A Foodie Journey That Starts With Food

Chapter 177 Christmas Presents

"Hehe, although IGO is the headquarters of the member countries, IGO was originally designed to deal with everything that happens in the food world, including good and bad, starvation and wars. They can be seen, so it's not surprising. " Tianya said with a smile.

"So, Mr. Tianya, is your goal also a gourmet casino?" Madge asked.

"Well, after all, the daily circulation of ingredients here is equivalent to the one-day throughput of the food center plaza. It is enough to gather the ingredients that Director Mansam needs. If there are too many, you can try it." Tianya will not hide this, after all, there is no such thing as necessary.

"Are you too? Is it for the circulation of poisonous ingredients?" Tianya already knew what the food triad was doing, so although he wasn't familiar with Ma Qi and others, he didn't mind being a "five-three-three" friend. Same as Ten Dreams.

"Sure enough, it's Mr. Tianya, I guessed it as soon as I arrived." Ma Qi and the others nodded.

"Well, you can send me a copy of the poisonous ingredients that are circulating in your place, just send it to Komatsu-kun, and let him pass it to me. I'm looking to see if I can think of a way to get rid of toxins. Learn to solve the problem from the root, invite some chefs to cooperate, you provide the ingredients and let them try to deal with it. Only in this way can you think of ways to deal with new poisonous ingredients." They reminded: "It's easy to handle it yourself. Just handle it yourself. If it doesn't work, you can send it to me or Komatsu-kun, and we will help you solve it. You can't think about handling the ingredients themselves, there is nothing wrong with the ingredients themselves. Every day, more than 100,000 new ingredients are allowed in the world.

How do you stop it?"

"If you cut off one black market, there will be another black market. As long as there are still interests, black market merchants will not disappear, black market transactions will not disappear, and poisonous ingredients will continue to circulate. Unless you can take all the people in the world. killed!"

"I'm sorry!! Mr. Tianya!!" Facing Tianya's questions and comments, Ma Qi and others humbly accepted.

"Okay, I also think you are doing the right thing. Without you, this place will be even more chaotic, but we need to standardize and rationalize this place, and then seek to join the franchise countries, and then there will be more people in IGO to help you. .35 Tianya didn't want to hit them too much either.


"Mr. Tianya, shall we go in now?" Ma Qi asked after a long time.

"No, we have to wait." Tianya looked to the north, where is the King Jitar King's Palace.

"Wait for who?"

"Toriko they five!! 35' Tianya nodded and said, "This is something we do together every year, and this year is no exception. 35

"Really?" Hearing that Toriko was also coming, Maggie also smiled happily. It can be said that in the face of the fact that he is a food triad, there are really not many people who can be friends with them. Toriko is one, and Komatsu is one.

"What an enviable feeling!

"Aren't you both? Although there are still divisions between you and your superiors, it's okay for you to have a constant affection for them in the Ice Continent." To be honest, Tianya also recognized these people a little bit, otherwise he wouldn't. promise to help them.

"Yeah." Several people touched their heads embarrassedly.

"It's almost here." Tianya sensed the breath of the Four Heavenly Kings and Komatsu. Tianya, who did not deliberately let go of her spirit and perception, has a perception range of about one kilometer. Within one kilometer, she can form a passively activated sensing ability of conditioned reflex, which is used to sense danger. There were people who encountered enlightenment tea trees in the zeroth continent before. Sometimes it's because of perception that something feels wrong.

"Are you here?" Maggie hadn't seen Komatsu and the others for a long time. It had been nearly half a year since they last met when they drank Century Soup.

"Squeak" a car stopped in front of several people, then Toriko and Komatsu took the lead.

"Mr. Tianya!!

"Yo, Tianya, I heard that you are looking for us!" Toriko said directly.

"Mr. Tianya!!" Coco, Sunny and Zebra also greeted Tianya, although they hadn't seen each other for half a month.

"There's still a month left!"

"One month?" Komatsu was stunned, and the Four Heavenly Kings forgot for a while.

"Mr Tianya, you mean Christmas?" Coco was the first to react..

"Yeah!" Tianya nodded and said, "I asked you to come here, isn't it because there is a ready-made food warehouse?

Said Tianya and pointed to the splendid gourmet casino in front. Although it is an illegal casino, and some people often lose their lives here, many rich people from all over the world, including IGO countries, have registered here. Gambling is a lot better than IGOs.

"Toriko! How do you feel?" Tianya looked at Toriko and asked.

"How about what?" Toriko was stunned for a moment.

"Haha, you really have double standards!" Tianya shook his head and smiled, but did not continue to say anything. In fact, even if Tianya doesn't say it, Toriko will think about it when he walks into the gourmet casino. He is very disgusted with the casino opened by IGO, and even has great opinions on the management director Mansam and the old man Yilong, but wait for him. After seeing that people are actually used as chips as ingredients, his thoughts will be instantly subverted. This is still the case of the IGO casino. Even when some of the gamblers are separated, there are still so many people here to gamble with their lives every day. , Without the efforts of IGOs, what would this place be like?

Tianya had a lot of emotion in his previous life, knowing that there is no legal gambling in the flower grower, and there is only a place that has been rented out for a hundred years and recovered in 4.9. This kind of place can be regarded as legal gambling. But ninety-nine percent have no gambling establishments. However, some criminals will take advantage of people's greed and gambling addiction to open underground casinos and online casinos, basically destroying one here, and one there.

"Yeah!" Compared to Toriko's sluggish response, Coco and Sunny were the first to react, because they had also fought against the old man Yilong because of this two, but over time, they learned a lot and knew Some things cannot be avoided, but it also lets them know that they were wrong in the past. At least in terms of gambling, Mansam and Mr. Yilong have been wronged.

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