A foreigner's journey

Chapter 775 Warm Hug

[Cross Sword·Absolute Kingship] can break all extraordinary phenomena.

[Devil Fruit·Burning Fruit], an elemental body that can give Moshi and her weapons a 'fire form'. Unless they use Haki or have other powers to target them, they cannot harm Moshi's body.

[Insect Shield·Light Egg], one of Heather's three most powerful mythical weapons, Moxxi's deity. To put it bluntly, this mythical weapon alone is enough to suppress the entire hell in the Chainsaw Man world.

Now, three mythical weapons are gathered in Moxi's hands, and the effect they exert is by no means as simple as 1+1+1=3.

The Dark Demon slowly stretched out his arms and clasped his hands in front of him.


Darkness immediately spread from the cloak behind him, eroding the battlefield in all directions.

The earth, flowers, sky, doors... everything is being soaked in darkness.

He wants to transform this battlefield into an area of ​​absolute darkness that is beneficial to Him, because He will never die in the darkness.

But Moxi just waved his hand, and the endless sea of ​​flowers under his feet was immediately ignited by the flames, turning into a blazing and terrifying flame scroll.

Then the ominous red light and thick smoke from the flames reflected the infinite door in the sky red, and the heat wave billowed.

"Well, this is what it feels like to be in hell."

Moxi looked at the rapidly spreading sea of ​​​​fire and nodded with satisfaction.

She is different from Heather, who usually gives herself the Burning Fruit and then uses the "Incineration Cannon" as a long-range attack method. Moxi, on the other hand, defined the Shashao Fruit as an 'auxiliary weapon'.

Does Mo Xique have any long-range attack methods like the Burning Fruit? There is no shortage. What she needs is the power to change the battlefield environment to her advantage as quickly as possible. This is what the natural devil fruit should do.

The 'light' produced by the flame can drive away darkness, the 'heat' produced can kill the enemy, and the 'smoke' produced can obscure the enemy's vision. Why bother with the little lethality of the incineration cannon?

The darkness was retreating steadily under the pressure of the flames, and was forced to shrink behind the dark demon and turn into a black cloak again.

Fire, a symbol of civilization, is a weapon for humans to dispel darkness and the unknown fear in the darkness.

The Dark Demon looked a little uneasy, and then became furious. This time, the four bodies represented by His four heads simultaneously stretched out their palms and clasped their hands in front of him, and the flame closest to Him gradually turned dark.

The temperatureless black fire surrounds the Dark Demon and spreads around, spreading as quickly as ink dripping into clear water.

"The root-level transcendent is indeed no ordinary person. I am impressed by you, Anzai."

Moxi raised his arm with a smile, and the golden cross sword Absolute Kingship in his hand began to shine with bright golden flames.

At the same time, the Gubarot runes behind the four light egg scarabs changed into the same style, and its meaning was - [Glory].

The golden flame transforms into a dazzling flame, symbolizing the brilliance of holiness and hope shining in hell.

Just as the black fire was about to surround Moxi, it was destroyed by the endless flames. Every ray of light was the most deadly blade to the darkness. The Demon of Darkness was just illuminated by this light, and his whole body immediately burst open with deep wounds and blood spurting out. The four heads let out silent screams, and even the top skull assembly had cracks.

The power level gap between the two sides is too big.

Even if the Demon of Darkness is one of the most powerful Transcendents in the world, it cannot compete with the combined power of [Light Egg] and [Absolute Kingship].

The former is the most powerful holy weapon in the hunter world, and the latter is the sword of fire that destroys all evil and extraordinary things. It happens to be the natural enemy of the dark demon.

Under the illumination of the flames, the flames that had been dyed black were restored again, and the entire hell was covered by this infinite holy flame.

At this moment, the field effect of the burning fruit combined with the other two mythical weapons, the destructive power against demons produced is devastating.

In the sky above the battlefield, countless doors were stained and ignited by the flames. The flames rushed in along the cracks in the doors, and soon countless inhuman miserable screams could be heard from inside the doors.

Some doors were forced open, and demons covered in flames fell down one after another and hit the ground hard, and were immediately engulfed by the more powerful sea of ​​​​fire on the ground.

The Demon of Darkness was also contaminated by the flames. Although he immediately extinguished the flames with the black mist cloak behind him, he was unable to stop the growing fire.

For the first time, he had the intention of retreating.

As long as he returns to the dark world behind the door, not even the weird female human in front of him can continue to harm himself.

In the sky, a door quietly opened, revealing an endless dark space. The demon of darkness turned around and immediately rushed behind the door.

Stab! At this moment, several saw chains were thrown out and bound the Dark Demon tightly, unable to move. The Demon of Darkness looked back and saw the dying Chainsaw Man stretching out his only remaining right arm. The saw chain dripping with blood connected him to the Demon of Darkness, interrupting the Demon of Darkness's escape plan.

"Good Boy~"

Moxi chuckled. In just two seconds when the Dark Demon was blocked by the Chainsaw Man, she had crossed the battlefield and appeared behind the Dark Demon. She raised the cross sword in her hand high and then swung it down gracefully.

The Dark Demon's body was neatly split in half from the top of his head down, and the four heads and skull aggregates were all destroyed, along with the heart.

Looking at the two halves of the Dark Demon's body that collapsed on the ground, Moxi gracefully turned his sword around and said in a brisk tone:

“If you can’t even transcend destiny, how can you be called a ‘transcendent’?”

At this time, the sea of ​​flames and flames in hell became more intense, and strange fluctuations came from the far end. It seemed that other root-level demons had noticed this.

Moxxi tilted his head and snapped his fingers. Santa Claus, who had been hiding and had never been seen, appeared next to her, with scarlet Sharingan patterns in his eyes.

Just by looking at it, Moxie knew what was happening to Santa Claus:

"It's Rong's handiwork... just do what you should do."

After hearing Moxi's order, Santa Claus showed a trace of struggle on his face, but he still nodded obediently, covered his heart and said:

"Demons of hell, I give everything I have, please let us... return it."

The six-fingered giant hand that was originally clenched loosened, and the next moment everyone was back on the roof of the department store building, except for the absence of Santa Claus.

She had already paid the contract reward and dedicated everything she had to the devil of hell.

Moxi's white women's suit was not even stained with dust. She looked around and her eyes lit up when she saw the chainsaw man: "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot the purpose of coming to Tokyo this time."

After saying that, she turned around and walked towards the chainsaw man.

The Chainsaw Man lying on the ground had no resistance at all and watched as Moxi's pair of silver high heels got closer and closer to him.

However, there was no imaginary swing of swords at each other.

Moxi helped the Chainsaw Man sit up despite the fact that he was covered in blood. Then, Moxi gave him a gentle hug, like a mother hugging her child.

A soft voice sounded in the ears of the chainsaw man:

"You did a great job, good boy."

The chainsaw blade that was originally rotating at high speed stopped, and the chainsaw man who once made the whole hell tremble now let out a low whimpering sound.

Denji, no, Pochita's dream has always been to get a warm hug.

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