A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1251: Fighting

A Quinjet was flying above the clouds at super speed.

Captain America, wearing a classic battle suit and carrying a round shield, said on the intercom in the cabin:

"Stark, we have now arrived over the state of Begal and are about to enter Nepal. Where are you?"

No sound came out of the intercom, but the sound system in the plane was suddenly connected and Tony Stark's voice rang out:

[I'm almost in Kathmandu, why haven't you entered Nepal yet? Who is flying the plane, is it Legolas? ]

"Stark, you don't think I haven't seen the Lord of the Rings, do you?" The short-haired man who was flying the plane said helplessly.

This man was wearing a sleeveless tight vest and had strong muscles. He is Clint Barton, a field agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., nicknamed 'Hawkeye', and is a member of the Avengers like Captain America and Iron Man.

Because Hawkeye is good at using bows and arrows to fight enemies, he is called 'Legolas' by Iron Man, who likes to give people nicknames.

[Hi Bruce, is the Happy Plane comfortable? ]

Tony Stark's voice teasing the Hulk sounded again from the speakers, and Captain America frowned: "Stark, don't make Dr. Banner too nervous."

A middle-aged man with messy hair and a thin body sat in the corner of the cabin awkwardly and waved his hand: "Uh, thank you, Tony. Thank you for not calling me Jinpi."

[Jinpi? Don't belittle yourself, Bruce. In my eyes, you are a real hero. Do you like the name Boromir? If you don't like it, Theoden is fine...]

"Stark, please report the situation in time."

Good guy, all the dead people are talking about. Hawkeye hurriedly interrupted the increasingly off-topic topic.

[As you say, Elf Prince. I have now arrived above Kathmandu and observed a large number of space battleships that do not conform to the aesthetic style of the earth, as well as more than 30,000 alien invaders. To be honest, they are too ugly, I-damn it! What is this! ? 】

Tony Stark's scream stopped abruptly, as if the signal from the other side was cut off.

"Stark? Stark?" Captain America called repeatedly several times without receiving a reply, frowning.

He has learned a little about Tony Stark during this period of time. In some ways, Tony is very similar to his father Howard Stark. They are both the type of people who are usually cynical but always trustworthy when encountering critical situations.

The complexity and cruelty of the battle over there must be beyond imagination to make Tony Stark scream like this.

"Barton, speed up." He patted the driver's seat: "We can't let Stark fight alone like last time. We have to help too."

"Got it, Captain."

The Quinjet suddenly accelerated and flew away.

At the same time, in the mountains and forests less than two kilometers away from Kamar-Taj, Iron Man was lying in the mud, and a long gully plowed out by his iron armor appeared on the ground.

Just now, Iron Man saw that the target of the siege by those monsters was an ancient city, an ancient city that was not so ordinary and surrounded by a spherical golden glow.

Ever since he saw the miracle of Ms. White, Iron Man's understanding of magic was no longer limited to imagination and picture books. He even asked Jarvis to help him collect a large number of so-called secrets and spells from ancient documents of various countries, hoping to build a magic armor.

Unfortunately, those secret plasters had no effect except that Tony had a stomachache for two days.

This time Tony had a hunch that he had found the right place. This must be the magic sanctuary where the [Supreme Sorcerer] was!

Before Tony could get excited, a huge anchor that came from far and near quickly smashed him down from the sky.

The huge impact force not only broke the shield that the steel armor instantly supported, but also almost crushed the armor shell.

Tony still felt dizzy and his left ribs were particularly painful. It was estimated that one or two ribs were broken.

What was that just now? An anchor? Are deep-sea Titans invading the Earth?

Tony, who not only collects cartoons and comics but also games in order to find inspiration, immediately thought of a character in a game he had played who also used an anchor as a weapon.

Okay, you want to hit someone with an anchor, right? You wait, I'm bringing a big guy today!

"Jarvis, start Veronica!"

In the low-Earth orbit above Nepal, a small space station with a style similar to Iron Man sprayed down more than a dozen flames.

Kakaka! The parts quickly flew down and assembled to form an unmanned autonomous bronze giant armor.

The huge foot stepped on the ground, and the bronze giant armor, which was more than ten meters high, fell heavily to the ground, and then stood up.

The giant stood on the ground!

The bronze giant raised his palm and accurately caught the anchor that was thrown again.

Bang! Sparks immediately burst out from the joints of the mecha and the elbows, and the giant was pushed back several meters, but soon stood firm.

A few dozen meters away, Black Dwarf, holding the extended steel cable, laughed excitedly and rushed towards the bronze giant with big strides.

"Jarvis, I leave it to you."

[Yes, sir, I wish you a good time. ]

Iron Man delegated the operation authority of the bronze giant armor to Jarvis, and then he himself sprayed fire and flew quickly towards Kamar-Taj.

A small part of the outer magic barrier of Kamar-Taj below had been broken, and a large number of Vanguards and Chirita rushed in like mad dogs and started a ruthless killing.

Let alone the Vanguard, these last remaining Chirita people must now prove their worth, otherwise what awaits them will be Thanos's ruthless abandonment or even destruction.

The mages and apprentices of Kamar-Taj fought back, but they could not compete with the endless number of enemies.

Fortunately, those high-level mages came to support from the Mage Temples distributed all over the world.

[Shape of Archon], [Cytorak's Crimson Chain], [Thunder of Bosat], [Seven Rings of Raggador], [Sacred Sword Rain of Vishanti]... A large number of powerful spells were used by these high-level mages who came to support, and the Vanguard and Chirita people who rushed to the front suffered heavy casualties, and the battle situation was barely even.

Just as everyone was fighting, an unprecedented energy shock wave suddenly erupted from the direction of the meditation house at the highest point of Kamar-Taj!

The golden and green lights collided with each other, blasting the top clouds to pieces.

What is that? Iron Man was about to fly closer when he saw the green light suppressing the golden light.

As the golden light was crushed, the green light spread around and shone on Iron Man. As soon as he came into contact with the green light, Tony felt that his steel armor had difficulty turning its joints after being illuminated by the green light.

Looking closely, the steel armor actually showed large patches of rust marks, which was a situation that only appeared after a long period of baptism.

"This is impossible!" A cry of surprise came from the sky.

The monitor of Iron Man's visor captured two figures in the sky, one was a bald woman in a robe, and the other looked like Squidward in SpongeBob SquarePants, who was obviously an alien invader.

The Eye of Agamotto on the neck of the Supreme Sorcerer has been opened, and the brilliant green light is emitting from the gem continuously, completely suppressing the light of the Mind Gem controlled by Ebony Maw on the opposite side.

The Ancient One pinched the seal with his fingers, and the surrounding space immediately made a crisp glass-breaking sound and turned into countless fragments. Dozens of powerful Bossart Thunders shot out from the gaps between the fragments, aiming directly at Ebony Maw.

Ebony Maw yelled, grasped the Mind Staff and pointed it at the sky. The power of the Mind Stone greatly enhanced Ebony Maw's telekinesis.

The air was compressed and condensed, forming dozens of atmospheric shields to protect Ebony Maw. Then the ground and gravel below were rolled up by telekinesis and formed hundreds of huge hands. Each hand was as tall as a building, grabbing towards the Ancient One in the sky.

The power of the Bossat Thunder used by the Ancient One was not as weak as that of ordinary mages. The red lightning easily penetrated the atmospheric shield and bombarded Ebony Maw.

But Ebony Maw's body dissipated like a phantom bubble. This was the telekinetic clone he created with the power of the Mind Stone. His original body had already hidden its body with telekinesis.

At the same time, the hundreds of huge rock hands were about to catch the Supreme Mage.

The Supreme Mage just made a seal with one hand, and the complex spherical magic array immediately surrounded her body and suddenly expanded and spread outward.

All the rock palms touched by the light of the magic circle collapsed and turned into countless green butterflies, scattered in the sky.

[The Ancient Body of Hoggs]!

Then the Ancient One opened his palm upwards and clenched it, and all the fluorescent butterflies exploded into a green scale-powder storm, sweeping the entire meditation ruins and the area above.

Almost at the same moment, an oval-shaped blurry shadow appeared particularly abrupt in the scale-powder storm, which was the body of Ebony Maw.

The Supreme Sorcerer put his index and middle fingers together and pointed in the direction of Ebony Maw. The space centered on the oval telekinetic shield suddenly burst into a glass-breaking sound, and began to break into fragments.

She wanted to lock Ebony Maw directly in the mirror space.

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