A foreigner's journey

Chapter 664 Uprooted

Sharingan? Impossible, the Uchiha clan is obviously dead except for Suzan, Itachi and Sasuke! Where did this woman come from?

Danzo panicked for a moment, then forced himself to calm down.

Calm down, although the possibility is slim, could it be that the warehouse where you store your Sharingan was stolen by this woman? If this is the case, transplanting a pair of Sharingan eyes to oneself is not a particularly difficult task. It can be done with the help of medical ninjas.

Danzo, who had already identified Rinchi as a 'shameless thief', returned to his usual arrogance and said slowly: "Oh, Sharingan. I won't ask where you got these eyes from, you come here What’s the important thing about visiting me?”

The scarlet light in Nana's eyes was particularly obvious in the darkness. Her voice was cold and indifferent: "I heard that you have a very interesting Mangekyō Sharingan here, so I came here to 'borrow' it from you."

kaleidoscope! Danzo realized that this woman might know more than he thought. Could it be Yu who told her? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at the location of Yu, only to find that there was no one there.

"It's ridiculous. Wild cats and dogs that appear from anywhere dare to bark in front of me? You are too presumptuous, unknown woman."

Danzo slowly stood up from the high seat, and saw that only his right arm above the wrist was exposed and covered with bandages. The rest of his arm was sealed by the restrainer. The screws on the surface of the restrainer had been loosened, indicating that the seal could be released at any time. The bandage binding Danzo's right eye also slipped down, revealing his closed right eye.

Bang! The heavy restraint hit the ground, and Danzo's right arm revealed its true appearance. A total of ten Sharingan eyes were transplanted on the surface of the arm. Each Sharingan eye was a three-magatama. He was looking in all directions from different angles. Evil.

"Normally, I won't let my right arm and right eye be exposed, but since the person who knows the 'Mangekyo Sharingan' is an enemy in person, I don't have to hide it. After a long time in actual combat, it's up to you to let it happen. I need to stretch my sluggish body."

He suddenly opened his right eye, and there was a three-magatama Sharingan in his right eye!

Swish, swish, swish! As Danzo quickly formed seals, he raised his body slightly and took a deep breath, then turned his upper body vigorously and exhaled at the same time: "Drink!"

[Wind Escape·Vacuum Wave]!

A sharp air blade shaped like a sickle was thrown in the direction of Rong Qishi, covering a large area in an instant. Deep cracks were instantly cut into the stone pillars and walls around Qishi's position, and a sharp buzzing sound was heard in the air. Then a large amount of gravel and powder fell down, making a dense crashing sound.

But Rong Qishi's figure has disappeared.

Instantaneous body technique? You were able to deceive me with this special Sharingan! ? Danzo was startled, and before he could think about it, he took a deep breath and then exhaled a violent stream of air under him. The Wind Release Chakra formed a bomb-like condensed air jade at his feet, which then collided with the ground and further formed a violent air flow that exploded in all directions.

As a comrade in the same era as the Third Hokage, Danzo has extremely rich practical experience. He immediately judged that his opponent was using the teleportation technique to surround him, and he used [Wind Release: Vacuum Jade] without even turning around. It is not used to attack the enemy, but is placed on the ground under the body and the power is controlled to form a field-control ninjutsu that is enough to blow away all intruders within a range of five to ten meters.

Unfortunately, he picked the wrong opponent.

The winds were not at the mercy of Danzo at all, but immediately went against the current and attacked Danzo from all directions! In just an instant, Danzo's internal organs and even his ribs and spine were smashed by the wind blades from all directions. The blood was picked up by the strong wind and then splashed on the high seat and the wall.

Nishiki's fair and slender feet stepped lightly on the ground that was not stained by blood, and her tone was cold: "There is no point in hiding, Shimura Danzo."

In the darkness, Danzo's figure quietly emerged: "With surprising powers of observation, you have acquired a good pair of Sharingan eyes. In addition, the wind release ninjutsu is also very good, so good that it can counter the old man's vacuum Daiyu. So, then, Let the rest of the time be a battle of talking with your eyes.”

"It's rare that I have the same opinion as you."

Rin Qishi showed an impeccable smile: "First of all, it's the left hand."

Left hand? Before Danzo could react, he felt a slight movement on the left side of his body, and his left hand was broken at the elbow and hit the ground. He was shocked. When was he attacked?

"Then, legs."

With a pop, Danzo fell heavily to the ground, his legs were neatly cut off at the knees, and blood spurted out.

"It seems you don't need the ears anymore, take them away."

Danzo's ears fell off.

"The nose is so ugly."

The nose was cut off and fell to the ground.

Looking at Danzo lying on the ground, Qin Qizhen tilted his head: "Aren't you going to reset it? Next is your right arm."

As soon as the words fell, everything in front of him disappeared like a dream. At the same time, Danzo's figure appeared behind Nanami, and he threw a kunai at the vital point behind Nanami.

The kunai was knocked away before it even got close to Nanami. Immediately afterwards, Danzo felt a numbness in his chest. A big hole was dug out of his chest, and his heart was shattered.

Uh-huh! Danzo's figure reappeared not far from Nanami's side. He no longer attacked, but moved cautiously to look at Nanami.

What a weird woman. The kunai throw just now was ineffective probably because she controlled the wind attribute chakra to surround her body and forcefully knocked the kunai away. The attack she received inexplicably before seemed to be an invisible wind blade. Her grasp of the shape changes of chakra is astonishing. In addition, she seems to know the secret of [Izanagi]. Who told her?

"Aren't you going to attack me? I'm very weak. You can tell just by looking at me."

Nishiki's laughter had no warmth, and she walked slowly towards Danzo barefoot:

"If you don't come over, then I can go find you?"

Every time she took a step, some part of Danzo's body would be severed, whether it was hands and feet, ears and nose, or even his head.

Even though Danzo always used the Sharingan Forbidden Technique [Izanagi] to reset the body's injuries and transfer them to other locations, he could not escape the attack of Nanami. No matter where he appeared, no matter how far away he was from Nanami, even if he was hiding in the dark or behind a wall, Danzo would always be discovered by Nanami immediately and suffer an attack that he could not dodge or resist.

The so-called despair is nothing more than that.

[Izanagi] is a forbidden technique of the Uchiha clan. If ‘Betsutenjin’ is the ultimate illusion used on others, and ‘Ama Iwato’ is the ultimate illusion used on the world, then ‘Izanagi’ is the ultimate illusion used on oneself.

Its function is to record the state of the caster with the Sharingan at the moment it is activated, and then within the effective time of the spell, any damage suffered by the caster, including the death of the caster, will be eliminated. It can be physically restored to the state recorded by the Sharingan. The cost is that the eye in which Izanagi is used will be permanently blinded, so it is classified as a forbidden technique.

This technique is not without flaws. First of all, the reset effect does not include one's own chakra, which means that the chakra will gradually decrease. In addition, Izanagi's Sharingan will permanently lose its light after using it. Finally, the duration of Izanagi's use for each Sharingan is different, which means that Danzo needs to constantly monitor the closure of the Sharingan on his right arm.

Now there is only the last Sharingan left, and the chakra in Danzo's body is getting less and less. He once again appeared not far from Nanami, holding a kunai and rushed toward Nanami. Flying props are ineffective, and wind release ninjutsu is ineffective, so try my physical skills!


Danzo's figure suddenly stopped when he was still about one meter away from Nanami, because his chest was penetrated.

A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and Danzo watched in disbelief as the slender hand stained with blood was pulled out of his chest: "Why... there is obviously still one eye left..."

"Don't trust your eyes too much. It seems that I won this battle of letting my eyes speak."

Rong Qishi said with a smile.

The situation was simple, she didn't even use Sharingan genjutsu, she just let Tatolina, who was hiding aside, use her concept to change the pattern in Danzo's eyes. It seems to Danzo that he still has a Sharingan open on his right arm, but in fact all ten Sharingan on his right arm are closed. The immortality he achieved with the help of [Izanagi] has expired.


By now, Danzo knew that he had been completely defeated. The three magatama in his right eye began to rotate rapidly and changed into a windmill pattern. Danzo wanted to use the Mangekyō Sharingan that he had taken from Uchiha Shisui to cast the strongest illusion [Belt the God], and let the seven gods turn. And serve the Leaf Village. Danzo may have done many evil things, but in his opinion, these are all necessary sacrifices for the sake of Konoha Village, just as he is now using his life to exchange for a super master for Konoha Village.

Qin Qishi didn't notice for a moment, and happened to meet Danzo's eyes, and he suddenly fell into the illusion of another god.

Very good... very good... In this way, Konoha Village will have a master who is no less than an Uchiha speed slayer. Hiruzen, it seems I took the first step...

He used his last strength to hold up a decryption seal and lifted the [Seal of the Four Symbols] that he had set on his body, preventing the sealing technique that exploded when he died from swallowing up the woman who had finally been deceived.

Plop! Danzo, who had lost his breath, fell to his knees and lowered his head.

And Rong Qishi stood in front of him, silent.

Suddenly, Qishi's figure gradually disappeared, leaving only a broken stone pillar. Then her figure walked out of the darkness, followed by the ANBU 'Rain'.

Yu said: "Sister, is Danzo really dead? I remember that he should automatically trigger the 'Ultra Four Elephants Seal' when he dies?"

"Duanzo thought that the stone pillar was me and activated the pupil technique 'Bie Tian Shen'. Naturally, he would not easily let me, a thug who was deceived, be sealed in his body, so he released the sealing technique before he died. You do Well done, Miss Dodolina."

Yan Qishi patted her fair little hands gently and stood on tiptoes:

"Okay, it's time to enter the exciting part of post-war corpse hunting. I hope Mr. Danzo's collection will satisfy me. Are you right, Mr. Danzo?"

Under Dodolina's horrified gaze, Danzo staggered up from the pool of blood, and then bowed to Nanami.

The evil knife replaced Danzo's heart and was inserted into his chest with a faint electric light.

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