A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1220 Demon

Under the gradually darkening evening sky, a graceful figure quickly flew between the tall buildings.

Ghost Spider leaped between the buildings at its fastest speed with anger and murderous intent.

The spider sense activated at full power seemed to have reached a new level, faintly guiding her to run in the most correct direction.

At this time, Gwen had changed into the Ghost Spider suit, and the biological cable concentrate in the spider web launcher was also full.

She was now filled with anger, not only towards Matt Murdock and Kingpin, but also towards herself.

At the moment when Murdock broke in and took Heather away, Gwen did not hesitate to use the power of the Ghost Spider in front of her old enemy, without any intention of hiding her identity.

She was like a nimble female leopard, turning over and pounced on Murdock who had just grabbed Heather and had not yet left the door, while turning her wrist up and shooting spider silk towards Heather to pull him back.

The blind stick was thrown out with extremely precise posture, colliding with the spider silk shot by Gwen.

Then the red ninjas of the Hand rushed in from the windows and doors, holding samurai swords, sickles and iron bars, and launched a fearless surprise attack on Gwen.

Gwen hesitated a little when she fought back. She had never killed anyone, even if her opponent was a super villain.

Out of caution about taking human lives, she subconsciously restrained her attack and did not launch a fatal attack on the ninjas.

This gave the Hand ninjas the opportunity to stop Gwen.

These ninjas used themselves as human shields to resist Gwen's fists and feet, while limiting Gwen's range of movement. Murdoch took the opportunity to take Heather away.

Seeing Heather being taken away, Gwen knew that with Murdoch's cruel character, he would definitely torture Heather inhumanely and eventually kill him cruelly. The anxiety, confusion and anger in her heart finally overwhelmed the integrity and calmness that her police father had taught her.

For the first time since her debut, Ghost Spider no longer suppressed her power that was far beyond the limits of ordinary people.

Gwen narrowly avoided the vicious short knife that attacked from the side, propped herself up on the ground with her hands, and used her two slender and muscular legs to perform a violent spinning kick. All the red ninjas that were kicked had their bodies burst, and then turned into ashes and dissipated into the air.

These red ninjas were "blessed" by the vicious spell. When they were killed, they would miraculously turn into ashes and dust to prevent their true identities from being exposed, and then be resurrected by their companions using secret spells.

Regardless of not wearing a mask, Gwen jumped out of the window of the rental house, and even without a glance, she could sense that Murdoch was running on the street with Heather not far away.

Thanks to the habit of the Hand to "clean the streets" before taking action, no pedestrians could be seen on the street at this time, which also made Gwen not have to worry about the battle affecting innocent passers-by.

Without hesitation, Gwen jumped down, and a few spider silk shots took her to Murdoch.

Murdoch was carrying a burden, and his cane had been thrown out as a hidden weapon. At this moment, he could only fight Gwen with his bare hands. After fighting for less than ten seconds, Murdoch was hit by a punch and a kick, and was almost fainted on the spot.

Thanks to the red ninjas who were ambushing around and swarmed to stop Gwen, he had the opportunity to escape in a hurry.

After dealing with all the red ninjas who blocked the way, Gwen had temporarily lost the trace of Murdoch and Heather.

She stood in the alley with a lot of ashes floating, her chest heaving violently, and her fists clenched and creaked.

Kingpin! Murdoch! Gwen was not stupid, and she quickly guessed their intention to capture Heather.

As a novelist employed by the Hero Association, Heather could not hide from Murdoch, the ninja king who was good at collecting intelligence. It happened that Kingpin declared war on the Hero Association at this time, and they captured Heather very likely to torture out the secrets about the identities of the senior members of the Hero Association.

Trying her best to calm herself down, Gwen returned to her rental house, took out her spider suit from her schoolbag, put it on, and fully charged her web launcher, then chased in the direction where the spider sense was strongest.

Night fell, and the girl's heart was also surrounded by the flames of anger and the coldness of fear.

She was afraid of losing Heather, both as her best friend and as... Gwen felt heartbroken when she thought of Heather being beaten and tortured by the villains like Murdoch and Kingpin.

She now regretted why she had suppressed her power and shown mercy to these villains.

Stupid! Heather was right, these villains were not worthy of sympathy, and their best ending was to die completely, so that ordinary people could have peace and tranquility.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The ghost spider kept swinging the spider silk, and finally arrived near a 15-story apartment building deep in Hell's Kitchen.

The night sky was covered by dark clouds, thunder rolled in the clouds from time to time, and the whistling cold wind was mixed with moisture and earthy smell.

Soon, raindrops fell from the sky, and the rain quickly became heavier.

In the rain curtain, the ghost spider climbed quickly on the slippery wall with the help of shadows, and quickly locked the outermost window on the fourteenth floor.

Through the window, she could vaguely see a figure sitting in the dark room with his head bowed.

She would never mistake that figure, it was Heather!

Gwen opened the window and jumped into the room. Before she could get close to Heather, the lights in the room suddenly turned on.

Murdoch carried the blind stick on his shoulder and leisurely supported Heather's bowed head. Four black-clad ninjas with weapons stood in the spacious room. Hundreds of ninjas also quietly appeared outside the window. They were bathed in the rain curtain and stood quietly and silently on the streets, rooftops, and tops of lampposts.

"Look, who is this?"

Murdoch gently ruffled Heather's slightly curly black hair, with a wanton and arrogant smile on his face:

"Although it's a bit unnecessary, I still want to ask you a routine question - Little Spider, are you here to save this little brother?"

"Get your dirty hands off his head!"

Even if he was surrounded by a large number of killer ninjas, the ghost spider showed no fear, and there was uncontrollable anger in his voice:

"What did you do to him!"

She could see that Heather was tied tightly to the chair at this time, with her head lowered and her face invisible, but there was blood dripping down.

"I have to admit, this kid is smarter than I thought. He is obviously just an ordinary person with a weak body, but he would rather be tortured until he faints than call you to lure you over."

Murdoch patted Heather's unresponsive head,

"It's a pity that even if he didn't call, you still threw yourself into a trap and ran over. Is this stupid love?

Therefore, I like to deal with righteous people like you, because you are so understanding and your weaknesses are clear at a glance. "

His tone turned emotionless and cold:

"Kneel down and crawl over to lick my shoes. Otherwise I will break this kid's neck in front of you!"

As he spoke, he put his hand on the back of Heather's neck and could easily break his neck bones with just a slight force.

Murdoch is not only extraordinary in his skills, he is also well versed in the weaknesses of human nature. He has dealt with such righteous people more than once, and the ending has never been beyond his expectations.

Today, he would completely surrender this ghost spider and turn her into his most powerful blade and loyal servant.

However, Murdoch did not see the picture he wanted to see.

The ghost spider slowly exhaled and took an attack stance.

"Are you crazy? Or do you think I'm joking?"

Murdoch frowned and pinched Heather's neck bones with his fingers, making a slight crackling sound: "For the last time, kneel down! Climb over..."

“He once told me that if he was taken as a hostage and used to threaten me, there would be no hesitation or hesitation.

Any concession will only make the situation worse until all is lost. "

The ghost spider clenched his fists and his voice trembled slightly:

"I will not agree to any of your requests. The only thing I have to do is to defeat you and rescue him. If you really fail, you will face my endless revenge and pursuit."

Murdoch's lips pursed, and he could hear how serious Gwen's tone was at this time.

Are you kidding me? Shouldn't these stupid righteous people kneel down and let themselves be manipulated submissively, crying and begging themselves to release the hostages as they did before?

This, this is nothing! In this case, what he has to face is no longer a delicious little white rabbit that poses no threat, but a predator that is equal to or even more powerful than himself!

Murdoch's expression changed several times, and finally he grinned ferociously:

"...Hehehe, it turns out that the just little spider has a not-so-just little consultant boyfriend, and he has become smarter.

In this case, let’s play a more interesting game..."

Murdock suddenly blew a whistle, and the surrounding ninjas immediately rushed towards Gwen.

Gwen was well prepared, shooting spider silk from her wrists and binding the nearest ninja, using it as a meteor hammer to swing it hard, temporarily forcing the intruder away.

Then she saw Murdoch grab Heather and throw him and the chair hard towards the window on the other side.

Bang! The glass shattered, and the unconscious Heather fell rapidly downwards with a large amount of glass shards.


Gwen pushed through the ninjas blocking the way and shot spider silk towards Heather.

The spider silk was like a small hand trying to open up, trying to catch the falling Heather.

But at the same time, Murdock drew out the sword in his blind stick and slashed at the spider silk with a wild smile.

With a flash of the sword, the spider silk was cut cleanly, and Gwen's hope was also cut off.

Boom! Crossing a height of tens of meters, Heather and a chair slammed into the ceiling of the garage downstairs. Then a dozen ninjas holding sharp blades jumped in from the top hole, vowing to kill them all.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, at such a height, even Iron Man will be smashed into scraps, let alone that little brother is just a weak body of flesh and blood. Don't worry, the ninjas of the Hand will make sure that he doesn't leave a trace Signs of life, I could even cut him into a hundred pieces and mail you one piece every day as a gift.”

Murdock pointed his staff and sword at Gwen from afar, his voice was as slimy as a snake, trying to stimulate Gwen with words to make her lose control of her emotions.

A rough beast is always easier to deal with than a calm and intelligent one.

Gwen was shaking all over, her mask soaked with tears. She just wanted to destroy and kill the demonic man in front of her.

"Yes, yes, that's it, my dear little spider. Your anger will be the best catalyst, and I will guide you to the right path..."

Murdock licked his lips, hunched over and slowly approached Gwen with a sharp blade in hand. At the same time, he gestured to the surrounding ninjas, indicating that they would attack Gwen together.

Just when the fight to the death was about to break out, a tragic scream suddenly came from the bottom of the building below.

A red ninja, covered in blood, struggled to crawl out of the hole on the roof of the carport, shouting for help in horror to his colleagues and leader on the roof: "Help! Help--"

Before he finished speaking, a pitch-black metal claw suddenly poked out from the dark hole, grabbed the red ninja's head and pulled him back into the darkness.

Then the sound of flesh tearing and liquid spraying came from the hole, and soon it returned to silence.

Murdoch frowned, what happened?


Two scarlet lights suddenly lit up in the dark hole on the top of the carport.

Like the eyes of a devil.

PS: I didn't notice that I wrote it a little late, and I didn't proofread it. I'll write it after I wake up tomorrow morning.

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