A foreigner's journey

Chapter 537 【锖】VS【鑢】

The moment the referee in black waved the flag, the paper umbrella fluttered on the ground.

The first one to move was Rong Qihua!

Countless cracks suddenly exploded on the stone slab under his feet. The five fingers of his right hand came together to form a knife. All the muscles in his body were tightened like countless tight spiral steel bars. Then he exploded from the place like a discharged cannonball. The knife in his hand was pointed directly at Qiang Baibing!

[The first secret of Xu Dao style·Jing Hua Shui Yue]!

A distance of hundreds of meters was covered in the blink of an eye, and the speed of Qi Qihua was no less than the "Secret Technique: Explosive Shrinking Earth" with the blessing of the fastest secret technique of the Void Sword Style, "King Hua Shui Yue".


The thin knife is unsheathed!

The beautiful translucent blade immediately shined with the bright sunlight as soon as it was unsheathed. The refracted light spot shone accurately in front of Shichika's eyes, which made Shichika squint her eyes slightly. The accuracy of the sword was slightly compromised. .

Seizing this momentary opportunity, the sheath of the thin knife was thrown out naturally, and Qihua's hand knife was gently but focused directed to the ground on the side. At the same time, Qiang Baibing waved the thin knife to draw a sad and beautiful semicircle from bottom to top. The arc light was going to cut Shichika diagonally in half on the spot!

Qiang Baibing's famous stunt - [Reverse Dream Slash]!

The special skill that could instantly kill Oni Subuqi could not fully take effect on Shichika. At the moment when Shichika was about to be hit, Shichika twisted his body, and the blade of the thin knife barely missed his back. Before Qiang Baibing could close the knife, Shichika Bend your left arm backwards, and immediately clasp the blade of the thin knife at the crook of your arm, [Twelve Styles of the Virtual Sword Style: Chrysanthemum]——

Even the [Absolute Sword], which is said to be absolutely indestructible, was instantly destroyed by this move. How can the [Thin Sword], which is the most fragile and fragile among all variant knives, contend?

It is true that the thin sword cannot compete, but the one holding it is Qiang Baibing, the sword master who holds the title of the strongest in Japan.

Qiang Baibing didn't put the knife away at all. He knew very well that he had no time to put the knife away. He exerted force with his feet and used the explosive speed to bully him. With one foot, he picked up the sheath of the thin knife that had just landed on the ground. The scabbard rotated half a circle and came from below. Hit Nanaka's left elbow.

The tip of the sheath hit the weak point of the elbow joint with great precision. Shichika's [Stance·Ju] was destroyed, and the thin sword was freed again. Before he could regain his stance, Qiang Baibing's combos like furious waves had already arrived.

The thin sword swung out a dozen phantoms, each phantom reflecting the brilliance of the sun. Qihua froze her breath and immediately adjusted her muscles to the fastest state, dodging the sword shadow attack while jumping back quickly.

But what followed was not just the thin sword, but also the scabbard and the kicks of Qiang Baibing.

As soon as he dodged the slash of Bo Dao, he might be hit by the kick of Bo Dao's scabbard. The blade and scabbard formed a series of intense attacks like a storm, which were constantly interspersed with kicks from Qiang Baibing.

This is the secret of combos that Qiang Baibing understood after witnessing the storm summoned by the gods - [Sudden Rain Sword Song].

The continuous slashes of the violent storm split the area where Qihua was, causing sand and gravel to fly.

Even though there were no serious cuts, thin cuts continued to appear on his body, and blood overflowed, staining Shichika's skin red. If this continues, Qihua may be skinned alive within a few minutes.

The situation must be broken!

Qihua clenched her fists fiercely, her muscles all over her body bulged, and she stepped down hard with one foot, causing the ground to tremble. The bricks and stones on the ground beneath his feet were shattered inch by inch, and the splashing stones flew around. Qiang Baibing flicked his left sleeve to brush away the dust and sand in front of his eyes, only to see a hand knife cut through the dust and hit his face.

With two explosions, Qiang Baibing quickly retreated for more than ten meters. He raised the thin knife with his backhand, pointed the tip of the knife at Shichihua who had just broken through the smoke and rushed out, and then quickly extended the blade forward.

"[Suchi Sword]!"

Under the sunlight, the blade stretched straight forward strangely, piercing Qihua's throat.

No, that was just a brief afterimage left by Nanka's evasive speed.

Qihua lowered her body and drew irregular and twisted lines on the martial arts field like a flying swift. She avoided the second and third speed swords and rushed five meters in front of Qiang Baibing again. scope.

But Qiang Baibing is also good at high speed. He used the explosion to disappear from the place, and the next second he appeared in the sky behind Qihua!

Qiang Baibing, who was in mid-air, could be seen with his legs curled up. He held the scabbard with his left hand and held the thin knife upright at his side. He held the handle of the knife behind his back with his right hand and his head was lowered. The moment Qihua turned around, Qiang Baibing also suddenly raised his head, unsheathing his thin sword——

"[A handful of money]!"

It’s no less powerful than Yu Lian Silver Pavilion’s ‘Ling Shan’!

Shichika did not dodge or evade, but simply stretched out her hands and pointed at the blade of the thin sword, [The Thirteenth Style of the Virtual Sword Style·Sakura], a style specifically used to deal with drawing swords in the style of the Virtual Sword.

According to common sense, it is impossible for mortal fingers to resist such a sharp blade, but just when the thin knife and his fingers were about to come into contact, Qiang Baibing deflected the knife diagonally, avoiding a direct confrontation.

A long and narrow crack was silently cut into the ground. Taking this opportunity, Qiang Baibing and Qihua stepped back more than ten meters respectively, each standing in a corner of the field.

"...Amazing, have you discovered it yet?"

Qiang Baibing's expression remained unchanged, and he still pointed the tip of the thin knife diagonally towards the ground with an elegant posture.

The small wounds on Qihua's body had stopped bleeding. He looked embarrassed but not in any serious condition. He once again put on his Void Sword Style posture and said with a smile: "Discovered? Are you referring to the flaw in [Explosive Shrinking Ground] or [Thin] The fatal weakness of the sword]?”

In the short but extremely fierce battle, Qihua has discovered the weakness of Qiang Baibing... no, it should be said that it is Bo Dao.

First, [Explosive Shrinking Ground] cannot balance continuous activation and free change of direction. This is a valuable experience that Shichika gained from his observation during the battle with Ukiyoshi Taeaki.

Secondly, [Thin Knife·Needle] is indeed light and extremely sharp, but it also has a fatal weakness, that is, the holder of the thin knife must swing the thin knife according to the 'established trajectory', otherwise not only will the power of the thin knife not be exerted, On the contrary, the thin knife will be in danger of breaking and being damaged by itself.

[Thin Knife·Needle], if the sword holder is not skilled enough, the blade will even break when the sword is unsheathed. This sword is so extremely demanding on the holder. Rather, only Qiang Baibing has the ability to wield it. It was Bo Daozhen who chose Qiang Baibing as his sword wielder.

But there is one more thing that Qihua is very concerned about. That is Qiang Baibing intentionally or unintentionally avoiding the smoke-filled area and ensuring that the sunlight can shine on the thin blade of the knife. This behavior is very covert, and only top-level warrior swordsmen like Qihua can barely detect it.

[Smoke], [Sunshine]...could this also be related to [Thin Knife]?

On the other side, Qiang Bai Bingping raised the thin knife in his hand, and the beautiful translucent blade glowed dazzlingly in the sunlight.

"Ruan Qihua, you are indeed the only powerful enemy I have ever seen in my life. So, using this move on you won't be considered an insult to Bo Dao..."

Qiang Baibing's eyes narrowed, and the thin knife in his hand underwent a strange change——

"[Mysterious meaning: Thin knife opens eyes]!"

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