A foreigner's journey

Chapter 390 Theater Mode

Heather and Tifa walked on the crowded street, watching various carnival marchers in strange costumes singing and dancing in the center of the street.

The morning sun made the stone floor slightly hot, and the sun was scorching overhead, but this did not affect the mood of the carnival marchers at all.

Some people dressed up as Shinra soldiers, some dressed up like ghost sacks, and some people joined forces to make a large, ugly chocobo out of yellow paper shells. Of course, ancient barbarian gods like Shiva and Ifrit are also popular COSPLAY options. These strange characters walk in the middle of the street, and countless reflective sequins slowly fall from the sky like cherry rain.

A variety of musical instruments played, and the noisy timbres converged into a joyful melody.

Although she was in a sea of ​​joy, Tifa was still worried about her friends: "I couldn't meet Biggs and the others in Junon. I don't know if they are safe..."

"No news, just good news."

Heather bought two chocolate ice cream cones from a roadside vendor and handed one to Tifa:

"Shinra Company has officially put us on the wanted list. If Biggs is caught, they will definitely publicize it."

Tifa was very puzzled: "But didn't the new president of Shinra Company establish an alliance with us?"

"Rufus just wants to use us to fight Sephiroth and both sides will lose. It would be more to his liking if he could use Alice to find the Promised Land. Don't think about how good Rufus is. He doesn't even pretend. Too lazy to do it. No, I can't say he's too lazy to do it. It's because he doesn't know how to pretend to be a peaceful gesture towards us 'commoners'. He still looks down on us from the bottom of his heart, thinking that he, the president of Shinra, occupies a higher level. "

Heather spared no effort to explain to Tifa.

Tifa lowered her head, feeling a little depressed: "It feels like the world is full of conspiracies and lies, senior brother, I really want to end it all quickly, and then we can all go back to the Seventh Heaven and continue living together."

Touching Tifa's head, Heather comforted: "Don't worry, I will find a way to kill both Shinra and Sephiroth."

In order to allow Tifa and the others to live in this world better and safer, Heather will not leave any hidden dangers. Both Shinra and Sephiroth must die.

Tifa blushed and nodded.

The men passing by were more or less secretly watching Tifa, either rehearsing how to strike up a conversation with Tifa over and over again, or wondering about one question - whether this guy wearing glasses had saved the world in his previous life. , Otherwise, how could I have such a beautiful and sexy girlfriend?

Of course, I think back to my heart, most people don't have the courage to fight for love in public. It's just that some people are carried away by desire and think they are experts in seducing girls. It is very likely that they will do some irrational things impulsively.

"Hey, this beautiful lady, are you interested in having a drink? I know there is a very good bar."

While Heather and Tifa were chatting in a low voice, a handsome man with red hair combed into a delicate side parting came over and chatted to Tifa in a tone that he thought was chic.

Frankly speaking, this man is indeed proud of himself. He is handsome, well-behaved, has a well-proportioned figure and well-proportioned muscles, and has tanned skin. If he goes to a nightclub or bar, he will definitely become the most beautiful guy. He was indeed very sure that his opponent was just an ordinary man wearing glasses, and he didn't look like a rich man in his clothes. This was not the first time he had fought for love, and he believed that he would be able to get a perfect one this time. night.

But Tifa's reaction disappointed him.

Without even giving the other party a chance to introduce herself, Tifa hugged Heather's arm with a smile and apologized: "Sorry, I have a boyfriend."

"B-Boyfriend...?" The red-haired man couldn't believe that there was still a woman he couldn't win when he went out in person, so he couldn't help but look at Heather.

Heather's reaction was more direct: "...Get out!"

Just using [Nian] a little bit scared the red-haired man and he sat on the ground with a pale face. Fortunately, he was still a little brave and didn't wet his pants on the spot, but he was covered in sweat and trembling. , I am afraid that I will fall into panic and weakness for the next month.

Seeing the red-haired man rolling and crawling away, Tifa couldn't help but cover her mouth in amusement, and looked at Heather with questioning eyes.

Heather's expression remained unchanged: "If you want to date my junior sister, you must at least be better than me."

"Yes, yes." Tifa did not expose Heather's clumsy stubbornness, but just hugged his arm and pulled him forward: "Brother, go take a look at the Shiva dummy over there. It is very exquisite. Woolen cloth."

"...I wonder if summoning Shiva here would be more lively."

"Don't be so mean, you'll freeze these people."


The two of them traveled until evening before returning to the agreed-upon hotel, and found that everyone else had returned, except Jesse and Claude.

"The two of them haven't come back, will there be any problem?" Alice was a little worried.

But Heather and Barrett looked at each other and smiled: "Don't worry, nothing will happen to them. We just hope no one will die."

"Huh?" Alice, Yuffie and Tifa all tilted their heads to express that they didn't understand.

Barrett burst out laughing: "Little girls, don't ask so many questions. Go back to your room and rest. I'll probably see Claude and Jesse tomorrow morning."

"What, treating people like children again! I understand. Did Jesse and Claude go to the night market to steal some delicious food?"

Yuffie had long since recovered from the sequelae of motion sickness. She became more and more greedy as she talked, and was about to rush out of the hotel to go to the night market for a feast.

It's a pity that Heather used force to strangle him in the cradle just two steps into his night market adventure.

After being beaten and beaten, and unable to speak, Yuffie angrily cursed Heather in Wutai dialect, and then ran back to her room before he could beat her.

Heather was too lazy to argue with Yuffie and turned to look at the others: "The freighter will arrive at the port tomorrow morning and will set off when Claude and Jesse return to the team. Let's all have a good rest today."

Barrett said oh and walked to his room. Tifa and Alice quietly fell behind and asked Heather in a low voice: "Brother, what do you mean by what Barrett said?"

Alice also looked at Heather with beautiful big curious eyes.

Heather hooked her fingers at them, waited for the two girls to lean their heads over, and whispered a few words in their ears.


Tifa and Alice's pretty faces suddenly turned red, they looked at each other and chuckled.

Except for Yuffie, who knew nothing about it, the other four people in the team were waiting to heckle Cloud and Jesse the next morning.

One night passed, and as expected, the two men did not return to the hotel to spend the night.

Then, the next morning, the two men returned. They tried to sneak through the lobby on the first floor of the hotel quietly, but found that five other teammates were sitting in the lobby waiting for the two of them.

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