A foreigner's journey

Chapter 463 The eternal giant snake feeds on the staff

If in the understanding of mortals, 'transforming base metals into gold' is an incredible miracle, then to the members of the Atlas Academy, this is just a 'simple transformation of matter'.

Childish and clumsy technology that is far from ideal, nothing more.

What Atlas Academy pursues is [the transformation of events]. Unlike the alchemy manipulated by the magicians of the Clock Tower, the alchemy of the members of the Atlas Academy is highly developed from the ancient Egyptian metallurgy, which is its source.

What is [change of events]?

That is a power called [Miracle], a special ability that is different from the Servant's Skill and Noble Phantasm category. Changes in events, manipulation of the flow of time, founding of nations, these are the powers that can create world levels.

Sifona Abel, this talented alchemist of French origin, is working hard with this as the highest goal in her life.

Being immersed in the vast ocean of knowledge and studying infinite mysteries with a limited life is the ultimate form of the so-called "Alchemist".

The basis of Atlas Academy's alchemy is [high-speed thinking] and [divided thinking], and then there are [transformation type] and [acceleration type] alchemy.

[High-speed thinking] Just like the literal meaning. [Divided thinking] is to divide one's own thinking and have multiple thinking circuits at the same time. All thoughts have the same purpose and will exchange information with each other. Moreover, there is a multiplication effect between thoughts. For example, if you can make four divided thoughts, you can have 256 thoughts. This does not simply mean that there are 256 alchemists thinking at the same time. Rather, there are 256 high-speed intelligences, with no gaps between them, assisting each other to operate without any hindrance for the same purpose.

Alchemists affiliated with Atlas must at least be able to divide their thinking into three parts. Those with five parts are rare geniuses.

Sifona Abel's limit is [four].

Although she is only a fallen aristocrat of Atlas with French ancestry, Shifona's goal is not small, and she is determined to become the dean of the Atlas Academy. In that case, she can at least be able to divide herself into eight parts.

Two months ago, Shifona began to study the composition and inverse deduction of the [Philosopher's Stone] under the guidance of her mentor. Her mentor is Ankara Notris Siphis, one of the Six Sources (equivalent to the Twelve Monarchs of the Clock Tower). Their main research on this Source is the alchemy inherited from the legendary alchemist [Nicolas Flamel] Technological faction.

Just when she was happy that she could finally come into contact with the [Philosopher's Stone], the highest secret of the Atlas Academy, a dispatch order was placed on Siphona's desk.

An outside magician holds one of the seven contracts lent by the Atlas Academy, and comes to the Atlas Academy hoping to temporarily borrow an alchemist to help. And Sifona Abel was the candidate deduced from the three-pointed obelisk [Simultaneous Spirit Calculator·Three-pointed Hermes] located in the center of the Atlas Academy.

In this regard, her mentor Notris has a positive attitude:

"Three-pointed Hermes came to an almost absolute order after coming to a conclusion. You are still young, you might as well go out and have a look... Remember, Siphona, never violate the only and absolute commandment of the 'Atlas Court'... …”

"Understand, [your research results can only be disclosed to yourself]."

Siphona instinctively recited the only commandment of Atlas Academy.

"Although Atlas Academy will make an exception to assist the holders of the seven contracts created in the early days of the academy, and the precepts will be invalid. However, once Atlas Academy knows that you have passed on the knowledge to the contract Anyone else, you will face endless pursuit."

"I understand, teacher."

"...Take this." As he spoke, Mentor Notris handed Sifona a small box decorated with rubies and gold.

"This is?"

Siphona picked up the box curiously and found that the box had been sealed by the secret technique of Atlas Academy.

"An imitation of the [Philosopher's Stone]."

Mentor Notris sighed:

"This is a [Source Level] resource that can be accessed publicly. Although it is only a little fragment, it undoubtedly has the effectiveness of the Philosopher's Stone. Since he can take out one of the seven contracts, the magician must be Facing a huge problem that is difficult for you to handle, it is always a good thing for you to be more prepared this time."

"Thank you, teacher."

Siphona's departure appeared to be in a hurry, and she was not even prepared to salute. She was taken to the passage to the outside world in the Atlas Courtyard with only the box containing the fragments of the Philosopher's Stone replica.

There, Shifona met the magician holding a contract.

It was a black-haired beauty with a delicate appearance, whose gender was unclear, holding a black umbrella. The other party was wearing a black Japanese men's high school uniform, and he just watched Siphona walking towards him quietly.

Without any unnecessary nonsense, the two left Atlas Court one after another and came to Melisis City.

Knowing that his mission this time is to help the opponent win the Holy Grail War, he even needs to participate in the war as the Master. Of course, this mysterious magician named Arimura Kirina has made a contract and will never do anything to endanger Shifona's safety.

Siphona was not dissatisfied. For her, the most important thing was to resolve the matter as soon as possible and then return to the Atlas Academy to continue studying the Philosopher's Stone.

This senseless attitude lasted until half a month ago.

During that massive summoning ceremony, the holy relic Arimura Kiri prepared for him had no effect at all. Instead, the box in his arms emitted a violent light.

[Nicolas Flamel], who has a deep connection with him, responded to the call of the Holy Grail War and participated in the war with the CASTER class.

According to Nicole, she was not dead and responded to the Master's call just out of interest in the Holy Grail system.

A woman full of lies, Sifona saw through Nicole's true nature at just the first glance. But she didn't care, because Nicole promised to pass on as much of her alchemical knowledge to her as possible.

As for the problem of Schifona's lack of magic circuits and her inability to provide enough magic power, Nicole Flamel also solved the problem through the Philosopher's Stone.

Siphona has never felt that [the dream] is so close to her like now. As long as he learns Nicole Flamel's alchemy knowledge, he will be able to take over the position of a mentor immediately after returning to Atlas Court, right? Even the location of [Six Sources] is easily accessible!

No matter what Muragiri, Shuten Doji, or even Nicole Flamel were secretly doing, Shifona didn't care.

"So, what is the purpose of your coming to the laboratory? You must be in the mood and ready to teach me how to make the Philosopher's Stone, right?"

In the empty experimental hall, Siphona was wearing rubber gloves, holding a scalpel and tools, and was operating in the abdominal cavity of the human man who was the experimental subject. The hoarse painful wails of the experimental subject's struggle kept ringing in her ears.

"No, Kirina-kun has conveyed the order from the King of Hundred Demons. He hopes that we can officially open the great barrier to meet the upcoming decisive battle."

Nicole played with a gem and said with a smile.

"This Holy Grail War is finally coming to an end. I've been waiting for it for a long time. Without further ado, let's get started."

Siphona took off her blood-stained rubber gloves and threw them aside, then took out the box from her arms:

"This is the [Key Stone], the passage that opens the [Future], and the temple called [Ultimate]."

The box in her hand automatically opened its lid, revealing a small semi-solid red substance inside.

A huge book made of fine and smooth young bark also appeared in Nicole Flamel's hand. The cover was tightly wrapped in brass and was covered with words or strange symbols. Opening the cover, there are 3 groups of 7 pages, including the homepage. The seventh page of each group has no text. But on page seven of the first set, there is a drawing of a wand being swallowed by a giant snake.

Nicole's voice sounded leisurely, echoing in the huge empty cave:

"This is [the answer], it is the weapon that ends [Hope], it is the universe called [Immortality]."

The pattern on the page glowed dazzlingly, and then, with Nicole as the center, an extremely huge and complicated pattern appeared under her feet. This was a huge magic circle called [Immortality].

A large amount of light shines at the nodes of the magic circle, which are countless fragments of the Philosopher's Stone!

This magic circle, which can only be constructed by using a large number of Philosopher's Stones, continues to expand outward at an extremely rapid rate, crossing the mountains, covering the entire Panahax Mountains, and penetrating deeply into the earth and spiritual veins, eventually forming an indestructible super giant. Enchantment.

"[The eternal serpent feeds on the rod] (Book of Abraham the Jew)!"


Name: Nicolas Flamel

Source: "The Will of Nicholas"

Region: France

Attributes: Order and moderation

Class: Caster

Ability value:

Strength E/Durability D/Agility D/Magic A/Lucky A/Noble Phantasm B

Class skills:

[Position Construction]: Level A, as a magician, you can create a "workshop" that is beneficial to you. Since it has A rank, it can build a "temple" that is higher than the "workshop". For Nicole, it is a magic position specializing in [Gem Magic] (Philosopher's Stone).

[Prop Creation]: Level EX, create magical instruments. For Nicole, this skill specifically works on the [Philosopher's Stone]. As the maker of the [Philosopher's Stone] and a legendary alchemist, Nicole Flamel has the unquestionable ability to create EX-level items. Not only can you make the Philosopher's Stone, you can also convert the Philosopher's Stone into immortality potion or refine it into a powerful alchemical golem. It is also possible to produce large amounts of gems required for gem magic.

Inherent skills:

[High-speed chanting]: Level A, the ability to speed up magic chanting. The chanting of great magic can be completed in just one step. In his case, he combined it with gem magic (specifically, the Philosopher's Stone) to make it more efficient.

[Inquirer named Immortal]: Level EX, create and manipulate the greatest mystery in the history of alchemy - the power of the Philosopher's Stone. Being able to ignore the side effects and 'toxicity' of the Philosopher's Stone and perfectly harness its power. It has even become possible to use a self-made Philosopher's Stone to absorb magic power in an infinite cycle, a 'perpetual motion machine'.

[Not Overflowing Golden Wish]: Level A, the effect is equivalent to [Golden Rule]. It couldn't be easier for Nicole to randomly convert base metals or even stones into gold. But she doesn't like to gain wealth in this way, thinking it is a blasphemy to her own alchemy. She has always insisted that 'converting gold' is just a small bonus during her research, but the world only focuses on it, which is really ridiculous.

[Reincarnation Octopus]: Level A+, as the master of the Philosopher's Stone, Nicole has almost infinite life as long as the Philosopher's Stone is not exhausted.

Noble Phantasm:

[The eternal serpent feeds on the staff] (Book of Abraham the Jew)

Grade: B/Type: Anti-city Noble Phantasm/Attack Range: 1~99/Maximum Capture: 600 people

A huge book made of fine, smooth young bark. The cover is tightly wrapped in brass and is engraved with words or strange symbols... It has 3 groups of 7 pages, including the first page. The seventh page of each group does not have any text, but there is no text on the seventh page. On the seventh page of one group, there is a drawing of a wand swallowed by a giant snake.

This book must be held in hand to activate the Noble Phantasm, and a huge magic circle will be unfolded under the feet. All inanimate objects entering this array will have their origin material form changed by magic; all non-heroic living beings will have their race tampered with and transformed; The person will be granted immortality or have their vitality reversed and become a zombie. Since its essence is not a 'curse' but a 'transformation', even having resistance to the 'curse' will not negate this effect.

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