A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1409 Nephew, you have to call me uncle

Blazer and the others looked down at their feet in astonishment.

The earth was shaking violently! No, it should be said that the whole of Gaelid was shaking because of some terrifying power.

The scarlet clouds in the sky were spinning wildly and turning into a vortex.

There were constantly gravel and powder floating in the air, as if weightless. Both Blazer and Jerryan knew very well that this was not caused by General Shattering Star's gravity magic.

The soldiers turned their eyes to Heather, only to see that Heather was now surrounded by a large amount of scarlet light and fire.

Especially his hands that were placed on his waist ready to go, and every gap between his slightly closed palms was emitting terrifying energy waves.

The epicenter was centered on Heather's palms, spreading to the entire Weeping Dunes and even the Gaelid area.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz! ! The rapid buzzing sound flashed rapidly, and the sand under Heather's feet was washed out with waves of sand waves that spread rapidly, and the scarlet clouds above her head also rolled and boiled wildly.

As if sensing an unprecedented crisis, the huge meteorite transformed by General Shattering Star accelerated again, and shot towards Heather with an unstoppable momentum.

Not good! Blaze looked up at the sky and said in a hurry: "The range of General Shattering Star's [Falling Star] is too large, and we can't escape!"

"Not only us, the entire Weeping Dunes and the distant Red Lion City may not escape the fate of being destroyed." The ancient knight stuck his weapon on the ground and said in a free and easy tone: "If our ending is like this, we might as well wait for the arrival of the destined moment with peace of mind."

"Wait a minute, we still have a chance, look at that guy!"

The female warrior Nevinli pointed to Heather in the distance.

Heather had no intention of fear or avoidance at all, but laughed out loud.

"Young General! You really have some of his shadow!

Today, teach the future generations for him!"

Heather laughed and accumulated the killing wave and pushed it to a higher peak, until the place where he was completely turned into a rapidly flashing scarlet light source,

"Let me try, what is the difference between you and him!"

As the star-shattering version of [Great Wilderness Star Meteor] was about to fall to the ground, Heather also moved.

He stretched out his arms towards the meteor in the sky, and his palms that were originally slightly closed also opened like a flower.

The violent energy wave instantly turned into an extremely terrifying scarlet light cannon, with a very long tail, shooting towards Latan's [Falling Star] in the shape of a meteor!


The huge meteor that was enough to destroy half of the Gelid region immediately sank inward and flowed backwards the moment it came into contact with the scarlet shock wave, and then the entire meteor was blasted into pieces and exploded into a rain of fire.

The scarlet shock wave continued to blast into the sky. The scarlet clouds did not roll back inwards, because they were instantly evaporated before they came into contact with the shock wave. The scarlet sky above the entire Galid was blown open by the shock wave, and a huge hole was blown open. The space inside the hole showed a black night sky shining with countless stars.

The stars were shining, and the bright starlight seemed to cheer for their prince.

Whether it was the soldiers present or the Red Lion Corps standing under the city wall of Red Lion City, they all looked up at the sky in amazement at this moment, looking at the starry sky color that had never appeared in Galid for hundreds of years.

Not only did the hole not dissipate, but it gradually expanded. In just a few seconds, it spread to the entire Weeping Dunes and above Red Lion City. It looked like it would soon affect the entire Galid.

The corrupt clouds brought by the scarlet corruption that had lingered over Galid for hundreds of years actually dissipated, and everyone thought they were dreaming.

But the rain of fire from the sky made them sober up and understand an undeniable fact-

The most powerful demigod since the Shattering War, General Shattering Star, was defeated.

"General, General..."

The city lord, Jerian, staggered forward a few steps. Although the purpose of holding this battle festival was to give General Shattering Star a dignified death as a warrior, Jerian could not suppress the grief in his heart when he actually witnessed the death of his lord to whom he swore allegiance.

Boom! !

At this moment, a huge black shadow fell heavily to the ground. It turned out to be General Shattering Star!

"As expected of Latan, he can even withstand such a terrifying impact." The ancient knight was horrified. Is the gap between the strongest demigod and them really that big?

The warrior Hu Alexander took two steps forward: "No, you see he looks very strange."

Everyone looked and found that General Latan's state at the moment was indeed very strange.

Originally, his whole body was full of weapons of the noble knights at the end of the Broken War, and his body was also covered with rotten growths brought by the scarlet corruption. His mind was tortured by the scarlet corruption and only had the instincts of a beast.

But now, Latan's whole body was covered with scarlet energy flames, and those flames were actually burning the rotten parts of the scarlet corruption. The broken weapons that were deeply inserted into the general's body and integrated with his body for hundreds of years were also slowly squirming, and were actually slowly pushed out by the general's muscles.

Huff... Huff... General Shattered Star lay on the ground, gasping for breath, looking very painful.

Clang! Clang! One after another, the weapons with flesh and blood were forcibly squeezed out of his body, leaving a lot of holes.

Then, streams of rotten blood mixed with rotten meat spurted out of the holes.

"General!" Jie Lian was about to rush up, but was stopped by Heather in the distance.

"Get rid of the rotten poison, this is the detoxification stage."

Soon, as the scarlet flames burned from the inside out, Latan, from his bone marrow to his internal organs and then to his flesh and skin, was ‘purified’ by the power of the killing wave.

Well, it can be said that he was more seriously polluted.

Even the skinny horse under him was wrapped in the scarlet killing wave, and his eyes were burning with scarlet flames.


As if there was a sticky phlegm in his throat, Latan could no longer bear it and spit it out violently.

A large piece of meat was spit out by him and fell heavily on the ground.

This was a piece of meat that was constantly squirming, with rotten spots all over the surface of the meat and dense tentacles of different sizes stretched out in vain to the outside world.

Boom! The purple gravity wave immediately fell from the sky, crushing the piece of meat to pieces, leaving no residue.

The refreshed Latan slowly stood up under the support of the skinny horse, and both the man and the horse were surrounded by scarlet flames.

Their eyes had no whites or pupils, only endless red filled with murderous intent.

Heather put his hands in his windbreaker pockets and said with a smile:

"I'll give you a chance, little general.

If you can hold on, you'll still be the Broken Star General.

If you can't hold on, I'll kill you, lest you fall into the devil's way and tarnish his name."

"Heh... Heh... Who are you talking about... [he]?"

After hundreds of years, Latan actually spoke again, and his eyes gradually regained clarity.

Jillian was so excited that his thick white beard trembled: "General! Broken Star General has regained consciousness!"

"Who else could it be? Of course it's your biological father, Red-haired Radagon."

Heather raised her finger, and the scarlet flame condensed into a specific shape, outlining a simple portrait like ink and brush.

The painting was Lancelot's face, but it was slightly modified and had a red braid.

Seeing this painting, Latan was struck by lightning and murmured: "Father... Oh, great father! The hero I admire!"

The scarlet flames on his body gradually extinguished. It was obvious that Latan controlled the killing intention with his own strength, and the thin horse under him also returned to normal.

"It's like having a long nightmare... It's great to be awake again."

The former strongest demigod looked at Heather and said in a deep voice:

"I want to thank you, strange strong man. But first I have a question to ask you--

What is your relationship with my father Ladagon?"

Hearing Latan's inquiry, Heather smiled:

"My good nephew, according to seniority, you have to call me uncle."

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