A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1330 Nightmare

The world of chaos was originally boundless and extremely huge.

But at this moment, the Chaos Realm is like an isolated island, surrounded by hundreds of huge stars, gradually approaching.

It is not an illusory illusion. Every star is a real substance. The surface is dull and solemn and full of cracks. Fiery lava flows in the cracks. The tearing and roaring from inside the star is like the planet screaming and wailing in despair.

They were originally dying stars, but the Mercury Snake used the dimension of dreams to snatch them from all worlds, and indulged them in the eternal dream of stars.

But dreams must eventually come to an end.

Now, it's time to wake up and return to the reality of despair.

These hundreds of huge stars that may explode at any time occupy all the areas around the Chaos Realm, leaving no room left.

Driven by the huge energy gushing out from within, the lava poured towards the Chaos Realm battlefield, just like the dying tears of these dying stars.

The cracks on the star's surface caused terrifying roars and explosions that were deafening, just like the desperate wails of these dying stars.

Why wake us up!

Why end that sweet dream!

The planet is coming to an end and the world is about to be destroyed!

The planet took more than hundreds of millions of years to take shape, but it was destroyed in just a blink of an eye.

The next moment, endless light of destruction filled the entire Chaos Realm.

The light of star explosions caused by the simultaneous death of hundreds of planets illuminated the vast universe of the Diablo world.

[Tian Gai Shuo Mie Da Mu]!

Qi Shi could see through the viciousness of Mercury Snake's move at just one glance. If Heather was as adept at controlling space as she had shown, she would have immediately hid in the space tunnel under normal circumstances.

However, the impact of the galaxy explosion is so strong, and it is also mixed with the space penetrating power of the mercury snake's life tool "Dream Sand". If you rashly hide in the space tunnel, you will immediately become the mercury snake's target.

If you don't hide in the space tunnel, you can only rely on other abilities to resist the terrifying destructive power of the star collapse.

Well, that's normally the case. But am I normal honey?

[…I’d love to say yes, but you’re really not. Please fight with all your heart, my freak master. 】

Heather laughed and opened her arms, as if to welcome the destructive light when the stars died.

Mercury Snake, how dare you use the dying stars as weapons against me! Then I’m going to show you what the legendary concept of one of the ‘Big Four’ is!

Soon after, the stars collapsed, everything in the universe became extinct, and the chaotic world was instantly broken down into the most primitive particles wherever it was illuminated by light.

The figure of the great puppet disappeared without a trace immediately, leaving only Heather on the battlefield in the Chaos Realm.

The few remaining demons and angels who were not yet dead looked up in despair at the endless world-destroying light, and then turned into nothingness along with their screams.

The next moment, the light swallowed up the Chaos Realm and Heather, leaving only endless void.

The figure of the mercury snake was like a reflection on the sparkling water. The illusion became reality, and he appeared in the void.

In this way, everything will be solved.

Although I feel sorry for Mara, who let her fall into the hands of the enemy? In order to save her last bit of dignity, Mercury Snake could only bear the pain and erase her altogether.

But it doesn't matter, Heather, the Great Doll, and the entire Chaos Realm are all going to be buried with you. You won't feel alone, Mara.

Just as Mercury Snake was pretending to sigh, another figure appeared not far away, it was the Great Doll.

He was completely unscathed and his brows were furrowed.

"That's great, Pushkin. I'm still worried about your safety." Mercury Snake pretended to wipe the corners of his eyes: "Fortunately, you're fine."

"You bastard...you actually used this trick right from the start. My favorite teammate was killed by you!"

The great puppet had an angry look on his face. Before the feathered serpent he was interested in could retrieve it, he encountered the mercury snake's ultimate move [Tian Gai Shuo Mie Da Sleep]. In desperation, he could only use the power of DCD to rewind his own time flow in order to avoid the extinction light of the stars.

But the price was that the feathered serpent was swept up in the extinguishing light of the stars, leaving no bones left.

"That kind of small role is not worth mentioning. I believe you can find better ones in the future."

Mercury Snake smiled. Even if he used this method of destroying the galaxy, he still seemed to be able to do it with ease:

"Playing cat and mouse when facing an opponent of the same level as you is the biggest stupidity.

Isn't it natural for Heather to flip the table and make him leave before he can find out the details about me?

I have the utmost respect for you and Heather, even if you are annoying.

Now that Heather is dead, it's your turn.

Do you want to admit defeat? "

The Great Doll's eyes turned cold: "You don't seem to be planning to give me this opportunity."

His thoughts began to change. Why was Mercury Snake so afraid of Heather? He will strangle Heather even if he consumes the dying stars that he has captured through countless worlds.

Are you afraid of the other party's potential?

Speaking of which, the Great Doll really felt the unusual power of Heather's concept.

His concept is "control", and he can control everything he obtains. Logically speaking, the star puppet string has been used by him like an arm.

But Heather just shook his finger in the air, and his star puppet strings that attacked Heather rebelled on the spot, and he, the ruler, was forcibly deprived of his right to dominate.

This is unheard of!

Unless Heather's concept power far exceeds his own, and he can achieve "suppression" from the level.

Thinking of his use of the Star Puppet Line to attack Heather... Wait, is it one of the four [weapons]?

Thinking of this, the Great Puppet immediately raised his hand to stop the attack that Mercury Snake was about to launch, and said loudly: "Wait a minute, Liquid!"

"Huh?" Mercury Snake was surprised. In his impression, the Great Puppet was a ruthless man who didn't change his face even when Cosmo's fist hit his face. What could make him so moved?

"Is that Heather's concept a [weapon]!?" The Great Puppet asked.

"...The Hades who was killed by him did mention that Heather was suspected of having a weapon concept. But I have confirmed that he is so weak that it is impossible to have a weapon concept."

The news sent back by the Hades made Cosmo ready, and he spent a lot of flame crystals to gather spiral strongmen to ambush Heather. But in the end, they found that Heather was just a rubbish who deceived the world and stole the name.

However, the amazing growth rate shown by Heather made Mercury Snake a little afraid. He had never heard of any outsider who could have such an amazing growth rate in just two world cycles.

If Heather escaped from this world, there might be trouble. For this reason, Mercury Snake did not hesitate to consume hundreds of dying stars collected, and he must kill Heather in this Diablo world.

The great puppet on the opposite side saw Mercury Snake admit it, and his expression became more and more surprised: "Such a growth curve... That's right, it's really one of the four weapons! Liquid, don't let your guard down! The concept of the four legendary levels is not as simple as you think!"

"You said it as if you have seen the 'four greats'... Hey, no way?"

Mercury Snake saw the ugly face of the great puppet, and his face became ugly too.

But before he could ask, a new light burst out from the vast void.

The Chaos Realm reappeared.

The earth was still riddled with holes due to the fights between outsiders, and the clouds in the sky were rolling, no longer affected by the dream dimension.

"How is it possible... the light of the extinction of the stars can even overturn the universe, how can a mere chaotic world..."

Mercury Snake frowned, and his half-drooped eyelids widened: "That's it!"

Heather was seen standing on the ground in a dark blue windbreaker with his hands in his pockets, leisurely and contented.

Not far from him, Quetzalcoat and Santa Claus collapsed on the ground and did not move, and Lan stood quietly beside them.

"You always overturn the table, you make it difficult for me, Mercury Snake."

Heather looked up at the Mercury Snake in the void and smiled.

The figure of DCD appeared beside the great puppet and whispered a few words in his ear. The great puppet was shocked:

"DCD felt the violent fluctuations of time.

Heather has all the Infinity Gems, and they are the only Infinity Gems in the multiverse that transcend common sense!"

You must know that Marvel's Infinity Gems are limited to a single universe, which is common sense that cannot be changed. No matter how powerful your Infinity Stone is, once you leave the universe you are in, you can only become a broken stone to support the table legs.

But the Infinity Stone that Heather has is the only Infinity Stone in the multiverse that is far more powerful than ordinary Infinity Stones.

The scene that just happened in the Chaos Realm is the great power of the six Infinity Stones combined.

Since the person holding the six Infinity Stones can annihilate half of the creatures in the universe with a snap of his fingers, it is not difficult for the six stones to reshape a Chaos Realm in an instant.

The great puppet looked at Heather carefully, with a look of doubt.

If it is really the Four Greats, then the strength Heather showed is not enough... He has not yet shown the magical power that belongs to the Four Greats.

Snap! Mercury Snake fell to the ground and looked at Heather from a distance:

"I roughly know how you escaped from Cosmo's hands.

Do you think you can challenge me after getting the six gems?

Don't dream, my three treasures of the dream god are god-level life tools that far surpass the six gems!

But I want to thank you for sending the six gems to me. I accidentally broke your last life tool. This time I will cherish and use this one."

For Mercury Snake's "trash talk", Heather just smiled slightly, put his hands in his pockets, and didn't even bother to attack.

Obviously, Heather has already won.

"Hmph, your disgusting posture can't last long.

Let me end it all."

As he said, Mercury Snake raised his hand, opened his five fingers and suspended a string of high-speed rotating light balls. The light balls were the size of thumbs, a total of ten, and each seemed to contain a universe.

Heather still didn't take any action, but sneered.

Suddenly, all the survivors looked up at the sky.

A concept powerful enough to make people despair appeared.

Neither the mercury snake nor the great puppet was unfamiliar with this concept, because it was-

"Cosmo!" The great puppet was shocked. If he could still deal with the mercury snake, then Cosmo's arrival would declare the complete victory of the heaven camp.

He moved back slightly, ready to let DCD take him away at any time.

At the same time, two words of light that only they could see appeared in front of them.

The winning prize pool of the foreign war soared from 2140 world flames and 6 cosmic crystals to 3440 world flames and 10 cosmic crystals!

Cosmo, who had blond hair parted to the side, a tall and strong figure and wore a suit and shirt, stepped out of the void and came to the mercury snake in just one step.

"Hey, Cosmo, can you always start and end everything you do? You left such a mess and you still have to clean it up!"

Mercury Snake yelled unhappily.

Cosmo said solemnly: "Sorry, a momentary mistake allowed this kid to steal six infinity stones and then open the door to the multiverse and escape."

"The same goes for Bastet, and so does Heather. How can anyone steal a life tool from you? Are you someone who was born with a life tool and a holy body? Forget it, I'll leave this kid to you. Remember you owe me Personal feelings.”

Mercury Snake's expression was completely relaxed at this time, and he reached out and patted Cosmo's muscular arm:

“By the way, don’t attack the little beauty over there, that’s Mara.

This unlucky child was caught by Heather, brainwashed and had a different face. I have to find a way to restore her after the battle. "

When the mercury snake came into contact, he felt the extremely blazing and aggressive concept of destruction in Cosmo's body, and couldn't help but sigh at how this guy became stronger again. It seemed that he would have to find an unlucky guy to chase after him in the future.

Feeling the indifferent gaze swept over by Cosmo, as well as the incomparably powerful conceptual power, the great puppet couldn't help but sweat dripping from his forehead, and he quickly thought about ways to escape.

Do you want to join forces with Heather? It’s better to use Heather as a shield and give yourself enough time to force yourself out!

On the other side, Mercury Snake was thinking about how to perform plastic surgery on Mara, when he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder by Cosmo.

"By the way, mercury snake..."

"What's wrong?"

Looking up, Mercury Snake saw Cosmo's eyes that did not conceal any malice.

And a rapidly enlarging fist.

boom! !

The fist filled with the power of destructive concepts struck the mercury snake's chest hard. His fire immediately shook violently, and his whole body flew out quickly. The ten light balls that had just formed in his hand exploded into countless light particles.

Boom! Boom! After rolling more than a dozen times on the ground, the mercury snake barely stopped and drew a long ravine on the ground.

He spurted out a large mouthful of blood and looked at Cosmo in surprise, full of confusion: "Cosmo, are you crazy!"

Cosmo just sneered, covered his face with his hands, and stretched his body back comfortably:

"That's the smell... The expression on your face now makes me feel more refreshed than the crystal of the universe.

Idiot, take a closer look at who I am? "

Wiping his hands upward, Cosmo's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by Heather's arrogant and grinning face, but his conceptual power was a real concept of destruction.

In the distance, Heather, who had been motionless with her hands in her pockets, turned into a dark-skinned woman with silver hair and dreadlocks, her expression extremely nervous.

The organizer's prize pool change reminder that appeared before his eyes disappeared without a trace.

This, what exactly is this...

At this moment, Mercury Snake, who was bleeding from his mouth and nose, seemed to have fallen into a nightmare from which he could not wake up.

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