A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1407 I am the only one here worthy of fighting him

Amid the tragic chorus, the Red Lion Corps marched in unison towards the sand dunes far away from the Red Lion City.

The tattered flags fluttered in the wind, rustling.

Countless shining stars appeared above the scarlet sky, which was the fate of the stars sealed by General Shattered Star.

The powerful warriors gathered from all over the border area raised their weapons and marched towards the battlefield called "Wailing Dunes".

Heather was also in the team, and the words of the city lord Jellian still echoed in his ears.

[At the beginning of the festival, I have something to say to you.

Since the Shattering War, General Latan has been in a state of wandering, unable to extricate himself.

Marennia's scarlet corruption not only eroded his body from the inside out, but also made the general's mind go crazy.

He gathered the corpses on the battlefield, regardless of friend or foe, and then gnawed them like a wild dog... and cried sadly to the sky.

This is the origin of the name of the Weeping Dunes.

Great Chosen One, I have heard of your great miracles in Nimgefu.

Even the cowardly and despicable Grek was reborn under your inspiration. Under his leadership, the Grek Army is greatly expanding its territory and has the momentum to revive the Golden Clan.

I know that all this is the work of you, the Chosen One.

As powerful as you are, I dare not expect you to save General Latan's tragic fate, but I beg you,

Please give the general a decent death that matches his status as a warrior. 】

Crossing the Red Lion City and going forward along the road, the battlefield you finally arrive at is the Weeping Dunes.

This is located on the coast of Galid, and it was once an ancient battlefield where the Red Lion Legion and the Zunfu Knights fought.

There are corpses wearing armor from both sides everywhere, spears and swords are scattered or stuck in the ground, and tattered flags are swaying in the wind.

It is hard to tell whether the red dunes are reflected by the sky or dyed red by blood.

On this huge ancient battlefield, a huge figure was slowly moving.

All the warriors who saw this figure had serious expressions and clenched their weapons.

Because they knew very well that it was the strongest demigod since the Shattered War, the [Star-Breaking General] Ratan who sealed the flow of the stars!

Ratan was extremely tall, and the luxurious and majestic golden armor on his body had long lost its luster in the immersion of time, leaving only bloodstains.

The cloak was rotten into rags, and a large number of spears, halberds and swords were inserted all over the body of the Star-Breaking General. It can be seen that his feet were cut off from the calf, and the purple gravity magic fluctuations were faintly visible at the cut.

Those legs were not the spoils of a demigod, but were voluntarily cut off by the Star-Breaking General who was infected with scarlet corruption. Because he knew that he was getting more and more crazy, in order to prevent himself from escaping from the Weeping Dunes and causing greater damage, he cut off his own feet.

Under Ratan, there was a skinny horse struggling to move forward with heavy breath. It was Latan's favorite horse when he was young. As his body grew bigger, in order to continue fighting side by side with his beloved horse, Latan specially learned gravity magic from the White King to offset his own gravity and reduce the burden on his beloved horse.

Perhaps knowing the master's will, Amato carried Latan day after day and wandered in the Weeping Dunes, refusing to leave here.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!! That's the strongest demigod, it's really a title without any water!"

The huge warrior pot Alexander made a trembling sound, not because of fear, but because of excitement for the upcoming battle.

Blaze reached out and grasped the hilt of the giant sword [Royal Great Sword] behind his shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, be careful. If you are afraid of death, transform yourself into an invading spirit. The power of the broken star is not a joke."

"Oh, half-wolf, do you want to fight General Latan in such a sacred battle festival as a red spirit? This is already a disrespectful idea."

The big horn slammed the huge war hammer that was bigger than his body to the ground and laughed:

"If you don't go up, I, Terages, will go first, hahaha!"

"It's a pity that Vic, one of the quasi-kings, is missing, otherwise he would be the protagonist of this battle festival." The ancient knight Ishtopia sighed while carrying a large scimitar.

"Hehehe..." The [old man] wearing samurai armor and an old man's mask stroked his blood-soaked sword and laughed.

"What a trouble! Are you going up or not?"

Nevenli clenched the double-edged battle axe in her hand and let out an impatient low roar.

Jerlian used a whetstone to sharpen the blade of the flame-shaped long sword, saying:

"Please don't be impatient, warriors from the border. In this battle festival, all of us are just supporting roles."

"Supporting roles?" The female warrior Nevinli asked in confusion.

"Because the real protagonist is stepping onto the battlefield."

Blazer pulled out the royal giant sword behind him with a clang, staring at the front of the battlefield.

A figure had gone against the scarlet light and walked towards the star-breaking general Latan in the center of the battlefield.

Nevinli grabbed her hair and shouted in disbelief: "Is he crazy? Fighting Latan alone? What Marennia couldn't do, why does he think he can do it... Wait, who is he?"

"He is the selector, the judge of the gods and kings of the border."

"He is the lord of the Knights of the Round Table, the assignor who competes with the two fingers."

"He is Heather, who calls himself the prince of the star sea, a stranger from a foreign land."

The city lord Jerion threw away the whetstone and picked up the flame-shaped long sword that had accompanied him for hundreds of years.

"Heroes, warriors, please look.

This may be General Latan's last battle, but it must be the most glorious one!"

On the wailing dunes, the dust wrapped in the scarlet wind was flying, and the tattered flags were fluttering.

Haise walked towards General Latan at the top of the dune with empty hands, step by step.

As if sensing a powerful enemy that could rival him, Latan, who was originally leaning over and gnawing on the corpse of a noble knight, suddenly raised his head alertly, looked around, and soon locked onto Haise in the distance.

He drew out a huge black and gold luxurious longbow behind him without hesitation, drew the bow and aimed at Haise.

"That's the lion bow! The general actually took the lead!" Jerion was shocked. How many years had he not seen General Latan show such an amazing fighting spirit?

Bang! Latan's lion bow blasted out a wave of air, but no arrows were shot out. Suddenly, a fierce roar sounded in the sky, and then countless purple meteors fell towards the battlefield below!

[Latan Rain]!

Each meteor arrow was enough to smash the stars. In an instant, the entire battlefield was covered by purple gravity fluctuations. This was a carpet bombing without dead ends.

And Heather simply raised his right hand lightly, and a flintlock appeared in his hand.

[Target Lock]!

[Target Repel]!

[Target Magic Invalidation]!

The next moment, thousands of flintlocks appeared beside him, and at the same time, they fired at the gravity meteors falling from the sky!

Gravity Arrow Rain VS Gunfire Rain!

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