A foreigner's journey

Chapter 624 Eye Technique

On the bridge of the Land of Waves, the fight to the death is coming to an end.

Uchiha Sasuke opened the blood successor limit [Sharingan] at the critical moment, and Uzumaki Naruto exploded with the power of the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki to defeat Shiro who used the blood successor limit [Ice Release] in one fell swoop.

On the other side, Kakashi Hatake also used his own special skill [Raikiri: Raiden]. Seeing that Momochi Zabuza was about to be hit by Raikiri, he died on the spot.

Such a fierce battle failed to attract the attention of the two spectators.

In the woods more than ten kilometers away, Heather and Rong Qishi were looking at each other from a distance.

"Are you kidding? This kind of pupil technique... My dear, you are indeed a complete monster." Heather admired sincerely.

The black cross mark in Yan Qishi's right eye gradually stopped rotating, and she showed a sweet smile to Heather: "Thank you for the compliment, my master."

"Excessive use of the Mangekyo Sharingan will gradually make these eyes lose their light. How do you feel now?"

"I can feel that the inexplicable energy residing in my eyes is rapidly decreasing, and at the same time, the nerves and blood vessels around the eyes are being damaged. These are all okay, but the field of vision has become slightly narrower and the vision is a bit blurry."

Yan Qishi told his feelings in detail: "If you use it a few more times, I'm afraid it will cause permanent loss of vision. And this is not a problem that can be solved by the body's self-healing power, but requires another kind of external energy to mediate. This energy The energy requirements are very strict, and it must be a relative with a blood relationship with the Sharingan holder, otherwise the success rate is extremely low."

Four light balls appeared next to Heather and flew around Qishi: "What now?"

Nanami blinked: "Yes, recovered. The light egg can replenish the power of the eyes and repair the damage to the Sharingan, but it cannot make the Mangekyo Sharingan go further."

Heather folded her arms and muttered: "That's enough. The Eternal Kaleidoscope is too troublesome. You can't go back to the World of Swordsman and tie Qihua over to help you evolve the Eternal Kaleidoscope, right? Tsk, look at you, you really can't afford it. It’s a joke. Qihua is also my brother, how can I really harm him!”

"..." Qishi was too lazy to talk to Heather anymore. She just moved her right wrist and gently opened her fingers.

A dark, huge arm that looked like a spliced ​​puppet skeleton suddenly appeared in front of Qishi, reacting in unison with her movements.

Heather praised: "As expected of you, you can already use [Susanoh] as soon as you open your eyes."

"The initial skeletal form is low in both offense and defense, but its advantage is that it does not consume a lot of power. And..."

Nanami unmanifested Susanoo's arm, and at the same time extinguished the Mangekyō Sharingan in his eyes, turning them back to normal black pupils. Immediately afterwards, the ink-colored Susanoo arm appeared in front of her again, but this time she did not turn on the kaleidoscope.

Nanami let Susanoo's arm dissipate and concluded: "You don't need to enter the kaleidoscope state to open Susanoo. It seems that the Mangekyo Sharingan is just the key to unlocking Susanoo. Except for the first time it is opened, There is no need for such harsh conditions.”

"Indeed, in the original book, Uchiha Madara also summoned Susanoo without opening the Sharingan like you. So, can you demonstrate the pupil technique of the right eye again?"

As he spoke, Heather casually cut off the trees beside him, and several tree trunks were whittled into sharp blades and thrown towards Qishi.

Before touching the surface of Qishi's body, these tree sharp edges were like writings erased by an eraser on white paper, rapidly disappearing into the air from the front to the end.

Immediately afterwards, as Nanami's pair of kaleidoscope sharingan eyes with black crosses rotating around looked at Heather, the same number of tree sharp blades with the same speed emerged from around Nanami's body and shot towards Heather.

Click, click, click! The trees were crushed easily, and Heather looked at Nanami's pair of Mangekyō Sharingan in admiration:

"This is the strongest defensive eye technique among the Mangekyō Sharingan, [God's Nest]."

[God's Nest], this is the name that came to mind when Nanami awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan Eye Technique.

This pupil technique can create a space of unknown size on its own. The area within a maximum radius of three meters with Qi Shi as the center will become the entrance to the divine birth nest. Qi Shi can absorb and absorb any inanimate body that invades this area. It is stored in the space of the God's Nest, and is released from the area within a three-meter radius around you with the focus of your gaze as the landing point. Inanimate objects that are sucked into the space will maintain the speed and state when they entered the space, and will be in an absolutely stagnant state in the space. When they are released back to the real world, they will have the same speed and power.

The only disadvantage of this space is that it cannot imprison any living beings or conscious objects, and they will be automatically ignored by the entrance to the Divine Nest. Similarly, if a weapon is held by a living body, it will also be ignored by the space entrance. In other words, the Divine Nest is the nemesis of all flying props.

The space of the God's Nest can store not only arrows, bullets, stones and the like, but also things like 'flame balls', 'beam cannons', and 'cold winds' can be accommodated in the space.

This is only the most basic application. Heather and Rong Qishi plan to study how to further develop this eye technique.

After seeing the Divine Nest, Heather looked at Qi Shi's left eye: "The right eye already has such amazing eye skills, so the left eye won't be much worse. Show it to me? Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. I'll do it, I can handle it."

Qishi pondered for a moment: "In fact, the pupil technique of the left eye cannot be easily displayed. In other words, even if it is displayed, you will not be able to detect it."

"Could it be...an illusion?"

"[Ama Iwato], this is its name."

Qishi's cold voice sounded:

"Unlike Uchiha Shisui's [Belten God], which is said to be the strongest illusion on a single object, [Ama Iwato] can be said to be the ultimate illusion of the illusion world and the real world. This pupil technique can embed a single individual into the current In the history of the world, a person who has connections and causes and effects with other people is fabricated out of thin air, and even the will of the world will not notice it unless this fabricated identity is exposed by itself."

"Embedding? What kind of embedding method? Please explain in detail." Heather was suddenly interested in the so-called 'ultimate illusion of the world'.

"Concretely fabricate an identity and play it by an individual, the more detailed the better, that is, the 'Pin character card'. When this identity is perfect enough, it can trigger the activation line of [Ama Iwato], and by consuming a huge amount of Hitomi can embed this identity into the history of the current world. The less this identity is related to other people, the lower the difficulty of embedding. Once the embedding is successful, all relevant people in this world will insert this identity out of thin air in the depths of their minds. Identity-related information and emotional entanglements, as well as corresponding text, medical records, handwriting and other simple material information appear in the current world."

Qishi said:

"But this pupil technique cannot create a living person out of thin air. In other words, it cannot create additional targets such as 'parents,' brothers, sisters, wives, children, friends and enemies' for this identity. In addition, once you successfully use [Tianyan Hu], this pupil technique will have a very long cooling time."

"Hmm... that is to say, even if you fabricate your identity, it's better to make up the identity of a lonely star that has nothing to do with other people, right?"

Heather tapped her chin with her finger: "...Can you teach me the Sharingan?"

"Of course." Qishi blinked, and Heather suddenly felt that her vision became weird, and she seemed to be able to see the flow of energy around her.

His eyes turned into scarlet single magatama sharingan.

As a life tool, Qin Qishi can not only learn the limits of blood inheritance, but also select the types that are harmless to the body and pass them on to Heather. Moreover, this new Sharingan belongs exclusively to Heather. Even if the Mangekyo Sharingan is awakened, it will only produce new pupil techniques.

"Heh... In this way, the room for maneuver will be very large."

Heather summoned the absolute kingship and used the reflection of the sword as a mirror, curiously moving her head left and right to check the shape of her single Magatama Sharingan.

"what do you mean?"

"Use your pupil technique [Ama Iwato], we can create the identity of a new Uchiha member, and then I will play the role."

Heather pointed in the direction of Konoha Village with a fake smile on her face:

"I will become Hokage and make the Uchiha great again."

Thanks to Time Chapter for the reward of 1500 other tokens

Thanks to Hanjiang Guzhou for fishing alone for the reward of 1,000 starting coins

PS: Can you guess what the conceptual ability of the former foreigner Ruan Wenyu is?

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