A foreigner's journey

Chapter 247 Natural Disaster

On the rough sea, nearly thirty naval warships broke through the waves with indomitable momentum and sailed towards the ghost island.

Each unusually large naval warship is extremely expensive to build. Only ten of them can destroy an entire island or massacre a country. They are the manifestation and symbol of the navy's "force".

This time, the navy directly dispatched twenty-seven naval warships, nine lieutenant generals, forty-six generals with the rank of commodore and below, and nearly 10,000 elite naval soldiers.

And two admirals!

On the deck of the leader's flagship, the 'Oppenstrom', a burly blind man in a purple kimono sat casually on the floor, leaning on his staff and sword, and shaking the dice cup in his hand, which made a clear sound of the collision of dice.

[Admiral of the Navy Headquarters], the life of ‘Fujitora’!

Wow, three dice were thrown in front of Yisheng, and he said: "Excuse me, can you help me find out what my next [destiny] will be?"

Opposite him, a tall man with curly black hair looked down and said lazily: "It's all 1 o'clock, bad luck, brother."

[Admiral of the Navy Headquarters], ‘Kizaru’ Porusalino!

"Really...the future is very grim."

Fujitora put the dice into the dice cup and put them aside. He stood up with his sword in hand: "Is it too wishful thinking to dispatch such a large army just for the sake of the rhetoric of a former admiral who rebelled against the navy?"

"Hey, this is an order from Marshal Sakaski, and I am just following the command. But...even if Sakaski and Kuzan fought for the position of marshal and even caused Kuzan to leave the navy, but Sakaski has always trusted Kuzanyou."

Kizaru sat on the chair brought by the soldiers and crossed his legs, speaking in a leisurely tone: "Since Kuzan said with certainty that the Beasts Pirates will go to war with the combined forces of the Blackbeard Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates, then now is the time The best chance to catch all three [Sea Emperors] in one go.”

Fujitora nodded: "...After killing the three of them, the navy will be free to launch a general attack on the red hair and the revolutionary army without any scruples? It is indeed the best opportunity ever. But the Beast Pirates will not Just sit back and wait for death, after all, except for Kaido..."

"In addition to Kaido, the Beast Pirates also have Heather. They say he is the first among the four emperors, and some even call him the fifth emperor... Ouch, he is so scary, he sounds like a scary person monster."

Kizaru said, 'It's so scary', but there was no look of fear on his face.

"Although BIGMOM and Blackbeard join forces to attack, they are fighting away from home after all. And all the members of the Beast Pirates are concentrated on Onigashima, occupying the right location and people, and coupled with the unknown variable of Heather, I am afraid that the attack will evolve It became a brutal war of attrition.”

Fujitora analyzed: "When they run out of ammunition and food, the navy will appear in front of them with an invincible attitude and completely end the era of these so-called sea emperors."

Kizaru snapped his fingers: "BINGO~ That's it."

At this moment, a small black spot appeared on the sea level in the distance, and that was the Ghost Island.

There was no need for the lookout soldiers to report. Even though they were so far away, Kizaru and Fujitora could still feel the violent vibrations coming from the direction of Onigashima.

"It's Blackbeard's Seismic Fruit ability... That guy is full of firepower. Aren't you afraid that it will sink Onigashima and himself into the sea?" Not far from Kizaru and Fujitora, there was a Lieutenant General with several scars on his body. Dalmecia frowned. He volunteered to join this "Emperor Killing" operation in order to avenge Heather.

The 'tea dolphin' Kaji, who also came for revenge, crossed his arms with a silly smile on his face: "I'm afraid it's because he encountered an enemy that he had to fight with all his strength. It was either Kaido or Heather. What do you think, little sister?"

Gion, a tall and attractive figure with a spider tattoo on his fair thigh, raised his eyebrows: "They are all scum. It is best for both of them to be injured and dying, and then I will behead them myself."

The phone bug on the intranet shouted loudly: "Report! A fierce battle was observed at the top of Onigashima. BIGMOM was fighting against the dragon transformed by Kaido... and 'Phoenix' Margo! The remnants of Whitebeard also appeared! "

Tea Dolphin looked surprised: "Margao? There is no reason. How could the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates join forces with Blackbeard? They are sworn enemies. Didn't they just finish the battle a year ago? '?"

"Charlotte Lingling must be the one who leads the way. Don't be fooled by that woman's appearance. BIGMOM Charlotte Lingling can be called the most terrifying woman in history not just because of her strength."

Gion knows BIGMOM’s old rival very well.

The phone bug on the intranet is still reporting the battle situation: "The officers of the Beast Pirates are all at the top of Onigashima... No trace of the Blackbeard Pirates and Thunderstorm Heather has been found!"

"Where's Kuzan? Have you seen him?" Kizaru suddenly picked up the phone and asked.

"Admiral Kuzan? No, no trace of General Kuzan was found... Sorry, I just said it casually..." The other party on the phone apologized quickly. Even though Qingzhi Kuzan left the navy, there are still many sailors who regard him as worthy. Dear boss.

There was silence on the deck for a moment.

There are only two situations, either Aokiji and the Blackbeard Pirates are still lying in wait to give Kaido a decisive kill, and Heather has died in BIGMOM's hands. Even Kaido cannot save Heather from BIGMOM. This is obviously unlikely.

Then another situation... Heather alone held back the Aokiji and Blackbeard Pirates, and even other BIGMOM Pirates cadres, creating the most favorable situation for Kaido and the Beast Pirates.

Gion raised his head and looked at the clouds above his head, a little surprised: "Huh? The direction of the clouds and wind has changed?"

In addition to being a candidate for general and an excellent swordsman, she is also an excellent navigator and is very sensitive to changes in the weather.

The thick clouds in the sky began to fluctuate like waves, stirring up violent and huge black whirlpools around the ghost island. At the same time, strong winds rose suddenly, and the wind was mixed with thick water vapor.

A storm is coming.

The closer you get to the ghost island, the more you can feel the violent tremors and terrifying roars coming from the ghost island.

Suddenly, everything was silent.

Immediately afterwards, a slender silver water line penetrated the entire ghost island without any hindrance, cutting off the base of the island and the skull rock wall, and then slashed towards the sky unabated, splitting the black clouds in the sky and creating huge cracks. .

"What is that!?" Before the navy could react, fierce thunder suddenly exploded between the clouds above their heads. The downpour covered all the space between the sky and the ocean. Thunder and green thunder continued to explode in the black swirling clouds. White light.

The entire Wano sea area is shrouded in violent storms, and the scale is still increasing.

"What happened, lookout soldier! Continue to report the battle situation!" Dalmecia picked up the phone bug's microphone and shouted, but the phone bug just looked blankly in the direction of the top of the ghost island, completely simulating the lookout soldiers on the other side. expression.

Dalmecia turned her head and followed the phone bug's gaze, and the phone in her hand fell to the ground with a clang.

In the dark sea of ​​clouds with lightning and thunder above the ghost island, there is a beautiful dragon that is hundreds of meters long and is swimming in the thunderstorm, like a god who controls the sky and disasters.

Kizaru murmured: "That's definitely not Kaido...could this also be a Devil Fruit ability?"

"Look! It's BIGMOM! She took the initiative to fight the giant dragon!" Gion pointed to the sky and shouted.

In their field of vision, in the sky at the top of the ghost island in the distance, BIGMOM stepped on the fireball and was covered in thunder. It rushed towards the mysterious dragon with an unstoppable and terrifying attitude, launching a charge to challenge the gods.

The giant dragon just turned over his hands impatiently and waved his slender claws, and the sky and sea immediately set off huge waves!

The dark clouds within a range of thousands of meters set off a frenzy like huge waves, and the sea below immediately set off huge waves. The water vapor and rain in the air were distorted into extremely huge claw mark fluctuations!

BIGMOM was struck downwards by the wave of claw marks and crashed down rapidly. After blasting through the ceiling, it continued to hit the bottom of Onigashima with unabated force.

"It's not good. Most of the navy's elite are here, so we can't all be lost... As the commander-in-chief of this operation, I issued an order that all warships turn around and evacuate immediately!"

The blind Fujitora was the most sober among everyone present. He picked up the general's exclusive command phone and immediately gave orders.

But it was too late. He felt that the hull of the ship began to tilt upward, and the surrounding seawater surged upwards.

As a user with the superhuman gravity fruit ability, Fujitora is very familiar with this situation - a powerful suction coming from the sky!

The huge black tornado completely enveloped the entire ghost island, and even the seawater in the surrounding sea areas was sucked toward the sky by terrifying suction. Even though the naval fleet is still far away from Onigashima, this terrifying tornado is no longer a [natural disaster] that humans can resist.


Fujitora held the staff sword upside down, the veins on his forehead popped out and let out a roar. He used all his power to exert the gravity fruit ability to the limit. The purple gravity wave spread out around the flagship with the flagship as the center, covering all the naval warships within the range as much as possible. Cover it with the power of the Gravity Fruit to withstand this tornado that destroys the world.

Kizaru fixed his body as much as possible. His natural shining fruit was useless in the face of this kind of natural disaster except for escaping by himself. This time so many naval elites were dispatched, if they were destroyed here... Thinking of this, Kizaru's face no longer looked lazy, but turned ashen.

Suddenly, the violent storm seemed to have pressed a pause button.

Everyone looked up at the terrifying eye of the tornado in the sky, even Fujitora who was blind.

The extremely thick black clouds in the center of the storm whirlpool quietly dispersed, and the bright moonlight fell through the void into the world.

"Fujitora! Quickly control..." Kizaru's eyes behind his sunglasses opened as wide as possible, and he yelled at Fujitora with eyes wide open.

But as soon as the words were spoken, Kizaru was horrified to see the silver-white light beam smashing into all the surrounding black clouds and falling from the center of the vortex.

"[Dalan Divine Strike]!!"

The devastating water cannon blasted through the entire ghost island in an instant!

The fierce roar reached its peak! Terrifying and dense ripples appeared on the outer surface of the entire ghost island from top to bottom, and then exploded to pieces! The sea surface first sunk downwards to create a cavity with a diameter of several thousand meters, and then a more violent secondary explosion exploded! Huge waves of more than ten meters high were set off on the sea surface, hitting the naval fleet!

[Water] containing dragon attribute energy turns into the most terrifying weapon, destroying everything in the sky and sea.

All naval warships were instantly engulfed by huge waves. The steel hulls were directly smashed into pieces by the force of the natural disaster, and their mortal bodies instantly turned into blood and flesh and disappeared into the sea.

The surface of Fujitora's flagship flashed with purple fluorescence crazily, but it only lasted for less than two seconds before completely disappearing among the huge waves.

A faint golden light could be seen flickering between the huge waves. After flashing several times, the light became dimmer and finally disappeared into the darkness of the seabed.

Only the howling storm and huge waves remain between the dark sky and the earth,

And the god who swims in the storm.

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