A foreigner's journey

Chapter 452 Three-party melee (2)

The red beam cannon broke through the surface and melted through rock and steel.

The giant dragon claw covered with black dragon scales pressed down, but was hit by the beam cannon from the bottom up. Just the moment the two collided with each other, the energy beams and shock waves overflowed, directly triggering an unprecedentedly powerful explosion!

The entire street and the buildings on both sides were swept in by the horrific explosion and flames, and a huge black mushroom cloud rose into the air.

Roxana and Reiner were swallowed up by the explosion before they even had time to react, but then the unique golden light of the light egg shone in the fire.

Minal let out a scream, and just as she was about to raise a magic barrier to resist, she felt a hug around her waist, and then the infinite flames that attacked her were split open by a sword light.

"pay close attention!"

SABER hugged Minar and kept running upwards along the huge crumbling rocks around him. With the rune cross sword in his hand, he carved a trajectory in the sea of ​​explosion fire that was enough for them to pass through.

"SABER! Who is that guy? Is he really [King Arthur]?"

Minar was almost breathless due to the wind, hugged Saber's neck tightly and shouted.

The purple-armored swordsman named [Galahad ALTER] frowned: "King Arthur does have the blood of [Dragon]. Could it be that this identity has been transformed into a treasure... But why is it a mace?"

He really couldn't understand, if the mysterious servant who could control Lancelot was really another future King Arthur, why didn't he use the holy sword [Excalibur] instead of using an unknown mace? This is so beneath the dignity of the King of Britain!

Before he could say anything else, he suddenly focused his eyes and threw the Minal in his arms towards the roof of the distant building.

The explosion flames below automatically gave way to a passage, and the huge dragon man suddenly rushed out, holding the mace in both hands and raising it high above his head, and then hammered at SABER!


Galahad immediately raised his sword to block. The two magical weapons clashed briefly and immediately exploded with strong air waves and fire. Galahad was hammered backwards with a dull loud noise and flew backwards at a rapid speed. The figure that went out smashed the metal body of the iron tower behind it.

The rune bar on the hilt of the cross sword in SABER's hand suddenly stretched automatically and wrapped one end tightly around the surface of a building near another street. It suddenly contracted and pulled him back from the air.

SABER landed firmly on the side of the building wall and grabbed the edge of the window on the wall with his hands. Before he could take a breath, he felt the howling wind blowing from above his head. I saw a huge black mace falling rapidly from the sky, smashing the entire building into pieces!

The purple-armored swordsman was hit to the ground again by the powerful [Jiang Sanshi Yin Nai Luo]. Along with countless flying masonry, iron pipes and glass fragments, a huge deep pit was created on the ground by SABER.

"Ha! They say that the black version is three times stronger. How come your so-called [Galahad ALTER] is weaker than the original owner?"

Heather laughed wildly, and plummeted toward the deep pit below with her huge dragon body that was four meters tall. The mace in her hand was raised high and wrapped with black lightning-shaped overlord-colored domineering energy:

"Let the so-called strongest SABER class exit first!"

Just when he was about to launch a powerful attack, a red beam cannon suddenly blasted out from the direction of Fourth Street, which was shrouded in blazing fire and rising black clouds in the distance, aiming directly at Heather!

"The troublesome guy... [Vajra Yaksha]!"

Heather twisted her whole body and swung the mace violently. The blast of air waves formed a storm hammer and collided with the incoming beam cannon, greatly reducing the power of the beam cannon. But the aftermath still knocked Heather far away from the air.

Immediately afterwards, the fire and smoke in the direction of Fourth Street were broken open by the impact force from the inside. A huge hole was opened. The LANCER, holding a golden spear, spewed out fierce flames at his feet and flew through the air at the speed of sound like a jet!

Accompanied by the terrifying sound, LANCER drew a blazing trail in the sky that burned the retina, and instantly chased Heather across the battlefield, with the tip of the gun pointed directly at his throat.

Heather quickly turned around in the air, and the dragon tail covered with solid dragon scales behind her lashed out at Karna from bottom to top. The latter quickly turned his spear and drew a tragic trajectory.

The green dragon scales were chopped cleanly into pieces, and the blood was evaporated by the high temperature of the gun tip before it could even gush out.

Even an ordinary swing of Karna's golden spear is as lethal as a Grade A Noble Phantasm, and the dragon scales cannot stop it!

Dozens of densely packed and irregularly arranged thin lines were instantly drawn in the air, which were the trajectory of Karna's slashing attack in an instant. In his field of vision, all the vital dragon scales on the surface of the huge dragon man's body were chopped into pieces by himself, leaving almost no intact part of the body.

But even so, none of these injuries actually broke bones. In other words, they were all flesh wounds.

Karna's eyes narrowed. This was not just a level of defense that the physical body could achieve. Was it the defensive effect that the mace gave this person that was comparable to a noble phantom?

At this time, a five-fingered dragon claw that had grown dragon scales directly grabbed Karna's arm, and the injuries on the surface of Heather's body healed in the blink of an eye.

He roared, threw his head back, and then smashed his head against Karna's forehead!

A roar like thunder suddenly exploded in the sky.

Even Karna, who was protected by the A-level defensive treasure [Sun Disk, turned into armor], groaned from the sudden headbutt attack. Rather than the damage, the dizziness caused by this headbutt was greater. As soon as Karna dispelled the dizziness, he felt that the surrounding scenery turned upside down.

Heather used enough strength to swing him in the air a few times and then threw him to the ground, pointing directly into the deep pit where SABER fell.

Before this was over, three burly figures wearing armor and holding weapons appeared in front of Karna's falling trajectory.

They are [Gareth] holding the trident tightly, [Bose] holding the ax gun high, and [Kai] carrying the two-handed axe.

The three of them aimed at Karna, who was falling rapidly like a meteor, and each raised their weapons to perform their own unique skills——

"[Crossing the Sky]!"

"[Spear of the Goddess of War]!"

"[The end of all things]!"

Karna raised his arms in front of him and used his golden armor and body to withstand these three powerful attacks that were comparable to the Noble Phantasm of Liberation! Even he had several bloody marks and wounds.

Immediately afterwards, infinite flames exploded all over Karna's body, forcing the three Knights of the Round Table back.

Turning the huge golden spear in his hand upside down, he assumed a standard throwing posture. The scratch on Karna's cheek healed quickly in the flames. The tip of the spear had already locked onto Heather behind the three knights!

It has to be said that this mysterious servant who calls himself RIDER is the strongest enemy he has encountered in his second life. If he does not unlock a more powerful Noble Phantasm, it may be difficult to determine the winner in a short time.

MASTER, I'm sorry, I have to use [Brahmastra Kundala] based on my own judgment!

On the other side, Heather had no intention of using the murderous knife but raised the black mace in his hand again. He was still waiting to catch a bigger fish, and before that, he did not intend to expose all his trump cards.

Just when both sides were about to blast out their respective Noble Phantasms, SABER's cold voice came from the underground pit——

"[Tireless Glory Makes Me an Enemy] (Around RoundShield)!!"

Thanks to BSBcool for the 500 starting coins

Thanks for eating the Qidian coins I rewarded

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