A foreigner's journey

Chapter 405 Aggregation, Personality

Jesse couldn't help but tremble slightly when he heard this, lowered his head and stroked Claude's handsome face.

That Claude, who is a little dull and melancholic, but always has integrity and passionate emotions, will never wake up?

She didn't speak, just bit her lip and gently combed Claude's sweat-soaked golden hair on his forehead. Even if he really couldn't wake up, Jesse was mentally prepared to spend the rest of his life taking care of him.

Yuffie stared blankly as her companions around her became increasingly depressed. She was still young and had not experienced much of the world, so she couldn't quite understand what Heather was saying. But her eyes were slightly hot, and she felt like she was going to cry.

Although they have not been together for long, Yuffie, who has not had many friends since childhood, has already regarded these companions as her closest friends.

Claude, are you leaving them forever?

"Teacher, is there really nothing we can do?" Alice couldn't bear to look at Heather. She and Claude had overcome many difficulties and dangers together and were very good friends.

In Alice's eyes, no matter what kind of difficulties she encounters, Teacher Heather will always have a way to solve them. Maybe this time she can...

Under the expectant gazes of everyone, Heather shook her head and sighed: "This is not because his body function is damaged, but because of the Jenova cells."


"I read the research report on Jenova in the materials in the Hojo Research Laboratory."

Heather pointed at the vast night sky filled with stars:

"Jenovia is a 'disaster that fell from the sky', a parasitic life that inhabits the universe and has evolved perfectly. They travel through meteorites in the universe, and once they land on a planet with life, they will gradually Resurrection, and develop itself by parasitizing the indigenous people of the place, until all that can be extracted from the planet is drained, and then move to the next planet.”

"Jenovia has a ferocious temperament, a strong desire to attack, and is very cunning. It will not consider the situation after destruction, and will only destroy things other than itself according to its instincts. It uses [mimicry ability] to spread viruses and erode and occupy the bodies of other creatures. Abnormal. One of its characteristics is its tenacious vitality. Even if the body is torn apart, the cells can respond to each other and regenerate to their original state."

"Wait a minute, if Jenova has strong vitality, then Cloud as the host should also have this characteristic?" Alice asked.

"It is precisely because of this characteristic that Claude becomes what he is now."

Heather shook her finger:

"Jenova has physiological characteristics that are completely different from the creatures on this planet. The first is [infectivity]. Jenova can spread infection through various ways. They can infect almost any living object."

Jesse's face froze slightly when she heard this. She and Claude tasted the forbidden fruit while on vacation on the Costa del Sol. Would it be possible...

Heather glanced at Jesse: "Don't worry, the Jenova in Claude's body is a special case. From the current point of view, it is not infectious at all. It will be no problem for you to give birth to a baby for him. Back to the topic, Jesse The second characteristic of Nova is [no fixed tissue]. Jenova can grow through any situation. It has no fixed functional tissue. In theory, each Jenova cell has the ability to grow into an independent Jenova individual. Ability."

Tifa suddenly realized: "So that's the case. No wonder Sephiroth can use his thoughts body that also has Jenova cells to transform into countless clones."

"[Independent individuals], Jenova can produce independent individuals, instead of completely relying on parasitism in other organisms. If we really want to fight Sephiroth, with his strength and the activity of Jenova cells , just a drop of blood containing Jenova cells can create a terrifying monster out of thin air that obeys his orders."

Heather continued:

“Then there are the two most critical features, [transformation of the host] and [mind control].

After being possessed, Jenova will adapt the host's body to various situations according to the environment. After all, if the host dies, it will be very troublesome for the parasitic life. This ability is reflected by the cluster of Jenova cells that Jenova itself parasitizes in the host. When the host encounters an environment that its own body cannot adapt to or has needs that the current body cannot meet, Jenova Cells will use their amorphous nature to reorganize themselves according to current requirements and reorganize themselves into organs that meet the requirements. "

"Huh? Doesn't this mean that the host parasitized by Jenova will never die?" Barrett finally understood something, and suddenly cried out in surprise.

Heather took out the kettle and took a sip, and then continued: "Theoretically, it is difficult for people infected with Jenova to die. This is because Jenova is familiar with human vital organs immediately after possessing them, and they will respond to these Vital organs are properly protected. And even if these organs are fatally damaged, Jenova can quickly reorganize his form into an individual with the ability of the organ to save the host's life until the host's own organs are repaired. .”

Jesse suddenly said: "You mean...Claude was seriously injured before and his body was repaired by Jenova cells?"

"Yes, when Hojo discovered Cloud and Zack in the Nibelheim Mako Reactor, the two men were already seriously injured and dying. The huge damage to their bodies could not be repaired by normal medical methods. Hojo originally With the mentality of recycling waste, they implanted Jenova cells into them and locked them in a culture tank. Perhaps it is because each of them has their own special features. Originally, except for Sephiroth, most of them were implanted with Jenova cells. Var's hosts will physically collapse and reorganize into unconscious monsters. Although a very small number of experimental subjects have not physically collapsed, they have lost all consciousness and been engraved with numbers, which are Sephiroth's missing bodies."

"Only Cloud and Zack not only survived for four years, but also repaired their bodies with Jenova's help. Even Hojo doesn't know how they got rid of Jenova's control, but Cloud and Zack temporarily subdued the Jenova cells, something even the ancient Settras were unable to do."

Alice was puzzled: "But since Claude's body was repaired by Jenova before, why did he suddenly go berserk this time?"

"That's because what you saw was not [Claude] in the first place, or rather, it was not the real Claude."

Heather's face darkened slightly:

"This is related to another special feature of Jenova, [Mind Control]. According to my guess, Jenova reorganized himself into an organ similar to Claude's nervous system, and then controlled Claude's nervous system. The two He must have encountered a great crisis after he and Zack escaped from the culture tank a few months ago. During this period, Zack was killed and Claude was injured again and became confused. Under severe stimulation, Jenova re-entered the world in order to save the host. A personality was made up that was based on Cloud and mixed with a large number of memories and experiences based on Zack's underlying expectations according to Cloud's underlying expectations, ultimately forming the Cloud you see."

"Impossible! Is the one I love just a fake?" Jesse shouted unacceptably.

Heather waved her hand: "No, no, no, you still don't understand. The one you love is also Claude, but it's just a Claude mixed with Zack's experience. Well, more or less, there are some Jenova's traits.

Jenova's intelligence and abilities are closely related to its individual size, so after arriving on a planet, it will parasitize itself on the local creatures. Of course, it would be better if it is an intelligent creature. When the number of individuals accumulates to a certain level, one of the individuals will become the "leader" and begin to send "reunion" signals to other individuals. "

Tifa understood: "Sephiroth is the current [leader] of Jenova?"

"Yes, Jenova will recall different individuals scattered around to reunite them, and bring back the life energy and wisdom of different life forms, so that Jenova can gain higher intelligence and abilities. Be careful When the reunion is completed, a Jenova individual will be formed that is more powerful than all previous individuals, and the [leader] who previously sent the reunion signal will become the main part of the new individual."

"In other words, it was Sephiroth's fault that Cloud became like this?" Jesse gritted his teeth in hatred.

"Sephiroth took advantage of the aggregation between Jenova and his privilege as [leader] to forcibly awaken the Jenova cells in Cloud's body and ordered it to tamper with Cloud's personality, so Cloud He will attack you. He really loves you, Jesse... Even if he endures pain that is unbearable for anyone, Claude will try his best to fight against the manipulation of Jenova cells to prevent it from killing you."

"I know...I know..." Jesse lowered his head and touched Claude's face with red eyes.

Heather also looked at Claude: "Claude entered the stage of personality collapse in order to protect Jesse, so he is now in a deep coma and cannot be awakened. This is not a problem that can be solved by healing magic or some panacea. Sorry, I Nothing can be done.”

Bang! Barrett punched the ground hard and yelled hatefully: "Damn it! Is there no way to save him?"

Tifa walked over and hugged Jesse, letting her best friend cry softly in her arms.

Alice was also sad, not only because of Claude, but also because she heard the ending of Zack Phil.

"Alice...I'm sorry for letting you know about Zack in this way." Heather had already heard Alice's self-narration, and it was because the original game knew the story between Alice and Zack.

Alice shook her head: "... I had a premonition before. He is always optimistic and cheerful and is very good at pleasing girls. He has been gone for five years and there has been no news... However, even if they are no longer in a relationship, he is still He is my very important friend. I, I feel so uncomfortable, teacher..."

As she spoke, tears shed from the corners of her eyes.

Heather sighed and touched Alice's head.

Yuffie looked left and right, and suddenly said: "I understand! Since Cloud has awakened his personality due to a 'blow' before, wouldn't it be over if we give him another 'blow'?"

Everyone turned their attention to Yuffie, which made her feel a little scared, but she still managed to continue: "Start at me again? I'm not wrong! It's like a child hiccupping, it's better to scare her. ?”

"That's right... wouldn't it be nice to give Xenovia another 'blow' that would endanger Claude's life?"

Heather suddenly stood up, as if she had made up her mind:

"I want to force Claude to read!"

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