A foreigner's journey

Chapter 587 When the battle is going on

The sea has become a battlefield.

Countless sea slugs and tentacles spread out from under Poseidon's body, constantly attacking Rong Qishi and the Nautilus. The Black Rhino floating on the sea in the distance did not even attract Poseidon's slightest interest.

Captain Dali and the surviving sailors stared dumbfoundedly at the rough waves rolling up on the sea. The scene of the battle between [God] and [Demon] that would never appear even in their dreams was unfolding in front of them.

The overwhelming tentacles stirred up huge waves. Each tentacle protruded from the sea as high as a three-story building. Its skin was covered with sharp hooks. Its vertical mouth was constantly squirming and snapping with its sharp teeth. Its pupils were dim and cloudy. Looking at the radiant ship, there was both anger and fear, mixed with incomparable greed.

Poseidon wants to eat the ship and the human woman standing on the ship. His instinct tells him that if he devours the Nautilus and Qishi, it will greatly promote his body in the deepest part of the netherworld.

But for the first time, Poseidon encountered an enemy on the sea.

An extremely thick spiked tentacle roared and rolled towards the Nautilus. When it was still more than ten meters away from the hull, the sea surface suddenly exploded, and a sharp iron-colored trident rushed out of the water and pierced the tentacle's skin fiercely. I saw a tall human male with muscles all over his body holding a trident in his hand. His long hair and beard were as wild as seaweed. His upper body was in the shape of a majestic inverted triangle, and his lower body was a thick fish tail covered with fish scales and sharp dorsal fins!

"It's really, really a mermaid!" Captain Dali screamed with excitement. After being a sailor for so many years, he has naturally heard about the legendary creatures on the sea. He didn't expect to see a real mermaid today! Although according to legend, mermaids are only female and all are extremely beautiful, but with the presence of divine messengers, anything can happen.

The mermaid warrior slapped the water with his thick fish tail and jumped up high. At the same time, he stirred the trident in his hand vigorously in the wound of the tentacle. As blood and minced meat spattered, the vertical mouth of the tentacle suddenly let out a shrill howl.

One after another, majestic mermaid warriors rushed out of the sea holding tridents, fighting against the overwhelming tentacles and sea slugs. Even if it is killed by the tentacles, it will break into countless water splashes and then re-condensate into shape to fight again.

As long as they are on the sea, these mermaid warriors will never die, and they will never stop fighting until the mermaid prince's enemies die.

On the sea in the distance, the Nautilus shines brightly like the morning star in the night sky. Its small hull leaps across the waves, fighting against the dark and huge evil demon.

"Captain! First mate! Look!" Suddenly a crew member on the Black Rhino shouted, pointing to the nearby water.

Captain Dali looked through the moonlight and found several heads floating on the sea. Upon closer inspection, they turned out to be several extremely beautiful women. They had fish fins beside their ears, and only the top of their chests floated on the water. Their beautiful bodies were naked. You could vaguely see the occasional splash of fish tails in the water behind them. .

"They are mermaids too, captain?" the first mate was a little scared.

Captain Dali didn't care. It would be better to say that he had become a devout believer after experiencing a series of strong stimulations, and nothing else mattered. He lay down in front of the deck railing and shouted to the mermaids below: "Hey! Your companions are fighting that monster, go and help!"

These beautiful mermaids looked at each other. The long-haired mermaid in the lead hesitated and asked in a beautiful voice: "Brave human beings, what do you mean by [companions]...?"

"Them! The mermaid warriors summoned by the angel of God!" Captain Dali pointed to the distance. The male mermaid warriors with lumpy muscles and shaggy beards were leaping out of the sea, fighting with the tentacles with ferocious faces.

The doubts in the eyes of the beautiful mermaids became even more intense. The mermaid clan has only had females since ancient times, and male mermaids have never been heard of. But the looks of those male mermaids are undeniable, and the power of the same source can indeed be sensed from them.

However, they have no idea what the so-called [Divine Envoy] refers to. These beautiful mermaids suddenly sensed the birth of Poseidon, so they swam over in a hurry. They didn't understand anything when they arrived here.

Until they saw Rong Qishi and the scimitar [Mermaid Prince] in her hand.

The beautiful mermaids trembled, and tears suddenly welled up in their eyes.

There is no doubt that that knife represents the supreme power of the mermaid, and is the monarch and god of all mermaids. The induction from the bloodline is absolutely unmistakable. The mermaid finally has her own [King]!

Poseidon has been the enemy of mermaids since ancient times. Defeating Poseidon is the sad wish of the mermaid family and even all creatures living in this sea area. In the past, when almost the entire mermaid clan was wiped out, this incarnation of the sea god in the material world was sealed in the shrine, but there was no way to harm his life. Now with the leadership of the Mermaid King, even if they have to risk their lives today, they will completely kill the Poseidon here.

In the distance, seeing that the audience had almost arrived, Rong Qishi did not intend to continue to show off. Then let's act a little more shocking, right?

Captain Dali and others suddenly felt a darkness above their heads, and the pale moonlight was blocked. When they raised their heads, their eyes were so frightened that they almost popped out of their sockets.

I saw a giant arm made entirely of mountain rocks extending from the island, blocking the night sky and moonlight! This rock arm was shaped by the Seven Utility Evil Swords that extracted nearly 1/3 of the entire island's rocks. Its size is almost as large as the body of Poseidon.

Each finger on the extremely huge rock palm was as big as half a fishing village. When the palm fell down, a blazing red fire even appeared on the surface of the rock skin.

boom--! ! Yanshan's palm collided with Poseidon fiercely, first exploding a horrifying aura visible to the naked eye in the air and rapidly spreading around, followed by a deafening dull sound. The rocky giant arm smashed the sea god with just one punch and sank violently underwater. The splash even caused a wave, but the huge wave was quickly controlled by the Scimitar Mermaid Prince and calmed down again.

Without bothering to pursue the Nautilus, countless tentacles shot out from under the sea and clung to the surface of the rock arm. Poseidon was trying to tear off the rock arm and pull it down.

But what he faced was not an ordinary rock, but a living mountain range that was temporarily given life and vitality by the [Evil Knife]! The giant rock mountain's backhand grabbed the tentacles and pulled them to the side. 'Beng Beng Beng Beng' immediately made a series of dense cracking sounds, and Poseidon was also pulled dozens of meters to the side.

Before Poseidon could stabilize his body in the sea water, the giant rock hand slapped him hard with another horizontal slap. Although the rubber texture of the skin can greatly reduce the impact, Poseidon was unable to fight back under this beating.

For some reason, Captain Dally always felt that this scene seemed a bit familiar. Hmm... just like the neighbor's shrew beating her mangy dog ​​when I was a kid?

PS: Why do I feel that my subscriptions have dropped after more updates every day...

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