic requires the use of both hands to achieve its full power.”

“Front kick. Back kick. Jump. Round kick.”

Even though the doll was dealing with three angels alone, it showed no signs of being pushed back at all.

Moreover, the kids from the knight department, led by Prince Sirian, formed a line and began to provide covering fire.

“We can’t take it down directly with our firepower! Just hit the wings and take it down!”

In the end, Gohyeop clicked his tongue and got angry at the enemies who were much stronger than expected, but-


Myeong-yoon gave him no time and stabbed him with his spear.

Gohyeop shouted, effortlessly blocking her attack with his spear.

“Do you think that something like an apprentice can defeat a high-ranking angel!”

“This is not a fight, this is a referee!”

Gohyeop stretched out his hand and fired a bullet of light at Myeongyun.

In the end, Myeong-yoon, who was unable to dodge, was hit by a bullet and flew away, hitting the wall of the clock tower with all his might.

“It’s you who should be judged, not me!”

Gohyeop attempted to deliver the finishing blow by throwing a spear at Myeongyun.

That moment-


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Suddenly, Gohyeop’s wings froze and he lost his balance and stumbled greatly.

In that gap, two people suddenly flew up and destroyed both wings at the same time with a sword and a mace.

Thanks to this, Gohyeop fell,

The two also landed together and confronted Gu Hyeop.

“Isn’t this b*stard Trine dead?”

“I have work to do, so I can’t die yet.”

“Besides, you, the beastman, must also be worshipers of gods!”

“It’s a different department, you idiot.”

During that time, Myeong-yoon also joined and kept Gohyeop in check with his spear.

“Do you want to keep fighting, or will you quietly surrender and face judgment?”

Gohyeop jumped up and shouted with all his might.

“Stop laughing, you lowly things! I will erase you all from this world!”

As he raised his hands high in the sky, a frightening amount of magical power began to gather.

“I won’t let you do that!”

Myeong-yoon quickly rushed to Gohyeop.

That moment,

Suddenly, Gohyeop’s spear appeared behind Myeongyun and pierced her back.


Myeong-yoon fell down without even making a groan.

Gohyeop laughed heartily as if he was having fun.

“If you die, there will be no one in heaven to judge me!”

New wings grew on Gohyeop’s back.

“Now all we have to do is throw the rest of them into the water!”

Trine and Maria quickly rushed to Gohyeop, but

Gohyeop flew up faster than that and ran away.

Trine ran to Myeong-yoon and helped her.

“Sir! Are you okay?!”

“Quickly chase after Gohyeok… he will definitely try to cause a tsunami.”

“Maria! Please go first!”

At those words, Maria immediately turned around and ran.

“I’ll let others know and we’ll chase after them together!”

Trine panicked, looking at the huge hole in Myeong-yoon’s chest.

“Hey, since you’re an angel, you won’t die from something like this, right?”

Because it wasn’t human, there wasn’t even any blood.

But for some reason, Myeong-yoon’s body seemed to be becoming more and more transparent.

“I’m already late. So you should hurry up and go too.”

“Now, are you kidding me?! There’s no way my senior could die from something like this!”

“You really think too highly of me.”

“You can’t die yet! You’ve been working hard to become an official angel!”

Myeong-yoon smiled with an expression as if he had resigned himself to something.

It was Myeong-yoon’s friendly smile that Trine saw for the first time.

“I…couldn’t become an official angel anyway.”

“What nonsense is that!”

“Don’t you know that someone who still has feelings can’t become an angel?”

“You still have feelings for me?”

“It’s jealousy.”

Myeong-yoon said, breathing hard.

“I was jealous of you for being able to draw the last card without hesitation.”


“Your determination not to give up on anyone was so dazzling.”

Trine asked carefully while holding Myeong-yoon’s hand.

“Is it really because of me?”

Myeong-yoon shook his head.

“I didn’t make the choices you did in the past to save everyone, and I ended up losing some of my dearest friends.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“At least you don’t say that.”

Suddenly, a card magically popped out of Myeong-yoon’s sleeve.

“Actually, this card is the last card you drew at that time.”

Trine took the card and checked it.

It was the ace of hearts.

Trine laughed and muttered without realizing it.

“What, did you scam me?”

“I told you I was jealous of you.”

“Senior is really…”

Myeong-yoon said, caressing Trine’s cheek.

“Promise me that you will keep your beliefs no matter what happens in the future.”

“……I swear.”

Trine shook off Myeong-yoon’s hand and stood up.

“For me, the only right answer is always to seek everyone’s happiness.”

Then he took out the red stone from his pocket.

“And that includes you, Senior Myungyun.”

Trine placed the red stone on Myeong-yoon’s disappearing body.


When Maria told everyone that they had to chase after Gohyeop,

The majority of angels were already neutralized.

Grokath got into shape and spoke to everyone.

“I’ll leave you in charge of this. You guys, go ahead and have a look.”

With those words, everyone immediately followed Gohyeop and headed out of Alto Land.

“Everyone is scolding me for not even saying a word about leaving it to me.”

Unfortunately, no one was relaxed enough to respond to Grokath’s grumbling coming from behind.

As each party chased Gohyeop as if competing, they eventually arrived at the beach.

Gohyeop summoned a huge barrier while floating on the sea.

“All members of the knight department fire simultaneously!”

At Sirian’s cry, numerous magic and bullets were fired, but they hit the barrier and fell in vain.

Then the witch Beluga said, giggling as if it was fun.

“It’s no use. The Holy Law’s barrier blocks both physical and magical power.”

Yuril asked Cat.

“Can you destroy it by resonance?”

“…That’s impossible. That seems like a special barrier that interferes with the dimension itself.”

Beside her, Shia glared at the barrier and muttered.

“It feels similar to the barrier Maria traitor used earlier.”

Then Maria intervened.

“To be precise, it is compatible with what I wrote.”

Yuril and Cat looked at Maria at the same time and made subtle expressions.

I was concerned about the rabbit ears that were only on one side of the head.

Besides that, it seems like Maria’s impression has changed significantly.

However, Sia spoke to Yuril and Cat without even looking at Maria.

“Don’t deal with him. He’s a traitor who tried to kill Senior Trine.”

“Trine already forgave me.”

“I never forgive.”

Maria took out her mace,

“follow your heart!”

I threw it with all my might in the direction of Gohyeop.

Although he succeeded in flying in a straight line to where Gohyeok was located,

Sure enough, it hit a barrier and fell into the sea in vain.

Then Sia sarcastically said that she had been waiting.

“Can you please think and act?”

“You lost to the subject who thoughtlessly slammed his body into the barrier while trying to save Trine.”

Kat reluctantly tried to mediate.

“Just take it in moderation. It’s not the time for us to fight among ourselves.”

“Prospective instructors, please leave.”

“Don’t climb, you lowly Miao subject.”

Even Cat eventually got excited by those words.

“Ha, lowly Miao?! How dare such a cowardly Miao?!”

“To begin with, you’re a stupid Miao and you’re an alchemist. Are you a deformed person?”

“Oh my! My partner is talking to me!”

Yuril slowly backed away with a slightly fed up expression.

This time, Saymint appeared and stood between Cat and Maria.

“Now, now, let’s get along well.”

Then Cat and Maria scolded Saymint at the same time.

“Stay away from the weeds!”

“You wear it when you wear it!”

Seimint squatted on the floor as if hurt, and Yuril patted his back.

… … Everyone was pretending to be calm, but in reality, it wasn’t like that at all.

No matter how hard I tried, there was no way to break through that barrier over the sea and stop Gohyeok.

Gohyeop seemed to be preparing a great magic spell with both hands raised above his head.

Maria muttered, glaring at Gohyeop with a very displeased expression.

“You’ve been scolded. I think it’ll be difficult if the real Great Devil doesn’t show up.”

Cat also glared at the barrier with a complicated expression… …

He suddenly said with a mischievous smile.

“As expected, the owner was a guy who looked more like a devil than an angel.”

Just then, Trine came running late and joined them.

“What did I do?”

“You can break that barrier with your suspicious demonic power.”

“……What power?”

Trine asked back with a dumbfounded expression.

Then, the nameless devil who returned to Trine’s heart whispered.

‘I’m sure you haven’t forgotten that you were given one of my eyes as a gift, right?’

Trine made an odd sound as if he had finally remembered it.


As other people around looked at Trine with strange eyes,

Soon, Trine cleared his throat and calmly asked in his mind.

‘How do you use that?’

‘As the feeling of resenting and cursing someone grows, you will be able to use it naturally.’

‘You can use it that easily?’

‘Honestly, I’m more surprised that you’ve never used that power until now.’

‘… … ‘What a resentment.’

Trine glared at Gohyeop.

Is it okay to be angry at the fact that that person killed senior Myeong-yoon?

However, since revenge was an emotion that ran counter to Trine’s beliefs,

I didn’t want to force myself to think like that.

… … In that case, the only person you have to blame is yourself.

‘I was weak, so I couldn’t protect Master or Senior Myung-yoon.’

Trine closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Then I felt uncomfortable, as if I was falling into deep darkness.

‘If you don’t protect everyone, everyone will die. ‘I’m a piece of trash who gambles with everyone’s lives.’

My back was itching.

Soon, a wing full of black feathers sprouted on the left side of Trine’s back.

Then the nameless devil laughed cheerfully.

‘After all, you are the one who deserves to become the pure evil of this world!’

At that time, Yumano Shin intervened.

‘Are you crazy?! Corrupting Trine would definitely be a violation of the covenant!’

‘I just taught Trine how to use his abilities?’

‘Oh really! Trine! I’ll lend it to you as a gift!’

Then, I felt the strange sensation that Trine’s body, which had been buried in the darkness, was only half surrounded by light.

And soon a white wing sprouted from its right back.

Yuril asked Trine in surprise.

“What on earth did you do?”

Then, Trine was even more surprised and shouted as he checked his back.

“I don’t know! What is this!”

Cat pushed Trine’s back.

“I’m not going to die, so hurry up and go, Mr. Half-God, Half-Evil Hero!”

Eventually, pushed by Cat’s backlash, Trine reluctantly flew up with both wings.

Trine, which was floating in the air for a while,

He quickly regained his balance and rushed towards the barrier, summoning his magic sword.

“Eh, I don’t know!”

Trine cut the barrier with all his might.

Then, like a lie, the barrier was shattered.

Gohyeop glared at Trine with a surprised face and took out his spear.

“Trine you b*stard!”

Trine also glared at Gohyeop with all his might and said.

“I will judge you instead of senior Myung-yoon.”

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