A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 350 Study? Learn shit!

Harry Potter looked at Ron, who was on the verge of tears, with a trace of worry in his eyes. He suddenly thought of something bad, that is, Ron, who was permanently expelled from the library, was called Hermione Granger before.

If Percy was studying for the NEWTs inside, then Ron had accidentally hurt Hermione and didn't let Percy feel his anger at all.

At this moment, George and Fred also rushed back to Gryffindor. They were extremely happy. Seeing Ron's depressed expression, they didn't understand why they were sad?

"Oh, my dear brother, you are so brave." George ran up and gave Ron a big fist, "None of us thought..."

"How dare you make such a loud noise in the library." Fred continued, with an admiring smile on his face: "This is something we have always wanted to do but did not dare to do."

"As for being banned from the library, it's not worth being sad at all." George then added, with a smile on his face full of pride: "What's there to learn? If you don't learn, you can still use magic spells and make magic props."

"Look at those who stay in the library every day, who can be as smart as us? If you have the ability, everyone will compete in pranks in school! Study..."

"Learn nothing!" the two brothers shouted in unison.

Harry next to him looked at the laughing twins and felt a little confused. He always felt that there was something wrong with George and Fred's statements. But we have to admit that when it comes to pranks, the Weasley twins are truly unparalleled. It seems that what they said does make sense.

Fred's eyes sparkled as he came up with a great idea that sent excitement through his body. He suggested, "George, maybe we could get some scream props and put them in the library."

"Imagine that the whole library is filled with screams. That scene will definitely make the students go crazy with joy." His voice revealed uncontrollable excitement and excitement.

George kept nodding his head and continued: "How about paper cranes? The Ministry of Magic also uses them to send messages. If we put the specially made screaming paper cranes into Dad's office bag, wait until he gets to the Ministry of Magic... "

The two looked at each other, smiled, and high-fived in celebration.

At this moment, Ron's face turned red and he shouted to them excitedly: "You two bastards, don't you know that Travis sold you to Percy?"

"Huh?" The two of them turned to look at their unlovable brother at the same time, and the smiles on their faces disappeared instantly. They clenched their fists, one on the left and the other on the right, ready to give Ron a taste of the love from his brother.

Harry saw this and immediately stood between them, signaling that there were others around. He said softly: "Let's go back to the dormitory and talk."

Ron snorted and agreed. He turned around and walked towards the dormitory, bumping the twins who were blocking his way with his shoulder.

"Hey!?" George raised his tone slightly, with a hint of surprise in his voice. He looked at Fred and said seriously: "Ron seems really angry, will he be okay?"

"He's just having a bad temper temporarily." Fred said lightly, and several people entered the dormitory one after another and closed the door.

They sat on the edge of the bed and Fred asked, "Go ahead and let me hear what you're going to accuse Percy of."

Ron looked at them cynically and said bluntly: "Your IOU is now in Percy's hands, did you know?"

"IOU?" The twins were stunned for a moment, and then quickly remembered that they still owed Rogge some money.

"We know, but if Percy helps us pay off the debt, shouldn't we be happy?" Fred looked at Ron puzzled, "Can't we just pay the money back to Percy then?"

"Humph, you are thinking too simply." Ron's face turned gloomy, and his voice was a bit threatening: "Percy wants to blackmail you with an IOU."

"Blackmailing us?" The twins looked at each other, then burst out laughing in Ron's disbelieving eyes.

"Hahaha, Ron, your prank is so lame!" George held his stomach and laughed so hard that he could hardly control himself. He had to slam the table to relieve himself, "But I must say, you are indeed our younger brother, and you have inherited Wei's The Sly family’s talent for mischief!”

"What can be blackmailed between the two of us? Academic performance, exams, or prank props?" Fred laughed so hard that he was out of breath. He coughed and said, "If Percy blackmails us with this... "

The two shouted in perfect agreement: "Hell, let him threaten you! We don't care."

"What if it's money? Aunt Muriel's inheritance?" Ron jumped up angrily and asked sharply.

"Aunt Muriel?" The twins' expressions suddenly became serious. They realized that Ron was not joking, but was mentioning a problem they would face in the future.

Aunt Muriel was the only wealthy relative who welcomed the Weasley family, and every Christmas, Molly warned the twins that they were not allowed to cause trouble. If they pissed off their aunt, they might lose their inheritance.

"Are you sure?" George and Fred stared at Ron seriously, "What does his redemption of the IOU have to do with the inheritance?"

"Maybe report you to Aunt Muriel, maybe blackmail you into giving up your inheritance, maybe make you pay back the money..." Ron's voice revealed his worry and anger.

The twins shook their heads in unison and looked at Ron with doubtful eyes: "Although Percy's self-righteous, adult-like tone is very disgusting. Moreover, we don't like Percy either. But you can't slander him either. .”


Fred nodded and explained: "We only owe Rogge more than 30 galleons, and Percy can't blackmail us at all."

George nodded, his eyes falling on the new leather shoes under Ron's feet, "If you are really worried, you can lend us some money to repay the debt. As a member of the family, we should help each other."

Fred had an idea and made a suggestion. "At the end of the day, we are much closer than Percy. This can be seen as your investment in our prank business, if you like. If our prank merchandise You will also share in the profits.”

"Why? Why should I lend you money?" When Ron heard the loan, there was a hint of grievance and determination in his voice, "You will only throw used old things to me. Old wands, old mice, Old textbooks, old school robes... In the first grade, I was laughed at by Slytherin like a rag-picking street boy. At that time, why didn't you say that we should help each other? "

"Huh! Borrow money? I don't have any money either!" Ron turned his head and responded with a resentful eye roll.

"Yeah, I knew it." George clapped his hands, seemingly not surprised by Ron's reaction. He sighed, with a hint of helplessness in his voice: "You are just pretending to be worried about us."

"I..." Ron was about to retort, but was interrupted by Fred.

"Don't explain." Fred pushed open the dormitory door, with a hint of indifference in his tone: "The friendship between us brothers is not as good as a few gold galleons."

Watching them leave, Harry moved his lips several times, wanting to say something but ultimately failing to say it. He turned to Ron and asked softly: "If you are short of Galleons, I can..."

"Harry, this is not about money!" Ron pouted, with a hint of excitement in his voice: "They only cared about playing for themselves and never thought about my younger brother. Now they are asking me to borrow money. Do you think it makes sense?" ?"

"I..." Harry shook his head, with a hint of sadness in his tone: "I don't have a brother, so I don't know."

He spent his childhood with the Dursleys, living in a dark, cramped cubicle under the stairs. He has a cousin, Dudley, who is like a fat pig and only bullies himself every day.

Harry recalled that time with pain and resentment in his heart. He looked at Ron and couldn't help but ask himself a question deep in his heart: "If Dudley asked me to borrow money, would I borrow it?"

"No!" His heart immediately gave a definite and affirmative answer. Even if he had countless Galleons, he would not lend Dudley a Nat.

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