A foreigner's journey

Chapter 342 The destruction of the No. 1 Mako Reactor

Because they were worried about what might happen to Barrett and the others after they came back, a [Suspension of Business] sign was also hung up at Seventh Heaven today.

Heather's cuisine and Tifa's cocktails are extremely popular, which has allowed the two of them to save a lot of money over the years, and being closed for a few days does not affect their quality of life at all.

The two of them took Marlene and sat on the steps at the door of Seventh Heaven, watching the passers-by in boredom, waiting for Barrett and the others to come back.

Heather didn't treat herself badly, specially made a large plate of hash browns with ketchup and salt and pepper, and also brought three bottles of iced drinks. With these snacks to spice things up, the wait won’t get too boring.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker, Tifa turned to look at Heather and said worriedly: "Brother, will Barrett and the others have any problems?"

Heather picked up a piece of hash brown, dipped it in some salt and pepper, took a bite, and said vaguely: "Don't worry, Barrett and the others will be fine as long as they follow the plan and are not discovered by the special forces and special mobile units. And they will be fine." Isn't there still Claude? He is very strong, and he can break through safely even if he is guarded by 2nd level warriors."

Through a brief confrontation with Claude yesterday, he probably understood the strength level of the original protagonist at this time.

If calculated based on the levels in the game, Cloud is about level 12 now, which should be more than enough to deal with ordinary soldiers.

By the way, Barrett is about level 10 in terms of strength, Wiggy and Biggs are at level 3, Jesse is at level 7 (counting her homemade bombs and special firearms), Tifa is about level 1 if she goes all out. There are 20 levels.

Heather herself? If you don't use Nen ability and Haki, it will be between level 60 and 70. If you don't use the Lanryu sword and Narokawa and use full firepower, it should be level 90 and up.

The actual battle is not a digital game in which you strike with a sword and I strike with a sword, and you come and go with friendship and humility, nor is it a numbers game where the number '999' just pops up when an attack powerful enough to shatter mountains and split the sky hits you, so Heather's actual combat power is still Exaggerate several levels.

The premise is that the will of the planet allows itself to use all its power.

Speaking of telekinesis, I didn’t expect Tifa to awaken this type of ability... Should I say that she is worthy of being the heroine in the game? Thinking of this, Heather glanced at Tifa.

Tifa lowered her long eyelashes and patted Heather lightly on the shoulder: "I hate it, you have weird eyes."

He said something disgusting, but his tone sounded like he was being coquettish.

Marlene, who was holding a piece of hash brown and chewing on it, laughed happily: "It doesn't matter! Marlene doesn't hate Heather!"

Heather smiled and rubbed Marlene's little head: "Don't eat too many hash browns, you will easily wake up thirsty at night."

While the three of them were chatting, a sudden violent vibration came.

Both the ground and the surrounding buildings trembled and shook, the glass windows made clanging noises, and all the ice-cold sodas placed on the steps fell to the ground, shattering into pieces of glass on the ground.

Tifa immediately held Marin in her arms and looked around alertly: "Is there an earthquake?"

Heather stood up and curled up the index finger and thumb of her right hand into a small hollow and placed it in front of her eyes, using it as a telescope to look at the distant edge of the huge disk, where there was a faint light of fire.

Heather frowned: "It was the No. 1 Mako Reactor that exploded. Something's not right. Jesse's homemade bomb can't be so powerful."

Tifa asked worriedly: "Is there any deviation in power?"

"According to my calculations, the most her bomb can do is destroy the control device and magic cauldron of No. 1 Mako Reactor. It is absolutely impossible to blow up the entire Mako Reactor and external facilities like it is now. Give her another bomb. Even hundreds of homemade bombs can’t do it.”

Heather rubbed the head of Marlene who was shrinking in Tifa's arms, turned around and walked into the house: "Let's wait until they come back to ask about the specific situation. I hope they won't be used as a weapon by some people. Marlene don't I'm sorry, I'll go back in and get you two bottles of iced drinks."

"I want to eat ice cream!" Marlene's eyes lit up and she immediately started bargaining.

Heather made an OK gesture and walked into the house to get two more bottles of drinks and a stick of cream ice cream.

About two hours later, the last train slowly pulled into the Qifan Street slum station.

As the car door opened, Barrett and his group walked out of the car intact, with only some signs of being blackened by smoke on everyone's body.

Their weapons have all been properly hidden, and at least they look harmless now, except for Claude, who is still carrying the huge metal sword on his back.

Barrett couldn't hide his excitement and clenched his fists fiercely. He tried his best to lower his voice and said to his companions: "It worked! We did it!"

"We have taken a big step towards saving the planet!" Biggs raised his arms high, and he, who was always calm, could not suppress the excitement in his heart.

Wei Ji even gave a signature thumbs up: "Everyone is back safely, great!"

Although Jesse was also very excited, when he saw Claude standing aside with his arms folded and silent, he leaned over and asked in a low voice: "Claude, aren't you happy?"

Claude said coldly: "Maybe I will be happy when I get paid later, provided that you are not arrested by Shinra Company for celebrating loudly in the street."


Only then did everyone wake up and quickly tried to hide it. Fortunately, there were not many people in the station at this time, and no one noticed them.

Barrett coughed twice and cleared his throat: "Yeah... Anyway, I'll give you a holiday before the next action. Let's go eat something good and reward yourselves."

"Reimbursement?" Biggs asked a lot, but Barrett glared at him and had to give up.

Claude was just about to stop Barrett and ask when he would get the 2,000 GIL reward, but he found that all four people in front of him ran away in a swarm. Especially Barrett, this burly man with dark skin and a ferocious face shouted ‘Marlene! Dad is back! ’ while running quickly towards the seventh heaven.

In desperation, Claude had no choice but to run behind.

Halfway through the run, Claude noticed that many people gathered near the small square on the street. He walked over and stood on the edge of the crowd, and found that they were all looking up at a huge electronic screen. The screen was old and worn, as if it was a scrap that had been eliminated from the uptown area and had been renovated.

Real-time news is being broadcast on the screen, and the news content is a follow-up report on the bombed No. 1 Mako Reactor and the affected downtown areas of First Street and Eighth Street. In addition, there is also a report on Scarlet, the head of the weapons research and development department. Exclusive interview.

It seems that the impact of the explosion was very wide. Even though this was what he thought, Claude didn't feel any guilt at all, and he didn't even notice it.

Walking a little further, Claude saw everyone standing at the gate of Seventh Heaven talking.

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