A foreigner's journey

Chapter 424 The End of Shinra

The path to the cannon control room is not safe.

Monsters kept rushing towards the running Shinra staff and soldiers in the shadows along the way. These terrifying monsters that only appear in human beings' deepest nightmares would knock their prey to the ground and feast on it.

Rufus kept running towards the cannon control room. Even if a monster occasionally blocked the way, he would die immediately from his accurate and powerful large-caliber bullets. Rufus didn't even cast a glance at the poor people who were crying out to him for help. What he is about to complete is the great cause of saving the planet. How can he stop because of these mortals?

Levi, who was following him, left the team halfway. He really couldn't sit back and watch these colleagues die in front of him. He looked at Rufus who was gradually going away in front of him, and murmured: "Sorry, Mr. President, you can only walk the next road alone..."

Then he picked up a submachine gun from the ground, fired and roared at the monsters that were eating soldiers and staff.

Kick, kick, kick!

First, go all the way down, and then go up along the makeshift steel channel. The closer to the cannon control room, the more corpses around, and the more miserable their death conditions became. Rufus even caught a glimpse of TAX members and 2st warriors among the corpses.

The cannon control room is located at the top of the fort, and the last section of the journey has been separated from the building itself and exposed to the cold wind outside.

Bang! Bang! Rufus accurately shot the monster in front of his forehead, and then shot it in the heart of the monster. He didn't even look at the monster that was wailing and falling to the bottom of the building, and looked at the control in silence. corner of the platform below the room.

The mutilated corpse once lay quietly in the corner of the platform, surrounded by the remains of monsters. It was obvious that he fought as hard as he could.

Rufus looked at his most trusted confidant. Perhaps he was Rufus' only friend in the world, right?

After taking two deep breaths, President Shinra looked toward the control room on the top floor, calmly replaced the final magazines on the two pistols, and then walked up the metal stairs while raising the guns on guard.

At this time, the surrounding sky was dim with an ominous scarlet color, and the huge meteorite above the head became more and more clearly visible. Countless Mako pipes were continuously delivering large amounts of Mako energy to the cannon, and the fort was about to be fully charged!

On the control room platform on the top floor, Bao Jiao, who was wearing a white researcher coat, was slumping in front of the console, operating the buttons and knobs with his fingers flying, muttering to himself: "It's almost here, it's almost here! Hehehehe ...Sephiroth, this is my last gift!"


Baojo suddenly shuddered, and a bloody hole was punched through his back to his chest, and even a display screen on the console in front of him was shattered, crackling with sparks.

He turned around tremblingly and found Rufus holding the pistol steadily and aiming it at his vitals.

Rufus said with a cold face: "Dr. Hojo, if I remember correctly, you have been fired from Shinra Company, right? Every time you operate any button on the console, you are doing something to the sacredness of Shinra Company." To violate the safety of inviolable property, considering the irresistible factors above your head, I have the right to kill you on the spot."

As he spoke, Rufus fired another precise shot directly in front of Hojo's forehead. The powerful impact of the large-caliber bullet directly blew off half of his skull, spreading red and white all over the console behind him.

After confirming that he had killed the treasure bar, Rufus strode towards the console. It was still too late to stop charging now.

There is no doubt that I will be the biggest contributor to saving the planet, I am the hero!

Before Rufus even approached the console, he suddenly jumped to the side in alertness. Almost at the same time, the position where he was previously was hit hard by a huge, thick arm made of dozens of tentacles, and the entire console ground shook violently. Fortunately, Shinra Company is very good at infrastructure construction. Even the temporary fort control room did not cut corners, and the operating platform only shook a few times before returning to calm.

Rufus rolled on the spot, and the moment he stood up, he raised his guns and aimed them in the direction of his thick arms. Only then did he realize that Hojo, who had been confirmed to be dead, stood up staggeringly, and the tentacle arm was the source. on his right arm.

"...What did you do to yourself?" Rufus looked at Bao Tiao in disbelief, this madman! They actually used themselves for human experiments! ?

"Hehehe... the changes that occur every moment after the body is transformed cannot be figured out by just talking or using any machine. The most real thing is to gain experience by yourself. Isn't this a matter of course?"

Half of Hojo's head was missing, and there was a bloody hole in his chest, but these fatal injuries did not affect his slimy snake-like tone at all:

"There are still a few steps left to complete charging, please don't hinder me."

"Do you know what you are doing, Baojo!" Rufus pointed the gun at Baojo cautiously, and slowly moved his body towards the console: "Were you the one who released those monsters in the building? Ska Where are the Leite people?”

"Hehehehe...that woman usually likes to bully Shinra soldiers, and even treats them as human seats and footstools. I just gave those soldiers some 'insignificant' strength and gave them a little push from behind. Whoops , it seems that even a dog that has been domesticated for many years will fight back against its owner after the resentment reaches a certain level? The scream of the woman when she was dragged away was not beautiful. "

As he spoke, Hojo pouted towards the corner. Rufus did not look back, but from the corner of his eye, he saw a torn red skirt and high heels thrown to the ground in the corner. They were Scarlett's favorite clothes. style.

"What about you? Don't tell me you also want to bombard the Great Hollow in the North with cannons to save the planet."

Rufus noticed that the screen on the console showed that the shelling target had locked onto the protective cover of the large hollow in the north:

"There is something weird about that protective shield, and you must not bombard it with a cannon. If Sephiroth gets hold of something about you to force you to assist him, you might as well leave everything to the Shinra Company. We can definitely help you... "

Before Rufus could finish his words, he was interrupted by a burst of crazy laughter from Hojo.

"Hehehe...hahahaha! You are so cute and innocent, Rufus Shinra! Hahaha! Sephiroth is my son! His biological son! My son needs a lot of Mako energy now, you can build This Midgar cannon is the best gift, hahaha!"

Rufus' face turned slightly pale. Is Sephiroth the son of Hojo? Why did I never know about this... was the truth deliberately concealed?

"Hehehehe! I really want to see the expression on Sephiroth's face when he learns that his biological father is me! He has always looked down on me, thinking that I am a despicable clown who copied Gaster, but ah ...I obviously have the best work, and that is Sephiroth!"

Baojo's body kept swelling and then exploding, and his figure became more and more distorted. Only his slimy voice was still howling, like whining and roaring:

"I, I once again lost to my desire for knowledge...ahhh! The Jenova cells obtained from Sephiroth, proliferate, devour my flesh and blood to your heart's content, absorb nutrients and thrive, I... Saphiroth Philos...ahhhhh!!"

Hojo's entire body exploded completely, replaced by a puddle of scarlet flesh. The white bones with blood, flesh and mucus gathered again. A twisted and wailing giant monster was born from the flesh and blood mire. The flesh that kept gathering and exploding squirmed. . The monster had locked onto Rufus with great malice, its huge sharp bone claws raised high.

This was an opponent that was no match for him. Even the chance of escaping was 0%. Rufas made a judgment immediately.

Heather, leave the cannon to me to stop it, and leave the meteorite in the sky to you... What a pity, there are obviously more elegant ways to stop the cannon from firing, but in the end we can only use this extremely rude method.

He smiled calmly, turned around and violently smashed the glass cover above the emergency button on the console, and pressed the red button just before the monster attacked him. This is the emergency start button that activates the overload system, which will only activate when the Mako charge reaches more than 90%.

Blood spattered on the screen and the console. Behind the thick plasma, red fonts could be vaguely seen beating on the screen——

[The cannon's charge reaches 94%, reaching the overload critical point]

【warn! Overload system startup]

[The cannon is about to self-destruct, the countdown begins]

【5, 4, 3, 2, 1...】

A violent explosion shot into the sky, and even in the distant Junon region, the huge mushroom cloud rising in the direction of Midgar could be seen. The explosion not only engulfed the entire cannon fort and the Shinra headquarters building, but also completely destroyed the city of Midgar, which was held up by the steel disk.

The Shinra Company was completely destroyed.

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