A foreigner's journey

Chapter 354 Transcendence

The dark evil spirit carriage was only surrounded by black fog for a circle, and the condensation of frost on the surface of the body was eliminated. As the black giant horse raised its front hooves high and neighed, the entire evil spirit carriage took off directly into the air!

"Before, the 'carriage' was the leader, but now is the 'evil spirit' the leader?"

Heather sneered. If it were in the carriage state, which was extremely resistant to physical resistance, she might have to work harder, but in the current evil spirit state... do you think my 'absolute royal power' is just for show?

The holy magic circle under Alice's feet also dissipated at this moment. After a series of magical bombardments, her own magic power was also consumed a lot, and she was in a relatively weakest state. To a certain extent, the evil ghost carriage Eligo was very good at it. Seize the moment.

The evil carriage Erig was hovering under the black night sky. The linen cloak on its body rustled in the night wind. It raised the double-edged long-handled battle ax in its hand and aimed at Alice. Strong lightning began to gather on the surface of the ax blade. .

thunder? This is the thunder and lightning energy it deliberately stored in its body when it was attacked by the big thunder and lightning magic before!

If you are hit directly by this lightning slashing axe, regardless of whether it is a weapon made of [steel], [throwing] and [thunder and lightning] alone will not be completely immune, even if you risk using the third ability. Chance.

Only then did Alice realize that she had been careless in using her telekinesis ability. She had used up her precious first two ability opportunities too easily, which resulted in her being helpless when facing a truly powerful enemy.

Eligo accumulated enough power and lightning, and suddenly threw the lightning battle ax in his hand towards Alice.

The fierce lightning was wrapped with a huge double-edged battle axe, and it shot towards Alice from far to near with a huge impact. But at the same time, a golden light flashed on the battlefield below, dragging a The golden flames hit the thunder battle ax straightly!

The golden cross sword ‘Absolute Kingship’ is no longer linked to Heather by a chain. Instead, it is used as a throwing weapon with a huge impact and hits the thunder battle axe. Thunder and fire exploded in an instant, and the lightning wrapped around the double-edged battle ax was directly scattered. It rotated at high speed to draw an arc in the sky and plunged into the ground diagonally.

Absolute Kingship immediately canceled the summons once it hit the target. Heather used the materialization rules of the [Mythical Weapon Catalog] to use Absolute Kingpower as a throwing weapon that can be recycled infinitely regardless of distance. When necessary, she can also use the chain link to use Absolute Kingpower as a hit. The chain knife for distance combat is also the combat method he wants to show Alice - to use his abilities flexibly according to the enemy's situation.

The evil spirit carriage swooped down from the sky at high speed, rushing towards the double-edged battle ax stuck upside down on the ground.

Tap, tap, tap... There was a burst of fast footsteps coming from far and near. Claude, who had a lot of scars on his body, jumped up from a carriage, held the destruction sword in both hands and struck hard at the evil spirit carriage!

The evil spirit carriage was unexpectedly flexible and could barely avoid Claude's powerful and heavy attack, but it also lost the chance to get the double-edged battle axe. Claude's destruction sword directly opened a deep crack on the ground. He took a few deep breaths and then took a stance with the sword. He glanced at Alice and relaxed when he saw that she had no obvious trauma. tone.

Previously, because he was worried about Alice's safety, he directly gave up the defense and went all out. He really showed the strength of a 1st level warrior. The big multi-clawed evil spirit was chopped into pieces by him in a short time.

Just as Claude ran out of the train storage warehouse and searched for Alice, he suddenly saw a bluish-white lightning shining in the night sky in the distance. He had seen Alice use this kind of lightning before, so he headed in that direction. Run over.

Now, Eligur and Claude were facing each other in the open battlefield. Farther away were Alice, who was seizing the time to recover her mental energy and magic power, and Heather, who had entered the theater mode with empty hands.

Heather had originally planned to kill Eligo, but when she saw Claude arriving, she suddenly became interested in watching the show: "I'm tired, I'll leave this guy to you two, is that okay?"

Hearing this, Claude and Alice looked at Heather in surprise at the same time, as if they were surprised that this person could actually say such shameless words.

Claude's body was covered in scars, while Alice's magic telekinesis had not yet returned to half of its level and her telekinesis ability had been consumed twice, so her condition was really not that good.

Heather pointed behind Claude: "If I were you, I would focus on the enemy instead of glaring at my teammate."

Claude was startled, and he only had time to raise the destroyer sword in front of him. Then he felt a huge force coming from the sword body, and his whole body was knocked backwards.

The giant black horse at the front of the evil spirit carriage lowered its body and used its giant scythe horn to push away Claude, and rushed straight towards Alice.

Claude rolled on the spot and used his strength to swing his sword directly at the ghost figure at the rear of the car. He forced the ghost carriage to tilt its wheels and blocked the sword with its metal wheels. At the same time, Elig suddenly waved his arm covered with rusty chains. Several chains flew out and wrapped around the handle of the double-edged battle ax not far away. With just one effort, he pulled the ax out of the ground and pulled it back. In your own hands.

In just one or two seconds, Claude swung out several slashes in succession to hit the ghost Elig and the black giant horse. Elig's metal armor, which was impossible for ordinary people to break through, could not resist the attack at all. Lauder's powerful and heavy destruction sword struck directly, and the cracked wound sprayed out blue light particles, as if blood spattered.

Eligg grasped the handle of the double-edged battle ax tightly with both hands and swung directly in a sweeping direction. The fierce attack was caught in the strong wind but was blocked by Claude with his destroying sword.

clang! clang! clang!

The dull and jerky sound of clashing of iron weapons continued to sound. Eligar kept swinging his double-edged battle ax in an open and closed posture and slashed at Claude from all angles. However, the latter always blocked it with his destroying sword at the critical moment. He attacked again, and his speed gradually caught up with Eligg's.

After another exchange of weapons, the giant black horse took the opportunity to raise its head and sweep towards Claude's waist with the giant scythe on its head.

At this time, a beam of pure magic power flew past Claude from far to near, and hit the giant black horse's head accurately. The black horse neighed violently and swayed backwards, and even the ghost Elig had to withdraw his double-edged battle ax to distance himself.

In the distance, the top of the long metal staff in Alice's hand emitted a gleaming light, and the magic beam continued to bombard the black giant horse, giving Claude a precious breathing space.

This is because she uses her own magic power to stir up the flow of life in the surrounding earth, and uses the pure energy in it to condense it into a highly condensed pure magic beam. Its power cannot be underestimated.

This is also the magic application technique of the ancient Settra tribe that she developed with the help of Heather - [Judgment Beam].

The two of them cooperated more and more tacitly, one far, one close, one attacking with magic, and Eligg gradually became unable to parry. And Heather just sat on the top of the car statue not far away, watching the battle cooperation between the original protagonist duo.

In Heather's opinion, Cloud's fighting style was still very raw, as if he was copying the memory template in his mind. But it is undeniable that Claude is in excellent physical condition. The scars on the surface of his body have actually shown signs of scabbing during the battle. The huge metal sword [Destruction Sword] is also incomparably braver than him. ’s fighting style matches well.

As for Alice, she comes off as pretty smart. During the battle, he discovered the skill of flexibly using mind energy and magic power conversion. He could always use extremely precise ice magic and judgment beam to create opportunities for Claude or interrupt Eligar's attacks. She used to place too much emphasis on the use of Nian ability itself, but she didn't know that [Nian Qi] itself is a very efficient combat resource system. Even if she doesn't need Nian ability, she can only use the most common "Tang" and "Jue" to practice "Fa" It can also deal with most enemies.


On the battlefield in the distance, Claude used his signature skill [Ferocious Slash] and hit the giant black horse at the front of the evil spirit's carriage. A large number of faint blue light spots scattered under the night sky.

The huge scythe horn on the head of the black giant horse was already crumbling under the impact of Alice's [Judgment Beam]. This time, it received a solid [Ferocious Slash] from Claude. The curved giant horn broke directly, and the horse Only half of the head is left.

Upon seeing this, Alice immediately seized the opportunity to mobilize all the magic power and mental energy in her body, and raised the long metal staff to point at the ghost Elig from a distance. As the light at the tip of the staff flashed, a silver magic beam streaked across the night sky and hit Eligg's chest.

Click! Click!

Eligg let out a shrill wail and wanted to wave his double-edged battle ax to block the magic beam, but Claude swung his sword and directly suppressed the ax blade to prevent it from succeeding.

The metal armor on the evil spirit's chest continued to make shattering sounds under the impact of the magic beam. In the end, the magic beam blasted through its body, and this powerful evil spirit that had been entrenched in the train cemetery for a long time and caused harm to the world finally came to its final end.

The linen cloak gradually turned into ashes and dissipated in the night wind as if it had been burnt. Under the cloak, Eligo's broken body that looked like a metal skeleton also gradually disintegrated and dissipated. As the last remaining body of the evil spirit dissipated in the air, the surrounding black fog gradually dissipated, revealing the huge magic furnace and steel disk above the head, leaving only the broken double-edged battle ax lying quietly on the ground. .

Alice suddenly sat down on the ground. She was really exhausted, and all the magic power and mental energy in her body were almost exhausted. Claude also stood there holding a giant sword and gasping for air. He was very tired from the continuous battles since the slums of Wufan Street, not to mention that he had just defeated an extremely difficult and powerful enemy.

Heather jumped down from the carriage, walked to the double-edged battle ax and carefully looked at the weapon held by this evil spirit. Well, although it has been damaged, if it can be remodeled, it will be a very good weapon. It can be made into a staff for Alice to use as a new weapon.

Suddenly, one sack ghost after another emerged from beside everyone, slowly rising into the sky with dots of blue light.

"The evil spirit that bound them has died and they are free at last."

Alice stood up and looked up at the sky, clasping her hands in front of her and smiling happily.

A small sack ghost floats in front of her. This ghost's face is painted with an abstract crying face. It is the child who warned Alice and Claude before. It nodded slowly to Alice, and after Alice's farewell, it also rose into the sky to join the large team of other ghosts.

Eventually, all the sack ghosts returned to their dim ghostly human forms and disappeared into the night sky.

Alice closed her eyes, then slowly opened them after a while, and looked at Heather: "They have all returned to the flow of life, it's great."

Heather had dismantled the broken double-edged battle ax to pieces, leaving only a part of the ax handle suitable for Alice to hold. He put the ax handle on his shoulder and nodded to Alice and Claude. : "Although the process was a bit ugly, overall you two did a good job."

Hearing Heather's rare compliment, Alice looked back at Claude proudly, and the latter nodded a little sheepishly.

While they were still chatting a few words, Heather's eyes suddenly froze and she suddenly turned her head to look in the direction of Qifan Street.

Shinra Corporation...are you looking for death? ?

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