A foreigner's journey

Chapter 273 Question X Interview

Inside the residence, the body surface of the newly arrived foreigner was tightly wrapped in a black mist-like cloak.

The black mist on the surface of the cloak filled the air, as if a black shadow had materialized and attached itself to the stranger.

He looked at the dust-covered glass window and laughed incomprehensibly: "What the hell? This world is not my goal, and a 'comatriot' has already settled in. Are you planning to start a 'foreign war'? "

After waiting quietly for a while, the stranger cast his eyes on the glass window, seeming to be reading something.

"It's quite a big fuss. It looks like a newcomer."

The stranger tilted his head, looked out the window, and then looked back at the glass window. There were no longer words on it that only he could see.

With a click of his tongue, the stranger bent down and put his hand into his own shadow: "Anyway, let's see how much the plot has been ruined..."

As He put his hand into the shadow, the shadow under him suddenly spread to all directions. In an instant, it filled the entire residential house and spread to the entire city, country, and continent. Within a few seconds, the shadows of everything on the entire planet were changing violently. It was turbulent, but neither ordinary people nor those with telekinesis noticed the changes in the shadows under their feet.

There is a group of wriggling shadows at the feet of every self-thinking life form. In the end, these shadows unite and return to peace.

Then, the stranger straightened up and pulled out two phantoms from his own shadow and threw them into the room.

After the two shadows landed on the ground, they immediately condensed into two lightless figures, like two shadow entities with human bodies but no sign of light.

A figure is short in stature. From the outline, you can tell that he is an old man. He has a short ponytail on his head and a short beard on his chin. The muscles on his body are clearly outlined.

The other figure seemed to have a hedgehog head, about 1.7 meters tall, and a well-proportioned figure.

"The shadows of Isaac Nitro and Kim Fullis, if it's you two, you should be able to answer my question."

The stranger nodded to the two shadows, and the two shadows responded with their own personality traits.

He dragged an old wooden chair over and kicked it in the shadow of the chair. Two identical chairs appeared behind the two shadows.

"Boy, let's keep this short."

After the three of them took their seats, the stranger asked:

"Tell me about the recent major events in the world."



On the edge of the border of the United States of Sahelta, Jin, who was discussing countermeasures with Sheba, suddenly looked at his feet.

Siba followed his gaze downwards and noticed that something was missing at Jin's feet.

"The shadow is gone...is it telekinesis?"

Jin frowned slightly. He didn't feel anything strange, and he didn't even know when the shadow was taken away. If he hadn't been used to seeing everything in his field of vision and storing it in his mind for comparison in random areas every few seconds, I'm afraid it would have taken him no idea how long it would have taken him to notice the loss of his shadow.

Who can take away Jin's shadow under the eyes of two telekinesis masters?

Xiba and Jin looked at each other and were about to say something when they suddenly looked up at the sky.

The dark clouds in the sky began to roll violently, and the roar of the violent dragon resounded throughout the sky!

Heather is angry. He feels threatened? Kim couldn't imagine anything in this world that could threaten Heather.

The only one who can threaten [God] is another [God]!



Within the territory of Ochima Federation, somewhere in a residential area.

The house was covered in dark packages, the stranger was sitting on a chair, and the shadows of Jin and Nitro stood in front of Him, obviously having finished stating the information they knew.

"...I already know the matter, you can go back."

The stranger waved his hand, and the two figures melted into black mist and merged into his shadow again.

"Pariston is indeed a master at making trouble, but the limitations of the 'world' mean that his vision can never break out of this framework. He has no idea what a 'foreigner' is."

The stranger murmured to himself, raising his right index finger and rotating it gently, and the shadow centered on him was also circling violently.

"Let me look for it...ah, I found it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the stranger and the chair he sat on sank into the shadow, as if swallowed by a dark swamp. The room became empty and fell into dead silence.

At the same time, it was located in a base of the Cajin Empire in the Aizhen continent.

The dim light flickered, and it was obvious that the circuit was unstable. There are only a few pieces of furniture, a TV and a laptop in the empty hall, and nothing else.

Pariston, who was wearing a smart suit, was sitting on the sofa, carefully watching the TV in front of him. There was an empty dinner plate on the wooden table next to his left hand.

On the TV, the pretty female reporter had been scratched by the storm and her face was covered with makeup. She was shouting at the camera at the top of her lungs:

"Dear viewers, this is the border between the Federation of Montgomery and the United States of Sahelta. You can see that an unprecedented storm is raging in the territory of the United States of Sahelta!"

Through the camera, you can clearly see that the sky above the Sahelta border has been covered by layers of lead clouds, thunder roars, and majestic rain sweeps across the land with hurricanes.

Refugees from Sahel Tower were crowded and jammed between the only checkpoint between Sahel Tower and Montgolima. They wanted to rush through desperately, but they were shot at by the Montgolima garrison again and again. Throw it back.

The female reporter braved the wind and rain and walked not far away from a wailing female refugee. The hand-made luxurious clothes and jewelry on the female refugee could tell that this person had a high social status, but such a Sahei At this time, the upper-class nobles of Erta took off their expensive high-heeled shoes worth millions of gold, and desperately handed the world's limited-edition expensive jewelry to the Montgomery garrison in order to bribe them.

Of course, what I got was not a release but a slap in the face. All Montgomery garrison troops have received a first-level order from the highest level - no citizen of the United States of Sahelta is allowed to enter Montgomery territory!

The female refugee sat on the ground, covering her shoulders and crying. The reporter took the opportunity to squeeze in beside her and hold the refugee's shoulders: "Madam! Madam! Are you okay?"

The female refugee’s face was covered with tears and rain. After seeing the female reporter, she seemed to be ignited with hope and tightly grabbed the reporter’s arm: "...You are not from Sahelta? Help me! Help me! I I can give you a lot of money! I’ll give you all the money!”

"Come here, madam." The reporter and the cameraman hugged and pulled the female refugee to a corner where there were relatively few people, and handed the microphone to the refugee's mouth:

"Madam, I can help you, but you have to satisfy our curiosity first. We are the V5 Bergrosse Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Please tell us what happened in the United States of Sahelta. What? Is it the 'weather weapon out of control' as speculated by the outside world?"

"No...no. That's 'Heather'!" The female refugee put her head in her hands and curled up, as if this could bring her a sense of security.

"Heather? Is this the code name for 'Weather Weapon'? Or is it another name for some more high-tech weapon? Is Sahelta deviating from the V5 joint agreement and secretly developing banned weapons?" The female reporter's nostrils dilated in excitement, trying her best Guiding this female refugee to speak unfavorable words to Sahelta in a live broadcast around the world.

"No!! Don't you understand yet? It's not a weapon! It's a human! It's a devil!! It's..."

The female refugee tightly grasped the reporter's shoulders with both hands, and the crazy look in her eyes made everyone watching the live broadcast feel palpitated. Those eyes were mixed with fear, sadness, confusion and...indescribable worship:


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