A foreigner's journey

Chapter 481 A strange dark fairy tale

The black curved finger hooks brought up blood and minced meat. Heather's armed domineering and mental energy protection had no effect at all. This evil cat with a huge strange face was able to ignore the defense and directly attack Heather's body. !

And it seems that even the strengthening of the physical body by the thought energy has been ignored.

Cheshire Cat!

Heather's neck suddenly became bloody, but the pain could not interfere with him at all, but instead aroused Heather's ferocity.

He didn't even care about the blood spurting from his neck. He turned his hand and grabbed the scarf of the little prince who couldn't retreat in time, and swung it up with all his strength!

The little prince was pulled by the long golden scarf like a lead ball and was swung by Heather into golden arcs one after another, causing a fierce sound of breaking through the air.

After spinning hundreds of times in the blink of an eye, as Heather let go of her hand, the little prince brought up a golden stream of light and hit the ground like a cannonball, immediately knocking out a deep and huge dent in the ground!

The moment Heather took action, the Cheshire Cat's huge evil cat face flashed behind him again. It smiled evilly and stretched out its claws to dig at Heather's back, trying to scratch it to pieces. Heather's heart!

But a blazing red beam cannon streaked across the night sky and hit the cat's claws accurately. With a mournful meow, the Cheshire Cat looked resentfully into the distance where the beam cannon was coming, and then immediately disappeared into the air.

"Should I say you are nosy..."

The horrific wound on Heather's neck had long since healed. He had actually noticed the Cheshire Cat's sneak attack and was about to counterattack, but he didn't expect LANCER Karna to take action.

In the distance, the fiery red light in Karna's eyes gradually faded, and he said coldly: "You're welcome."

ARCHER Hercules had already raised his bow and aimed in the direction where the little prince fell, and fired out bronze arrows with [Dragon] wrapped in them one after another. For a time, the sky was filled with arrows, covering the sky and the entire earth, like a meteor shower. Bombarding the ground, it was like the huge destructive power of a missile washing the ground.

The good duel between the three heroes was interrupted. Not to mention the strange appearance of the other party, it was obvious that there was a huge conspiracy. LANCER and ARCHER decided to work together to deal with the strange little prince as soon as they got out of the [1, 2, 3, wooden man] state, and then Decide the winner among the three.

Suddenly, the barking of dogs sounded like thunder, shaking the ground.

The thousand-meter-long black-haired one-eyed dog roared and rushed towards Heather, while the red-haired one-eyed dog dived underground again and disappeared without a trace.

The giant dog's legs alone are hundreds of meters high. Every time it gallops, it's like four skyscrapers are crashing into the ground, and the earth is making an overwhelmed whine.

Heather gave a 'tsk' sound and had to give up attacking the little prince, and turned to look at the black-haired cyclops. He flipped the murderous knife, and the wind and rain immediately gathered, and he swung a huge slashing wave towards the incoming one-eyed giant dog that covered the sky and the moon!

[Hagoromo Zhan·Xiao Yelan]!

At the same time, ARCHER, who continued to fire 'missile version' bronze arrows, suddenly jumped up high, and then the previous position was blasted through by a huge red-haired dog claw from the bottom up, causing gravel to fly. Radiant!

ARCHER kept bouncing and running among the splashing rubble, and the long-range attacks did not stop. The dense bronze arrows continued to blast towards the direction of the pit.

"[Brahma, cover the earth]!"

Karna jumped up high and threw the flame spear that turned into blazing flames downwards. The flame spear representing the sun god's flame instantly melted through the surface of the earth, turning everything it touched into ashes, including the red-haired cyclops underground.

The red-haired giant dog let out a pitiful howl, and then all the rotten flesh and blood in its body collapsed, and the foul-smelling corrupted plasma continued to spew out from the cracks in the rock!

The rocks were corroded and assimilated by the stinking plasma, and then turned into a seedbed of flesh and blood. The entire land within a diameter of three hundred meters turned into flesh and blood tissue that shone with a strange red light, bulging and shrinking as if breathing.

Something is growing deeper underground.

In the distance, the giant black-haired dog that covered the night sky was also cut in half by Heather, but the huge orange one-eye like a copper tower still stared at Heather, and an unpleasant yellow beam fell under the dark night sky. The beam of light reflected Heather's figure, and no matter how he moved, he could not leave the sight area.

The sound of uniform steps filled the air.

A large number of poker players stood up, holding rusty weapons and walking on the flesh and blood earth. Each playing card has a different character pattern painted on it. If there is any similarity, it is that the painting style of all the characters is extremely twisted and hideous, as if the artist was on drugs or painted casually when he was drunk. results.

The strange thing is that from the moment these playing cards appear, they will become larger every time they take a step. At the same time, the characters on the surface of the playing cards will also struggle and squirm from the plane to the three-dimensional surface. It seems that if they are given enough time, these abnormally evil and twisted things will completely break away from the shackles of playing cards and come to the world.

Heather frowned: "This time it's the Poker Soldier, it's really endless!"

It is true that the more experiences a foreigner has, the richer his heritage becomes. It seems that the little prince has experienced a lot in the fairy tale world to collect props.

He raised the murderous sword high, and the fierce wind wrapped around the blade. As he swung downwards violently, the storm spiral sword swept across the earth and slammed into the poker soldiers.

Tianjian Congyun youth version!

"Oh, it seems that your concept is [Storm]..."

There was no good meaning in the little prince's immature voice, only endless malice.

One side after another, crookedly spliced ​​masonry walls rose from the ground, and the walls were joined together to form larger walls. In a blink of an eye, a barrier strong enough to shield the poker soldiers was formed.

The hurricane that was supposed to destroy everything stopped in front of this thin masonry wall. Although the wall was smashed by the strong impact, the wind was also strangely blocked outside the wall.

The broken masonry fell to the ground with a loud crash, and before it hit the ground, it automatically floated and spliced ​​back together, forming an increasingly twisted and crude masonry wall.

A cute-looking pink pig wearing a dress shirt stood with both feet next to the brick wall, looking up at Heather in the sky with a smile. As it grinned, the remains of the flesh and bones of the other two piglets could be vaguely seen deep in its mouth.

A masonry house wall that specifically restrains the [Wind] and [Destroy Building] rules? Damn it, how could there be so many weird things in the fairy tale world!

This time, Heather also experienced the frustration of facing an endless stream of weird props when enemies encountered her in the past.

The poker soldiers were still moving forward, and not only that, but a large group of figures appeared in the darkness.

These were forty tall and lanky figures wrapped up tightly in desert people-style attire. It should be said that they were too lanky, with their four-meter-tall bodies as thin and narrow as bamboo poles. They just moved forward in silence and in weird postures, at extremely fast speeds.

The leader was a brown-skinned boy wearing a turban and a bright smile, with a bright machete on his waist.

Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves solved the case. The Assassin Shuten Doji killed turned out to be a substitute thrown by the little prince.

Now Heather had to admit that the other party's props were obviously much more than her own. If you delay any longer, you will only fall into a situation that is difficult to get out of. You must use powerful force to break the little prince's body!

Thinking of this, Heather clenched the murderous knife in her hand and transformed the progress gauge——


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