A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1247: Steps to Godhood

"[Prince of the Star Sea]...is the mysterious man who destroyed all the meteorite fragments? Where did the Hero Association get the information?"

At SHIELD headquarters, Nick Fury touched his bald head and carefully read the documents placed on the table in front of him.

Maria Hill, the senior agent opposite him, shook her head slightly: "I don't know yet. The Heroes Association's information acquisition channels have always been the most secret. Even if Natasha has been lurking next to the president Su Zhan for so long, she has never been able to get information. Can find out useful information.”

"Really? I hope Natasha isn't too indulged in the charm of Quick Cut."

Nick Fury is increasingly dissatisfied with Black Widow.

He originally thought that she was absolutely loyal to him, so he felt free to send Natasha to carry out various dangerous missions and infiltration instructions. This extremely beautiful and poisonous black widow has never let Nick Fury down and is invincible.

But now, Nick Fury could feel Natasha's increasingly perfunctory responses to mission messages. She was trying her best to hide something from the president of the Heroes Association.

Nick Fury feels betrayed.

It turns out that the one who was 'tempted' was not the president of the Heroes Association, but the Black Widow!

A meat bun beats a dog and never comes back. Nick Fury now deeply understands this Chinese proverb.

"According to the information provided by Stark, His Royal Highness seems to belong to the same organization called the [Fire Sword] as Ms. White and the Gun Witch."

He tapped the documents on the table with his black, thick-knuckled fingers. Printed on the documents were unclear snapshots of Ms. Bai and the Gun Witch:

"If what is said is true, then the threat of this Fire Sword is far greater than that of the X-Men and the Fantastic Four, and even the Avengers cannot compete with it head-on."

In Nick Fury's view, superhero teams are the general trend in the world. Individual heroism of working alone is a thing of the past, and teamwork is king. For this reason, he ran around to form a powerful superhero team like the Avengers, in order to dominate the upcoming new world.

But the appearance of the Fire Sword gave Nick Fury a blow in the head.

Maria Hill had to remind Nick Fury: "Sir, maybe the Avengers and the Fire Sword don't have a direct conflict of interest?"

"The Fire Swords are not controlled by the American government and SHIELD and do not obey my orders, which means they may have a negative impact on this country."

For his most trusted confidant, Nick Fury disdained to hide his thoughts;

"If they are not under control, it would be better to disband on the spot, and then let the Avengers absorb the members they can win over to increase the strength of the Avengers. Yes, I am talking about Ms. Bai."

After Nick Fury learned about Ms. Bai's miraculous healing ability, his first reaction was 'impossible', and then he fell into the delusion of 'I must hold her in my hands for easy control'. If such a useful chess piece can be used by him, then dignitaries and dignitaries around the world will offer him an olive branch!

Maria Hill’s lips moved, but she still didn’t speak.

She felt that Nick Fury had changed. Ever since he had a private meeting with the president of the Heroes Association, Su Zhan, and they ended up unhappy, the chief had become more and more paranoid. He was clearly not like this before. Maybe things like [power] can really corrode people... Maria Hill sighed in her heart.

She took a step forward and took the initiative to open the folder in front of Nick Fury:

"According to Stark's calculations and the integration of information from the Intelligence Department and the Mysterious Countermeasures Department, there are a total of 13 pieces of information that are similar to the 'Sword of Fire', all of which are mentioned in detail in the document report."

"What's your opinion?" Nick Fury quickly scanned the contents of the document with his one eye and asked without raising his head.

Maria Hill immediately answered: "The fourth item, sir. It is the [Path of the Flaming Sword]."

"The Path of the Fire Sword?" Nick Fury raised his head and looked at Agent Hill with some confusion.

"From the occult tree of life in Kabbalah (Tree of Cabala), also known as the inverted tree."

Maria Hill, who had obviously gained some knowledge from relevant people before coming here, was chatting eloquently.

“According to the records in Chapter 2 of Genesis, verses 8-9 of the Old Testament, the Tree of Life is located in the center of the Garden of Eden, and Kabbalah uses this to describe the so-called path to God, or God’s creation of the world from nothing. The way."

Nick Fury frowned: "Ma'am, are we discussing knowledge about superhero teams or cartoons?"

"I'm just explaining the relevant content, sir." Hill said in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

Nick Fury nodded: "Sorry, please continue."

“In Kabbalistic literature, the Tree of Life consists of ten ‘Sephirahs’ and twenty-two ‘Paths’.

The ten elements, in order from top to bottom and from right to left, are [Crown], [Wisdom], [Understanding], [Compassion], [Severity], [Beauty], [Victory], [Glory], [Basic], [Kingdom].

The route connecting the 'Crown' to the 'Kingdom' is called the 'Path of the Flaming Sword'. "

"You mean... there are at least ten top strong men in this superhero organization called the Sword of Fire?"

Nick Fury's originally dark face turned as black as the bottom of a pot. A white lady is enough to drive the world's powerful people crazy. How many more powerful guys are there like this? forgive me.

"According to the comparison and calculation of the Mysterious Countermeasures Department, the correlation between the Fire Sword and the Path of the Fire Sword is the highest among all options."

Maria Hill opened the folder and took out several photos one by one and placed them in front of Nick Fury. The first one was the photo of Moxxi.

"[Ms. White] Mercy Ziegler is most likely [Mercy] among the ten prime qualities.

This essence ranks fourth in the Path of the Fire Sword and represents the pure and divine law of the universe - love. "

Then, Maria Hill opened another photo, in which the girl with light green twintails smiled wildly.

"[Gun Witch] Rebecca, the Mysterious Countermeasures Department believes that she may be either [Victory] or [Understanding]."

Immediately afterwards, Maria Hill opened the third photo. This time, the photo was full of blurred black, and only a vague figure could be vaguely recognized among the black clouds.

"This person's figure cannot be identified through calculation, but Doctor Doom is likely to die at his hands. The Mysterious Countermeasures Department is currently unable to sort out relevant information."

Finally, Maria Hill opened the fourth and final photo. It was the indifferent face of Prince Xinghai that was so handsome that it was not like a mortal.

"[Galaxy Prince] is the [Crown], ranking first among the ten primeval qualities. It represents transcendence and is also the nature of God."


Nick Fury looked at the Prince of the Star Sea in the photo, his eyes became confused for a moment, but then he became firm:

"I am an atheist. The so-called [gods] are just stronger creatures. Thor, the God of Thunder, is the best example."

He sat on the chair and moved his eyes from the photos on the table to Maria Hill's face: "Since the Sword of Fire and the Path of the Fire Sword are so close, can you please tell me, the so-called What does the Path of the Fire Sword mean?”

Maria Hill was silent for a while, and then she said:

“From the [Kingdom] at the bottom, which represents ‘matter’, to the [Crown] at the top, which represents ‘spirituality’, this path is called the Path of the Fire Sword, also known as—

‘Ascending the steps to the gods’. "

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