A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1337 Joining forces

As soon as countless Southern Crosses appeared, both Mercury Snake and the Great Doll felt their scalps tingling.

Because they were both top-notch warriors, they could feel that even just one of the countless light spots covering the sky was enough to destroy the eternal battlefield under their feet.

At this moment, there were more than tens of millions of Southern Cross light rains above the sky!

Countless cross light spots formed one after another rapidly expanding and spreading light wheel, sweeping towards the Great Doll and Mercury Snake with the Demon God ZERO as the center.

[Southern Cross Karma Wheel] (Karma)!

With the power of the Loom of Destiny, the Great Doll narrowly passed by the first round of Southern Crosses flying towards him, and cold sweat immediately appeared on his forehead.

What happened? Why did Heather suddenly become much stronger in just a few seconds? And he was still getting stronger!

The Great Doll was going crazy. He couldn't figure out whether the Mercury Snake revealed some key information to Heather, which led to the rapid growth of Heather's conceptual power.

Damn Mercury Snake, you don't know how much the growth potential of the four great powers is... Well, you really don't know.

A star puppet line quietly connected to the dream space next to Mercury Snake, and the voice of the great puppet sounded immediately-

[Liquid, you can't continue to fight alone. The power of the four great powers must not be inferred by common sense! We must join forces to fight the enemy. ]

"It sounds like you have seen the other four great powers? Forget it, I'll ask you about this after it's over. If you want to join forces, be diligent!"

Mercury Snake is under great pressure at this time. Most of the Southern Cross are targeting him. The super life-saving skills 'Equator of the Sky' and 'Three Thousand Worlds' are used at the same time, plus the endless energy supply of the dream concept body [Dream God Gives People] and [The Third Perpetual Motion Mechanism·Original], but they can only barely ensure that they will not die suddenly under the light rain of the infinite Southern Cross.

Damn guy, he actually used Cosmo's concept of destruction so skillfully! Mercury Snake could feel that each Southern Cross was evenly covered with the concept of destruction, and Heather's control over the concept of destruction seemed to have greatly increased in just a few seconds.

It was the personality mirror [Reflection] that succeeded! Damn it, I didn't reveal a word, how did he suddenly understand everything in a few seconds?

Unless... that Demon God ZERO activated some kind of power to freely control the law of cause and effect to enter countless possible futures, and obtained the information of the personality mirror from a future that I let slip.

It seems that I must join forces with the great puppet to defeat the powerful enemy.

Before Mercury Snake could think more, the light rain on the opposite side suddenly accelerated, and the equator of the sky was immediately blown up. The countless human civilization processes born in countless worlds were crushed into powder in an instant by the light rain of the Southern Cross.

Next was the plane defense circle formed by the high-level heaven under the influence of the three thousand worlds.

The silver tower and the infinite light ocean of the high-level heaven were constantly torn apart by the destruction of the Southern Cross and were quickly glued and restored by the three thousand worlds, trying their best to resist the destruction of the Southern Cross.

Mercury Snake gritted his teeth, raised his empty right hand, opened his five fingers, and then clasped his chest. Where his five fingers touched, large patches of scarlet blood vessels immediately appeared and spread to the surroundings.

Blood accelerant (Blood accelerant), also known as B.D.A!

The true face of the third perpetual motion mechanism is the star particles in the mercury snake's body. It is the last energy revolution of mankind. In theory, as long as there is "information" around the host, energy can be generated by re-arranging environmental information. This is the origin of the endless energy of the third perpetual motion mechanism.

And B.D.A can make the star particles in the mercury snake's body circulate at a constant speed, exceeding the boundary of the material world "the definition of one second" and starting superflow in the body. The total length of human blood vessels is 100,000 kilometers. After activating B.D.A, the star particles can circulate in the blood route at a speed of 3.3 million kilometers per second, which is ten times the speed of light.

As soon as B.D.A was turned on, the energy fluctuations in the mercury snake's body immediately surged, and both the output power of the third perpetual motion mechanism and the maximum simultaneous output threshold limit were greatly improved.

In this way, the number of simulated star creation diagrams that he could simulate at the same time also surged from 4 to 12!

But he did not use the energy of the third perpetual motion mechanism to use the simulated star creation diagram, but gently tapped his temple, and the snake pupils of his eyes suddenly changed color, from golden to light purple.

[Personality Mirror Rewrite·Sleepy Palace]!

The mercury snake's temperament suddenly became somewhat feminine. He waved his hand, and the conceptual power fluctuations like fine sand immediately spread around him.

Hmm? Heather in the cockpit was suddenly startled.

The Southern Cross starlight rain in the sky was swept by the soft conceptual fluctuations like fine sand and suddenly became silent. The cross light spot flashed several times like a bad signal and finally extinguished and disappeared, and the concept of destruction without the carrier also dissipated.

A large piece of light rain suddenly disappeared from the sky, and the illuminated starry sky returned to silence again.

[Master, Mercury Snake's temperament has changed dramatically, and the other party's dream concept application direction has changed from 'dream virtuality' to 'sinking into a dream'. ]

Hearing Nanami's voice, Heather immediately understood that Mercury Snake had changed his own personality mirror in some way.

Once the personality mirror is rewritten, the properties of the dream concept will also change dramatically.

Let dead objects and even light itself fall into eternal sleep, which has already involved the realm of death.

Awesome, worthy of being a strong enemy who claims to be on the same level as Cosmo.

But you still can't escape ZERO's eyes that can illuminate the future!

The sixth magic power [Causality Weapon] is activated!

In just a moment, ZERO found a future where 'the Southern Cross Starlight Rain was not affected by the sleep demon concept wave' and replaced this future with the current time and space.

The Southern Cross Starlight Rain, which had originally disappeared, shone again, and the vast starry sky was once again occupied by this endless light rain!

A large amount of light rain gathered together, aiming directly at the purple-eyed mercury snake.

At this moment, the creaking sound of the loom turning came from afar. Mercury Snake immediately put his fingers on his temples when he heard the sound. His sense of existence fell into a virtual state of being about to sleep under the influence of his own sleep demon concept and the loom of fate. The whole person stood there, but his existence was just a reflection in the water projected from a certain dimension.

The Southern Cross Starlight Rain passed over the mercury snake and disappeared in the depths of the starry sky, without causing any harm to the mercury snake.

But Mercury Snake looked unhappy. He was almost hit by the Southern Cross. He had no doubt that his fate would be miserable after being hit.

At this time, the figure of the Great Doll appeared beside Mercury Snake, with an equally unhappy face: "Do you understand what I mean now? The Four Greats are definitely not any kind of foreigners you have seen before."

"If you want to flatter the enemy, you might as well think about how to fight next."

Mercury Snake snorted coldly:

"That magic machine has the power of causal control, combined with the opponent's high-order prediction ability... The battle must be ended before the Demon ZERO completes the observation."

"That's what I meant." The Great Doll's hand appeared with a spinning insect arrow, and at the same time, the figure of DCD appeared behind him.

The next moment, the insect arrow suddenly flew out of his hand and flew towards DCD on its own.

Although the Great Doll was hit by 'Takamagahara' and could not contact DCD, the insect arrow was not bound by Takamagahara.

Click! The insect arrow immediately sank into DCD's body after hitting him, and swam along his chest towards his neck.

At the same time, DCD's appearance began to change.

[Requiem of the Dead Dance]!

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