A foreigner's journey

Chapter 569 Recruitment

It's winter, and the wind is bone-chilling.

Two mercenary groups with different styles occupy the east and west sides of Sisto Fortress Square. They are neither familiar with nor hostile to each other, but are just silently vigilant.

To the east is a group of cavalry that is well-equipped and looks like a regular army. They wear a unified style of dark blue armor and ride on tall horses wearing battle armor. The weapons in their hands are all the best. They even hold high a flag with painted on it. A wolf head made of seven stars.

[Sirius Mercenary Group], one of the best mercenary groups on this continent, their wolf cavalry makes all enemies fearful.

The leading knight, wearing an exquisite helmet engraved with a wolf's head, was riding a horse looking across from a distance, thinking about something.

Next to the wolf-headed knight, the adjutant said to him in a low voice: "Captain, that is the Eagle Group, a young boy who has become famous in recent years. For some reason, the dignified king of Mitlan actually called them coming."

"With ten thousand gold coins, even the rich and powerful Kingdom of Mitland will have to think carefully and select the best mercenary group as possible."

The wolf-headed knight was ‘Sirius’ Black, the leader of the Sirius mercenary group. He lifted his mask to reveal his face with a fine black beard, and said slowly:

"As expected of the King of Dignity, he uses public recruitment. In this way, the mercenary groups will first decide among themselves, saving the Mitlan military the trouble of selecting and eliminating them one by one. In this way, this Eagle The team should not be underestimated, after all, they also eliminated many opponents and finally stood in front of us."

The adjutant echoed: "The Red Lancers are not here. I thought they were the biggest opponents of our Sirius mercenary group."

"They were hired by the Bardain royal family to suppress the separatist civil strife that broke out in the country. They have no time to care about this side."

Sirius Black looked at the group of eagles in the distance and said unhurriedly:

"Ten thousand gold coins are enough for our mercenary group to eat and drink for several years, and they can also replace all the equipment. This mission must be won, do you understand?"


On the other side of the square, Casca looked away from the Sirius Mercenary Group and rode up to Griffith: "The Sirius Mercenary Group just defeated the Barinian Alliance for the Kingdom of Lana. In the battle for territory, he immediately rushed to the Kingdom of Mitland, completely tireless?"

Gorkas on the side interjected: "Oh sister, this is 10,000 gold coins! Even the king of a small country will be moved, not to mention us mercenaries driven by money and war? If you ask me, it's better than the red gun. The cavalry regiment is not here, otherwise we will face the two legendary mercenary regiments in the mercenary world!"

"Hey, Gorkas, are you scared?" Jiedu joked.

"Asshole! Who would be afraid! We are the Eagle Group, and the leader is Griffith! It's just Sirius and Red Spear, we can trample them under our feet in a few years!"

Although he has a bad personality, Gorkas has never doubted the strength of the leader Griffith.

Griffith, who was wearing an eagle-beak helmet, was silent for a while and looked to his side: "Gus, have you ever dealt with them?"

Gus, who was still wearing a simple helmet and carrying a heavy sword, had now recovered from his injuries. When he heard Griffith's inquiry, he came back to his senses: "No, I used to be a loner. I am not qualified to talk to this person." Cooperate with a behemoth in the mercenary world. A mercenary group of this level will expel all its peers and occupy all tasks assigned by the employer. It will not leave for the next battlefield until the current regional war is over and there is no more money to be extracted. "

"Well, obviously they don't plan to share the 10,000 gold coins with us this time."

Griffith smiled inexplicably.

The Eagle Group was formed by Griffith. As a civilian, he did not have any financial resources to provide for the Eagle Group. He had been receiving rewards for taking on missions to replenish supplies, update equipment, and distribute salaries to the members of the mercenary group. This situation is the norm for most mercenary groups, so once a mercenary group fails one or two missions, a series of vicious chain reactions will immediately occur until the mercenary group collapses.

In order to keep the mercenary group going, Griffith was even willing to sell himself overnight to Governor Heron of the Yoda Empire in exchange for the financial support provided by the Governor. Otherwise, the Eagle Group would have been disbanded half a year ago.

In order to achieve his ambitions, these are necessary sacrifices, Griffith said to himself.

"Is it really okay, Griffith?" Casca looked at Griffith worriedly.

Competing with a famous mercenary group like Sirius, even though she trusted Griffith very much, Casca still felt a little guilty. After all, the difference in numbers, weapons and equipment is not small.

"Don't worry, Casca." Griffith comforted his beautiful adjutant: "Now that I'm here, I'm sure to win this mission."

Ten thousand gold coins are enough for the Eagle Group to become a first-class mercenary group like the Sirius Mercenary Group in terms of hardware, and it can also greatly alleviate the difficulty of running out of funds.

At this time, a man with a moustache in palace clothes, surrounded by a group of Mitlan soldiers, walked to the center of the Sisto Fortress Square, right between the mercenary groups on both sides.

"Everyone, everyone!" The bearded man pretended to clear his throat and then clapped his hands, signaling the mercenaries on both sides to look towards him.

Seeing White Eagle Griffith and Sirius Black turning their attention to him, the mustached man continued:

"I am Baron Mario. Your Majesty, His Majesty the King of Dignity, has appointed me as the reviewer for this mercenary group recruitment. I believe everyone present has heard of my name."

"No, no, I've never heard of it at all." Gus complained in a low voice, making Jidu and Rickett beside him purse their lips in laughter.

Griffith glanced at Gus, and then said, "Dear Baron, what are the criteria for this fundraising?"

"Oh, you are Griffith, the leader of the Eagle Group." Baron Mario twirled his mustache and said slowly: "Please wait a moment, the mercenary groups that need to be selected have not yet arrived. According to the news, It’s coming soon.”

And a mercenary group? Both the members of the Sirius Mercenary Group and the Eagle Group looked at each other. Could it be that the Red Lancers really gave up their mission to the Bardian royal family and came to grab food? This is not impossible, after all, it is 10,000 gold coins.

Just when everyone was whispering and the voices were getting louder, the fortress door was suddenly slowly opened with a creaking sound.

All eyes were on the entrance of the fortress.

The person leading the horse into the fortress was Garda, the white dog general of the Kingdom of Mitland. Behind him was a group of knights in black robes, a total of twelve riders.

The white dog Garda walked not far in front of Baron Mario, turned over and dismounted: "Long wait, Baron Mario."

"These are the ones..."

"Yes, they are the twelve knights of the [Fire Sword Mercenary Group]."

The voice of White Dog Garda shocked the Eagle Group.

Sword of fire? Griffith and Gus looked at each other, thinking of the palace wizard who wore a black robe and played tricks.

Suddenly, deep down in his heart, Griffith was not so sure about this mission.

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