A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1423 Love and Transformation

As the two of them moved towards the depths of the Night God Realm, more and more humanoid stone statues appeared around them.

These stone statues are dressed in rough clothing and maintain a painful posture with arms stretched forward or wailing.

Far ahead, you can vaguely see an outline, which is the corpse of a giant sitting on a huge chair and wearing a white gauze.

"You have already seen another [Chair Temple] at the Dragon Soldiers. These huge corpses sitting on the Chair Temple are evidence that the people of Knox once tried to create gods and almost succeeded. They are also the complete foundation of the Eternal City. The cause of destruction.”

Annuo Ya held the fluid sword and walked beside Qi Shi in the most loyal guarding manner, answering Qi Shi's question:

"In the past, when we were still in the earthly world, we had already begun to worship the God of Darkness - [The Goddess of Night].

In order to welcome the coming of the gods, the people of Knox built the Chair Temple, hoping that the gods would respond to us, come to the world and sit on the eternal high seat.

Even if we are blasted into the ground by the meteor of supreme will and will never be able to stand up again, we still place our hope on the goddess of the night who can save us.

God never answers our prayers.

Finally, the people of Knox made a decision and gathered the strength of the whole family to start creating our own [god]. "

With several precise swings, he shattered the living corpses of the Fallen Eagle Legion that sneaked in from the corner. Annuoya continued:

“Countless failures, countless rises.

The silver blood flowing from the people of Knox is blended together, and then combined with the fluid metal we developed, hoping to reproduce the power of the goddess of the night to reflect the stars.

Those silver teardrops that can imitate the target form are countless failures.

The people of Knox created artificial gods belonging to the people of the night in Nokron, which is called the "gods of the night".

But soon they discovered it was nothing more than a soulless corpse.

The Knox people were unwilling to accept it. They believed that the failure was caused by the lack of a king.

The rule at the junction is that [God] and [King] coexist, and neither can leave the other.

In the past, the Ulu Dynasty collapsed, the Ancient Dragon Age withdrew from the stage of history, and the worship of horns was swept into the dust, all because the [God] and the [King] were missing one of them.

This time, they learned their lesson and simultaneously created the god of night and the eternal king.

In the end, the Knoxians failed.

The Knox people who fell into madness gathered the strength of the entire clan and wanted to contribute the silver blood and vitality flowing in their bodies to the gods, so that the gods could awaken on the chair temple.

As a result, as you can see, almost all the Knox people were drained of all their life force and turned into stone statues in the catastrophe caused by themselves.

Only the silver teardrops of these failed products are left, wandering aimlessly in the realm of the night god.

Ahead is a gathering area of ​​silver teardrops, please be careful. "

In a wide square, dozens of silver teardrops were wandering. These slime-like liquid metals are slowly crawling on the ground, without thoughts and souls. Just as Anoa said - they are a bunch of complete failures.

As soon as the two stepped into the square, these silver teardrops started to stir.

Some of the teardrops began to melt and condense into the tall and beautiful maid swordsman, while the other part worked hard to gather into the petite Nanami, but no matter how many times they tried, these teardrops could not completely condense into shape.

Suddenly, countless sharp wooden stakes suddenly broke through the ground, and most of the Silver Teardrop Simulations who had no time to dodge were stabbed into their bodies by the wooden stakes. Then more sharp wooden branches rushed out from the inside of the Silver Teardrop Simulations' bodies. Poke towards the simulated body on the side.

In less than two seconds, the entire square was reduced to a picture of hell intertwined with screams and blood.

As soon as Anoa took out the fluid sword and rushed forward, she realized that the battle was over, and couldn't help but look to her side.

Qishi clasped his hands together in front of his body to form a si seal, and his long black hair slowly fell down without wind.

[Mudun·Evil Stump Forest].

The square was covered by a dense forest of intertwined thorns. Silver blood drops continued to drip down from the branches of these thorns. All the silver teardrops were instantly destroyed.

Qishi looked around and saw that there were no surviving teardrops, then stepped forward, and Annuoya hurriedly followed.

As Qishi moved forward, the thorny branches spread apart on their own, making way for a path.

Then, at the end of the passage, Nanami saw another version of herself.

Same clothes, same posture, same appearance.

The other party was also looking at Qishi with those big beautiful eyes.

"Bionic teardrop? How is it possible...it shouldn't be here!" Annuoya exclaimed.

Qishi raised his finger, and Annuoya next to him suddenly turned into dots of fire and disappeared. The next battle was not one that Annuoya of his level could participate in.

Qishi on the opposite side also raised his hand, and the thorny branches immediately withered and disintegrated, dissipating with the wind.

Qishi tilted her head: "Is this a signal to start war?"

It might be a little exciting to think about peeling off the skin of ‘oneself’? It's just that this kind of restricted scene cannot be seen by the soft-hearted owner, for fear that he will not be able to accept it.

Just when Qi Shi was about to take action, Qi Shi on the opposite side suddenly said:

“If you think about it, you would definitely want to cramp and skin me right now.

But could you please listen to the little woman say a few words first? "

The voice he used was the same as his own. Qishi looked at the other party with interest:

"Isn't it said that teardrops can only imitate the body but not the mind?

In the eyes of this little girl, you can even imitate your strength to a certain degree. It seems that you are an anomaly. "

"Thank you for your compliment. My real name is Ashimi, but now I think the name '鑢七士' is also very nice."

The behavior and posture of Qishi opposite him became more and more similar to Qishi, almost like another version of himself reflected in a mirror:

“Originally, my goal was to find a hero worthy of becoming the King of Elden, and by imitating him, I would have the qualifications to become the Eternal King.

This is the mission given to me by the Eternal City when it created me, and it is also my lifelong wish.

When I gain the qualifications to become a king, I will leave the king's side and return to the realm of the night god to recreate the gods of the night.

However, from the moment I imitated you, I suddenly felt that the goal given to me by the Eternal City was no longer important.

I just eagerly and impatiently want to find Lord Heather, to see him, to listen to his voice, to talk to him.

I can't understand why. Why are the instincts set for me by the Eternal City being overridden?

Did you cast some magic on me? "

"It's very simple."

Qishi's voice is as cold as porcelain, without any emotion:

"Because that's what love is."

"Love...I, I can't understand." Qi Shi on the opposite side frowned, and her tone also had waves.

“At that time, I had no hope of living, and no one wanted me to continue living. Even death as a [human being] was a huge luxury.

However, the master thinks that I am qualified both as a sword and as a human being, and he needs me.

For the first time in my life, I was no longer useless and unloved.

The master is everything to me.

He saw me as a knife, and I used the power of the knife to protect him.

He treats me as family, and I protect him with my life and even my soul.

When I sacrificed myself so that my master could escape from the enemy, I also thought in my mind... will my master still remember me in the future?

This problem disappeared when he threw himself into my arms and cried after all the hard work to revive me.

By then I was convinced that my life was meant to meet him.

This is love, a passionate emotion that a mere mimic cannot understand. "


Qishi's chest, which was simulated by bionic teardrops, was pierced. The real Qishi had arrived in front of her at some point, and her white and slender palms penetrated the chest of her 'other self' without mercy, breaking the ribs. Pinch that heart.

Qishi’s pretty face showed an angry look for the first time:

"It's just an imitation, you are not allowed to pretend to be me to see the master!

The master’s ‘virtual sword’ can only be me! "

The fake Qishi's face was splattered with a lot of blood, and she looked confused. She didn't know why the other party refused such a powerful help from her.

Ah...this is death.

This is... fear.

‘Qi Shi’ turned back into bionic teardrops amidst a large amount of smoke and dust, and then all dried up and evaporated, leaving only a small piece of silver fluid held in Qi Shi’s hand.

This is the core of the Bionic Teardrop.

She held the silver fluid in her hands, held it in front of her, and murmured:

"Master doesn't need a second mediocre me.

If I continue to maintain such mediocre talents, I will not be able to protect my master in the next battle.

I can feel that you will be the key to my final way forward.

So...be my strength. "

After saying that, Qishi picked up the silver fluid and slowly swallowed it into his mouth.

I don't know what I will become.

But one thing I am sure of is that I will become stronger than I am now, strong enough to protect my master.

After drinking the silver fluid, Qishi suddenly covered her chest and knelt on the ground.

A powerful vibration sound like a heartbeat began to come from her body.

In front, the giant skeleton on the chair temple remained motionless, its empty eye sockets just looking down at this scene.

An unprecedented transformation is taking place!

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