A foreigner's journey

Chapter 486 The Battle of the Masters

The flesh-and-blood earth was surrounded by red mist, and the fishy smell filled the air.

The blood vessels and pieces of flesh in one place suddenly squirmed and bulged in a large arc. As the flesh and blood burst, a burly figure stained with blood quietly crawled out from inside.

Although his body was covered in dirty flesh and blood, his unique appearance was still easily distinguishable. He turned out to be the Master of the ARCHER group, Ubita, who had been missing since the battle in the Panahakos Mountains.

This contestant from the Wandering Sea seemed completely unaffected by the aftermath of the previous battle, except that one of the powerful magic rituals [Tianzhao Zero Suit] obtained from the Meastia faction had been destroyed, and the wrist guard on his left wrist was broken. Unbearable, as if being baptized by [hurricane], [flood], and [fire] one after another.

Ubbita crept out of the hole of flesh and blood, like a nimble and vigilant beast. He didn't care about shaking off the blood on his body, but looked at his chest.

There should have been a complex red tattoo there, which was the [Command Seal] representing the qualification to participate in the Holy Grail War. At this time, Ubita's chest was empty, and the connection with ARCHER Hercules was also unilaterally severed.

In the end what happened?

Originally, Ubita had been hiding underground since the war began, observing the progress of the entire battle through ARCHER's perspective.

No matter whether it is LANCER, the son of the Sun God, or BERSERKER, the king of ghosts who commands the demons, or even CASTER, who has mastered countless philosopher's stones and established a powerful barrier, they can't compete with RIDER.

It should be said that he is indeed the 'Prince of the Star Sea' Heather, who has never been successfully summoned by anyone. His terrifying power and countless treasures comparable to those of a god are simply a nightmare for all heroic spirits. I thought that I would be invincible by summoning Hercules with the ARCHER class in Greece, but I didn't expect... There is really no fuel-saving lamp in this Holy Grail War.

Having said that, Ubita is not the kind of person who cannot afford to lose. Feeling ARCHER's uncontrollable desire to fight openly and openly when facing RIDER, Ubita stopped talking and allowed him to fight hard.

It's gratifying to win. Even if he loses, it is not in vain to witness the three most outstanding heroes of the world competing on the same stage.

But when the golden star fell from the sky, everything started to get weird.

[The Little Prince] is obviously a fairy tale that represents purity and an untainted heart, but he was given the rank of Assassin during the Holy Grail War sixty years ago, which is puzzling. You know, the main characteristic of the Assassin class is that this heroic spirit has personally killed people and has blood on its hands.

Even Ubita knew very little about the Holy Grail War sixty years ago. He only knew that when the Holy Grail War was in the final stage, the Great Holy Grail had begun to reveal its true form, but was half-killed by Berserker Monkey King with the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. Fuyuki City was destroyed together with the Great Holy Grail, and that Holy Grail War was also declared to be suspended.

Unexpectedly, the little prince Assassin has survived for sixty years, and even replaced the Assassin class in this Holy Grail War.

Before Ubbita could think about it, the battle between the three knights and the little prince had already begun.

The strange dark creatures summoned by the little prince were full of evil inside and out. Even if Ubita only observed them through the perspective of ARCHER, she couldn't help but feel dizzy and nauseated. He knew in his heart that this was a symptom of spiritual pollution. Even indirect observation can produce such terrible pollution?

As a last resort, he unilaterally severed the sensory link with ARCHER.

But not long after, he felt terrible throbbing in his heart, and could even hear ARCHER's angry roar. Just as Urbita was about to reconnect and use the command spell to help Hercules, she found that her link with ARCHER had been forcibly severed, and it was ARCHER who took the initiative to do so.

ARCHER must have been extremely seriously contaminated. In order to prevent Master Ubita from being infected, he cut off the link first.


Ubita, who was covered in blood, frowned. She got down on all fours and her hands and feet turned into cat paws with flesh pads, and she walked quickly and silently through the flesh and blood earth.

In any case, he has lost the qualification to continue participating in the Holy Grail War, and it is time to leave here and return to the Wandering Sea.

Before he had gone far, he suddenly heard a miserable scream coming from the blood mist.

Not far away, I saw three strange-looking fairy godmothers flying rapidly around two adults and a child. They laughed crazily while holding spine fairy sticks to attack the three of them.

Ubita was hidden in the blood mist and narrowed her eyes slightly. That's... the master of RIDER and LANCER?

Reiner protected Roxana under his body, and there were many scars on his body. Daron, on the other hand, was covering his right shoulder. There was nothing left under his right shoulder except gushing blood. It was obvious that his arm was torn off by the three fairy godmothers. Originally the target of the opponent's attack was Reiner, but Daron blocked the attack for Reiner, at the cost of his own arm being torn off.

Three jars were smashed on the ground, and black mud spilled all over the floor. That was Black Oblivion, Daron's last hope, but at this time, all three fairy godmothers were smashed.

"Hoo hee hee... It's delicious! It's delicious! It's been a long time since I've eaten fresh meat!" The skull-headed fairy godmother was chewing on half of her arm when she was hit hard on the head by a spine. It spun and flew several meters.

The fat fairy godmother seemed to be the leader of the trio. She waved the spine fairy stick and shouted angrily: "Puff! Puff! Don't worry about eating, tear off all their limbs! I have reported to His Highness , these three are precious hostages! Poof!"

"Ahem...there are only two masters, what to do with the remaining one?" The abused fairy godmother's hands turned into sharp torture files, with blood dripping from them. Although both eyes were sewn shut, Reiner could feel that the monster was 'looking' at him.

"It's up to you! You can eat it or tear it apart! Phew!" The fat fairy godmother waved her spine impatiently.

The skull was overjoyed, and immediately turned around in the air and flew towards Reiner quickly. He muttered something while opening and closing his jaws: "Brains are the most delicious! Dig them out alive! I'll eat them first! Hehehehe!"

Reiner opened his eyes desperately. He wondered if it was a hallucination before his death. He seemed to see several barrel-thick giant pythons piercing the blood mist and silently attacking the three fairy godmothers from behind.

The skull was not noticed and was immediately tied up by several giant pythons. The huge snake body was twisting and squeezing. The fairy godmother of the skull who was tied in the middle let out a shrill scream, and the sound of breaking bones was heard continuously. .

"Ahem... Idiot!"

The battered fairy godmother's hands flashed with metallic light, and she accurately cut the incoming snake head into proportionally sized pieces.

The fat godmother raised the spine fairy stick in her hand and swung it down with all her strength. The snake body that tied the skull was crushed into pulp by the invisible weight, and the skull was able to escape.

The attention of the three fairy godmothers was all attracted by Ubbita who appeared from behind. At this time, Ubbita's body showed the characteristics of [python], [porcupine], and [gorilla], and she looked at the three monsters silently. Keep your body low and be ready to fight.

Why take action? Ubita couldn't explain it herself. Maybe she was infected by ARCHER's strange personality?

"Pfft... ARCHER's original master, instead of taking advantage of such a good opportunity to escape, he came to the door himself. Are you stupid?" The fat fairy godmother asked a puzzled question.

"...Negative. Before I leave, I think the heads of the three of you would be a good souvenir for your teachers and friends."

Ubita's cold voice sounded.

The three fairy godmothers screamed in anger and rushed towards Ubbita, who also transformed into her most powerful hybrid beast form to fight.

Taking this opportunity, Reiner tremblingly helped Roxana up, and then wanted to stir up Daron, but the latter refused.

At this moment, Dalon issued an order to LANCER from the bottom of his heart, stopping the other party from rescuing him.

As the command spell on the back of his hand disappeared, all the magic power in his body was absorbed, and Dalon, who was already seriously injured, became dying. But his eyes had never been so bright as now, and before he died, he finally achieved his long-cherished wish.

Ah...the Holy Grail War...can really make your wishes come true...

Looking at Daron who stopped breathing, Reiner cried until his vision became blurry.

The fat fairy godmother who was fighting fiercely with Ubita looked back and couldn't help but get angry: "Pfft! The master of LANCER committed suicide! Bastard! Bastard! Now we lose an important hostage!"

"Ahem... RIDER doesn't seem to care about the life or death of this little girl Master. He is so cold, and he is not the same type of outsider as his gentle Highness."

"Hoo hee hee! Abandoned! Abandoned! Can I eat it?"

Reiner turned pale and hugged Roxana tightly. Has RIDER given up on himself and Roxana? That's right, neither he nor Roxana can provide him with any effective help. They are obviously just a burden, but they have ridiculous expectations.

Her whole life has been a reflection of failure, but Roxana...at least must save this child!

Roxana raised her innocent little face, opened her arms towards the night sky, and showed an innocent smile:

"Come on... Germany...!!"

The girl's call was answered by a wolf howling full of anger and wildness!

The night sky above our heads was illuminated by blue-white thunder! The huge thunder wolf descended from the sky, its giant claws raised high pointing directly at the three fairy godmothers.

[The fierce battle of wolves howls in the thunder] (Jinouga)! !

The three fairy godmothers screamed and tried to hide, but how could they go faster than the Thunder Wolf Dragon?

Huge claws fell from the sky and smashed down heavily, bringing with it fierce thunder. The fat godmother and the skull godmother were crushed into minced flesh. The battered godmother who was a little further away was hit by the overflowing lightning just as she wanted to run away, and turned into ashes. Burnt black powder.

The lightning accurately avoided Ubbita, Reiner and Roxana, defeated the flesh and blood earth beneath them, and returned to what the rocky earth should look like.

Seeing Roxana happily running over and hugging the giant wolf claw, Reiner sat down on the ground in a daze, feeling like he had walked away from the door of hell.

RIDER has not given up on us...

And Ubita stood up straight in silence, looking at the majestic and huge thunder wolf, with curiosity in her eyes. Is this RIDER's Noble Phantasm?

At this moment, the night sky in the distance was suddenly illuminated by endless firelight and thunder, and there was no trace of darkness anymore.

The next moment, the spear of light that shocked the world appeared in the sky and blasted towards the earth!

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