A foreigner's journey

Chapter 315 I envy you very much

The Wild Rose Bar becomes extremely busy as soon as 5pm arrives.

In addition to Tifa, the trainee waiter, there is also a pretty and cute waitress and a handsome bartender with blond hair in a side parting. I don't know if it was because the boss Naya said hello, but the two of them were very friendly towards Tifa.

The waitress's name was Kokoli, a country girl who came to Midgar from Corel Village three years ago to work hard. She patiently explained to Tifa what matters she should pay attention to as a waiter and how to identify and get rid of those who drink. Drunk and troublesome customer.

The handsome bartender is a native of Midgar named Shiz. He is a very famous bartender on Bafan Street and the golden signature of Wild Rose Bar. Although Tifa learned the basic theory of bartending skills through Naya in the afternoon, she was still stunned when she saw Heath's dazzling bartending skills, and even slowed down her movements to clean the table.

Shake, Stir, Blend... are obviously just basic bartending skills, but in Hitz's hands they are like art. The bar stools in front of the bar have long been occupied by a group of beautiful women in fashionable and high-end clothing, staring at the bartending process of Heath with their chins in their eyes. And Hitz is smiling, neither distant nor overly enthusiastic, keeping the distance just right.

Some old customers who often came to the Wild Rose Bar suddenly discovered that a new strange girl with a great appearance and figure had arrived in the store, and they couldn't help but joke. Just when Tifa was bombarded with words and turned red, the boss Naya came out with a smile to smooth things over and introduced Tifa, the new trainee waiter. She hoped that everyone would be more tolerant and supportive.

Most of the regular customers responded with tolerant laughter. Although there were some drunkards with dirty looks or bad drinks, with the help of Naya and Kokoli, Tifa did not suffer any loss and instead collected hundreds of GIL. tip.

Soon, it was time to get off work at 8pm. Tifa changed out of her beautiful waiter suit and put back on her cheap coat and skirt. Before leaving, she bowed goodbye to the guests in the bar.

Walking out of the bar, it suddenly became quiet from the hustle and bustle. Just as Tifa was about to leave, Naya's voice came from behind: "Do you need me to see you off? It's not close to the station."

"No need, sister Naya. If you've been here once, I'll know the way." Tifa smiled and waved her hand. She originally wanted to call Naya "Boss", but Naya refused to let Tifa call her "Sister".

Naya nodded, and was about to say something when a strong rhythmic ringing sound came from her pocket.

"Wait a moment little Tifa, I'll answer the phone right away." She took out her cell phone and answered the call.

"Hello? Well... I know this person, what's wrong? Well... I'm listening... Dead? Dead!? Are you sure? Who did it? Is there any definite evidence? Eight... I understand, thank you You. Well, let’s talk later.”

Naya hung up the phone, raised her head and exhaled a long breath, and then looked at Tifa. The bright smile made Tifa a little dazzled: "Little Tifa, please wait for a while. I have something to ask you to deliver to Heather. "

After saying that, she walked quickly into the bar. After a while, the door of the bar was pushed open again, and Naya held a strong metal box and handed it to Tifa: "It's what I promised to give to Heather before. In addition..."

She took out another thick envelope and handed it to Tifa: "This is a thank you gift."

Tifa quickly reacted after taking the thing. Is it related to the 'dead man' Naya mentioned on the phone? Was it... senior brother who did it?

Noticing Tifa's somewhat troubled expression, Naya couldn't help but gently touched Tifa's head: "Let's go together, I don't feel comfortable letting you carry these things alone."


The two of them walked towards the station together. On the way, Naya revealed her past without any concealment, and her bad fate with the deceased named Kos.

Pain, crying, anger, and a determined desire for revenge. Through Naya's words, Tifa finally understood how deep the pain hidden in Naya's heart was, and the strange feeling about her senior brother killing someone gradually dissipated in her heart.

"Your senior brother is a knight who sticks to his word. Even an old man like Monty who has nothing and is about to go to hell, he stepped into Midgar alone in order to abide by his agreement with Monty and lurked in the slums. Almost two years. I am grateful to Heather, he is a strong person who is willing to listen to the weak..."

When mentioning Heather, Naya's eyes were slightly red, but her eyes were bright and clear. Tifa seemed to see a strange emotion towards her senior brother in her eyes. It was an emotion that was different from her own admiration and trust, and felt strange to Tifa.

But Naya's eyes dimmed immediately: "The train is here. I will take you here. Please pay attention to safety on the way, little Tifa."

"I understand, sister Naya, thank you."

"Okay, get in the car. Remember not to be late tomorrow. I'll ask Hitz to come early to demonstrate your bartending skills."

Standing on the platform, she smiled and waved to Tifa in the train. It wasn't until the steaming train gradually roared away that Naya slowly put down her hand and clasped her hands in front of her, speaking so that no one could hear her. The slight voice murmured to himself:

"...I envy you, Tifa."


Tifa didn't have any accidents on her way back to Tianwang Village, which made her feel like she was doing useless work because of her nervousness along the way.

Instead of going upstairs directly, Tifa knocked on the door on the first floor. She could smell the rich aroma from afar. It was Granny Mare's specialty dish [beef roll]. Whenever Granny Mare cooked this dish, her senior brother would most likely eat here.

After Granny Mare opened the door, Tifa poked her head in and took a look around, and sure enough she found her senior brother sitting at the table waiting for the food to be served. Senior brother, you are so understanding, huh~

Heather changed her clothes and sat at the table, reading a book. Seeing Tifa sneaking towards him, he couldn't help but frowned: "Be normal! What kind of walking posture is this?"

"Oh!" Tifa quickly sat on the chair opposite Heather.

Heather returned her gaze to the book in her hand and said without raising her head: "How did you learn from Naya? That woman is famous for her smiling face. Don't be deceived by her appearance."

"Sister Naya is not like that!" Tifa immediately felt sorry for Naya.

"Oh, you understand again?" Heather sneered. She originally planned to continue to mock a few more words, but was interrupted by the beef roll served by Mare.

"By the way, senior brother, this is what Sister Naya asked me to give to you."

Tifa quickly took out the metal box and envelope and handed them to Heather.

Heather took the things and opened the metal box first, ignoring the envelope. As the lid of the box opened, the crystal-clear light immediately emitted, lighting up the room.

Lying quietly in the box are three crystal balls of different colors but equal sizes. Each ball is about the size of a child's fist, emitting soft light around it.

"[Magic Crystal]?"

Marley, who was attracted by the light, immediately screamed.

PS: There are mobile phones in FF7, PHS mobile phones.

PS: After all, the setting of the Eighth Street Boss was slapped in the face by the latest FF7 official novel. I have no choice but to regard it as a nonsense plot in this book. Fortunately, there isn’t much plot about Bafan Street, so I’ll just skip it.

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