A foreigner's journey

Chapter 467 Heroes (2)

ARCHER's Noble Phantasm instantly smashed all the giants in its path to pieces.

But once the arrow flew close to the Jinlam Mountain where the temple hall is located, all the impact and the accompanying dragon's circling were greatly weakened until they were completely dissipated.

"The range of ARCHER's Noble Phantasm is too small. It has been amplified by the Philosopher's Stone and has become a new realm of its own. He alone cannot defeat it."

Heather stood on the top of the bow statue with his hands in his pockets and looked down. The hem of his windbreaker rustled in the wind. Behind him, there were twelve Knights of the Round Table fighting against the incoming monsters.

Under the control of Heather, the Nautilus in the sky was like a flying petrel, flying at high speed with the [Red Navigation Guardian Star], trying its best to get rid of the increasing number of monsters.

Clang! Sparks flew everywhere, dozens of red flame trails exploded in the sky, and a large airspace was cleared in front of the Nautilus.

Karna twirled the golden spear that still had flames in his hand, and the magic power began to vibrate violently:

"Really, as long as the [Power] and [Range] of the Noble Phantasm are large enough? Master, can you allow me to release the Noble Phantasm?"

Dalon, who was protected on the deck, swallowed nervously, took out a jar filled with black ointment and held it tightly in his hand: "Go, LANCER!"

"Protect him."

This sentence was obviously meant for Heather. Karna used his strength to leap high into the sky. With his extremely strong golden armor, he knocked over more than a dozen fly monsters along the way. He was twisting downwards at high altitude. Body, put into throwing posture.

The golden spear in his hand seemed to turn on a switch, and flames suddenly spurted out, transforming the spear into a spear of fire composed entirely of energy.

"[Brahmastra Kundala, curse my body]!!"

With all his muscles exerting strength, Karna threw the spear of fire in his hand towards the Panahakos Mountains flashing with countless red lights below!

The Flame Spear immediately fell rapidly downwards at a speed exceeding the speed of sound! More and more flames burst out, and in an instant the sky was completely covered by the extremely blazing flames. The originally gloomy night was completely illuminated, and the fly monsters that were nearby were evaporated instantly before they even had time to scream!

The rolling flaming waves hit the mountains below, threatening to completely cover and destroy them.

Shuten-dōji stood in front of the temple hall, looking up at the boundless red flames in the sky, which was the glow that showed the majesty of the sun god. He showed no fear at all, just a smile that couldn't help but smile:

"Ah! It is these brave warriors who can show the power of the great rivers and mountains!"

In an instant, the flame spear turned into a falling meteor and hit the top of the temple hall accurately with boundless waves of flames!

The dazzling light blooms instantly!

Then came the boundless [heat] and [shock]!

Finally there was a deafening roar!

boom----! !

Just like the terrifying destructive power of a nuclear weapon explosion, endless fire exploded above the Panahakos Mountains and a huge mushroom cloud slowly rose. Circles of flaming shock waves spread rapidly outward, causing even the wilderness more than ten kilometers away to tremble violently!

The blazing heat surged into the sky with the mushroom cloud, and the thousands of fly monsters that were unable to escape were all burned into charcoal, and the ensuing shock wave bombarded these charred corpses into smoke.

The Nautilus was not affected by this terrifying impact, but cleverly floated along with the storm generated by the explosion. This is the ingenious control power that RIDER can possess.

Daron, who was in the middle of the deck, was shaking all over and trembling as he tried his best to unscrew the lid of the jar. However, with his magic power rapidly depleted, he couldn't even do such a simple thing.

Seeing that his magic power was becoming increasingly depleted, he suddenly saw a pair of small hands reaching over to help him twist the lid of the jar in his blurred vision. Roxana noticed Daron's predicament and ran over to do whatever she could to help her gray-haired uncle.

Her little face turned red from holding back, Roxana used her strength to finally unscrew the lid of the jar, and quickly handed the jar to Daron.

Seeing that the other person was already pale and weak and unable to lift his arms, she leaned over and scooped out a large piece of black gelatinous substance from the jar with her little hands and put it into Dalon's mouth.

Only then did Dalon's expression look better. He thanked Roxana softly and struggled to get up: "In this way... ahem... you can open the barrier set by CASTER, right?"

"Unfortunately, not possible."

Heather put her hands in her pockets and narrowed her eyes slightly to look down:

"LANCER's Noble Phantasm is anti-nation level, while CASTER's Noble Phantasm can only be destroyed by anti-world level. Look, they are fine at all."

The mushroom cloud was forcibly dissolved and dissipated, and the firelight and heat wave also dissipated, revealing the Panahakos Mountains below.

Almost unscathed.

The dots of red light are still there, and the powerful Noble Phantasm that can destroy a country in an instant seems useless against the barrier Noble Phantasm set by CASTER.

Even LANCER, who landed on the deck of the Nautilus, looked surprised: "...can't even [Brahma God, curse me] break this barrier?"

Heather shook her head: "No, it's because there are too many Philosopher's Stones and they continue to draw out the underground spiritual veins, causing the repair speed and resistance of CASTER's barrier treasure to exceed the power and range of your treasure."

The Shuten boy standing in front of the main hall opened his arms and laughed loudly:

"Is this all you can do? LANCER! RIDER! ARCHER! The three of you are all the top warriors in the world, show me your courage!"

Wild laughter echoed throughout the mountains.

At the foot of the mountain, Ubita, who was wrapped in the 'fur of the divine beast', looked surprised, and then suddenly realized:

"That's LANCER's Noble Phantasm. Even the Son of the Sun God's Spear of Light can't destroy this barrier? Sure enough, it's the [Philosopher's Stone]. Atlas Academy joins the battle!"

Beside him, ARCHER Heracles was holding a long bow and frowned slightly: "My [Shoot Hundreds of Heads] can't be better than LANCER. I can only approach the hall step by step on foot?"

"...Negative, I'm afraid this is exactly what the other party wants us to do. The only way to use the [Philosopher's Stone] to such an extent is that Nicolas Flamel appears in the world. I'm afraid the other party has a large number of Philosopher's Stones. It can reach the level of 'perpetual motion', and the longer it drags on, the worse it will be for us."

Ubita shook his head: "It was a miscalculation. The other party just wanted to lure us into the barrier and break it one by one."

Hercules looked up at the Nautilus in the sky: "Neither LANCER nor I have a suitable Noble Phantasm. I wonder about that RIDER..."

"...Negative. [Heather] relies on the 'Sword of Fire', 'Shield of Light' and 'Ship of Poseidon' in myths and legends. None of them has the power and scope to surpass the national level. Also. I wonder where his 'fake Knight of the Round Table' came from... eh?"

The words stopped abruptly, Ubita touched the water spots on her face, and then looked up at the sky in confusion:

"It's raining?"

The thick clouds high in the sky began to roll like waves without knowing when, the wind howled, and the big raindrops fell sporadically at first, and then it poured heavily!

One after another, silver snake-like lightning flashed across the sky, and through the storm, the huge and elegant figure deep in the clouds was vaguely reflected.

Hercules wiped the rain off his face and looked up at the sky.


No, it’s [God]!

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