A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1887 What kind of monster is this?

On the grassland at night, there is a subtle chirping of insects.

The gasping sounds in the tent gradually died down.

The messenger didn't dare to raise his head, and listened to the gasping sound gradually getting smaller, but it was also getting closer.

Yelu Hongji held up the long sword and asked blankly: "Why did you lose it? Why did you lose it?"

The envoy raised his head and said: "Your Majesty, Xiao Ding was defeated in the battle, and then Shen An attacked the city and came down with a drum!"

"Down with a drum?" When Yelu Hongji heard Shen An's name, he felt his whole body trembling. The anxiety made him want to scream and kill.

"Why come down at once? Xiao Ding is a strong general, he is a strong general!"

"Your Majesty, the Song Army should have used those small firearms. I don't know anything else. I only know that the Song Army came to Datong immediately and did not stop at all. It can be seen that they came down in one fell swoop."

"Xiao Ding deserves to die!" Yelu Hongji scolded: "That idiot only boasted about his power, but he was an idiot in fighting! No wonder so many people said he was useless back then! What about Datong? I allocated a lot of money and food to build the inner city. Is it useless?"

The messenger said with tears: "Your Majesty, the Song Army's firearms are really powerful! They said that the Song Army has a small firearm, but it is very powerful. They are lined up in rows..."

"This is an excuse, all excuses!"

Yelu Hongji's eyes were red, and he felt a sense of depression reverberating in his chest, but he couldn't find a place to vent.

He thought of the Stone Record and the woman's silent contempt.


The long knife was waved, and the head of the waiter standing next to him fell to the ground, his face expressionless. He probably never imagined that he would be killed.

The blood on his neck rushed out, and the tent smelled fishy.

No one dared to show off their anger, for fear that they would be the next unlucky one.

Yelu Hongji was panting. At this moment, all the anxiety was vented, but he felt a little empty.

"Get ready." He put away the long knife, and if he continued to do it, the ministers would all be in danger, and they might join forces to kill him.

This is Daliao.

The smell of blood in the tent was too strong to live in, so Yelu Hongji came out for a walk, accompanied by the northern and southern privy envoys.

"Da Liao said that they learned many things from the Central Plains, and I feel proud of them. But today, I know that we have only scratched the surface." Yelu Hongji's voice sounded very relaxed.

Very strangely relaxed.

"We have learned poems, articles, classics, and the bad habits of literati. But we have not learned the inner things."

Yelu Hongji smiled bitterly.

Xiao Mingyin asked in confusion: "Is there anything we haven't learned yet?"

"A lot." Yelu Hongji was particularly relaxed tonight, making people think it would be better to kill him every day as a sacrifice.

"We only learned a lot of things from the Song Dynasty. Others cannot learn the most important things from them. For example, brothers stay in the wall and resist their aggression. We all know this, but the crisis in Liao Dynasty is like this. Most people are making their own plans."

"Your Majesty, the same is true for the Song people." Xiao Mingyin felt that this was too much. "The Song people lost back then, and they were fighting endlessly internally. They even had a party dispute a while ago."

"But there is Han Qi, there is Zeng Gongliang, there is Fu Bi, there is Bao Zheng, and... Shen An." The privy ministers on the left and right are his confidants, so Yelu Hongji can also say something from his heart, "Even the people of Song Dynasty There are a lot of internal conflicts, but there are still these people who are struggling and working hard for the Song people."

"Whether it was the Huns or the Turks, why did they collapse after being defeated by Han'er?" It was a bit cold late at night, but Yelu Hongji felt that his thinking was very clear and he was sober.

"But the Han'er is different. If you go and look at the Han and Tang Dynasties, the Han Dynasty fell and the Jin came. At that time, the Han'er were just military rations. Should the two-legged sheep be completely wiped out? No, they got up again."

Yelu Hongji stepped on the grass and felt the chill rising from the soles of his feet. He couldn't help but shiver, "Look at the former Tang Dynasty, was it destroyed? The Liao Dynasty then ruled the world, but...but now the Song people have stood up again. I feel that even if they were completely knocked down by the Liao Dynasty, they could stand up again. Why? Because those... brothers cling to the wall and resist their insults. Those who lie down on firewood to taste courage, hang on beams to stab their buttocks, hear the chickens dancing, and forget to eat and sleep... these words are all It is rooted in their bones and blood and will pop up from time to time. But we are different. We only learn a way and no one remembers it."

"They still have many good things!" Yelu Hongji sighed: "The humiliation of Han Xin's crotch is telling them that temporary failure does not matter, they can stand up again one day if they eat their courage and listen to the chicken dance."

"These are the things in Han'er's heart."

Yelu Hongji's words had an ominous meaning.

"Your Majesty, what our ancestors passed down is cavalry and archery!" Yelu Ling thought this was a good trend. "I have long been dissatisfied with the people in the court who followed the Song Dynasty. I thought that what we should learn is cavalry and archery!"

Yelu Hongji turned around and glanced at him, shaking his head slightly, "You don't understand."

This is a national-level thinking that Yelu Ling cannot see or think of.

"Han people..."

Yelu Hongji sighed softly.

The next day, the army set off again.

"Block the news." Yelu Hongji chose to block the news to prevent the soldiers from losing morale after learning the news about the loss of Xijing Road.

The scouts kept coming with news.

"Your Majesty, the Song army is coming to Zunhua."

"Hahaha!" Yelu Hongji laughed heartily, "Zhao Shu came just in time."

"Your Majesty, I would like to be the vanguard."

Someone asked for a fight. Yelu Hongji shook his head and said: "In a battle involving hundreds of thousands of people, no matter what vanguard you want, just crush them."

"Send out the rangers to tease the Song people." At this time, the rangers were just a tool to demoralize the opponent.

The two sides were constantly getting closer, the knights were fighting, bows and arrows against crossbows, and the Liao army suffered a heavy loss.

"Their divine crossbow... we still can't get it." Yelu Hongji was very sorry after hearing the news.

"Your Majesty, the Song Army's rangers have increased."

This news made Yelu Hongji excited, "It's about to start. Let all the ministries prepare."

"Send more ranger scouts."

"The rangers on the left and right flanks must be more cautious and not miss the enemy."

"The armies prepare their weapons."

After a series of orders were issued, the Song Army began to prepare.

Zhao Shu was in the central army, accompanied by Wen Yanbo, Fu Bi, and a group of generals.

"Your Majesty, Duke Yan and Commander Wang lead the army for more than a hundred miles."

This is the latest news.

Zhao Shu nodded, "Three days. That's fine."

Everyone was puzzled, and Wen Yanbo said: "Let's fight with the Liao army first, and when they come, there will be reinforcements."

"The Liao army claims to be 500,000, but I estimate there are 200,000 to 300,000." Fu Bi was thinking about Yelu Hongji.

"The scouts are constantly searching for information, but the Liao army is so large that it is impossible to calculate clearly."

There were hundreds of thousands of horses. If the scouts wanted to count them clearly, they would have to run around them, but such behavior would lead to death.

Therefore, the Song Dynasty only relied on the news that the Liao army claimed to have an army of 500,000.

"Your Majesty, there is news from the martial arts school."

"Let them come."

This is Zunhua City, and Zhao Shu is in front of the map.

A student walked in, saluted and said: "Your Majesty, I have studied the size of the Liao army in the past few days and determined that the Liao army should be about 300,000."

Wen Yanbo asked: "Why such an inference?"

In the past few days, the Privy Council and the martial arts students were competing with each other. Both sides analyzed and judged the information sent by each party, and then sent it to Zhao Shu.

The student said: "Judging from the Liao army's food and grass transportation, the amount they transport from Zhongjing City every day is enough for an army of 400,000 people."

"Then why not 400,000?" The Privy Council's judgment was more than 350,000.

The student said: "The spy said that the Liao army has 400,000 troops in Zhongjing City, but if there are 350,000 troops, then there will be less 50,000 troops left to guard Zhongjing Road."

"Why is it missing?" Wen Yanbo asked seemingly calmly.

"The fortune tellers on the Shangjing Road are still far away from the Zhongjing Road. Even if they want to make a surprise attack, they must first wipe out the Liao army on the Shangjing Road." This is the analysis of a military general.

A prime minister and a general seemed very powerful, but the student said calmly: "It's not just a matter of going to Beijing. Yelu Hongji is very fond of meritorious service, but he is small-minded, and he is good at suspicion. We will wait for him to learn these things over the years." After thinking about my words and deeds, I summarized some..."

Damn it!

what does this mean?

The officials were a little confused.

"In the past five years, the number of ministers Yelu Hongji dealt with has been rising, from the middle to the upper levels, and they have been purging upwards. Why? The ministers discovered one thing, that is, in the palace. Yelu Hongji has already removed all the people in the palace. Almost all of them have been changed, why is that?”

The student smiled and said, "I have concluded that Yelu Hongji is afraid of his queen and prince."

"The court has known about this for a long time." Wen Yanbo shook his head, feeling that this analysis was of little value.

"Yes, but we found a piece of news." The student said: "Three months ago, someone in the royal family complained about Xiao Guanyin, and then three people were killed."

"This matter..." Wen Yanbo felt something was wrong.

But there are really too many of these messages, and it is impossible to sort them out one by one and then analyze them.

The student said confidently; "This is a precursor to the purge. Just because the Song Dynasty started the Northern Expedition, Yelu Hongji did not dare to take action at this time, otherwise there would be a fire in the backyard. But he liked to be suspicious, so from this There will definitely be worries that someone in the royal family will collude with Xiao Guanyin to rebel, so... 300,000 is the most."

The room was very quiet, and the students were a little overwhelmed.

"Well said!" Fu Bi smiled and said: "I can't find anything wrong with these words. Yelu Hongji's temperament...are you going to discuss this?"

The student said: "Yes, we have been taught in martial arts that a battle is not just about the comparison of the numbers of the two sides' troops, but also the military morale, food and weapons, the general's character and strategy, the commander's character and strategy... all these things need to be considered in detail. Analysis, so that we can be calm and respond well in times of war."

He bowed and excused himself.

It's quiet inside.

"Martial arts...is this true?" Zhao Shu was shocked.

This analysis was very accurate. Regardless of whether it was right or wrong, he felt that this martial arts was amazing.

"Let uncle Guo come."

When Cao Yi came, he saw that Zhao Shu was in a good mood and couldn't help but feel happy.

This must have been a blow from the students, and he still had to pretend to have gained something.

"Do you know these ways of praising paintings taught by martial arts professors?"

Cao Yi nodded, "I know."

"These professors... what is their purpose?"

Cao Yan said seriously: "Your Majesty, Shen An said at the beginning that the Song Dynasty needed an elite group of generals. This group should be proficient in various matters of war, and it would also have to maintain the military affairs of the Song Dynasty all night long. Their purpose was to attack the Song Dynasty on weekdays. Analyze the current situation of the Song Army and make suggestions.

They also have to analyze the military strength and various aspects of various countries in the world, so that if necessary, they can provide advice to His Majesty and the DPRK. "

Zhao Shu was already confused.

What a monster this is!

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