A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1053 The battle of S-class heroes

"Wouldn't it be strange to not have a dragon-level opponent? After all, this is a big event that brings together most of the S-level heroes."

The metal bat spat into the palm of his hand, and then he clenched the super alloy bat that was specially made for him by the Hero Association in order to recruit him.

At this time, except for Saitama and Flash Flash who were missing, the rest of the ground team and assistance team were surrounded by a dense army of space monsters and countless aircraft.

The number is more than five thousand!

The Atomic Samurai chewed Qianben and said with a ferocious smile: "They are all just trash fish. Watch me chop you into pieces!"

"Go! Kill these stubborn aborigines!" Under the call of a small boss whose strength was about the same as that of a ghost-level monster, the nearest space monsters rushed toward the S-class heroes with weapons in hand.

Before they could get closer, countless 'threads' had already enveloped them.

Then, these poor creatures disintegrated into countless tiny pieces, and blood of different colors splashed in the air.

This is the Atomic Samurai's favorite move, [Atomic Slash]!

Swinging out dense slashing trajectories in an instant, coupled with the sharp samurai sword of the Atomic Samurai, he is confident that he can fight against any enemy who dares to stop him.

"What! There are such powerful aborigines on this planet? No, I have to report to Lord Gloribas——"

The ghost-level little boss was shocked. Before he could turn around and run away, a figure that rushed towards him cut off his way of survival.

I saw the Venerable Master with his arms crossed in front of him, and he rushed toward the ghost leader at the speed of a cannon. His crossed arms were like a cross guillotine, slashing heavily on the ghost leader's chest!

"[Vest Grappling]!"

The heaviest collision directly smashed the upper body of the ghost-level leader to pieces. The vest-headed master continued to move towards the group of space monsters behind the ghost-level leader, and immediately plowed a long ravine of flesh and blood.

At this time, a huge cosmic man with a height of five meters, wearing strong armor and holding a giant shield, blocked the path of the Venerable Vest.

Boom! The metal shield was slightly dented inward by the impact, and the Venerable Vest was knocked backwards by the shield swung backhand by the cosmic armored man.

The man in space armor wiped away the blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth, raised his shield and laughed:

"Damn natives, don't try to kill my subordinates again! I am one of the six beast generals under Lord Gloribas——"

"Too much nonsense, idiot!"

There was a violent roar above the head, and the metal bat jumped high into the sky above the head of the man in cosmic armor. He clenched the bat with both hands and slammed it down on the head of the cosmic man wearing a metal helmet below!

Boom! ! A dull and loud bang that was stronger than before exploded. The five-meter-tall armored giant was stunned and smashed into two meters by the metal bat. His head and upper body sank into the pelvic cavity, and his whole body looked like it was full of tomato juice. The sponge was violently clenched and spurting blood outwards.

On the other side, the zombie man had a cigarette in his mouth and a large-caliber pistol in each hand. Each shot had great power to penetrate the space monster directly.

Just when he finished shooting the bullets in both guns and was about to reload, two cosmonauts holding axes and double machetes suddenly came out from behind. They smiled evilly and swung their weapons fiercely, slashing deeply into the back of the zombie man's head and back.

The zombie man fell forward without saying a word, and his head was chopped into a pulp by two machetes. Only a little bit of skin and flesh was connected to the neck. A huge bloody hole was made in his back by a large axe, and the ax blade was even broken. Half of the chest popped out.

"Wow hahaha! How careless! The credit belongs to us!"

"Hehehe! No matter how powerful you are, you can't withstand these two machetes made of cosmic alloy, hehehe!"

As soon as the cosmonaut holding a machete pulled out the two machetes from the zombie man's head, he saw the black muzzle of the gun pointed at his face.


Machete's spaceman's head was instantly blasted with a large-caliber pistol.

The bloody corpse climbed up from the ground, and the ax blade was even stuck in its chest.

"How is it possible! He was obviously hit in a fatal vital point! What kind of monster are you!?" The spaceman with the axe screamed in fright. He quickly pulled the ax out, only to find that the ax blade was stuck in the opponent's side. between the bones.

"Monster? I feel a little embarrassed to praise me so much."

The zombie man's head quickly filled and repaired itself, and he was able to speak in just a few seconds. There was no pain or anger visible on the half-skeleton, half-skinned face, only calmness.

He bent down to pick up the two machetes made of alien alloy and weighed them: "It feels good."

Uh-huh! The zombie man suddenly turned around and waved his two swords. The spaceman behind him who had given up his ax and turned around to escape was simply chopped to the ground. Then he held the ax handle on his back and lifted it hard, and the ax blade was pulled out from his back with stubble of flesh, blood, bones and internal organs.

He picked up the cigarette that was doused with blood and held it in his mouth. He first put the two knives behind his belt, and then put the ax on his shoulder:

"Yes, I actually got a few good weapons mixed in during this trip."

Further away, the pig god was constantly grabbing the spaceman closest to him and stuffing it into his extremely enlarged mouth, forcibly eating out an empty path.

The super alloy black light simply and roughly collided, destroying all obstacles with its indestructible muscles.

Police Dog Man and Silver Fang did not attack, but stayed with the sexy prisoner. Just now, the sexy prisoner was accidentally attacked by several ghost-level bosses and was slightly injured.

"Thank you, Bangu-chan, Police Dog-chan." The sexy prisoner looked at the silver fangs and Police Dog Man with a powerful stubble face.

"You're welcome, let's help each other."

Bang Gu still looked like a hunchbacked old man, and it was impossible to tell that he had just stabbed the heads of four ghost-level bosses with his bare hands in an instant.

The police dog man sniffed and said expressionlessly: "It smells sour..."

"Be careful!" The silver fangs grabbed the sexy prisoner and hid to the side, while the police dog man jumped up neatly to the other side.

The next moment, a dark yellow water column sprayed towards the location where they were before.

Tsk-tsk-! The ground was immediately melted into a big hole.

"Dissolve strong acid?" Silver Fang frowned and turned to look in the direction of the strong acid water jet.

"Wahahahaha! For a moment, you were able to avoid the acid breath of me, Gloribus!"

Boom! Boom! As heavy footsteps sounded, a giant eight meters tall appeared on the outside of the battlefield.

He was dark green all over, with bulging muscles. The hands and head have the shape of a 'gluttonous flower' without eyes, ears and nose, and there are a lot of ridges on the surface of the skin.

"Oh oh oh oh! Great, Lord Gloribus, one of the Big Three, is here!"

The people in the surrounding universe suddenly shouted excitedly.

"Dragon level...is this guy the dragon level cadre that the Child Emperor mentioned?" Silver Fang's eyes became more and more sinister.

The cactus Glolibas just stood there, with a steady stream of oppression emanating from his body.

Suddenly, a figure jumped up behind him, it was a zombie man! He raised the alien ax he had just captured high and struck Gloribas in the back.

laugh! More than a dozen jets of acid water spurted out from the front of the thorns on Glolibas' back, and the moment they were poured on the zombie man's body, his flesh was completely corroded and melted.

Bang! The alien ax fell to the ground, and the zombie man was covered in sour smoke. The recovery speed was obviously slower because the acid on his body had not been removed.

"The flesh party, don't get close to that guy!" the zombie man shouted: "The acid is extremely corrosive to the flesh!"

"Using your own body as a bargaining chip to find out the enemy's attack methods is indeed a combat style that only he can achieve."

Atomic Samurai rushed towards him with his sword: "As long as you don't get hit by acid, it'll be fine, right?"

Swish——! Suddenly, a black shadow came from far away. The Atomic Warrior caught sight of the black shadow from the corner of his eye and immediately evaded it.

The violent shock wave flew past his head, crushing everything in its path including the cosmonauts and the spherical capsule.

The cactus did not raise its head: "It's so slow to come, Meluza Garudo."

The person who came was a giant with five heads whose flesh was constantly squirming and deforming, wings on his back, and a huge hammer in his right hand. His five heads spoke at the same time:

"Idiot, our goal is to protect the spaceship." "It doesn't matter. As long as we kill all the resisters, we have protected the spaceship." "Agree." "That's right." "Then let's get started."

Two dragon-level monsters fight against nine S-level heroes!

On the roof of the Hero Association headquarters, another battle has begun.

The violent black clouds formed into tornadoes, constantly rubbing against the tornadoes in the direction of the spacecraft.

Tatsumaki encounters an opponent who also drives telekinesis.

I saw a monster that looked like a giant octopus floating in the sky. Its telekinesis even caused the surrounding gravity to change before, and it was evenly matched with the telekinesis storm displayed by the tornado.

"I didn't expect that there are such powerful telepathic users among the resisters."

The voice of the octopus echoed in the sky:

"In that case, let me, Goryu Ganshupu, completely grind you and your subjects into dust!"

Countless huge rocks were pulled up from the ground by the octopus, as well as a large number of mass bomb debris, all of which were turned into 'ammunition' for the octopus.

"Frog in the well, let's see how the world's number one telekinesis master uses this god-given power!

[Thoughts move the flowing stone wave]! "

Countless boulders roared towards Tatsumaki and the heroes behind her.

Tatsumaki immediately opened the telekinetic barrier and tried to control the ammunition in reverse.

For a time, two top telekinesis users launched an unprecedented fierce battle in the sky above City A.

"So fast!" The Devil Transformer and the Driver Knight instantly noticed something was wrong with those stones. Wouldn't this speed evaporate the stones in an instant due to friction and pressure?

The child emperor raised his head and built an awning with his hands, and he quickly saw the secret:

"The big octopus used telekinesis to eliminate the 'friction' between the air and the stone, which means that he can continuously accelerate the flying speed of the stone without taking into account the friction. If this continues, those ammunition will soon reach sub-light speed. "

"Sublight speed? Cool!" Heather whistled.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! ! !

There was an increasingly strong vibration behind everyone.

The Child Emperor looked back and suddenly became happy:

"I almost forgot that Mr. KING, the strongest hero on earth, is standing behind us! As long as Mr. KING is here, there is no need to be afraid!"

I saw KING with his arms folded in front of him, his tall body standing calmly on the roof of the headquarters building, and a steady stream of powerful vibrations came from his body.

Heather quietly asked the Child Emperor: "What is that sound?"

Emperor Tong replied seriously: "Don't you know? No wonder, you just joined S-class and haven't read the information provided by the British Association. That's the sound of Mr. KING's [Emperor Engine] starting!"


"As long as Mr. KING gets serious and enters a fighting state, he will start the imperial engine. It is said that the sound alone will make the weirdo's heart burst and die."

"Good guy, why are we okay?"

"That's because Mr. KING specially adjusted the frequency of the emperor's engine so that humans who hear the sound of the engine will not be harmed but will be invigorated and increase their fighting spirit. It's really gentle, Mr. KING."

Looking at the child emperor who looked like a little fanboy, Heather shook her head and failed to save the child.

Genos, the devil's reformer, stared at KING intently, searching for information about him on the Internet in his mind.

KING, has the title of the strongest hero on earth, a being that even other S-class heroes can put to shame.

Legend has it that he flew into the sky with a bomb capable of blowing up the solar system, and then dropped the bomb into a black hole.

Legend has it that he traveled back in time and shot down all the meteorites that were about to fall to the earth, so that human beings can exist today.

Even in almost all mythological stories, there are traces of the birth of the king hidden.

What an unfathomable man.

"Look, the tornado seems to be at a disadvantage." The driver knight suddenly said.

Everyone looked up and saw two huge whirlpools of black clouds overhead that were constantly colliding fiercely. Countless rocks were rubbing and hitting each other.

The whirlpool of black clouds belonging to the tornado was gradually shrinking, because her 'ammunition' was almost exhausted by the opponent.

In order to reach the same speed as the opponent's telekinetic vortex, Tatsumaki's stone ammunition would have to suffer from great air resistance and frictional heat. Most of her ammunition would actually be evaporated by herself.

Under the ebb and flow of one another, the whirlpool of telepathic power of the big octopus opposite became more powerful and terrifying.

Heather looked around and saw no trace of Su Zhan. It seemed that he had entered the spaceship?

One of the four pillars of the Hero Association, the 4th S-class [Speed] is none other than Heather's living-faced Yu clone, Uchiha Speed.

Originally, Heather originally wanted Seven Utility's "Ama Iwato" to directly embed the quick slash into the current world and modify it to S level 1. This is what he did in the Death World. Once the task progress reaches a certain level, it will be directly judged as completed and rewards will be issued.

But this time, Ama Iwato encountered unprecedented resistance. A world with a pressure level of 7 is different from the world of Bleach Naruto Chainsaw Man. The more outrageous the setting, the easier it is to arouse the vigilance of the world's will.

The resistance reached its peak when Nanami tried to incorporate Suzan into the S-class third position. The top three S-level players seem to be of extraordinary significance to the current world, especially Tornado and Explosion.

[Ama Iwato] is essentially the ultimate illusion cast on the world. Only after the illusion is successful can the illusion be further expanded into a parallel world line. If we continue to forcibly modify the background, I am afraid that Ama Iwato will fail, and the will of the world will detect the source of the illusion and attack Heather, which will not be worth the gain.

So Su Zhan became the fourth S-class [Speed] that was not in the original work. As an internal agent, he broke into the British Association and paved the way for Heather's eventual promotion to the first S-class.

What is the optimal solution to the current situation?

This group of S-class heroes and the entire world realize that the enemy is unprecedentedly powerful, and they need to kill it quickly so that they can maximize the benefits of winning the battle with Boros.

Now the time is almost up. The three dragon-level cadres have all appeared and each has shown great strength.

As long as he works harder to blow down the spaceship and then removes Boros' head, he can steadily gain huge credit.

Thinking of this, Heather began to warm up and move her hands and feet.

The Child Emperor noticed Heather's behavior and couldn't help but asked strangely: "Mr. Yuhu, what do you want to do?"

His understanding of Heather's strength has changed drastically. The strength of this new hero can be ranked at least in the middle and upper reaches of S-class. But even so, the battle between the two telepathic people in the sky was too exaggerated, and it was not something that normal people like them could get involved in.

"What to do? Of course, kill the enemy."

Heather finished moving her hands and feet, took two deep breaths, and then bent her legs to gather strength.

Bang——! !

A huge radial impact mark appeared on the roof of the Hero Association headquarters building that could not be destroyed even by spaceship cannonballs.

Heather turned into a swift shadow and rushed into the sky instantly, breaking up the whirlpool of black clouds entrenched in the sky, and slammed into the spacecraft with a loud bang.

The next moment, the spacecraft shook violently!

PS: The 'eliminating air friction' setting of Octopus Goriganshup comes from the author Q\u0026A session of the reset version of Murata. It is clear that Goriganshup can accelerate stones to sub-light speed, and the tornado can be 'thrown with telekinesis' In this matter, he is not as good as Goryu Ganshupu.

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