A foreigner's journey

Chapter 517 The most difficult and troublesome

"Among the participants, there was one person who made me quite suspicious."

Negative Ji gently shook the flower fan, her face seemed to be full of smiles, but if she looked carefully, she could not find even the slightest hint of joy in it:

"He was tall and tall, and wore a large cloak that completely covered his body. He refused to let anyone peek into the contents of the cloak. As soon as this person arrived, he handed over a name card, and the name card called himself - [Weidao·Chai] .”

"Self-proclaimed? Such fools will only displease the gods if they stay on the field. Do you want me to tell you this, General? No!"

"Oh, I have the most negative personality. The more mysterious a guy is, the more I want to blow off his 'coat'. So, I sent Iga Kaiji and Hannyaru to 'drive away' this guy. I might as well take off my cloak and take a look, but I can’t do anything about such an important matter as a swordsmanship duel in front of a god.”

Hannyaru and Iga Kahiru are direct confidants who have served the shogun in the past. They can be called the "eleven people on the side" who are of the same mind as the shogun. Each of them possesses extremely superb martial arts and sword skills. In order to hold the ceremony without any problems this time, the general denied Ji's minimal authority to command the eleven people on the side to eliminate malicious contestants.

"Iga Kailu and Hannyaru? You are really generous. You actually sent two of them at once for a mere impostor..."

Before the general could finish his exclamation, he was stopped by Den Ji's chuckle:

"Fake? Haha, Lord General, are you kidding me... I just said he was suspicious, but I didn't say he was fake."

"You mean?"

"A real strong man. I'm sorry, General, I'm afraid your [Eleven people on the side] will have to be changed to [Nine people on the side]?"


"Hannya Maru was instantly dismembered into dozens of pieces, and Iga Kaiji was split in half from head to toe, leaving no room for counterattack. Judging from this strength, it must be a variation of Shikisakiki. A terrifying power that can only be possessed by a sword.

"How dangerous... If it weren't for this competition, this general would have sent an army to kill him immediately! Where is this person living now?"

"Staying in the corner of the second dojo. Not talking, not eating, not moving, just like a wooden doll with no one to control it."

"Damn it...is there more?"

Is it just "abominable" to the tragic death of the eleven members of the Imperial Guard who swore allegiance to him with one heart and soul? Sure enough, the eighth-generation general who inherited the position of the previous generation of generals is still a weak and incompetent waste who has no ambition to make progress.

Negative Ji shook her fan and said loudly: "Zaemon Zaemon?"

A calm voice came from the direction of the roof of the dojo: "Princess, please give me your instructions."

"Tell me about the information you have collected."


Zaemon-emon's voice was straight and straightforward, without any twists and turns:

"The Necromancer Mountain Divine Guards, who were originally scheduled to send [Spirit Spear] Siou Haosong to participate in the swordsmanship showdown in front of the gods, have now announced that they have given up because the 'Evil Sword, Go' they enshrined was taken away, and Siou Haosong also died tragically in the battle to protect the evil sword. Death."

The general was furious: "Taken away? Gods don't care whether your 'reason for not being present' is due to arrogance or because you lost your knife. Why don't you go find it!"

"I'm very sorry, but the person who took the sword is not 'whereabouts are misty', but 'no one dares to offend'. This person's name is Yin Qishi, and she is the sister of Yin Qishika, the seventh generation head of the virtual sword style. Twenty years ago, she The [Monster] who won the title of 'Japan's Strongest' at the young age of seven. So far, there have been nineteen attacks on her and the evil sword, as well as three ambushes by an army of more than a hundred people."

"The results of it?"

"...All perish, no one survives."

"...!!" The general was so shocked that he could not speak.

"But please don't worry too much, because Qin Qishi has arrived at the foot of the Sheath Mountain and is about to climb the mountain. It seems that she also grabbed the sword to participate in this unprecedented 'Swordsmanship Showdown before God'."

"Zaemon Zaemon?" A voice that denied Hime suddenly sounded.


"If you hold [Flaming Sword and Gun] and fight against Rong Qishi, who will win?"

"I won't fight her because that would be a fool's errand. She's not a human or a swordsman, she's a monster."

"On the premise that you [must fight her]."

"Then, I will use my life to delay as much as possible until you and the General successfully escape from this place."

"What a boring answer, boring man."

Denial Ji shook her fan and looked at General Jiaming behind the curtain:

"General? How about using [clearing the name of the Hollow Sword Style and allowing them to re-establish a sect in Japan] as bait to lure the Yin family siblings to our side?"

"Good, good idea! Let's do it! It's up to you, deny! Okay, you can retreat."

"Follow your orders~~~~~"

Negative Ji La said in a long voice with a lazy tone, stood up and bowed slightly before turning and walking out of the fifth gym.

The Sword Guard Temple covers a huge area. Ji Xingxing walked among the people running back and forth with a half-smile on his face.

"Princess, it was detected three days ago that Qiang Baibing appeared at Noun Villa in Awa, and he was confirmed to be carrying a [Thin Sword and Needle]." Not far from Denime, the voice of Zaemon Youemon came. .

"Hmm... Where is [Sekiro] Heather? He blocked the pursuit of Rong Qishi for those idiots from the Necromancer Mountain Guards, but there is no news yet?"

"Heather has disappeared since the incident at the Mountain of the Dead. His body has not been found, and there is no trace of him. It is as if he has evaporated from the world."

"Oh~~~? I think a man like this will never disappear. That's all, it's just my personal guess."

Negative Ji waved her hand: "How? Are you sure you can defeat these opponents? I will hand over [Flaming Sword and Gun] to you, and you must win the final victory for me in front of the Lord God."

"Your wish is my will."

"Are there any opponents who are more difficult to deal with?"

"If anything, every one of them is difficult to deal with."

"What an unhappy man. Please be more specific!"

"Yes, sorry."

Zaemonemon's voice became more serious:

"The most difficult one to deal with must be Rin Qishi, who is a complete monster. The most troublesome one is probably the guy who appeared in the second dojo."


"No, in fact, no one has noticed that behind the 'Micro Knife', there is an existence that is attached to the shadows like a shadow and is difficult to see."

It was so rare that Zaemon-emon became cautious:

"I have been observing this existence for a long time. I don't know whether this existence is male or female, tall or short, old or young. I can't even be sure whether it is a [human] or not. I can't see through its appearance at all. Do I need to solve it in advance?"

"Hehehe... I see, this guy is here too? Hmm, don't worry about him, he should have tickets too."

Denime immediately knew the true identity of that [being] from Zaemonemon's words. It’s so interesting. If this guy comes too, I really want to see the contact between the Lord God and Him.

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