A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1325 Domination

The scene fell into an eerie silence.

Santa Claus swallowed, the great puppet could really control the strangers like puppets!

The doctor and Emperor Huai are quite famous among outsiders. The former is ruthless and has many methods, while the latter is almost immortal and will not really die as long as he is on a planet suitable for plant survival.

Now, both foreigners have become puppets manipulated and played by the great puppet.

"Why...why do you do this!"

The Yamata no Orochi roared angrily, and the earth trembled.

The doctor... no, the great puppet controlling the doctor showed just the right amount of confusion: "What do you mean? If you are talking about the current state of the doctor and Emperor Huai, then I need to explain it to you.

The mercury snake's [Dream Snake Comes to the World] pulls their thoughts into the dream dimension, leaving their bodies as empty shells without any response.

In order to reasonably distribute the combat power, I had to temporarily requisition their bodies. "

“Smooth words… nonsense!

We all believe in you, obey your command, and gather under your command to fight bravely.

Why do you do this, why do you make the doctor and Emperor Huai into puppets!

We are your companions! "

Yamata no Orochi seemed to have had a huge impact on his faith, and even Snake Shin was trembling slightly.


The 'doctor' smiled elegantly and shook his head slowly:

“From the beginning to the end, in the hell camp, only you and the God of War of Pure Love are the ‘companions’ I identify with.

Doctor, a complete anti-social and anti-human element, don't you know the inhumane things he has done before?

How many worlds has Emperor Huai destroyed with his own strength?

Ricardo, do you really think they are ‘companions’ with you and me? "

Yamata no Orochi said solemnly: "No matter what they did before, in this foreign war, they both abide by your rules just like me.

And you broke the rules and trust. "

The 'doctor' sighed softly and explained:

"The doctor and Di Huai are complete scum in terms of character and character. Even if they are powerful, they are completely incomprehensible to me.

You are different from the pure love god of war. You follow the bottom line and rules and are willing to fight for the weak. And the God of Pure Love fights against all injustice.

You all have souls that I value, and this is the biggest reason why I want to win you over to join my organization.

Strength has never been my first priority when considering teammates. "

Yamata no Orochi spat out a snake message and said nothing.

The ‘Doctor’ saw this and struck while the iron was hot: “Ricardo, now the Outlander game has entered an unprecedented bloody stage. The organizers want us to fight and compete with each other. They don’t want to see the Outlander people be harmonious and stagnant.

Only by gathering resources and uniting as one can we have a chance to transcend the spiral and reach the forefront of the Outlander game.

Don't get hung up on doctors and Di Huai. They are not the same people as you and me. They will eventually become a stumbling block on our way forward, or they will become a help to the enemy.

Don't hesitate or hesitate, follow my footsteps, I will lead you through this foreign war full of risks. "

Yamata no Orochi was silent and slowly lowered its head.

The 'doctor' smiled: "...Good boy. Don't worry, I will use the power of a doctor to heal you. You -"


Before he finished speaking, the doctor and Di Huai suddenly scurried away from both sides.

A snake's tail as huge as a mountain fell from the sky and slammed into the place where they were before, smashing the ground into canyons and ravines.

The 'doctor' frowned slightly: "Ricardo, don't be too willful."

"You betrayed us! Since you have betrayed the rules between us, I no longer have to abide by the agreement between you and me."

Yamata no Orochi spit out a snake message, and a snake head turned to look at Santa Claus:

“From now on, I no longer support the Burning Hell camp.

But I won't join Sanctuary or High Heaven either.

Even if it's worse than mercury snake, it's still worse.

The leader of the Sanctuary camp is still hiding behind the scenes. To be honest, I don't believe him.

From now on, I only fight for myself! "

"You...well, then you should be more careful."

Santa Claus could not continue to persuade the feathered serpent to surrender, because the cold hair on his body stood up like a frog being stared at by a snake.

The ‘doctor’ is looking at Santa Claus from afar with indifferent eyes:

"It's your slander that disturbed Quetzalcoatl's mind.

As the origin of the legend ‘Santa Claus’, your performance just now really disappoints me.

What follows is not a dispute between the two camps, but a simple personal grudge... Use your life to appease my anger, Santa Claus. "

Thousands of star puppet strings are flying rapidly from all directions, aiming directly at Santa Claus.

These star puppet threads are no longer hidden, shining with the light of the stars under the light of dreams. Each star puppet thread has the terrifying power to cut through mountains and split the sea.

"[The heat and annoyance disappears]——"

Countless mace shadows entwined with dark and purple lightning ripples exploded out, turning into countless black and purple dragon scales and forming a lush dragon.

"[Nanda Dragon King] (Nanda)!"

The terrifying purple-black lightning bloomed wantonly as the Dragon King swung his body. The power of the power gem and the overlord-colored domineering power complemented each other to form huge fluctuations that were enough to disturb the space. All incoming star puppet lines were forced back by the purple-black lightning.

Yamata no Orochi was only slightly affected by the lightning of [Nanda Dragon King], and was immediately severely injured.

The scales of the evil god were simply unable to resist the domineering aura mixed with the power gem. The amazing destructive power shattered the scales and poured into the flesh and blood. One of the heads of Yamata no Orochi twitched and broke directly into countless flesh and blood. The broken part kept wriggling but could not grow a new head for the time being.

On the other side, the "doctor" and "Emperor Huai" also had to temporarily avoid the edge of the terrifying lightning.

The Doctor retreated to a relatively safe distance under the pull of the Star Puppet Line, frowned and said loudly: "You foreigner from the Sanctuary Camp, you——"

"You, you, you, you, where is your mother? I have been patiently listening to your old coffin for a long time, and I am already impatient!"

The roar of a dragon appeared above the two people's heads, and the huge dragon man held the mace above his head and spun at high speed, bringing up the black lightning domineering like a thundercloud vortex, roaring and smashing down:

"Die for me!!


The Doctor's expression remained unchanged, and he raised his hand and opened his five fingers upward.

A large number of Star Puppet Lines immediately intertwined together, forming a super-giant spider web that spread to the sky. The end of each Star Puppet Line is tied to a certain land or mountain deep in the eternal battlefield of the Chaos Realm.

[Silk Thread Temple Dominated by the Spider God]

The mace hit the center of the spider web hard, and the infinite impact force spread rapidly in all directions along the spider web.

Haidao's eyes condensed. This guy... actually used the star puppet line to simulate the structure of the spider web, transmitting all the impact force along the spider silk to the surroundings, and let the entire land of the Chaos Realm bear his attack for him!

Then, Santa Claus and Yamata no Orochi felt that the ground under their feet began to tremble violently at an unprecedented scale, as if the entire Eternal Battlefield was erupting in a super-large earthquake.

This is not over yet. Haidao was still wrestling with the spider web, and suddenly saw a large amount of flesh and blood tissue and strange vines quickly attacking him along the spider web.

The doctor and Emperor Huai's conceptual power also fell under the control of the great puppet.

Santa Claus, who witnessed all this, suddenly realized that the concept of the great puppet was definitely not the "puppet" or "puppet" that people said.

His concept is——[Domination]!

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