A foreigner's journey

Chapter 529: Nothing but words

"Wait, wait a minute, sister! I can still keep fighting!"

Qihua was stunned for a moment, then climbed up quickly, spread his arms and knelt down in front of Jiu'er. She and her sister have been dependent on each other since childhood. Shichika understands her sister's character very well. Even though her sister looks weak, there must be no room for change in the things she decides.

Only by defeating the elder sister can the blame be saved.

Rin Qishi stopped not far in front of Qihua and said in a solemn tone:

"Fight? Just rely on your ridiculous 'seven flowers'? Qihua, my father and I have never taught you [naiveness] and [delusion]."

All kinds of things... Jiu'er's mind changed quickly, and he quickly understood Qi Shi's purpose of coming here. She discovered a huge flaw in Nanaka's move, so Dejima wanted to tell Shichika. In the end, a simple notification turned into this embarrassing confrontation scene. What an extremely awkward sister...

Wait, maybe it's not awkwardness, but Qi Shi's true attitude and way of doing things.

She really wants to kill herself! Kill herself for making her brother indulge in a gentle country and unable to extricate himself and grow up!

"Miss Qishi, maybe you have misunderstood me, but I can explain it."

Jiu'er stood up from behind Qihua, and bravely faced the overwhelming murderous aura of Qi Shi with his weak body without reservation. Even though his body was trembling unconsciously, Jiu'er still spoke firmly:

"Shichika has been practicing hard since she left the uninhabited island and has never slackened off. I admit that the sword-conquest plan ended unilaterally just after obtaining two Shikizaki Kiki variant swords. Perhaps in the eyes of Miss Nanami, I am a failed sword wielder and cannot bring enough growth to Shichika. But I firmly believe that Shichika is the strongest sword and the strongest swordsman. He will not lose to anyone in the swordsmanship duel in front of God! It’s you, his most beloved sister.”

"Jiu'er..." Qihua looked at Jiu'er with tender eyes, and then turned to look at Yuan Qishi firmly: "Sister, I will never allow you to hurt Jiu'er, not even my sister!"

Looking at Qihua who had regained her composure and regained her composure, Qi Qishi sighed softly:

"Sigh... It was obviously a good atmosphere, but you ruined it with just two words. Miss Jiu'er, I really hate you now."

As soon as he finished speaking, Rong Qishi's figure blurred for a moment, his arms exploded in the air like long whips, his hands were clenched into claws, and he bit Jiu'er from two directions like a living snake!

Inherited from Heather's fighting skills, [Assassination·Snake Living]!

Bang bang bang! A series of dull crashing sounds were heard. Nanana bowed her waist and pushed Jiuer away with skillful strength. Then she mobilized all her energy and strength and waved her hands and feet rapidly to resist her sister Nanami's snake-like whip that came from all directions.

Jiu'er did not cry out like an ordinary woman to live or die with Qihua, but turned around and ran towards the only exit of the dojo without hesitation. She knew very well that she was Qihua's biggest weakness now, and staying here would only expose his flaws.

Just as she was about to run to the exit, she heard Qi Shi's laughter——

"Ah, you are very decisive. I kind of admire you, Miss Jiu'er."

The sound of 'ah la' was still in the distance, and when we reached 'Miss Jiu'er', we could already hear Qishi's malicious laughter in our ears. Qi Qishi actually crossed a distance of tens of meters in an instant while fighting Qi Hua. It was Qiang Bai Bing's unique skill [Explosive Shrinking Ground]!

"No! Jiu'er!"

Seeing that her sister's hand knife was about to cut into the back of Jiu'er's neck as she was running, Qihua's eyes widened with anger. Unprecedented strength erupted from her feet, and she actually reached a speed that was close to [exploding ground] with brute force, and caught up with her sister Qiushi. .

But Qi Shi's sword was still one step faster than Qi Hua and swung it down.

White hair was flying in the air, and for a moment, Jiu'er thought that his head was in a different place. But there was just a chill on her neck, and she did not die. The price was that her long, silky silver-white hair was neatly cut off with a hand knife, leaving only shoulder-length hair.

Jiu'er, Jiu'er's hair... Qihua was filled with anger. He loved Jiu'er, and he also loved Jiu'er's long silver-white hair. My sister's move was no less than killing half of Jiu'er. How could I bear it!

Qi Shi stood at the exit, blocking Jiu'er's path. When he saw Qi Hua's face full of anger, he chuckled: "Ah, Qi Hua interfered a little, so I won't cut it crookedly next time."

"Unforgivable! Even if it's my sister... I will use my full strength!"

"Haha, I never taught you to talk big, Qihua. If you lose again, I will behead Miss Jiuer in front of you, right?"

"By then you will have been torn into pieces!!"

Nanaka roared and rushed towards Nanami, the last descendants of the Void Sword Style. The two Void Swords started a desperate duel in the fourth dojo of the Sword Guard Temple.

The speed of the two people was extremely fast, and their hands almost turned into shadows that could not be caught by ordinary eyes. The aftermath of the sword fight had already scratched the floor and smashed through the walls. The entire dojo became devastated. Jiuer Hiding in the floor-to-ceiling bronze mirror next to the door, he was able to avoid the dangerous situation of being involved in the aftermath of the battle.

My sister's speed is too fast, my [Seven Flowers] can't hit her at all! My sister said there is a problem with [Qihuabazai], but what exactly is the problem?

In the blink of an eye, countless thoughts ran through Qihua's mind. She quickly arranged the seven secrets of the Void Sword Style in her mind, quickly combined and practiced them, and eliminated wrong answers.

The first secret, [Flower in the Mirror, Water and Moon], is extremely fast.

The second secret, [Flowers, Birds, Wind and Moon], is strange and strange.

The third secret, [Dazzling Hundred Flowers], is powerful.

The fourth secret, [Willows are green and flowers are red], internal shock.

The fifth secret, [Flying Flowers and Falling Leaves], breaks armor.

The sixth secret, [icing on the cake], combo.

The seventh secret, [Falling Flowers in Disarray], is precise.

She had never worked her mind so hard in her life, and Shichika didn't even notice that blood was flowing out from under her nose. Finally, just when Nanami's hand knife was about to be swung towards Shichika's forehead, Shichika found the last solution. Excellent continuous skills.

"The Secret of the Void Sword Style—"

Qihua stepped on the ground suddenly, and the strong vibration made Qishi's feet tremble, and the knife in her hand also slowed down. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qihua gathered enough strength and blasted out his right palm from his waist. The first move was no longer the fastest [Mirror Flower, Water Moon] but the slowest [Liu Lu Hua Hong]!

An extremely fast and violent palm strike hit Qishi's wrist, followed by a series of violent combos like the wind and the roaring waves without any chance to breathe!

[The Ninth Mystery of the Void Sword Style·Shikabashi·Change]!

With each blow, Shichika cried out her sister's name in pain in her heart. Having been together day and night for twenty years, he knew only too well how fragile his sister's body was. Every attack he made was enough to kill her. He had personally killed his father for his sister, and now he was going to kill her again for Jiu'er. My last relative in the world.

When the last move [Falling Flowers in Disarray] was executed, tears flowed down Qihua's cheeks.

Qishi's heart was completely shattered by this blow, and his whole body was blown away far away. He hit the wall with a loud bang and then slid down, collapsing to the ground without making any sound.

Her chuckle when she was hit still echoed in Qihua's ears——

"Well done, Qihua... In this way, you will be a complete virtual sword..."

In each era, there will only be one successor to the Xu Dao style. Now, there will no longer be anyone competing with Shichika for the position of being the head of the Void Sword Style.

"elder sister!"

At this moment, Shichika was no longer the strong Master of the Void Sword, but just a boy crying loudly. He knelt down on the ground holding the body of his sister who had no longer heard anything. His cries were mixed with the excited cheers of the audience outside the dojo. An ironic contrast.

In the unknown dojo, there is no audience, no laughter, only sadness.

The extra battle of the Kami-mae Swordsmanship Showdown, [鑢七花] vs. [鑢七真], the winner——


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