A foreigner's journey

Chapter 509 Seven Real Things (2)

Mutsu, Mount Death.

It is listed as a first-level disaster designated area along with Edo's "Misakiko" and Ezo's "Yuyama".

The so-called first-level disaster designated area is an "environment area that is absolutely uninhabitable for humans" recognized by the Owari Shogunate.

The sinister thing about the Mountain of the Dead lies in the 'death' of this mountain range. There is no possibility of living. This mountain range has been judged as [death] a long time ago.

There is no possibility of recovery.

Maybe you will think that people will die, animals will die, how can mountains die too? In fact, this is a matter of course. Everything in the world will die at that moment. Stones turn into powder, trees wither, snowflakes melt, clouds disappear, and the planet dies. Everything has its death date. Why? Shan] No?

Mountain of the Dead, completely, clearly, literally, [Mountain of the Dead].

I don’t know the cause of death, I only know that this mountain range entered the state of death a long, long time ago. There are no living creatures, no trees, not even birds want to fly over. Silence is everything here.

But just over a hundred years ago, when this mountain of the dead was about to die completely, it miraculously struggled to come back to life. Even though it had only a tiny bit of vitality, the mountain was still panting in pain and lingering on. world.

This is thanks to the [Dead Soul Mountain Guards] who have been guarding the Dead Soul Mountain. They have lived near the Dead Souls Mountain for generations, completely cut off from the surrounding daimyo and even the shogunate. Their history is so long that they were once as famous as the three companies of the guardian gods of Izumo. Their only goal is to save this ancient mountain range.

Even though the trees had long since died, they still piled stones with their own hands to build temples and halls. The exquisitely carved Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva statues stood in every corner of the Mountain of the Dead. The center is gently rotating, symbolizing the stubborn mentality of the people here who will not succumb to nature.

The Mount Necromancer God Guards believe that it was their [god] that saved the mountain range.

And this [God] was enshrined on the top of the Mountain of the Dead, sleeping quietly in the small ancestral hall.

Now, the True God has appeared in Izumo, and the God Guards of the Dead Soul Mountain are in panic all day long, because they are afraid that the [God] worshiped by the God Guards will be regarded as heretical and disobedient by the True God.

Because, the [God] of Mount Necromancer is actually one of the twelve transformed swords of Shikisaki Kiki.

【Evil Sword·鐚】.

In order to please the gods and to restore life to the Dead Soul Mountain, the Dead Soul Mountain Divine Guards have decided to send the most outstanding strongman among the Divine Guards, the "Spirit Spear" Siwang Haosong, to the Sword Guard Temple with an evil sword to participate in a swordsmanship showdown in front of the gods. No matter whether you win or lose, you must at least win praise and favor before God.

But they didn't know that just as the Four Kings and Haosong were about to set off, two uninvited guests had arrived at the foot of the Dead Souls Mountain.

The purpose of both parties is also very clear, they are here for the [Evil Sword].

The sun was gradually setting in the west, and a man and a woman were standing in front of the boundary monument at the foot of the Dead Souls Mountain. It seems that he is talking eloquently, but in fact he is full of murderous intent.

"Lord Kami? Oops, Miss Qishi, you really like to joke. I am just a free wanderer wandering the world, and I am also a cripple with only one arm."

Heather's remaining left hand was resting on the handle of the knife at her waist, and she said lazily.

About ten meters away from Heather, Rong Qishi stood on the slightly dusty road, her tone as cold as her eyes:

"Master Heather, you are just joking. This is the first time I have seen a being like you that cannot be seen through by my pair of [Jianji Ancient Eyes]. You may have a human-like outer skin, but there is something inside that makes you tremble. The power... I would like to ask, what exactly are you?"

As she spoke, she tilted her head to match her words, showing a 'curious' gesture, but her eyes, which were as cold as a black hole and bottomless, were unconvincing.

The next moment, her figure disappeared from the spot, turning into an extremely sharp unsheathed blade and slashing towards Heather!

Heather drew the knife with her backhand, and the light of the knife intertwined into a dense and intricate network in just half a second.

Countless dull sonic booms immediately exploded in the air. It was Rin Qishi who kept waving his hands at a super speed exceeding the speed of sound, and the hand knife formed by joining his fingers together caused a vacuum chopping wave in the air. The vacuum sword rain pouring out like a torrential rain collided with the countless sword lights swung by Heather, resulting in a terrifying explosion.

And these two swordsmen, whose strength levels far exceeded the ordinary level of 'genius', were still able to chat casually in the midst of such a fierce battle.

"How sad that you called me 'what'? I thought we were off to a happy start."

"That's just your wishful thinking. It can be seen that you are very confident in that face of yours. Look carefully, it's really a nasty face."

"Ah, this is a sharp and to the point speech. It should be said to be at the level of 'venomous tongue'. If he were an ordinary man, he would have covered his face and run away by now, right?"

"It seems that you don't intend to deny the word 'obscene'."

"As a man who has dated 2.5 women at the same time, it is natural and logical to have the label of 'dirty' in his self-perception, right?"


"One of them cannot be considered a 'human' in the strict sense of the word."

"Ah... I have slightly changed my opinion of you, Master Heather. It seems that you are not only vulgar, but also a complete pervert."

"What kind of change is this? You, an evil woman who severely accuses her father and her younger brother, have no right to criticize me!"

boom--! !

The air blade swung by the hand knife collided with the long knife in Heather's hand. A ring-shaped air wave exploded and spread rapidly to the surroundings. The dust on the ground was blown up by the strong wind, and the surrounding trees that had been dead for many years also withered. It was shattered into pieces in the wind.

The air blade slash Qishi wielded with his bare hands just now was 90% similar to Heather's [Feather Slash]!

I saw Rong Qishi using the recoil to do a backflip lightly, landing gently on the top of the boundary monument of the Dead Souls Mountain, looking down at Heather:

"It's really a complex swordsmanship, but there are indeed a few moves worth watching. Master Heather, you seem to know my past very well, but I don't understand why the Yin family has been away from Japan for twenty years... "

"Ruan Qishi, do you really want me to reveal your true identity?"

Heather put the long knife on her shoulder and looked up at the woman who seemed fragile and fragile, but actually had terrifying and bottomless strength:

"Twenty-one years ago, the girl who won the title of 'Japan's Strongest' from Sou Kurokane at the age of seven, is the alien blade in the history of Kyōto-ryu, Sou Nanami."

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