A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1352 I got it! I was defeated in seconds!

Ken is very confident in his own ability.

He is the son of the famous American Masters family. He has been fond of boxing and kung fu since he was a child and became a disciple of Gangquan.

Thanks to the careful teaching of the world's top master Gangquan, as well as his own hard work and excellent martial arts talent, Ken won the championship of many world-class fighting competitions such as the National Fighting Championship and the World Fighting Championship at a young age.

As a fighting genius, Ken can even create a new and powerful move based on the premise of mastering the wave flow fighting technique he learned, which surprised his master Gangquan and his fellow apprentice Long.

Originally, after his master Gangquan passed away, Ken returned to the United States to inherit the family business with peace of mind, and also met Eliza, a girl he fell madly in love with.

But as his fellow apprentice Long became famous in the global fighting circle, Ken remembered the words he said to Long one day: "Who will be famous as a fighter first? Let's see."

He began to feel restless, and the passionate fighting spirit in his heart was burning fiercely, so strong that even Eliza couldn't stop him.

In order to defeat Long, Ken must win a higher level championship beyond the title of "American Fighting King".

So he set his sights on the KOF competition.

The KOF competition, the full name of which is the King of Fighters, is a global, large-scale fighting competition sponsored by numerous large companies since last year.

At first, many fighters with real skills in the fighting circle disdained it, thinking that it was another cheap trick of capitalists to win money and fame.

But the result was beyond everyone's expectations. There were real people in this KOF competition! The ones who appeared were not the idol-style fancy moves or the muscle men who looked like drugs who had practiced for two and a half years, but real fighters.

Among them, there were even legendary fighters who were famous in the fighting circle.

The competition was broadcast live in the form of a three-person team, which attracted a lot of attention and finally presented a top-level fighting competition that made people unable to stop for the global audience.

This year, the KOF competition was held again. Because the previous KOF competition was too successful and popular, this time the KOF competition was endorsed by more than 140 countries around the world, which can be regarded as official support from the world.

All countries have a unified caliber, describing the KOF competition as a global fighting competition that has attracted much attention because of the huge prize money for the winning team and the highest honor given to fighters.

Due to the surge in publicity, there are not too many top fighters like Ken who are capable and confident to earn fame or prize money or both through the KOF competition, so the organizers have also adopted a new screening mechanism-invitation letters.

The organizers randomly sent a total of 240 invitation letters to officially certified fighters around the world. You must hold an invitation letter to participate in the competition.

If the fighter himself does not have an invitation letter, he can ask the fighter with the invitation letter to invite him to form a team to play, or he can replace the fighter who holds the invitation letter because he cannot participate in the competition. In addition, invitations snatched from others are also valid.

In fact, invitations have been offered for auction on the black market. It seems that some lucky fighters who received invitations thought that they could not get a high ranking, so they might as well sell the invitations to make a profit.

Ken did not receive an invitation, but he was rich and bought one from the black market at a high price. This means that he can use the invitation to invite two more teammates to participate in the competition.

Although Long is compatible with him, he cannot invite him because his biggest goal is to surpass Long. If he forms a team, it will be completely meaningless!

Should I go find Chunli? I heard that she seems to have arrived in Japan.

On the way to find Chunli, Ken accidentally noticed an extremely amazing momentum coming from a street tavern when he passed by it. The momentum was like a huge mace that could knock you unconscious from the back of your head.

Out of curiosity, Ken pushed the door in to stop Kaido from being drunk and invited him to have a Street Fighter-style contest with him.

Fighters make friends through punching. As long as you punch sincerely, the other party will be able to feel your sincerity, and the formation of a team will be a piece of cake.

Bang! !

Ken flew high in a spin and slammed hard against the wall of the alley.

The hard stone wall was dented and cracked, and the blond young man in the red fighting suit slid down from the wall and fell to the ground.

His eyes went dark, and he felt top-heavy when he got up. He felt numbness all over his body instead of pain in his chest after being punched. Ken stumbled to the side as soon as he struggled to get up. He could only prop up his elbows against the wall and kept gasping for breath.

So strong! Ridiculously strong!

He stretched out his thumb to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the huge and burly figure at the other end of the alley in astonishment, like a god descending from heaven.

Just now, he, the All-American Fighting King, was taught a good lesson by a drunkard who liked to act crazy and was dragged out of a tavern.

He covered his dizzy head and shook it hard. Think carefully, Ken! Think carefully about what happened just now!

The street fights in this world are not so many rules. Firearms and large bladed weapons are not allowed. There are no hard and fast requirements. Ken threw a few punches tentatively at the beginning, fearing that the opponent's exaggerated tendon meat was made by taking drugs and hormones.

But after a few punches, it was like a drop in the ocean, no feedback at all... Oh, there is feedback, Kaidao yawned.

Feeling that he had made a fool of himself, Ken braced himself and prepared to fight at his normal level.

His first move was a swift kick followed by a powerful and extremely fast Thunder Kick! After the kick, Ken did not hesitate at all and immediately used his muscle memory to perform a series of derivative combos.

Thunder Kick! Wind Scythe Kick! Flash Kick! Thunder Drop! Flash Fire Kick! Then a Fire Smash Kick followed by a powerful and super-killing [Dragon Tail Fierce Kick]!

The flaming Tornado Spin Kick hit Kaido's body with a dozen muffled bangs, and then Ken used the recoil to do a backflip and jumped back to the ground.

"Hey, are you okay..." Ken just exhaled and wanted to look up to see if the big guy was injured by his kick, and then he saw a huge black shadow rapidly enlarged in his field of vision.

It was a huge fist!


Kaido's heavy punch directly knocked away Ken's arms that he subconsciously held in front of him, and hit him hard in the chest.

Then the previous scene appeared.

Just one punch broke my defense, what kind of strange power is this!

Ken was shocked at first, and then his face showed joy.

Such power and momentum must be a powerful super-killing move similar to Ralph Jones's "Cosmic Phantom" in the KOF competition.

Look at the opponent's body without any injuries, but he hit all of them with a set of combos, and it's okay?

Ken just felt that he had discovered a fighter with great potential, and he was exactly the type of heavy tank attacker that his team lacked.

He must pull the opponent into the team!

But how to attract the opponent?

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