A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 135 A fairly comfortable camping life

Night falls.

Aaron was lying alone in the tent, bored and looking at the stars through the skylight.

It was his first time running away from home, his first time camping alone in the wild, and it was inevitable that he was a little uncomfortable with it.

The accommodation conditions were naturally incomparable to usual, but the Shenglong brand pillow in his arms, the top-quality magic carpet covering his body, and the backpack full of funds under his head still warmed his secular heart. Quite a few.


Just as Aaron was about to close his eyes, he frowned involuntarily.

Bang bang bang bang!

From the top of the Burrow came the sound of ghouls tapping the pipes again.

Although he was far away from Aaron, his current physical fitness was several times stronger than that of ordinary people, and he could barely hear this not-so-subtle sound.

To be honest, no one likes noise while sleeping, but Aaron couldn't do anything about that ghoul.

After all, the owner of the Burrow never drove him away or eliminated him, and even Ron Weasley, who was closest to the ghoul, didn't raise any objections.

This means that the Weasley family is very familiar with this ghoul, and it is difficult for him to attack it with this level of acquaintance.

Aaron sighed slightly, raised his palm, and cast a simple soundproofing magic on the tent.

As a layer of white light flashed by, the world became much quieter.

However, just when Aaron thought he could rest, a few small shadows appeared on the tent.

There were a few goblins in the garden who couldn't sleep and were looking for something to do. They wouldn't bother them at the Burrow, but that wouldn't be the case with this tent.

"These days! I can't even get a good night's sleep."

Aaron rolled his eyes speechlessly, walked out of the tent, looked at the eight short and fat little guys outside, who looked like spermed potatoes, and said in a deep voice: "I won't disturb you, so you'd better not disturb them either." I.

Otherwise, there will be consequences at your own risk. "

However, these goblins obviously did not take Aaron's warning to heart and continued to go their own way, chattering outside the tent.

"Then don't blame me." Aaron shook his head and put Abe down in his arms, "Come on."


Abe roared low and rushed towards the eight goblins.

With the dragon's physical fitness, it can easily fight eight of these harmful garden animals with the same fighting power as a weak chicken.

At this moment, the door of the Burrow suddenly opened, and Mr. Weasley hurried over with a lamp in hand, "I almost forgot, you have to pay attention to Aaron, the gnome in the garden..."

Before he finished speaking, Arthur's voice stopped abruptly.

Because in front of him, Abe showed a fighting power that was completely different from his appearance.

It slapped one goblin away with its paw, and then caught another goblin that was trying to run into the garden. As for the remaining six, they were lying on the ground groaning in pain.

"Mr. Weasley, is something wrong?"

"there is none left.

Just reminding you, you should take care of this magical animal in the future. "Arthur smiled forcefully, turned around and walked towards the Burrow.

Aaron shrugged and lifted Abe up, who was preparing to wash the floor with Dragon Breath, "Just teach him a lesson, you can't really kill him!"

Abe nodded and followed Aaron back to the tent.

After it showed its strength, the gnomes in the garden became much calmer. I don't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that the frogs in the pond also calmed down.


The next day, Aaron got up early.

He walked out of the tent and stretched himself against the first ray of sunshine in the morning.

"You're awake." George and Fred came over, "You got up so early! Even my dad only gets up so early when the Ministry of Magic conducts a surprise inspection."

"Uh... aren't you too late?"

"This is different. We set the alarm clock specially, and we usually sleep in at this time!" George said.

"What? Quidditch practice early in the morning?"

"This is part of the reason, but it's not the main reason." Fred said, "I guess Wood will give us a long lecture after school starts. His love for Quidditch simply exceeds that of anyone else."

"I heard that he also asked you to train with him when it rained?"

"It depends on how heavy the rain is." George shrugged, then looked at Aaron's tent, and asked sheepishly: "Well... where is your flying blanket?"

Aaron reacted and glanced in the direction of the village, which was still shrouded in darkness.

"No wonder you guys got up so early, you've been working so hard!"

"We're always interested in new things," Fred said, with a hint of urgency in his voice.

Aaron smiled, took out the dark blue blanket from the tent, and spread it in the air.

Looking at the magic carpet floating steadily in mid-air, the Weasley brothers' eyes flashed brightly, and they suddenly felt that flying broomsticks did not smell good.

"Should we wait for Harry and the others?" Aaron asked meaningfully.

"No need, it will be too late when they wake up."

George and Weasley said in unison, and then eagerly jumped onto the magic carpet.

The reason why they got up so early was because the Muggles in the village were still sleeping at this time. They didn't have to worry about being discovered. They could let themselves go and experience the magic of the flying carpet unscrupulously.

The dark blue shadow disappeared in front of Aaron's eyes, and the Weasley brothers controlled the magic carpet to fly around.

The speed of the magic carpet was much faster than their broom, and the two of them experienced the feeling of speed for the first time in a long time.

More than two hours later, Harry and Ron walked out of the room.

Seeing George and Fred sitting on the magic carpet and enjoying the sun, both of them were a little moved.

But before they could say anything, the Weasley brothers controlled the magic carpet to descend, folded it and placed it in Aaron's hand.

"This...isn't it appropriate for you to do this?" Ron said unhappily, "We have just arrived!"

"It's very suitable." Fred teased, "The Muggles are all awake. This is not the right time to fly at high altitudes. If you are discovered, the Ministry of Magic will send someone to deal with it, and you will be in trouble."

"So..." George put two broomsticks into Harry and Ron's hands respectively, "You should just play with this! Remember to fly low."

Aaron glanced at them sympathetically, “The early bird catches the worm.

Tomorrow! You will have a chance. "

"Can't it be tonight?" Harry asked, "At night the Muggles won't notice either!

Not to mention that this blanket has a natural protective color at night. "

"This really doesn't work." After Ron hesitated for a while, he said with a wry smile: "Mom went to buy ingredients, and she said she was going to prepare a big meal tonight to celebrate Ginny going to Hogwarts this year.

And school starts tomorrow. If we have too much fun tonight, we might not be able to catch the train tomorrow. "

"All right!"

"It's okay." Aaron patted Harry on the shoulder, "From now on, if you lend me the invisibility cloak, I can lend you the blanket."

Harry nodded helplessly, and he and Ron picked up their brooms and went to a fenced area on the mountain to pass the time by throwing apples.

Everyone was gone, and Aaron felt a little bored alone.

He simply made a simple fishing rod, moved a pony and set it up on the edge of the pond to catch fish.

But his luck was not very good. The Weasley family had finished their lunch, and he only caught one fish, and he was petted.

The spray of dragon flames was so sudden that before he could react, Abe had grilled the fish. Although it might not taste very good, it could still give it a toothpaste.

After all, it’s a dragon. It’s okay to eat it raw, let alone cooked food!

After that, Aaron held it under his nose and looked at it. From a distance, this combination of master and pet was the background of the pension.

"Why don't you bite the hook?" Aaron looked at the nearest big grass carp and couldn't help gritting his teeth.

This was the fish he had set his sights on three hours ago.

But the hook was thrown several times in succession, and the bait was even brought to the edge of the fish's mouth, but it remained unmoved.

It didn’t matter if it didn’t bite the hook, it just kept swimming near the bait, perhaps to protect its food, or perhaps to judge whether there was a trap. Aaron himself never thought that he would actually have a protracted battle with a fish for three hours.

"How about I go catch it?" Abe couldn't stand it anymore. If his master sat down again, he would probably become a wooden sculpture.

"No!" Aaron shook his head, "All I have to do now is be patient. I won't be defeated by a fish."

Abe curled his lips, disapproving in his heart, just thinking that the master was making a fuss out of a molehill.

As soon as it changed into a comfortable position, it saw the fishing line beginning to shake violently, and its big eyes looked cautiously at the bottom of the water.

"Finally took the bait."

Aaron grinned slightly and used his right hand to pull up the grass carp below.


Just when he was about to pull the fish out of the water, the not-so-strong fishing rod suddenly broke in half.


Aaron started wailing in his heart. It would be okay if he didn't catch the fish, but failure when he was only one step away from success was something that no one could accept.

Seeing the grass carp dragging half of the wooden pole but swimming further and further away, Aaron immediately picked up the half of the fishing pole in his hand and used the transformation technique to turn it into a long net pole.

The net rod quickly entered the water, and then suddenly lifted up to fish out the grass carp.


Aaron looked at his hard-earned trophies and took a deep breath, "There were twists and turns! But in the end it was me who won!"

Looking at this lively grass carp, two options came to Aaron's mind.

Steamed? Braised?

But after struggling for a long time, he borrowed kitchen utensils and seasonings and added a plate of braised fish to the evening meal.

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