A foreigner's journey

Chapter 483 Fierce Fight

The dragon's energy wrapped around the arrow and fell from the sky like a meteor shower.

The Poker Soldiers were only one step away from completely breaking away from the shackles of the cards and turning into ferocious monsters, but they all fell on this last step.

The bronze arrows wrapped in the dragon's aura accurately penetrated the exposed vital points of these monsters, and the fierce wind pressure caused the cards to be torn into pieces, and the blurred flesh and blood mixed with the card fragments scattered everywhere.

Hercules stood on the top of a huge rock towering in the distance, continuously drawing his bow and shooting bronze arrows.

His Noble Phantasm [Shooting Hundred Heads] is more like a fighting style, which consumes very little magic power. In addition, his bronze arrows come from the feathers of the bronze strange birds in the Twelve Glories, so there is no possibility of running out of ammunition. If you leave him alone, he will be a tireless super-high firepower turret.

With ARCHER killing those dark fairy tale summons with a steady stream of long-range attacks, Heather and LANCER were free to besiege the little prince.


The flaming spear quickly fell from the air and struck hard on the metal shield set up by the little prince, sending sparks flying all over the sky.

The irregular-shaped metal shield painted with filthy patterns seemed to be able to absorb high temperatures and impact force, and automatically floated in front of the little prince. It remained unmoved even in the face of Karna's terrifying attack that could penetrate a skyscraper.

The golden scarf around the little prince's neck fluttered, taking him flying through the sky at high speed. The shield kept moving at high speed to resist Karna's spear pursuit. For a moment, the gold and the flames dragged out two extremely long tails, disturbing the dazzling flight trajectories in the air.

"Step aside!"

When Karna heard the sound, he immediately turned sideways. Heather held the murderous knife and slashed a huge vacuum slash wave from bottom to top. However, a total of four masonry walls about a person's height appeared out of thin air, overlapping and blocking the little prince. , accurately blocking out all the [wind].

The bricks collapsed in all directions, and the cute pink pig standing below waved his arms like a band conductor. The bricks were immediately pulled towards Heather. Each brick was stained with grease and sticky blood, and there were even traces of blood on it. The other two piglets screamed and howled as they died.

[Magic Release·Fire]!

Raging flames spurted out from Karna's body, spreading rapidly around him with him as the center. In an instant, a huge fireball like the sun appeared in the sky, covering everyone and everything nearby.

Almost at the same time, Heather's 'Absolute Kingship' appeared in her hands to gain immunity to fire, and the little prince also blocked the metal shield in front of him.

But those masonry were not so lucky. The attached grease further helped the flames burn more intensely. All the masonry was turned into coke and then shattered into countless fine powders that were scattered in the wind.

Below, the pink pig let out a miserable howl and rolled around on the ground. The black dress top it was wearing was intact, but the skin on the surface of the body under the dress had black burns one after another, and the whole body exuded the smell of burnt meat.

Ding-ding-ding-ding! Thousands of metal knives and forks appeared next to the little prince. The surfaces of these knives and forks were covered with rust and blood stains, and they also had anthropomorphic faces, but they were all expressions of pain and wailing.

The little prince waved his hand suddenly, and the knives and forks rained down on the two of them.

Karna relied on his golden armor to ignore the collision of knives and forks, and rushed towards the little prince despite the heavy rain of knives and forks. However, before he could get close, he was severely scratched by a cat's claw that suddenly appeared!

Five black curved long hooked nails penetrated the defense of the golden armor and hit Karna's body reliably. Blood immediately spurted out from the gaps in the armor, and Karna couldn't help but spurt out blood, and his momentum came to an abrupt end.

The huge evil smile of the Cheshire Cat reappeared, and it kept waving its claws while letting out a weird laugh. LANCER's golden armor had no protective effect at all, and its body became like rags in the blink of an eye. Blood.

Click! Click! Click!

The blades of axes, tridents, and spears thrust from three angles. The three Knights of the Round Table used their long-handled weapons to cross-pierce the Cheshire Cat's strange face accurately.

This giant strange cat kept twitching, and its body that had been hidden was revealed. Except for the two cat claws and the cat's face, the rest of its body had rotted and collapsed, exposing the stinking internal organs and necrotic bones inside.

The little prince's expression did not change, and the golden scarf around his neck suddenly waved, turning into an extremely sharp blade and drawing a bright light, cutting all three Knights of the Round Table in half.

"Is that thing a [Flying Carpet]? Can it be used in this way?" Heather did not forget to complain, but the murderous knife in her hand did not hesitate at all, and struck straight at the little prince's head.

The golden light flashed again, this time it was [hair]!

The little prince's beautiful short golden hair suddenly grew and curled towards Heather and the blade in his hand like life. Even if it is cut off, the fallen golden hair will immediately turn into sharp needles and pierce towards Heather again.

Although Heather was not afraid of the piercing attacks of these hair needles thanks to the physical defense strengthened by [Concept] that was far stronger than steel, the more and more hair turned into tentacles made it very difficult to deal with.

Flame appears!

Heather made a prompt decision and used the Burning Fruit to transform into a flaming man. She raised her hand and fired an [Incineration Cannon].

The infinite hair that could withstand the sharp edge of the murderous knife immediately curled up and became scorched as soon as it touched the flames. At the same time, a faint female scream could be heard.

But the magic hair from "Rapunzel" finally bought the little prince time. He decisively pulled out the left eyeball with his fingers, then stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it quickly. After chewing it about ten times, he spit out the contents of his mouth into the palm of his hand. It was a spindle with sharp spikes.

He looked at Heather with his remaining right eye and threw the spindle hard.

It seemed that the flying speed was not very fast, but Heather found that no matter how she dodged, the spindle would fly towards her location.

An item that cannot defend, block, or dodge, and possesses the law of cause and effect! Heather immediately understood in her mind that it was the magic spindle in "Sleeping Beauty"!

Just when the spindle was about to hit Heather, the other nine Knights of the Round Table appeared and used their bodies to help Heather block it.

Like an illusory image, the spindle penetrated the bodies of the Knights of the Round Table one after another without any hindrance. The bodies of all the Knights of the Round Table who were touched, without exception, stiffened and then turned into dots of thoughts that dissipated. Their thoughts The name also became dim in the "Catalog of Mythical Weapons" in Heather's heart.

Until the last Knight of the Round Table, Lord Galahad. He used the Noble Phantasm "Tireless Glory, My Enemy" obtained from SABER to firmly block it in front of him like a shield. This time, the Noble Phantasm and the spindle, which also possess the law of cause and effect, collided physically.

Cracks appeared on the surface of the huge round shield, and then it completely collapsed. Galahad was also hit by the spindle that followed, turning into mental energy and disintegrating.

At this moment, a brilliant sword light fell from the sky. King Arthur held the holy sword and caught the unstable moment when the spindle and the buckler collided, and swung the sword heavily to strike the spindle.

The spindle exploded to pieces, and King Arthur used his broad and burly body to block in front of Heather, blocking all the spindle fragments from flying away.

"The rest is up to you..."

He only had time to say this to Heather in his heart, and King Arthur also turned into thoughts and collapsed.

The little prince only used a magic spindle to directly destroy Heather's [Knights of the Round Table].

For a moment, the three of them were deadlocked in the sky.

Karna is still trying to use the golden armor's ability to recover from his injuries. The injuries caused by the Cheshire Cat are very strange, and even with the golden armor's recovery power, progress is very slow.

Heather looked serious, turned the murderous knife in her hand, and looked for the little prince's flaws.

The little prince looked down at ARCHER Hercules who was killing forty thieves with arrows, then at Heather and LANCER Karna, and suddenly smiled, half of his face covered in blood looked very strange:

"Interesting, it reminds me of the Holy Grail War sixty years ago. It was such a pleasant battle... But my friends are fighting hard, and I can't continue to let go. Heather, are you still there? Didn't you get your [Life Tool]? Before you die, I can open your eyes."

As he spoke, he slowly raised his right hand and spread his palm, and an object suddenly condensed in the palm of his hand.

As soon as Heather saw the object, her pupils immediately shrank to the size of a pinhead.

That's an oil lamp.

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