A foreigner's journey

Chapter 916 Greece, it’s you who decides!

Athens, the capital of Greece and the 'cradle of Western civilization' with a history of more than 3,000 years, has now been reduced to ruins.

Fires, thick smoke, and rubble caused by lightning strikes were everywhere.

In just ten seconds when Zeus transformed into the Bull of Heaven and fought with Heather, most of Athens was destroyed.

Such is the destructive power that a disobedient god can wreak.

Standing among the ruins, Christina directed the members of the magic society "Silver Owl" to use their own magic spells to carry out rescue and fire-fighting work. Solon was on the phone at the side.

He clearly looks like an old mage in robes who resembles Gandalf, but he is holding a latest smartphone and speaking with a serious face, which feels quite inconsistent.

After a long time, Solon put down his cell phone and walked towards Christina: "Leader, we have communicated with the Council of Wise Men and they are confirming the identity of the seventh [King]."

"Rather than being busy with something like this that might anger the king, wouldn't it be better to allocate resources to help Athens rebuild?"

Christina is obviously quite dissatisfied with the Council of Sages in the UK, but she can't rely on the power of the 'Seven Sisters'. Although the seven sisters are superior in terms of distance and combined strength, the 'Italy' where the seven sisters are located is the territory of the King of Swords, and the seven sisters are already indirectly subordinate to the King of Swords.

If you rashly contact and use the power of other forces under the command of the God Killer, given the temperament of the "Wolf King" who is the leader of many magic societies in Greece, it is likely to lead to an extremely brutal and bloody purge.

It's ridiculous to say that many magic associations in the Balkan Peninsula have served the Wolf King for three hundred years, but due to the Wolf King's cruel temperament, their forces have been liquidated and wiped out many times.

Now, it is a sad thing that the 'Silver Owl', a magic association that can only be regarded as a medium-level magic association in the European magic world, has become the strongest and largest force in Greece.

Hearing Christina's complaint, Solon sighed: "Yes. In any case, the new king did his best to protect Greece and even the entire Balkan Peninsula from being destroyed by the thunder of God King Zeus. He didn't go there immediately To welcome the King respectfully, but instead want to search the King’s past life and try to find weaknesses that can be exploited, is really... not decent enough.”

"All we can do is clean up the battlefield here and welcome the king's triumph."

Christina looked up at the sky. The sky that had been torn by the storm had not yet healed. It was the battlefield between kings and gods, a realm that no mortal could set foot on.

"Leader, if...if the king loses, then..."

"Ah, I understand, by then I am afraid that Athens, no, the whole of Greece will be swallowed up by the wrath of God King Zeus. But, Uncle Solon, the so-called [God Killer]..."

Christina still looked up at the sky and murmured:

"Just being able to continue to create miracles."

A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky and struck the ground heavily.

The strange thing is that the lightning was so fierce that it did not cause too much shock or damage when it hit the ground, but only stirred up large amounts of smoke and dust.

Christina and Solon immediately stood ready and looked at the smoke-filled lightning strike site. Even if they are defeated, they will not give up and give up their hometown to the disobedient god.

The smoke gradually dispersed, revealing Heather's figure.

His shirt was in tatters, his trousers were in tatters, and the shoes on his feet were missing, but there was not a single scratch on his body.

He twisted his neck slightly uncomfortably. Heather was not completely accustomed to the body of the God Killer, and he did not expect that Thunder could be used in this way.

Just now, under the guidance of Qishi, he turned himself into thunder and returned to Greece from outside the atmosphere at a terrifying speed of over Mach 50 (17km/s).

It's not unusual to be fast. The key is that at this speed, he can also control the trajectory to a certain extent. At the same time, the impact on other things on the path is also reduced to a minimum level of almost nothing. When you are about to land, you can also slow down in a very short time to achieve a smooth landing.

This is still a situation where Heather is not familiar with the power. In the future, when she becomes proficient in using it, she can continue to speed up and control it in subtle ways. It should be regarded as the perfect PLUS version of the 'Black Prince''s [Lightning Fire] and the 'Wolf King''s [Wind and Fury].

As expected of an SSR power, it is ridiculously better than transforming into a bull, an eagle, a mutant horse, or something like that!

Just when Heather had the novelty mentality of picking up a new toy, a heroic female voice came from behind:

"Your Majesty, Christina Scylla, along with Solon Amadi, the advisor of the magic society 'Silver Owl', have an audience with the King!"

Christina ignored the dust and gravel everywhere and just knelt on the ground with her head lowered. Solon was behind her, half-kneeling on the ground in the same position without raising his head.

No one knows what kind of character this new king has. If he has the cold character of the martial arts king in the land of China, he will most likely have his eyes gouged out if he raises his head and looks directly at the king's face.

Heather responded without looking back: "Oh, it's the little guy who was almost run over by the bull just now."

"Thanks to the king's protection before, Christina is extremely..."

"Mr. Christina."

Before she could finish her words of gratitude, she was interrupted by Heather. Christina didn't know where she had offended the new king, so she hurriedly lowered her body and said, "Yes! I'm here!"

"Get me some suitable clothes."

Heather pointed to her tattered clothes:

"It would be too unsightly."

"Yes, yes! Your Majesty was negligent, and I will definitely die!"

Christina was stunned and then came back to her senses. He quickly asked Solon to get a suit of clothes suitable for the new king as quickly as possible.

Looking at the unextinguished fire and thick smoke around her, Heather snapped her fingers, and large dark clouds immediately gathered in the sky above her head, followed by heavy rain.

The flames and smoke gradually died down, and the rain brought some relief to the tortured city.

Christina was just about to use her clothes as an umbrella for the new king, but she noticed that there was no trace of rain stains on the new king's body.

This is... the authority of Zeus, the 'god of sky and dark clouds'? Or is it that the new king has killed and seized similar powers before?

In any case, the new king seems to be quite easy to talk to, and is willing to be considerate of his subordinates and mortals. I don't know how much better than the Wolf King.

I really hope that the master I am loyal to is not the Wolf King but the generous and kind king in front of me... This thought flashed through Christina's heart, and she was immediately startled.

Even if such thoughts arise, once the Wolf King knows about it, he will either be turned into a pillar of salt or killed and made into a member of the undead army.

The Wolf King will never show mercy to his subordinates who offend him or betray him.

Try your best to satisfy all the wishes of the new king in front of you, and then respectfully send the new king away from the Balkans. This will prevent Greece from becoming a battlefield between the Wolf King and the new king. Wolves have always been creatures with a strong sense of territoriality, and the Wolf King is certainly no exception.

The Wolf King is still collecting witches in Europe, and I think there is still enough time...

Just when Christina was thinking wildly, she suddenly heard Heather's excited voice:

"If you look carefully, the environment here is actually quite good. I have decided to use Greece as my initial base. If I explain it carefully, my compatriot will understand, right?"


Christina froze.

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