A foreigner's journey

Chapter 457 Spiral Pavilion

Opening the door and looking past the landlord and his wife, Heather looked at the TV screen playing in the living room.

On the screen, the host was interviewing a female marcher wearing a black kimono, who was talking about anecdotes about the Hyakki Night Parade and the stories about the great monsters that were almost gods.

"...I see, you've always been there, but I didn't realize it."

Heather murmured, a smile forming on her lips.

What a presumptuous and bold guy. Are you going to challenge me so openly?

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Reiner asked curiously as he followed Heather out of the room. Roxana also grabbed Heather's clothes and looked up at him curiously.

"Let me ask you again, besides [Clock Tower], [Wandering Sea], and [Atlas Academy], are there any more powerful magic organizations?"

"Huh? Apart from these three, it is the [Spiral Pavilion]. A mysterious magic organization located in China. It is said that its strength is comparable to the Clock Tower."

Although Reiner is not good at magic, he has good theoretical knowledge and has a strong memorization of knowledge. In addition, he is a gossip by nature and likes to collect information and often hears various secrets from his teacher. Perhaps he knows more secrets than many Clock Tower lecturers. need more.

"I still remember you said that the magic foundation of [Spiral Pavilion] is different from that of Europe."

"Yes, [Spiral Pavilion] uses special 'thought magic'. It is just because they are too mysterious that thought magic is rarely spread to Europe, and there is no way to understand and analyze this strange magic."

The more Reiner spoke, the paler his face became, and by the end he was covered in sweat:

"You, you mean..."

Four stone balls appeared next to Heather and flew to the landlady and his wife. Regardless of their surprised shouts, the four stone balls turned into stretched stone insects and lay on them and began to release golden light.

Heather sat on the sofa, rubbed her chin and said slowly:

"It seems that someone in this [Spiral Hall] also participated in the Holy Grail War, and used the so-called [Thought Magic] to subtly tamper with the thoughts of all the people in Melisis City, rooting the 'Japanese Mythology' in everyone In my heart, if I have successfully transformed Melisis City into the [land] that is most conducive to the Japanese mythical heroic spirits, my [famousness] will naturally not be much lower."

In the Holy Grail War, there are three factors that affect the strength of a Servant: [Land], [Famousness], and [Master’s Magic Power].

Land and popularity refer to the fact that the closer to the land (cultural circle) where the heroic spirit is in the legendary stage, and the higher the popularity, the more powerful it will be. The "powerful" mentioned here means that the strength and equipment are closer to what is described in the legend. Thanks to this, new Noble Phantasms may be added.

For example, if King Arthur is summoned in England to participate in the Holy Grail War, victory is basically guaranteed. At that time, King Arthur will be strengthened to an incredible level, and may even lead twelve Knights of the Round Table to join the war, which will directly transform the legend of the "Knights of the Round Table" into a Noble Phantasm.

In addition, if Karna is summoned in India, he will probably get the most terrifying bonus.

"So the 'Guhuo Bird' and the 'Tree Demon' are not separate servants, but the clones of a certain 'collection'?"

Reiner was horrified. Both the tree demon and the bird had the strength of a 'servant'. Is there any powerful servant that can rival RIDER in this Holy Grail War?

"Idiot, it's [Hakki Yakō]."

Heather watched the landlady and his wife fall into a deep sleep in the golden light, so she got up and poured herself a glass of juice:

"No, maybe it's a higher level existence than that. Hey, are there any mountains or anything like that near Melisis City?"

"Ah, there is... there is! There is an endless mountain range facing the northeast on the outskirts of Melisis City, called Panahakos Mountain. The vegetation there is lush, and there are wild animals. The Melisis Municipal Government Trespassing was prohibited as early as 1966."

Hearing this, Heather's smile became even brighter:

"Oh, he is king in the mountains, and hundreds of ghosts walk at night. This guy's identity is already revealed..."


"[Shuten Doji]."

Walking in a secluded alley somewhere in King's Port, Master Ubita from the Wandering Sea held a paper bag filled with long bread and prosciutto in her arms, and seemed to be talking to herself.

There was nothing around him, but suddenly a deep and deep voice sounded:

"The name sounds like he's an oriental servant."

"...I don't deny it. It is one of the three major monsters in Japanese myths and legends. Although it relies heavily on the blessing of [land] and [famousness], once its strength is fully exerted, it will be a powerful servant second to none."

Ubita tore off a piece of ham from the bag and chewed it in her mouth full of sharp white teeth:

"The monsters [Guhuo Bird], [Wood Demon], and [Iron Rat] in the Night Parade of One Hundred Ghosts are all summoned by it as a special means. I guess these monsters are not the only ones."

"In order to obtain the blessing of 'land' and 'famousness', they actually used evil magic to tamper with their thoughts. It is really an evil method."

There was annoyance in the voice beside Ubita.

"...Negative. This is the best solution if you want to take advantage of the huge advantage far away from the East."

Ubita swallowed the ham residue in her mouth, tore off another piece and threw it into her mouth:

"Besides, this is not the correct way to use the 'thought magic' of [Spiral Hall]. The magicians in that place only use thought magic as an auxiliary combat method, and prefer to face opponents openly. This time the enemy obviously stole And use the magic skills of the Spiral Hall. Coupled with the dedication to the heroic spirits of Japanese myths and legends, there may even be contestants from Japan."

"...No need to think too much, I will help you defeat all enemies and win. However, if you give me this order again, 'attack the youngest son in order to win the fight,' I will treat you as an enemy."

"...I won't deny it. I already know your attitude. Please rest assured that this will never happen again."

Ubita chewed the food in her mouth without changing her expression, not wavering at all from the strong murderous aura that suddenly emitted from her side.

During the previous battle between the three servants, Ubita had given orders to ARHCER beside her to shoot the hunchbacked young man and the little girl with bows and arrows. RIDER seems to attach great importance to them. If they use this to contain and create opportunities, they may even make RIDER and SABER exit at the same time.

It's a pity that ARHCER's character is too noble, and he is worthy of being the flawless hero in legend.

Not only did he flatly refuse his order, he even had murderous intentions towards his master for a moment.

Ubita, who had a 'beast' lurking in his body, was very sensitive to murderous intent. Instead of using the command spell to force ARCHER to execute the order, he decisively terminated the order and issued a new order - to attack RIDER with arrows. If RIDER does not suffer too much damage from this, then help them to make SABER withdraw from the game.

As he wished, the SABER team had withdrawn, and the woman named Minal Tremberio also died there.

Inform Lord Meastia? Of course not. If the other party sends [Tianzhao Zero Equipment], the chance of winning will be even greater for our side.

No matter whether the opponent is the [Prince of the Sea of ​​Stars] or the [King of One Hundred Demons], Ubita is confident that he will never lose.

Because he summoned the [strongest hero],

none of them.

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