A foreigner's journey

Chapter 130 Uninvited business

In the end, Heather used physical means to convince Xiaoba to give up the girly car name of "Dancing Angel".

The two of them hesitated for a long time between [Triangle Arrow] and [Tornado Charge], but finally chose [Tornado Charge] and solemnly engraved the car name on the outside of the wheel.

"Okay! The cat car is ready. The next question is how to start our way of making money. Xiaoba, how did you receive the task before?"

Heather definitely has no experience in this kind of thing, so she can only ask the experienced driver Xiaoba for advice.

Xiaoba grinned and pulled out a wooden thorn from his furry forearm, then scratched his chin:

"It was the Hunter Guild who found our Ellu gathering place, Meow. The big bald man asked one by one if any Ellu would accept the job of driving a cat car. It would have high salary, insurance, and close contact with powerful hunters and monsters to gain valuable hunting experience. At that time, I I joined as soon as my head got hot, meow.”

"Then where do you usually stay on call?"

"It depends on where the hunter we are responsible for is hunting. The Hunter Guild has observers in hot air balloons who are responsible for using semaphores to inform our cat crew of the mission progress."

Xiaoba spread his little paws and shook them:

"After all, there are only a few cats who can complete the mission safely. Even those elite hunters are sometimes knocked down by monsters because of their greed for swords. The cat crew arrived as quickly as possible after receiving the signal command. At the scene, rescue the alive Lord Hunter from the battlefield and transport him back to the camp, and then the Hunter Guild will dispatch specialized medical personnel to handle the next step of the injury of the seriously injured Lord Hunter."

Ah, it feels like you are talking about me... Heather recalled how she played games. She would often drive back to the camp if she got too greedy.

"It's impossible for every hunter to be so lucky and survive until the cat car arrives, right?" Heather suddenly remembered a key question: "What if the hunter dies?"

"Whether he is alive or dead, the cat cart is responsible for transporting the hunter out of the battlefield, even if it is a corpse."

Xiaoba answered very calmly. He probably had seen corpses before: "Master, do you want to ask about the reward? If the hunter dies, we will get one-sixth of the mission reward, which is half less than rescuing the hunter." ! We Ellu are peace-loving and respect the Hunter-sama very much, so we will definitely do our best to save the Hunter-sama, nya!"

Xiaoba was very smart and immediately understood the meaning of Heather's words. He quickly stated that Ellu would never deliberately delay the rescue time and cause the hunter to be killed by the monster. This is a very, very unethical behavior.

"However, I heard that some black cats will take on 'dirty jobs'." Xiaoba suddenly thought of something and hurriedly reminded Heather.

"Dirty work?" Heather suddenly became excited: "Tell me about it!"

"Black cats are naughty and mischievous and will never be recruited by the guild as cat cart drivers. However, there are also cats with kind personalities and righteous hearts among black cats. If they encounter danger in the wild and there are no cat cart rescue hunters, Your Excellency, you will act spontaneously and take risks to sneak into the battlefield to rescue the hunter."

Xiao Hachi didn’t know where he heard the gossip from: “If this is the case, the Hunters Guild has said that it will pay 1/3 of the total reward at the market price. If Black Cat wants to exchange the reward into dried small fish, Materials like this can also be used.”

"Then...does the one saved by humans count?"

Xiaoba hesitated: "Should...forget it?"

The two of them were chatting when they suddenly heard a faint cry for help from deep in the distant forest.

Heather and Xiaoba looked at each other and raised their eyebrows at the same time.

Huh? Business comes to you!


The young man, with his black hair shaved into a buzz cut and wearing dark brown leather armor, spread out his legs and ran as fast as he could in the forest. He only hated his parents for not having two legs.

Behind him, small trees were constantly being smashed directly, and the sound of heavy footsteps was approaching urgently. Every step seemed to step heavily on the young man's heart.

This is an unusually large wild boar. Its whole body is covered with brown steel bristles, and its face has a ring of white bristles like beards. Its two huge tusks can easily smash anything in its way just by shaking its head. It is so ferocious. The two small eyes of the light suddenly locked on the young man who was desperately running away in front of him. Behind it, there were a large group of relatively small wild boars running wildly to follow.

The fang beast species, the wild boar king!

The young man didn't even need to look back to feel the hot steam emitting from the nostrils of the Wild Boar King behind him. He had no doubt that if he ran any slower, he would be immediately minced into pieces by those two huge fangs.

The young man's name is Luther. He is a monster hunter from Yuyun Village. He is of middle-level strength. His running speed is quite famous in the village, and he is nicknamed "Lightning Luther".

Originally, if I completed the task of collecting specialty mushrooms today, I could safely pass the monthly assessment of Jieyun Village, but I don’t know which bastard picked all the specialty mushrooms in the relatively safe area of ​​the stream! Luther was three and a half short and would not be able to meet the mission requirements for a while, so he could only take the risk and go deep into the dense forest area to try his luck.

The collection of the first two mushrooms went smoothly, but when collecting the third mushroom, he happened to encounter a small wild boar that wanted to eat the mushrooms. In desperation, Luther beat the small wild boar away with his sword. Looking at the wild boar that had fled, Luther felt the joy of hunting that he had not seen for a long time.

But before he could finish gathering the mushrooms, the little wild boar brought his boss to take revenge.

Now Luther is completely relying on the dense bushes of the dense forest to slow down the momentum of the pursuit behind him. Once he breaks out of the dense forest, he will be able to catch up with him at the speed of the Wild Boar King. By then, the pigs will start to eat meat. The name of the dish is Luther. Think about it - [Stupid Human Meat Sauce Mixed with Specialty Mushroom Salad].

The crazy running consumed a lot of energy. Luther's vision turned black and his heart was filled with despair.

Everyone is fine, someone come and save me!

Gala, galala, gala...

Um? Is it a hallucination before death? what sound?

Luther, who was running wildly, caught a glimpse of a huge black shadow appearing on his left side from the corner of his eye, moving very fast.

For a moment, Luther thought that the Wild Boar King was catching up, and he almost slipped and fell. But then he thought, isn't it right? The Wild Boar King is not that small?

He took a closer look and found that it was a large cart with a weird style. A suspicious Eloo cat wearing a paper bag on his head and an even more suspicious human with his upper body wrapped in a sheet were pushing the cart, following closely behind him. Not far away, not only did he nimbly avoid various tree obstacles, he also had time to wave to himself.

Luther wanted to call for help but didn't dare, because speaking would immediately disrupt his breathing rhythm. His body was already reaching its limit and it was easy to imagine what would happen if he lost his balance and fell. He could only wink at this suspicious cat-car combination and signal, "Help me!" Help me!

Unexpectedly, the human being wrapped in sheets made a gesture. First he raised three fingers and shook them, then he curled up one of the remaining two fingers and made a virtual circle towards Luther's whole body, and then tightened his grip. fist.

It is said that people will explode with amazing potential before they die. Luther, who is usually lazy and does not like to use his brain, actually immediately realized what the man in bed meant - I not only want 1/3 of the mission reward, but also you. Half of the money on the body.

Give it? Nonsense, of course I’ll give it! Don't tell me half of it, I'm willing to give it all to you. Come and save me back to the camp! !

Looking at Luther who was nodding desperately, the corners of Heather's mouth hidden behind the sheets couldn't help but curl up. The first business is here!

"Xiaoba helps me monitor the road conditions, and I will control the cyclone charge."


Xiaoba immediately threw himself on Heather's shoulder and looked around. Even though Heather was weakened, her foundation was still there. He easily pulled the handle of the cat cart, and the entire cat cart [Tornado Charge] broke off small branches along the way and turned around. After Luther reached his limit, he shoveled and pulled Luther onto the cart.

"Please fasten your seat belts, the Tornado Charge is setting off hahaha!!"

An, is this the seat belt? Luther didn't care to catch his breath, and grabbed the vines tied to the cart and tied them to himself. Then he leaned on the surface of the cart to relieve the pressure.

Heather's mind energy exploded all over her body, and the ground beneath her feet instantly exploded and splashed. The entire cat car was wrapped in the mind energy and became light and extremely strong. After breaking several tree trunks, it rushed out of the dense forest with an unstoppable attitude and began to move along the vast expanse. of grassy plains.

But the Wild Boar King behind them also accelerated suddenly, no longer caring about the speed of the little wild boars.

"Meow! I'm catching up, I'm catching up! This Wild Boar King is so fast!" Xiaoba's exclamation came to her ears, but what Heather was thinking about was to add two rearview mirrors to the Tornado Charge after she went back.

Since there was a reminder from Xiao Ba, Heather no longer used [Yuan] to consume her mental energy. The mental energy in her body converged to the extreme and then suddenly exploded. The speed of the cat cart increased to another level, and Luther was pressed against the cart by the wind. Unable to move, the flesh on his face was blown into waves by the wind.

The wild boar king's little eyes were filled with fierceness. When had it ever suffered a loss in speed while crossing the stream? The muscles all over its body were tense, and its four hooves were running very fast. Every time it jumped, it would jump several meters away, clinging to the back of the cat car.

Over the stream, a hot air balloon with the logo of Jieyun Village was floating. On it, a middle-aged man wearing a windproof coat and a flying hat was holding a telescope to observe the dynamics of various areas of the stream, and muttered something:

"Well, the little hunter girl sent by the guild was very energetic. Not only did she collect most of the specialty mushrooms in the stream safety area, but she also found a lot of specialty honey. Oh, she easily defeated three little dragons with her sword. Okay. Awesome skill."

"Panster's task of collecting bamboo shoots, a specialty product, is almost completed. There are no monsters around. Lucky brat..."

"Everything is normal in the plain area. No question... hmm? What is that?"

The middle-aged man put down the telescope and rubbed his eyes vigorously, then raised the telescope and looked back towards the plain.

Why did the evil boar king deep in the jungle end up in the plains?

Wait, it's chasing... a cat car?

PS: Monthly pass! collect! Recommended vote!

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