A foreigner's journey

Chapter 163 Thunder in the Storm

The feeling of heavy raindrops hitting your face is not pleasant, especially when the skin all over your body is extremely painful due to the strong current.

Accompanied by lightning and thunder, the sky changed from the previous dark and gloomy scene, with winding snakes climbing in the clouds, and strong winds further intensified the heavy rain.

The entire creek area was enveloped in a raging storm.

With smoke all over his body, Heather reluctantly rolled over from the gradually waterlogged mud. Thanks to his strong physique, he felt that the paralysis in his body had been relieved, but it was far from being able to stand up. The situation: "Ahem...Xiaoba, can you still move?"


Xiaoba responded feebly. His physique was not as abnormal as Heather's. Even though Heather blocked him behind him and cursed him with a curse coin, his immortality was still penetrated by the powerful current. He was paralyzed on the ground and twitching from time to time, unable to move his body at all.

A hundred meters away on the opposite side, the electrified fur and wounds on the body of Thunder Wolf Dragon lying in the muddy water were ignited by the fire saw. The flames were extinguished by the heavy rain. Also extinguished were the branches of the trees in the surrounding forest that were ignited by the ripples. .

The huge wolf tried silently to get up from the ground, but every attempt ended in failure and a heavy fall in the muddy water.

Even a beast can understand that whoever regains mobility first can completely kill his opponent.

Just a little bit away...a little bit away...alright!

Four stone balls reappeared around Heather lying in the muddy water. This is also the power of the [Mythical Weapon Catalog] - even if the embodied weapon is destroyed, it can be revived in a short time, as long as Heather Still alive.

The stone ball stretched out and turned into a beetle, flew to Heather's body and began to emit golden fluorescence. Even if the healing effect was weak, it would be fine, as long as it could get up faster than the Thunder Wolf Dragon...

The muscles and nerves paralyzed by the electric current began to recover under the healing power of Heather's own strong body and light eggs. Heather first tried to move the fingers of her hands, then her toes, and the joints of her limbs, and finally tried to get up from the muddy water.

A gold coin lay quietly in the mud and turned into smoke and dissipated. Heather expelled his own immortality curse in order to receive treatment, but he did not dare to exorcise Xiaoba's immortality as well, for fear that Xiaoba would not be able to withstand the damage. Just hang up.


Her boots splashed heavily in the muddy water, and Heather stood up unsteadily in the fierce wind and rain.

The light egg's healing ability is still very weak, but it can still barely dispel the paralysis effect.

Heather bent down and picked up the two stopped saws, and slowly walked towards the Thunder Wolf Dragon who was still trying to get up step by step. The saws dragged two deep traces on the mud.

Although I admire the strong will and rich combat experience of this thunder wolf dragon, since it is a [fight], one party must pay the price with blood.

Thunder Wolf Dragon looked at Heather, who was getting closer, and stopped struggling. His eyes flashing with lightning narrowed slightly, as if he had made some determination.

A large number of lightning bugs flew up from its body surface and electrified hairs, and began to fly around it at high speed. At the same time, electric current visible to the naked eye continued to flash between the Thunder Wolf Dragon's body surface and the lightning bugs. From a distance, it looked like a Thunder Wolf Dragon. A large amount of bluish-white thunder and lightning hair grew on its body.

Heather did not stop but summoned all her strength to accelerate towards the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

If I remember correctly, this should be Thunder Wolf Dragon's biggest trump card in the game - [Super Charged Mode].

As long as it enters this form, the Thunder Wolf Dragon will use electric current to stimulate its muscles to greatly increase its strength and speed. All attacks will have a lightning strike effect, and its desire to attack will become unprecedentedly high.

If the Thunder Wolf Dragon in front of him is extremely experienced in combat, it may not only be as simple as increasing his strength and speed, but may also have even more outrageous additional effects. On the contrary, it was only willing to use the super-charged mode when it was at the end of its rope. Presumably this trick had great side effects for it.

Considering its long electrified hair that is different from the ordinary Thunder Wolf Dragon in the game and its exaggerated combat experience, this guy can't be the wolf king of the previous Thunder Wolf Dragon clan, right? He was defeated in the throne battle because of his old age. This can explain why, as a rare large gregarious monster, this Thunder Wolf Dragon is alone every time we see it.

In any case, since the opponent is preparing to use [Super Charged Mode] at this critical moment, this shows that this move has the ability to turn the tables!

Can't let it go into supercharged mode!

Getting closer and closer, you can already see the golden electric storage shells on the Thunder Wolf Dragon's body that are dazzling in the rain. Each piece is standing up and opening to release a large amount of current. The originally somewhat burnt white electrified hairs have gradually become like steel. The roots stood upright like needles, and terrifying lightning flashed out from both horns and eyes.

It will soon finish charging and enter [Super Charge Mode].

The hunter and the wolf are getting closer and closer, and both sides are ready to fight to the death.

At this moment, a thunder suddenly struck, and a hurricane much stronger than before struck.

Both the hunter and the wolf stopped at the same time, stiffening their necks and looking at the sky.

I saw that the thick black clouds in the sky turned into a violently churning huge whirlpool at some point, and the endless wind and heavy rain were raging in the sky like a doomsday scroll.

A huge dragon shadow floats in the center of the whirlpool, and the light from above the clouds shines on the dragon shadow, as if the gods of destruction and creation have descended on the world.

【Tianjin Disaster】Lanlong!

Wrapped in the Storm Dragon!

This time, Heather clearly saw this terrifying natural disaster that was considered the top level among the ancient dragon species.

Its whole body is covered with a light green streamlined shell and fin-shaped flying membranes that float like white feathers and cover most of its body. Its forelimbs are strong and slender with sharp claws, while its hind limbs are much shorter. Its long tail moves nimbly in the wind and rain. Swinging. The long snout and sharp teeth indicate its carnivorous nature, and its head points to the sky with a pair of sacred, majestic and unscarred golden horns. Its majestic and inviolable posture is like a real god, out of reach.

Lanlong's orange-red glowing dragon eyes looked down at Heather and Thunder Wolf Dragon, and his eyes were filled with human contempt and dissatisfaction.

Heather didn't know what the Thunder Wolf Dragon felt like, but he could definitely feel that [Nian] was frantically calling the police to him.

Different from the first experience of watching Lanlong from a distance in the mountains, this time Lanlong has officially targeted Heather and Thunder Wolf Dragon.

The information Momo had told her and the experience in the game flashed back crazily in Heather's mind. In an instant, Heather understood the source of the hostility.

He and Thunder Wolf Dragon entered Lanlong's territory.

The biggest characteristic of this ancient dragon is that it has an extremely strong sense of territory and will expel any powerful creatures that infringe on its territory...

Even kill.

In other words, he and Thunder Wolf Dragon may be in trouble.

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