A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1290 When the stars shine, we will meet again

When all the power returned to her body, Heather closed her eyes and stood there with her head raised, motionless.

All the superheroes present looked at this scene stiffly.

Many of them have imagined the origin of the Fire Sword and the origin of the Star Sea Prince... but even the boldest guesses have never considered that all members of the Fire Sword are just weapons of an 18-year-old boy!

What a crazy reality!

"In this case...it turns out that it is like this, so it can be smoothed out."

Professor X murmured.

My professor always likes to be the Riddler. Qin Gray next to me heard this anxiously: "Professor, what on earth are you talking about?"

“At that time, Doctor Doom led a group of super villains to invade the Heroes Association. I once ‘looked’ into Heather’s mind, but I only saw ferocious beasts living in the dark wilderness.

I originally thought it was the unique will contained in his Hell Raven armor, but now that they are connected together, it turns out that I was wrong.

That was Heather's unawakened inner self, and the dark wilderness I saw was just a small corner of his immeasurably huge spiritual world. "

"According to what you say, isn't that the realm of [God]?" Jean Gray said in disbelief: "But Heather is definitely not that kind of existence, he is a real person."

She had met Heather several times in the Hero Association. As a master in the psychic field, she could judge the target's mental state through chatting even without mind-reading skills.

In Jean Grey's view, Heather is a good child who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. He may not care so much about the rights and wrongs of the outside world, but he attaches great importance to the people he loves.

Compared with the aloof divinity like the Prince of the Star Sea, who "all things can be sacrificed for the great goal", Heather represents the "goodness of human nature" of human beings.

Professor X shook his head slightly: "You are right, Qin. Heather is indeed a human being.

For some unknown reason, Heather took the initiative to seal most of her powers and weapons, transforming herself from a god into a human.

No one knows why, but now, the safety of the earth and even the entire universe will depend on his hands.

Believe Heather, just as he fought fiercely for his divinity for the people he loved, I believe him. "

Jean Gray bit her lip and nodded.

At SHIELD headquarters, Nick Fury stared at the big screen in stunned silence.

"Son of...is this what the Path of the Fire Sword means? The entire Fire Sword organization is part of that little boy's power?"

Hill's face turned pale. She was now extremely grateful that Chief Fury did not do anything extraordinary to Heather and the Fire Sword. She was very aware of the affairs in her parents' hearts that were not suitable for public disclosure. If she really took action, I am afraid that the whole SHIELD would have been destroyed by the attack of the Star Sea Prince.

Tony Stark on the scene thought of more.

Ultron, the Mind Stone, the Skeleton Knight, the White Lady, President Quick Slash, Spot... one scene after another appeared in his mind.

Tony felt a biting chill rising from the bottom of his heart, as if there was an invisible hand controlling his destiny, making all events run according to the established plan.

He stared at Heather in the distance.

Is that you, Heather?

At this moment, the power in Heather's body was soaring at an incredible speed.

The infinite power circulates in the body. These are not foreign things. They are Heather's own power.

With the return of power, he finally remembered that all of this was his own plan.

At that time, in the world of Super Robot Wars, Heather took the initiative to merge with the demon god ZERO in order to defeat Cosmo, and activated the seventh demon power [Demon Transformation], defeating Cosmo in one fell swoop and seizing the opponent's concept of destruction.

But Heather's suppression of her own divinity also failed, and her divinity surged beyond human nature.

Just when Heather was about to become a 'god', Demon God ZERO voluntarily gave up on becoming a demon, and Heather's deification was interrupted.

In order to maintain Heather's humanity, the demon ZERO took Heather to the Marvel world.

After learning that she had arrived in the Marvel world, Heather immediately made a decision - to seize the Infinity Stones.

He wants to use six infinity stones that transcend the multiverse level as the base to resurrect the Seven Realities.

However, no matter how powerful the conventional Infinity Stones are, they are only at the level of a single universe, and they cannot transcend the limitation of a 'single universe'.

There is only one exception, and that is the Infinite Ultron in the "What if" series.

When he holds the six Infinity Stones, he not only has the power to travel across the multiverse, but the six Infinity Stones can also work perfectly in other multiverses.

How to induce the birth of Ultron, how to let Ultron successfully obtain Vision's body and six infinity stones according to the established route, and how to prevent him from escaping to other multiverses.

These are key questions.

To do this, Heather needs to make a series of plans.

Before that, Heather urgently needs to solve the problem of her own divinity.

In the world of Super Robot Wars, Heather almost went berserk after destroying the restraint device called glasses. However, at the critical moment, his inner humanity and divinity had a conversation and briefly reached an agreement, which prevented his conceptual power from completely going berserk.

This time, he wanted to recreate this scene.

With the help of ZERO, Heather used the concept of destruction to destroy the link between his humanity and divinity, and separated two different individuals.

Fortunately, the scene of two personalities confronting and killing each other in most fantasy works did not appear.

After the human nature Heather was separated, most of her power was taken away by God Heather, which led to her body weakening. Through the age and appearance control of the foreigner's fire, she regressed to her infancy and was placed by ZERO in a middle-class family in Connecticut, USA, and a series of related information and background were modified.

Then, ZERO lived outside the multiverse and cooperated with God Heather to try to repair the weapons destroyed by the concept of destruction.

It must be said that this process is very difficult. Some weapons were destroyed too thoroughly and could not be completely repaired, such as the body of the God Killer.

Because the main weapon used by Heather when she first fought Cosmo was the body of the God Killer, the damage to this weapon was also the greatest and most thorough.

Considering that the body of the God Killer no longer has any room for growth, coupled with the disadvantages of incomplete repair, ZERO directly split it into multiple powers to strengthen other weapons.

Over the past eighteen years, the weapon men have been repaired and joined the team of God Heather to help him complete his plan.

Now, it's time to reap the fruits of victory.

Heather suddenly opened his eyes. His originally thin body became strong, and his face changed from ordinary to handsome. His height, which was only about 1.75 meters, became 1.85 meters. His muscles were clear and streamlined, as if he was a masterpiece carved by the most outstanding sculptor in the world.

This is his true appearance.

The superheroes not far away felt the ground shaking under their feet.

Its existence alone is enough to have an immeasurable impact on the planet.

Heather slowly turned his head and looked at Gwen, who was anxiously calling here, with a confident smile:

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it all."

Heather floated into the air, higher and higher, until he soared to a height of 100 meters.

He opened his arms and closed his eyes: "Come on, ZERO."

At this moment, whether it was Odin in Valhalla, or the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One in the mirror space Kamar-Taj, or Dormammu and other dimensional demons, they all looked out of the universe at the same time, with horror on their faces.

The owner of the terrifying sight that has been watching this universe began to approach!

"Is this universe going to be destroyed?"

Odin stood up from the magnificent throne of Valhalla, looking palely with his one eye out of the infinite multiverse.

If such a terrifying existence forcibly breaks through the crystal wall of the universe and breaks into the current universe, it is very likely to cause the current universe to be shattered.

Those dimensional demons with no moral integrity either wailed for mercy or frantically looked for ways to escape from the current universe.

Only the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One did not move.

She sat cross-legged on the futon with a sudden inspiration, and the horror on her face disappeared, replaced by a relaxed smile.

So that's it...Mo Xi, is this what you have been planning all along?

In a flash, that terrifying existence collided with the current universe.

There was no roar, no shattering, no explosion, no shock wave, and no abnormal phenomenon that could be observed by any subjective factors.

But even a young baby could feel the mysterious vibration from the depths of the soul.

Something had forced its way into this world.

"What is that? Be careful, Heather!" Lizard Peter suddenly pointed at Heather in the sky and shouted.

A simple pattern outlined by thick lines appeared in the air above and below Heather. It was two huge broken metal masks, and the broken sharp teeth looked like demon teeth.


The demon's upper and lower jaws snapped together and swallowed Heather into its mouth.

Then a pair of golden spiral eyes opened, and a large number of thick lines quickly took shape.

Skeleton, cables, mechanical components, heavy shell... In a flash, countless thick lines formed a huge and hideous super robot.

Thick torso and limbs, metal component fragments like muscle lines, huge heat radiator on the chest, ferocious cutting blades on the arms, and red cables like brain tissue wrapped around the cockpit on the head.

An extremely huge causal ring appeared behind him.

Those golden spiral eyes seemed to be able to illuminate the ultimate future of the multiverse.

The devil ZERO has arrived in the Marvel Universe!

At this moment, whether the timid or the brave, whether the powerful or the common people, they all turned their eyes away and dared not look directly at the super robot that appeared in the sky.

People cannot look directly at God.

Only two people were looking at the sky.

One of them was Tony Stark. Even though blood was dripping from the corners of his eyes, he refused to look away and just stared at ZERO, greedily watching every detail of ZERO's body, muttering:

"This is... That's right, I'm so stupid, why didn't I think of it? This is what should be called a robot! What Ultron, what Iron Man armor, are all rubbish! This is the robot I really dream of!"

The other one was Gwen Stacy. Her concern for her beloved surpassed her fear of the man-made god. She stared at ZERO, but did not suffer the same harm as Tony Stark.

ZERO would not hurt Heather's loved ones, even if it was only passive damage caused by his own status.

At this moment, the cockpit above Mazinger ZERO is no longer the original Mazinger Z's Friend, but a huge suspended sphere.

Heather folded her arms in front of her, floating in the center of the sphere, and everything in the outside world was displayed in front of her eyes through the spherical screen with no blind spots.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting for so long."

Feeling the familiar sight, Heather laughed:

"I feel relieved to see that you are still so showy."

Immediately, a text composed of light appeared in front of Heather——

[Nonsense! The guy who is obsessed with women has no right to say me! ]

"Hahaha! Gwen is a rare good girl, don't say bad things about her behind her back."

Heather laughed a few times, and then the smile faded slightly,

"Let's leave the reminiscence for later, it's time to get down to business, partner.

Go and bring back the Infinite Ultron who ran away from home!"

As he said, a large number of small black holes from the spots emerged from Heather's body and condensed into a spherical black hole suspended in the air.

Then, a red cable protruded from the wall of the cockpit of the sphere, and the probe at the top directly penetrated into the surface of the black hole and began to absorb the power of the spots.

In the sky, the eyes of Demon ZERO suddenly lit up with golden light, and the photon engine in his body, which contracted and beat like a heart, began to light up the light spots representing the power of the demon.

The first demon power, [Regeneration]!

The second demon power, [Absorption]!

The third demon power, [Strengthening]!

The fourth demon power, [High-order prediction]!

The fifth demon power, [Change form]!

The sixth demon power, [Causality weapon]!

Heather and Demon ZERO were of one mind and body, and they activated from the first demon power to the sixth demon power in one breath.

As the causal weapon was activated, countless high-speed rotating black holes appeared in the sky around Demon ZERO, and quickly extended to the universe outside the atmosphere, with a number of more than billions.

"What a cunning old dog, you actually treat every Ultron in the multiverse as your backup... In this case, I will destroy all the Ultrons in the infinite multiverse!"

The golden light in the eyes of Demon ZERO became more and more violent, and the concept of destruction was activated!

Heather smiled grimly, the concept power in her body rose steadily, and the concept of weapon was activated!

The violent fluctuations immediately emanated from Demon ZERO, and just a wisp of overflowing fluctuations was enough to crush the earth under his feet.

But neither the earth nor the superheroes present were affected at all. This was a perfect embodiment of the concept of destruction being manipulated by the concept of weapon.

The next moment, the causal ring behind Demon ZERO burst out countless cross spots of light, one of the initial weapons of Demon ZERO, [Southern Cross].

The endless Southern Cross was arranged in a rotating pattern, forming an endless and uniformly rotating flywheel of light behind Demon ZERO, flying towards the black hole representing the infinite multiverse.

[Southern Cross Karma] (Karma)!

In the distant Hall of Valor, Odin, whose one eye was bleeding, could not help but feel his scalp tingling when he saw this scene. If there was a cross-shaped spot of light flying down, it would be enough to crush the entire Milky Way in an instant.

What kind of monster is this!

No, the word monster is not enough to describe this robot... [God], Odin can only think that this is the real [God].

As soon as the Southern Cross rushed into the black hole, it immediately burst into violent golden light, which was the great power of photon force.

In an instant, the infinite black holes throughout the sky of the universe burst out with golden light at the same time, even illuminating the sea of ​​stars.

Only one black hole did not have any light overflowing.

"Found you."

The mechanical face of the demon ZERO showed a humanized grin, and suddenly stretched out his arm to grab the black hole.

The thick mechanical arm violently crashed into the black hole connecting the unknown multiverse, and even the edge of the space was smashed to pieces.

At the same time, in the Earth-199999 universe, Sokovia.

Infinite Ultron was staring at the scene in front of him in amazement. His original timing of intervention was very clever, just in time for the Avengers and Ultron to have a decisive battle in Sokovia.

Because of Infinite Ultron's quiet intervention, the Avengers were annihilated, and the Ultron of this universe also took the opportunity to catch Vision, who was about to take out the Mind Gem from his forehead. Infinite Ultron was proud and invisible floating in the distant sky, ready to teach his other world self a lesson of "the mantis stalks the cicada, while the oriole is behind", and by the way, back up the Ultron of this universe as his own copy.

But a sudden cross light spot shattered his dream.

With just one blow, from the Ultron of this universe to the Mind Gem on Vision's forehead, to the bodies of Sokovia and the Avengers team flying in the sky, all were instantly annihilated into the most primitive particles, and the so-called Sokovia crash into the earth was also declared over.

What, what is that? Infinite Ultron's red eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. Could it be that guy, Prince of the Star Sea?

But how did he cross the infinite multiverse and find himself accurately...

Infinite Ultron looked up at the sky, his whole body stiff.

He saw an extremely huge mechanical hand breaking through the sky and grabbing him.

Infinite Ultron didn't even have time to scream or use the Infinity Stones to escape to other universes. He was grabbed by the Demon ZERO and pulled back to Earth-200000, the universe where Heather was.

As soon as he returned to this universe, Infinite Ultron was about to activate the power of the six gems that had accumulated a large number of multiverse gems. This time he firmly believed that he would never lose to the Prince of the Star Sea again.

Bastard, try the power of the Infinity Stones brought together by countless universes!

But what appeared in front of him was not the disgusting face of Prince Xinghai, but the ferocious eyes of Demon God ZERO shining with the golden light of photon power.

What the hell? Super robot?

Infinite Ultron was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes became complicated.

Of course he can see that Demon God ZERO is the most evolved form of the concept of [robot]. Damn it, if you give yourself more time, maybe you can finally go down this road?

But there was no chance.

Infinite Ultron can feel the huge gap between himself and the demon ZERO.

If the distance between Infinite Ultron and Star Sea Prince is far away, there is still a chance to get closer, then Demon God ZERO is another dimension that Infinite Ultron cannot touch at all.

In fact, Infinite Ultron soon understood the root of all this.

It turns out that he is just a chess piece, not a chess player.

The [Backup] in the infinite multiverse has been unable to be contacted. Infinite Ultron understood that this was the handiwork of the super robot in front of him, and his arms that were raised in front of him to fight fell down feebly.

"What a boring scene..."


Before he finished speaking, Infinite Ultron was crushed to pieces by ZERO.

After twisting his clenched fingers back and forth twice, Demon God ZERO spread his fingers, revealing a puddle of powder in his palm.

Six shining infinity stones slowly rose up and floated obediently in ZERO's palm.

Immediately afterwards, Heather appeared in ZERO's palm, grabbed the six infinite gems in his hand, and activated the weapon concept.

Ownership changes! Now, these six multiverse-level Infinity Stones belong to Heather alone.

He casually threw the six gems to ZERO: "ZERO, do the last thing. I will go there soon."

ZERO opened his metal upper and lower jaws and swallowed the six gems into his mouth, and then his entire body turned into thick lines and disappeared into the air.

Heather turned to look to her side, and Su Zhan's figure quietly appeared.

"Go and settle everything. This is a relationship mess you made yourself, and I don't care," Heather joked.

Su Zhan nodded: "Thank you."

After saying that, he turned into a bolt of lightning and flew quickly into the distance.

And Heather also fell to the ground and came to Gwen.

The two of them just stared at each other, with no intention of speaking.

In the end, Heather sighed helplessly: "I'm about to go on a long journey, can't you give me your blessing?"

"You...are you still my Heather?"

Gwen's eyes were filled with tears. She wanted to get closer but didn't dare to.

She was afraid that the Heather she loved was completely dead and gone.

Even though Heather's face was completely different from that of the ordinary boy before, Gwen still saw that familiar evil smile.

"Little fool, you're still not happy after I said I'm Timon and you're Peng Peng. In this case, wouldn't you be more familiar with me?"

All of a sudden, Heather's face changed into its usual ordinary look, but Gwen didn't feel any real changes, it was just a gap in perception.

Slowly stroking Heather's face, Gwen's tears flowed down.

Both her spider sense and a woman's intuition told her that yes, the person in front of her was her true love.

"I am still the same person. Prince Xinghai is the divine side in my heart, and I will never let divinity occupy the high ground again.

Speaking of which, it's all thanks to you. It was you who made me regain my heart. You are my emotional anchor, little accomplice. "

Heather gently held Gwen's delicate hand, put it to her mouth and kissed it softly.

His feelings for Gwen were genuine and not false at all.

"Liar...you obviously want to leave me." Gwen cried and hugged Heather: "Take me away, okay?"

"I can't take you with me where I want to go, I'm sorry."

Heather hugged Gwen, smelled the familiar fragrance on her neck, and sighed:

"Although it's a bit selfish, I still want to ask you - are you willing to wait for me to come back?"

"Yes!" Gwen in her arms nodded vigorously and sniffed: "I will wait for you no matter how long it takes!"

"Maybe I'll be back soon." Heather kissed Gwen on the forehead and looked at the blonde girl in front of her with a smile: "I love you, Gwen."

"I love you too, Heather."

Gwen hugged Heather, tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes. Suddenly, she looked at Heather alertly:

"Since you lost your memory before, do you think you've never had a girlfriend before me?"

Heather stiffened slightly.

Gwen was furious and punched Heather on the chest with a small fist: "Sure enough! I feel something is wrong. Your...those postures are too skilled! Who is she? What is her name! No, how many are there?"

Heather quickly kissed Gwen again, then flew into the air and waved desperately to Gwen: "It's time for me to go, honey, I'll be right back!"

The next moment, Heather's figure disappeared.

Gwen was left looking at the direction of Heather's disappearance in the sky with red eyes, her hands tightly clasped in front of her chest.

You must come back safely, Heather!


SHIELD headquarters was now in flames.

Nick Fury lay in a pool of blood, and Maria Hill next to her was trembling slightly but she bravely drew her gun and pointed it at the intruder in front of her.

Just now, Quick Cut turned into a bolt of lightning and broke into the SHIELD headquarters deep underground, killing Nick Fury neatly and rescuing Natasha who was imprisoned by Nick Fury.

Su Zhan gently placed Black Widow Natasha from his arms to the ground, and said without looking back: "Miss Hill, I hope you won't do anything irrational. I know that Nick Fury did this. The decision has nothing to do with you.”

"You...will you retaliate against us? Mr. Kuzhan?" Hill hesitated, put down his pistol, and asked.

"We are just passers-by. Whether we bring gifts or bring disasters, it all depends on the attitude of the world towards us."

Su Zhan lowered his head and looked at Natasha: "Natasha, wake up."

Natasha woke up leisurely. As soon as she opened her eyes and saw Su Zhan and the surrounding scenery, she immediately shouted excitedly: "President, leave quickly! Nick Fury is going to do something bad to you..."

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Su Zhan gently stroked Natasha's red hair. It was rare to see the president be so gentle and considerate, and the latter's mood calmed down.

Then, this smart woman realized something was wrong: "President...are you leaving?"

Su Zhan nodded: "Yes. We are passers-by. Although the scenery here is beautiful, it does not belong to us."

"Can you take me away?" Natasha looked hopeful.

Su Zhan stroked Natasha's hair: "Sorry, I need you to control the Heroes Association for me. There is no more suitable person than you. I have entrusted relevant departments and professionals to handle the specific matters in advance. From now on, you are The new president of the Heroes Association."

Hill next to him looked shocked.

Hero Association! This world-spanning super behemoth was originally a private property controlled by Kuai Zhan, but now it is being handed over to Natasha! ? Then wouldn't Natasha rise to the top in one step, jumping from an abandoned agent to the leader of superheroes?

How Natasha wanted to tell the man in front of her that she didn't want to be the president of the Heroes Association, she just wanted to go with him.

But in the end, she wiped her eyes and showed a strong smile: "I understand. I will keep the Heroes Association for you."

"It's not for me. You are you, Natasha Romanoff, the person I trust most in the world, bar none."

Su Zhan leaned next to Natasha's ear and whispered: "By the way, take care of the ghost spider for my boss."

After saying that, Su Zhan's figure turned into dots of light and dissipated in the air.

Hill glanced at Nick Fury's body lying in a pool of blood, and then looked at Natasha with complicated eyes: "Congratulations, Natasha. From now on, you will be the most powerful woman in the world."

Natasha sat on the ground and stared blankly in the direction where Su Zhan disappeared. After a long time, she sighed.

"I would rather go with him than this."

She stood up and her tone returned to her usual capable and strong tone:

"So, Hill... are you willing to join the Heroes Association? I need a qualified secretary."


The dark wilderness became bright, like dawn.

The stars in the sky are twinkling, forming ZERO's eyes.

Heather stood in the wilderness, looking at the six infinity stones suspended in front of her.

Each gem is entwined with golden photon power and connects them together.

Demon God ZERO is using Heather's weapon concept to reshape it based on the Infinity Stones.

The weapons people stood behind Heather and watched this scene quietly.

After coming to this world, the weapons people have three tasks, which are to take away seven things, take away three lives, and complete a mission.

The seven things are the Time Stone, the Power Stone, the Reality Stone, the Space Stone, the Mind Stone, the Soul Stone, and the Power of Multiverse Teleportation.

The three lives belong to Spot, Thanos, and Infinite Ultron respectively.

And that mission...

Heather looked at the infinity stones in front of her. The golden photon power intertwined with the brilliance of the six infinity stones, gradually forming a rough human shape.

Unlike the Weapon Man, Qi Shi cannot be resurrected as a life tool. This is ZERO's judgment.

Because in the dream world at that time, Qi Shi had been cut off from Heather by Cosmo, which was equivalent to an ownerless life tool separated from its own world.

As Mercury Snake said, after the life tool leaves the world where it belongs, once it dies, it will be irreversible.

Qishi also understood this, but she still burned all her strength and life without hesitation to create the only way for Heather to survive.

Even if the price is her complete demise.

Now, Heather wants to use her own weapon concept to 'recast the weapon', using one of the treasures of this eighth-level world, the 'six multiverse-level infinity stones' as the base, and using the causal weapons after the demonic transformation of the demon ZERO, to shape it. Achieve the resurrection of the Seven Realms.

As for whether the six infinite gems are qualified to become life tools? Heather didn't care at all, he just wanted Qishi to be resurrected.

Under the influence of the power of Demon God ZERO and Heather's weapon concept, the six Infinity Stones exerted unprecedented power.

The Time Stone travels back through time.

The space gem opens invisible doors to time and space for the time gem.

The Reality Stone reshapes the form of the Risen One.

The Power Stone gives it abundant power.

The soul gem enlightens his mind and spirituality.

The Soul Stone is the foundation of everything.

The shape belonging to Qishi gradually became clear, it was the posture that belonged to Heather's memory.

Heather couldn't help but clench her fingers, and her palms even sweated from nervousness.

The weapons and people also fell into silence. Rebecca, who had the best relationship with Qishi, clasped her hands in front of her body and closed her eyes nervously, muttering something silently.

The stars in the sky flickered more and more rapidly.

Finally, the body is completely shaped.

The body, mind, and soul are all finalized.

Accompanied by the shining stars, the black-haired girl in a green kimono floated quietly in the air, her eyes closed.

The six Infinity Stones lost their light and were scattered on the ground. And the pair of golden pupils belonging to ZERO in the sky have also become much dimmer.

"Thank you for your hard work, ZERO."

Heather opened her hands and pointed at Qishi in the sky, and the invisible force supported her and slowly fell to the ground.

The heartbeat and breathing sounded. Although the girl in the memory still had her eyes closed, she was indeed alive.

Heather was about to step forward immediately, but her arm was grabbed by Moxie.

"Be mentally prepared."

Moxi's face has never looked so serious:

"Theoretically, this is a recast life tool. She won't have any memories of her time with you. You are just a stranger to her.

Don't be impatient and don't collapse, do you understand? "

Moxi knew how much Heather valued her family, and she was afraid that Heather would have a mental breakdown when she found out that the Qi Shi in front of her was not the Qi she knew.

Heather exhaled and nodded, and then Moxie let go of Heather's arm.

Just two steps forward, Heather saw Qi Shi, who was standing quietly, suddenly opening her eyes.

Wary, confused, painful, and desperate for the future... Just like Heather saw Qishi for the first time.

Qishi first looked around in confusion, and then immediately fixed his gaze on Heather and the weapons people behind him.

"Who are you?"

Qishi's hands were lowered and hidden in the sleeves of her large green bathrobe. Heather knew very well that it was her usual sword-hiding style, and using the hand as a sword was exactly the style of the Void Sword Style.

She saw herself as the enemy.

Heather slowly raised her hands and signaled the weapons people behind her to retreat.

"I have absolutely no ill intentions, Rong Qishi."

Heather moved slowly towards Qishi and said softly:

"Maybe you have no memory, but you are my most important family member, and you risked your life to save me.

Please believe me and give me a chance to show my sincerity.

I will absolutely never hurt you. "

With that said, Heather stretched out her arms to Qi Shi: "If you don't believe it, you can cut off my arms now. Then I won't be a threat to you, right?"

Heather knew how painful and desperate Qimi was when she first met her. She didn't trust anyone except her brother Qihua, and she didn't have any expectations of living. She even died like a 'human'. A huge extravagance.

Because of this, Nanami has malice towards everything, and she hates everything.

But it doesn’t matter, Heather firmly believes that she can re-establish contact with Qishi and slowly help her regain her memory...

"The empty wilderness,"

Suddenly, Qishi looked around and murmured.

Heather's heart tightened and she quickly explained: "This is a safe zone created to resurrect you."

She looked at the pair of eyes belonging to ZERO in the sky again, frowned and said softly:

"Weird robots,"

"A robot or something, that's ZERO." Heather was suddenly stunned after explaining. At that time, Qishi knew what a robot was?


At this time, Qishi turned her head and looked at Heather.

At some point, tears fell from the corners of her eyes. She looked at Heather with a smile and said softly:

"Lazy Master."

She remembered, she remembered everything.

Heather froze on the spot, pursing her lips a few times, then quickly rushed over and threw herself into Qishi's arms, holding her and crying loudly.

Qishi held Heather's head tightly in her arms, her cheek pressed against the top of his head, her tears flowed into his hair, and she whispered something that no one could hear.

In the distance, the weapons people were startled for a moment, and then cheered.

Rebecca cried and laughed, jumping up and down in her twin ponytails.

Kaido cried with snot and tears all over his face, and touched the wine gourd at his waist with trembling hands.

Nemo looked surprised: "My memory has really been restored! How on earth is this..."

"Don't underestimate the power of [heart]." The skeleton knight chuckled happily: "Haha, what a beautiful moment."

Moxi wiped the corners of her eyes and smiled happily.

At this time, Su Zhan came over and whispered in her ear: "We are already a world too late and cannot continue to delay it. Helix may discover Cosmo's defeat at any time and send a larger force to pursue him. "

"Indeed. But we're not what we used to be, aren't we?"

Moxi smiled and looked at the two siblings hugging each other in the distance, and said softly:

"This time, it's our turn to take the initiative."

End of this volume

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