When Shen An came home carrying two kilograms of fat meat, Zeng Ermei hurriedly apologized and said she didn't know her master liked to eat fat meat.


How could Shen An like eating fat meat? It's just that Guo Guo has liked it these past two days.

"elder brother."

Guo Guo screamed pitifully, but Shen An was not moved at all.

"Go make the fire, I'll do it."

Shen An remembered the delicious taste of crispy noodles, and his mouth immediately became salivating.


Guoguo grabbed the clothes around his waist and refused to let go. As soon as Shen An left, he wandered to the kitchen as if he was hanging a little bear.

Huahua also followed closely, wagging her tail desperately while Shen An was cutting the fat meat into pieces.

"elder brother……"

"It's useless to scream ten thousand times, you can't eat fat anymore."

Shen An put in the ginger and fat cubes, and then added some water.

Gradually the water vapor began to dissipate, and then the oil fragrance came out.

"It smells so good."

Zhao Zhongzhen appeared outside the door, and Zeng Ermei invited him in flatteringly.

Guo Guo turned around, with some hostility in her eyes.

In the eyes of children, most outsiders are here to steal food!

Shen An slowly began to scoop out the oil, and the fat in the pot continued to shrink...

"elder brother!"

Guoguo sniffed and pulled her brother's clothes eagerly.

Shen An finished filtering the oil, then added the oil residue, added some salt and rice wine, stir-fried for a few times, and it was all ready!

He reached out and picked up a piece of yellow-brown oil residue, and turned his hand back and forth when it was so hot...

"elder brother!"

Guoguo weighed her feet by the stove, raised her head, and waited eagerly.

After Shen An waited for the oil residue to cool down, he stuffed it into her mouth, then picked her up and went out.

"I'll do this from now on, get a jar to hold the oil residue and use it when eating soup cakes."

Zhao Zhongzhen was a little greedy, Shen An frowned and said: "Children must be strong-willed."

He felt that the future emperor must be strong-willed, otherwise when the Queen Mother and the important ministers murmured, he would not be able to withstand the pressure and give up the reform directly.

But after Shen An carried her sister out, the flattering woman Zeng Ermei actually grabbed a handful of oil residue and gave it to Zhao Zhongzhen.

"What do you want from me?"

Zhao Yunrang refused to let Zhao Zhongzhen study. It was probably a gesture to show the emperor that he had no ambitions. My grandson could be blind.

Zhao Zhongzhen was still very polite. Hearing this, he stopped eating oil residue and then said: "Zhao Yunliang came home this morning and said that he had lost his head before and lived upside down all day long. Fortunately, I taught him a lesson last time and he decided I need to change my mind from now on..."

"This is deceiving!"

Shen An felt that these upper-class people were so careless, so he felt that he had to be more shameless, otherwise he would be deceived and betrayed sooner or later.

But Zhao Yunliang actually got involved. What is going on?

Shen An felt that this was wrong because he remembered that Zhao Zongshi seemed to have no competitors later.

This...can't be a butterfly, right?

Shen An was a little panicked. He was worried that if he went too far, the whole era would change.

There are many kinds of changes. What if it changes for the worse? Or make Xixia and Liao stronger...

Then I am a sinner!

Zhao Zhongzhen felt guilty when he saw that Shen An's expression was changing, and he actually looked a little sad.

His father-in-law, his grandfather Zhao Yunrang, specifically asked him to tell this to Shen An, and also asked him to remember Shen An's reaction.

He remembered that his father-in-law said very calmly at that time: "That boy will probably panic, or pretend to be serious."

But Shen An turned out to be in deep pain...

what does this mean?

Zhao Zhongzhen is still a somewhat rebellious child with little experience at all, so he was immediately confused.

"He wants to fight for it!"

Shen An said leisurely, and then seeing Zhao Zhongzhen's troubled face, he slapped him and said, "Why are you looking constipated?"

Zhao Zhongzhen covered his head and said: "The officials in the palace said that they were overworked yesterday and they didn't see the courtiers today. I, Weng Weng, said that the officials must have used force on the woman, and I am not afraid that she will not be able to get off one day..."


Shen An slapped his next words back.

Zhao Yunrang seems to be an old gangster! It has nothing to do with the rumors about the 'serious' clan elders from the outside world.

"Children shouldn't know these things."

Zhao Zhen worked hard in the harem, but Shen An knew that he would not have another son...

What did Zhao Yunrang mean when he asked Zhao Zhongzhen to say these words?

Shen An thought for a while and said, "There will definitely be a prince in the official family."

This is the tone!

Shen An is staring at Zhao Zhongzhen. If this boy dares to say that an official family is destined to have no sons, Shen An will try his best to turn this boy into a fool.

"Well, there will definitely be a prince in the official family."

Zhao Zhongzhen was blessing him sincerely, which made Shen An feel a little incredible.

"Why are you so religious?"

"My dad will get sick."

Zhao Zhongzhen said with a frown: "My father often has headaches."

No wonder he died a few years after he ascended the throne in history. It turns out that Zhao Zongshi's health was in trouble at this time!

Shen An felt that he had witnessed a piece of history, and couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"Every time the imperial court suggested that the officials should adopt the clan's son, my father would fall ill."

Isn't this right?

Shen An touched his bare chin and asked, "Does your father often lose his temper?"

"Well, when my dad loses his temper, no one can come near him."

Shen An felt more confident and continued to ask: "Is your father having trouble sleeping? His scalp feels numb, and it feels like he is wearing something on his head. It feels very uncomfortable. "


Zhao Zhongzhen was stunned instantly.

Shen An sighed, touched the top of his head, and said with a loving expression: "This is brain damage... No, it's a problem caused by too much pressure."


Zhao Zhongzhen was a little confused, and Shen An coughed dryly and said, "It's not a brain defect, it's a problem caused by too many worries."

Neurasthenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder are caused by too many worries and excessive pressure.

"Oh! Can that be cured?"

Zhao Zhongzhen felt that his father was a bit tragic, so he vowed not to enter the palace in his life, let alone be anyone's backup.


"This can't be cured."

Shen An didn't think this was a serious problem, and there was no way to treat it.

"By the way, you talked a lot today!"

Shen An looked at Zhao Zhongzhen maliciously and raised his hand again.

"I said... I, Weng Weng, told me to learn to be a dandy..."

Zhao Zhongzhen closed his eyes and waited for a long time without even placing a palm on his head. He quietly opened his eyes and saw Shen An deep in thought.

——He crossed his legs, put his left hand on his waist, and supported his right face with his right hand, looking very melancholy.


Shen An was a little melancholy, feeling that Zhao Yunrang was a stick, and actually wanted Zhao Zhongzhen to pretend to be a playboy to dispel the emperor's fear.

Then just wait for the emperor's dragon species to be born.

If you can't give birth to a son, then I'll be sorry. I have many grandchildren and many sons. You can choose whichever one you like.

Shen An looked at Zhao Zhongzhen with more sympathy.

Your baby is still a spare tire!

But...is this actually my butterfly's?

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